247 research outputs found

    A rapid‐equilibrium model for the control of the Calvin photosynthesis cycle by cytosolic orthophosphate

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    A simple model based on rapid‐equilibrium assumptions is derived which relates the steady‐state activity of the Calvin cycle for photosynthetic carbohydrate formation in C3 plants to the kinetic properties of a single cycle enzyme (fructose bisphosphatase) and of the phosphate translocator which accounts for the export of photosynthate from the chloroplast. Depending on the kinetic interplay of these two catalysts, the model system may exhibit a single or two distinct modes of steady‐state operation, or may be unable to reach a steady state. The predictions of the model are analysed with regard to the effect of external orthophosphate on the steady‐state rate of photosynthesis in isolated chloroplasts under conditions of saturating light and CO2. Due to the possible existence of two distinct steady states, the model may account for the stimulatory as well as the inhibitory effects of external phosphate observed in experiments with intact chloroplasts. Stability arguments indicate, however, that only the steady‐state case corresponding to phosphate inhibition of the rate of photosynthesis could be of physiological interest. It is concluded that chloroplasts under physiological conditions most likely operate in a high‐velocity steady state characterized by a negative Calvin cycle flux control coefficient for the phosphate translocator. This means that any factor enhancing the export capacity of the phosphate translocator can be anticipated to decrease the actual steady‐state rate of photosynthate export due to a decreased steady‐state rate of cyelic photosynthate production

    A mathematical model of the Calvin photosynthesis cycle

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    A mathematical model is presented for photosynthetic carbohydrate formation in C3 plants under conditions of light and carbon dioxide saturation. The model considers reactions of the Calvin cycle with triose phosphate export and starch production as main output processes, and treats concentrations of NADPH, NAD+, CO2, and H+ as fixed parameters of the system. Using equilibrium approximations for all reaction steps close to equilibrium, steady‐state and transient‐state relationships are derived which may be used for calculation of reaction fluxes and concentrations of the 13 carbohydrate cycle intermediates, glucose 6‐phosphate, glucose 1‐phosphate, ATP, ADP, and inorganic (Ortho)phosphate. Predictions of the model were examined with the assumption that photosynthate export from the chloroplast occurs to a medium containing orthophosphate as the only exchangeable metabolite. The results indicate that the Calvin cycle may operate in a single dynamically stable steady state when the external concentration of orthophosphate does not exceed 1.9 mM. At higher concentrations of the external metabolite, the reaction system exhibits overload breakdown; the excessive rate of photosynthate export deprives the system of cycle intermediates such that the cycle activity progressively approaches zero. Reactant concentrations calculated for the stable steady state that may obtain are in satisfactory agreement with those observed experimentally, and the model accounts with surprising accuracy for experimentally observed effects of external orthophosphate on the steady‐state cycle activity and rate of starch production. Control analyses are reported which show that most of the non‐equilibrium enzymes in the system have a strong regulatory influence on the steady‐state level of all of the cycle intermediates. Substrate concentration control coefficients for cycle enzymes may be positive, such that an increase in activity of an enzyme may raise the steady‐state concentration of the substrate is consumes. Under optimal external conditions (0.15–0.5 mM orthophosphate), reaction flux in the Calvin cycle is controlled mainly by ATP synthetase and sedoheptulose bisphosphatase; the cycle activity approaches the maximum velocity that can be supported by the latter enzyme. At lower concentrations of external orthophosphate the cycle activity is controlled almost exclusively by the phosphate translocator. At high external orthophosphate concentrations the phosphate translocator resumes predominant control, but also other non‐equilibrium enzymes gain strong flux control with one notable exception: ribulosebisphosphate carboxylase has no significant regulatory influence on the cycle activity under conditions of light and CO2 saturation, nor does it control the concentration of any cycle intermediate other than its substrate

    Dependence of the Calvin cycle activity on kinetic parameters for the interaction of non‐equilibrium cycle enzymes with their substrates

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    Kinetic model studies and control analyses of the Calvin photosynthesis cycle have been performed to characterize the dependence of the cycle activity on maximum velocities and Kmvalues for the interaction of the non‐equilibrium cycle enzymes and ATP synthetase with their substrates under conditions of light and carbon dioxide saturation. The results show that Km values have no major influence on the cycle activity at optimal concentrations of external orthophosphate. The maximum cycle activity is controlled mainly by the catalytic capacities of ATP synthetase and sedoheptulose‐bisphosphatase, and is close to the maximum cycle flux that can be supported by these two enzymes

