206 research outputs found
The problematic of illegal exploration of mineral recourses in the Brazilian part of the Amazon is increasing tremendously. That exploration harms the Brazilian patrimony, the environment and the human population, principally those that have a closer relation with the nature. Many of these minerals are located inside of protected areas, such as Conservation Units (CU) and Indigenous Land (IL). However, the extraction of those minerals must be done under specific norms, that most of the times are not followed. So, the obligation of the government is prohibit those actions. For that, information that gives the spatial position and the characteristics of these extractions are very important for actions that aim the end of this reality. The mining monitoring has been favored by the diffusion of geotechnologies, that using statistic resources and spatial analysis tools, offered by Geographic Information System and Remote Sensing, has made possible the integration of information very useful for decision taking. The aim of this article is describe a process of illegal mining monitoring, inside of protected areas in the Amazon, by the use of geotechnologies. That will give us a useful tool for: the management of those areas, the restrain of illegal mining, the protection of protected areas and sustainable development.
Key words: Conservation Unit. Indigenous Land. Mining. Geotechnologies. Environmental Monitoring. Environmental Protection.A problemática da exploração ilegal dos recursos minerais na Amazônia Legal vem se acentuando cada vez mais. Isso aufere prejuízo ao patrimônio brasileiro, bem como, danos ao meio ambiente e à população humana, principalmente aquela que através do seu modo de vida tem uma relação mais próxima com a natureza. Muitas dessas substâncias minerais estão localizadas em áreas protegidas, ou seja, unidades de conservação (UC) e terras indígenas (TI). Contudo, a extração dos recursos minerais nessas áreas requer autorização condicionada às normas específicas. Assim, a maior parte das explorações constitui-se em atos ilícitos, cabendo aos órgãos públicos de controle agirem para coibir tal prática. Para tal, informações que identifiquem e caracterizem onde estão ocorrendo extrações minerais ilícitas é de suma importância para qualquer tentativa de intervenção nessa realidade. O monitoramento da mineração tem sido favorecido pela difusão das geotecnologias, que ao utilizar recursos estatísticos e de análise espacial via sistemas de informação geográfica e ferramentas do sensoriamento remoto têm possibilitado a manipulação integrada de informações e a atualização de bases de dados estratégicas para tomada de decisões. O objetivo deste artigo é descrever um processo de monitoramento de atividades de extrações minerais, supostamente ilícitas em unidades de conservação e terras indígenas na Amazônia por meio de geotecnologias. Isto possibilita produzir informações para a gestão dessas áreas e coibir a extração ilegal dos recursos minerais, bem como, auxiliar em políticas públicas de proteção e a exploração sustentável.
Palavras-chave: Unidade de Conservação. Terra Indígena. Mineração. Geotecnologia. Monitoramento Ambiental. Proteção Ambiental.
The problematic of illegal exploration of mineral recourses in the Brazilian part of the Amazon is increasing tremendously. That exploration harms the Brazilian patrimony, the environment and the human population, principally those that have a closer relation with the nature. Many of these minerals are located inside of protected areas, such as Conservation Units (CU) and Indigenous Land (IL). However, the extraction of those minerals must be done under specific norms, that most of the times are not followed. So, the obligation of the government is prohibit those actions. For that, information that gives the spatial position and the characteristics of these extractions are very important for actions that aim the end of this reality. The mining monitoring has been favored by the diffusion of geotechnologies, that using statistic resources and spatial analysis tools, offered by Geographic Information System and Remote Sensing, has made possible the integration of information very useful for decision taking. The aim of this article is describe a process of illegal mining monitoring, inside of protected areas in the Amazon, by the use of geotechnologies. That will give us a useful tool for: the management of those areas, the restrain of illegal mining, the protection of protected areas and sustainable development.
Key words: Conservation Unit. Indigenous Land. Mining. Geotechnologies. Environmental Monitoring. Environmental Protection.
OLAM - Ciência & Tecnologia, Rio Claro, SP, Brasil – eISSN: 1982-7784 está licenciada sob Licença Creative Commons.
Rio Claro / SP, Brasil Ano VIII Vol. 8 No.2, Janeiro - Junho / 2008 – RESUMO
ANÁLISE DE ÁREAS DE VULNERABILIDADE A PROCESSOS EROSIVOS POR MEIO DE LÓGICA FUZZY E ANÁLISE MULTICRITÉRIO, NA BACIA HIDROGRÁFICA DO RIO BOA VIAGEM, CEARÁ, BRASIL: Analysis of vulnerability areas to soil loss through Fuzzy logic and multi-criteria analysis in the Boa Viagem river hidrographic basin, Ceará, Brazil
The present work aimed to use Fuzzy logic and the Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) method to identify different levels of vulnerability to erosive processes in the Boa Viagem river basin, Ceará, Brazil. For this, a geographic database was built using the QGIS software, version 3.16-Hanover, based on the criteria Lithology, Geomorphology, Soil, Land use and cover and Climate. Four classes of vulnerability to erosive processes were identified in the basin, which ranged from 1.4 to 2.6, with an average value of 1.9. The results showed that classes with predominance of pedogenetic processes added up to 39.03% of the basin area. The class whose processes represent balance between pedogenesis and morphogenesis represented 58.40%. The class where morphogenetic processes prevail totaled 2.57% of the studied area. Through the use of fuzzy logic and multi-criteria analysis, it was possible to carry out a continuous weighting in accordance with the behavior of environmental variables, allowing an effective representation of reality.O presente trabalho teve como objetivo utilizar a lógica Fuzzy e o método Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) para identificar os diferentes níveis de vulnerabilidade a processos erosivos na bacia hidrográfica do rio Boa Viagem, Ceará, Brasil. Para isto, foi construído um banco de dados geográficos com auxílio do software QGIS versão 3.16-Hanover, a partir dos critérios Geologia (G), Geomorfologia (R), Pedologia (S), Uso e Cobertura (U) e Clima (C). Foram identificadas na bacia quatro classes de vulnerabilidade a processos erosivos, que variaram de 1,4 a 2,6, com valor médio na ordem de 1,9. Os resultados mostraram que as classes com predominância de processos pedogenéticos somaram 39,03% da área da bacia. Aquela cujos processos representam equilíbrio entre a pedogênese e a morfogênese representaram 58,40%. A classe onde prevalecem processos morfogenéticos totalizaram 2,57% da área estudada. Através do uso da lógica fuzzy e análise multicritério foi possível realizar uma ponderação contínua em conformidade com o comportamento das variáveis ambientais, permitindo representar de maneira eficaz a realidade
Arquitetura de navegação autônoma de linhas subterrâneas de distribuição de energia
This work presents an architecture developed to navigation system in real and simulated robots designed to inspect underground pipes with energy distribution cables. The platform based on this architecture permits to develop and validate the navigation system in a simulation environment and, subsequently, to test and validate in the real environment. In this sense, the platform includes aspects related with sensors simulation, computational vision and planning applied in this kind of environment. The computation platform integrates Hough Transform and Artificial Neural Networks to detect obstacles and infer the best action in the environment.Este trabalho apresenta a arquitetura desenvolvida para um sistema de navegação de robôs, reais e simulados, designados para inspecionar ambientes de distribuição de energia, constituídos por cabos em dutos subterrâneos. A plataforma baseada nesta arquitetura permite o desenvolvimento e validação do sistema de navegação em um ambiente simulado e, subsequentemente, em um ambiente real. Neste sentido, a plataforma inclui aspectos relacionados com simulação de sensores, visão computacional e planejamento aplicado a este tipo de ambiente. A plataforma computacional integra transformada de Hough e Redes Neurais para detectar obstáculos e inferir a melhor ação a ser tomada no ambiente
An Environmental Education and Communication Project on Migratory Fishes and Fishing Communities