    On the mechanistic origin of damped oscillations in biochemical reaction systems

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    A generalized reaction scheme for the kinetic interaction of two reactants in a metabolic pathway has been examined in order to establish what minimal mechanistic patterns are required to support a damped oscillatory transient‐state kinetic behaviour of such a two‐component system when operating near a steady state. All potentially oscillating sub‐systems inherent in this scheme are listed and briefly characterized. The list includes several mechanistic patterns that may be frequently encountered in biological system (e.g. involving feedback inhibition, feed‐forward activation, substrate inhibition or product activation), but also draw attention to some hitherto unforeseen mechanisms by which the kinetic interaction of two metabolites may trigger damped oscillations. The results can be used to identify possible sources of oscillations in metabolic pathways without detailed knowledge about the explicit rate equations that apply

    Metabolites controlling the rate of starch synthesis in the chloroplast of C3 plants

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    The extent to which different stromal metabolites affecting ADPglucose pyrophosphorylase control the rate of photosynthetic starch production in the chloroplast of C3 plants has been examined by kinetic model studies. The results indicate that ATP, glucose 1‐phosphate, 3‐phosphoglycerate, fructose 6‐phosphate, and orthophosphate may provide significant contributions to the starch synthesis rate changes induced by variation of the external concentration of orthophosphate, the detailed control situation being dependent on the actual concentration of the external metabolite

    Cracks in turnout sleepers -- Conclusions from a questionnaire to the UIC Track Expert Group

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    To investigate the occurrence of cracks in turnout sleepers, how these were assessed and handled, a questionnaire was sent out to 15 members of the UIC Track expert group in December 2020. By February 20, 2021, eleven responses have been received. The responses are summarised and commented below

    Arthritis induced in rats with non-immunogenic adjuvants as models for rheumatoid arthritis

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    Rat models are useful for studies of the pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis (RA) since rats are extraordinarily sensitive to induction of arthritis with adjuvants. Injection of not only the classical complete Freund's adjuvant but also mineral oil without mycobacteria and pure adjuvants such as pristane and squalene, induce severe arthritis in many rat strains. Models like pristane-induced arthritis in rats are optimal models for RA since they fulfill the RA criteria including a chronic relapsing disease course. Arthritogenic adjuvants like pristane, avridine, squalene and mineral oil are not immunogenic since they do not contain major histocompatibility complex (MHC) binding peptides. Nevertheless, the diseases are MHC-associated and dependent on the activation of alphabetaTCR (T-cell receptor)-expressing T cells. However, it has not been possible to link the immune response to joint antigens or other endogenous components although immunization with various cartilage proteins induce arthritis but with different pathogeneses. To unravel the mechanisms behind adjuvant-induced arthritis, a disease-oriented genetic approach is optimal. Several loci that control onset of arthritis, severity and chronicity of the disease have been identified in genetic crosses and most of these have been confirmed in congenic strains. In addition, many of these loci are found in other autoimmune models in the rat as well as associated with arthritis in mice and humans

    The draft genome of the microscopic Nemertoderma westbladi sheds light on the evolution of Acoelomorpha genomes

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    Background: Xenacoelomorpha is a marine clade of microscopic worms that is an important model system for understanding the evolution of key bilaterian novelties, such as the excretory system. Nevertheless, Xenacoelomorpha genomics has been restricted to a few species that either can be cultured in the lab or are centimetres long. Thus far, no genomes are available for Nemertodermatida, one of the group’s main clades and whose origin has been dated more than 400 million years ago.Methods: DNA was extracted from a single specimen and sequenced with HiFi following the PacBio Ultra-Low DNA Input protocol. After genome assembly, decontamination, and annotation, the genome quality was benchmarked using two acoel genomes and one Illumina genome as reference. The gene content of three cnidarians, three acoelomorphs, four deuterostomes, and eight protostomes was clustered in orthogroups to make inferences of gene content evolution. Finally, we focused on the genes related to the ultrafiltration excretory system to compare patterns of presence/absence and gene architecture among these clades.Results: We present the first nemertodermatid genome sequenced from a single specimen of Nemertoderma westbladi. Although genome contiguity remains challenging (N50: 60 kb), it is very complete (BUSCO: 80.2%, Metazoa; 88.6%, Eukaryota) and the quality of the annotation allows fine-detail analyses of genome evolution. Acoelomorph genomes seem to be relatively conserved in terms of the percentage of repeats, number of genes, number of exons per gene and intron size. In addition, a high fraction of genes present in both protostomes and deuterostomes are absent in Acoelomorpha. Interestingly, we show that all genes related to the excretory system are present in Xenacoelomorpha except Osr, a key element in the development of these organs and whose acquisition seems to be interconnected with the origin of the specialised excretory system.Conclusion: Overall, these analyses highlight the potential of the Ultra-Low Input DNA protocol and HiFi to generate high-quality genomes from single animals, even for relatively large genomes, making it a feasible option for sequencing challenging taxa, which will be an exciting resource for comparative genomics analyses

    Onsala Space Observatory – IVS Technology Development Center Activities during 2017–2018

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    We give a brief overview of the technical development related to geodetic VLBI done during 2017 and 2018 at the Onsala Space Observatory