This study aims at evaluating the environmental education (EE) and communication intervention for the valorization of migratory fish resources in an estuary of northern Portugal. The EE component intervention was implemented among Middle School pupils of that region. Students’ knowledge was quantitatively evaluated with an experimental approach of pre-testing and post-testing, on the ocean and estuarine literacy (OEL) and biology of migratory species, such as sea lamprey. This study also analyzes the communication component developed via social media. Results of the EE component show an evident increment of OEL (p < 0.05). It is also highlighted that students had previous knowledge on issues that are not covered in the curriculum. Social media has shown to be an effective communication tool mostly among the scientific community (e.g., Ethnobiology). The research has various implications to OEL since it brings a new perspective towards the integration of ocean literacy in formal education; as well as the valorization of Students’ local ecological knowledge and of inter-generational dynamics. This study contributed to promoting local biodiversity, OEL, and participatory local governance of these ecosystemsThe publication was carried out in the context of the provision of services called “Valorization of the fishing production of the Minho River-contribution to the management and valorization of fishing products of the Minho River (COOPERMINHO)—Communication and socio-environmental training of the Local community for the valorization of the fish resources of the Minho River,” financed, via the Municipal Council of Vila Nova de Cerveira, by the program Mar 2020—Programa Operacional Mar 2020 Aviso n°5/2016. Thanks are due for the financial support to CESAM (UID/AMB/50017/2019), to FCT/MCTES through national funds, and the co-funding by the FEDER, within the PT2020 Partnership Agreement and Compete 2020. This work was also supported by the Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia under Grant SFRH/BPD/116379/2016; by the Resclima-EDU Project, funded in the 2018 Call of the State Program of I + D + I, oriented to the Challenges of the Society of the Government of Spain (ref. RTI2018-094074-B-I00). Braga HO thanks the CAPES Foundation—Ministry of Education of Brazil (BEX: 8926/13-1)S
Detecção da Variação de Cobertura Vegetal a Partir da Estimativa do Índice de Vegetação por Diferença Normalizada (NDVI) na Unidade de Conservação do Parque Estadual das Carnaúbas - CE com Utilização de Técnicas do Sensoriamento Remoto
Apesar dos esforços para assegurar a conservação e preservação da caatinga nos últimos anos, tal bioma continua sendo alvo de práticas não sustentáveis e nocivas. Para o monitoramento da cobertura vegetal na área de estudo, o Índice de Vegetação por Diferença Normalizada (NDVI) foi calculado utilizando-se imagens do satélite Landsat 4-5 sensor Thematic Mapper (TM) dos anos de 1986 e 2006; e satélite Landsat 8 sensor Operational Terra Imager (OLI)/Thermal Infrared Sensor (TIRS) do ano de 2018. Os valores do NDVI foram estimados e seus parâmetros estatísticos (média, desvio padrão e variância) utilizados na detecção da variação de cobertura vegetal. As diferenças entre os valores anuais permitiram um balanço de acréscimos e reduções para cada classe de vegetação dentro da região de estudo. Com base nos resultados observados o NDVI apontou ser um eficiente indicador no auxílio de estudos de monitoramento ambiental de flora, englobando as Geotecnologias
O perfil do câncer de mama no Hospital da Mulher em Salvador/Bahia: fatores prognósticos do carcinoma ductal invasivo
Introduction: breast cancer is a challenge for science, considering the variety of prognostic factors and its importance for the disease’s treatment. Objective: this work is a descriptive retrospective observational study that sought to describe the prognostic factors of breast cancer in patients from Salvador-BA city. Methods: 463 immunohistochemistry samples from Pathological Anatomy Studies Center (CEAP) were selected from December 2016 to December 2018, from which variables were analyzed, such as patient age, histological grade, expression of receptors, presence of HER2, Ki-67 count and histological type. Results: the mean age of the patients was 55 years. Histological grade was assessed as grade 1 in 14.32% of cases, grade 2 in 58.88% and grade 3 in 26.79%. Estrogen receptor expression was observed in 72.62% of cases, progesterone receptor expression in 63.71%, presence of HER2 in 15.33% and Ki-67> 15% in 39.52%. As for the histological type, 49.5% was Luminal A, 20.1% triple negative, 15.3% Luminal B, 8.2% HER2 positive and 6.9% triple positive. Conclusion: these results showed similarities and differences when compared to similar studies conducted inside and outside Brazil.Introdução: o câncer de mama é um desafio para a ciência, tendo em vista a variedade de fatores prognósticos e sua importância para o tratamento da doença. Objetivo: este trabalho é um estudo observacional descritivo e retrospectivo, que buscou descrever os fatores prognósticos do câncer de mama e traçar um padrão estatístico de carcinoma ducal invasivo de mama, oriundas do Hospital da Mulher, em Salvador/Bahiam. Metodologia: foram selecionadas 463 amostras de imunohistoquímica, diagnosticadas no Centro de Estudos em Anatomia Patológica (CEAP) no período de dezembro de 2016 a dezembro de 2018, das quais foram analisadas variáveis como idade do paciente, grau histológico, expressão de receptores hormonais, presença da expressão de HER2, contagem de Ki-67 e tipo histológico. Não obtivemos informações acerca da procedência ou naturalidade dos pacientes, pois os exames de imunohistoquímicas não contém essas informações. Apenas informações acerca do produto da biópsia e idade das pacientes. Não encontramos caso de carcinoma de mama em pacientes do sexo masculino neste estudo, em todos os exames analisados. Resultados:a média de idade dos pacientes foi de 55 anos. O grau histológico foi avaliado como grau 1 em 14,32% dos casos, como grau 2 em 58,88% e como grau 3 em 26,79%. Foi observada expressão de receptor de estrógeno em 72,62% dos casos, expressão de receptor de progesterona em 63,71%, presença de HER2 em 15,33% e Ki-67 > 15% em 39,52%. Quanto ao tipo histológico, 49,5% foi Luminal A, 20,1% Triplo Negativo, 15,3% Luminal B, 8,2% HER2 positivo e 6,9% Triplo Positivo. Conclusão: tais resultados mostraram semelhanças e diferenças quando comparados aos de estudos semelhantes conduzidos dentro e fora do Brasil
Adaptability, stability, and genetic divergence of conilon coffee in Alto Suaçuí, Minas Gerais, Brazil.
The objective of this study was to describe the genetic parameters, adaptability, and stability of clones from the Coffea canephora variety ?Vitória Incaper 8142?, and the genetic divergence between them. Following 12 and 24 months of plant growth, several traits were evaluated, including stem diameter, plant height, canopy diameter, number of plagiotropic branches, and number of nodes per plagiotropic branch. The agronomic performance of four crops was determined using measurements of productivity, yield, percentage of floating grains, and grade of the beans. Variability was observed between the clones for the majority of the traits measured. The clones V7, V10, V12, and V13 were the most stable and displayed the highest degree of adaptation for the studied traits, and thus these clones will be used to establish a base population suited to the growing conditions in Alto Suaçuí, Minas Gerais, Brazil. Additionally, the genetic dissimilarity identified between clones allowed suitable clone combinations to be proposed for use in future crosses
Intranasal immunization with chitosan microparticles enhances LACK-DNA vaccine protection and induces specific long-lasting immunity against visceral leishmaniasis
Development of a protective vaccine against Leishmania depends on antigen formulation and adjuvants that induce specific immunity and long-lasting immune responses. We previously demonstrated that BALB/c mice intranasally vaccinated with a plasmid DNA encoding the p36/LACK leishmanial antigen (LACK-DNA) develop a protective immunity for up to 3 months after vaccination, which was linked with the systemic expression of vaccine mRNA in peripheral organs. In this study, LACK-DNA vaccine was associated with biocompatible chitosan microparticles cross-linked with glyceraldehyde (CMC) to boost the long-lasting immunity against the late Leishmania infantum challenge. Infection at 7 days, 3 or 6 months after vaccination resulted in significantly lower parasite loads when compared with non-vaccinated controls. Besides, LACK-DNA-chitosan vaccinated mice showed long-time protection observed after the late time point challenge. The achieved protection was correlated with an enhanced spleen cell responsiveness to parasite antigens, marked by increased proliferation and IFN-γ as well as decreased IL-10 production. Moreover, we found diminished systemic levels of TNF-α that was compatible with the better health condition observed in LACK-DNA/CMC vaccinated-infected mice. Together, our data indicate the feasibility of chitosan microparticles as a delivery system tool to extend the protective immunity conferred by LACK-DNA vaccine, which may be explored in vaccine formulations against Leishmania parasite infections
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