1,871 research outputs found

    Broad-line region structure and kinematics in the radio galaxy 3C 120

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    Broad emission lines originate in the surroundings of supermassive black holes in the centers of active galactic nuclei (AGN). One method to investigate the extent, structure, and kinematics of the BLR is to study the continuum and line profile variability in AGN. We selected the radio-loud Seyfert 1 galaxy 3C 120 as a target for this study. We took spectra with a high signal-to-noise ratio of 3C 120 with the 9.2m Hobby-Eberly Telescope between Sept. 2008 and March 2009. In parallel, we photometrically monitored the continuum flux at the Wise observatory. We analyzed the continuum and line profile variations in detail (1D and 2D reverberation mapping) and modeled the geometry of the line-emitting regions based on the line profiles. We show that the BLR in 3C 120 is stratified with respect to the distance of the line-emitting regions from the center with respect to the line widths (FWHM) of the rms profiles and with respect to the variability amplitude of the emission lines. The emission line wings of H{\alpha} and H{\beta} respond much faster than their central region. This is explained by accretion disk models. In addition, these lines show a stronger response in the red wings. However, the velocity-delay maps of the helium lines show a stronger response in the blue wing. Furthermore, the HeII{\lambda}4686 line responds faster in the blue wing in contradiction to observations made one and a half years later when the galaxy was in a lower state. The faster response in the blue wing is an indication for central outflow motions when this galaxy was in a bright state during our observations. The vertical BLR structure in 3C 120 coincides with that of other AGN. We confirm the general trend: the emission lines of narrow line AGN originate at larger distances from the midplane than AGN with broader emission lines.Comment: 18 pages, 25 figures, Astronomy & Astrophysics in pres

    Development of a Non-Iterative Balance Load Prediction Algorithm for the NASA Ames Unitary Plan Wind Tunnel

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    A non-iterative load prediction algorithm for strain-gage balances was developed for the NASA Ames Unitary Plan Wind Tunnels that computes balance loads from the electrical outputs of the balance bridges and a set of state variables. A state variable could be, for example, a balance temperature difference or the bellows pressure of a flow-through balance. The algorithm directly uses regression models of the balance loads for the load prediction that were obtained by applying global regression analysis to balance calibration data. This choice greatly simplifies both implementation and use of the load prediction process for complex balance configurations as no load iteration needs to be performed. The regression model of a balance load is constructed by using terms from a total of nine term groups. Four term groups are derived from a Taylor Series expansion of the relationship between the load, gage outputs, and state variables. The remaining five term groups are defined by using absolute values of the gage outputs and state variables. Terms from these groups should only be included in the regression model if calibration data from a balance with known bi-directional outputs is analyzed. It is illustrated in detail how global regression analysis may be applied to obtain the coefficients of the chosen regression model of a load component assuming that no linear or massive near-linear dependencies between the regression model terms exist. Data from the machine calibration of a six-component force balance is used to illustrate both application and accuracy of the non-iterative load prediction process

    Petrography of alkaline volcanic-subvolcanic rocks from the Brazilian Fernando de Noronha Archipelago, Southern Atlantic Ocean

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    A classification scheme for the volcanic-subvolcanic rocks of the Fernando de Noronha Archipelago is presented, following the IUGS recommendations, based on the petrographic study of a large number of samples. In Fernando de Noronha two main volcanic events were defined by Almeida (1955): an older Remédios Formation (12 to 8 Ma old) composed of domes, plugs and dikes of tephritic-basanitic to trachytic and phonolitic compositions, with essexite porphyries, limburgites and alkaline lamprophyres intruding basal pyroclastic rocks, and a younger Quixaba Formation (3 to 2 Ma), made up mostly by flows of nephelinitic composition (ankaratrites). The lamprophyres were separated in two groups: tephritic or melanocratic lamprophyres and typical lamprophyres, the first ones belonging to a suite characterized by continuous increase in amphibole content. Most of the rocks of the Remédios Formation appear to belong to two distinct petrographic series, one represented by an undersaturated sodic basanite-tephrite (essexite)-phonolite trend and the other by a potassic alkali basalt-trachyandesite-trachyte series, while the limburgites and lamprophyres are of uncertain ancestry. Some ankaratrite and olivine nephelinite dikes that only cut the Remédios rocks are also attributed to the Quixaba Formation. The basanitic flow with mantle xenoliths of the São José Island, considered by Almeida (1955) to form the youngest São José Formation, is here tentatively interpreted as representing the waning stages of the Quixaba volcanism.Apresenta-se neste trabalho um esquema de classificação para as rochas vulcânicas do Archipelago de Fernando de Noronha, com base no estudo de um grande número de amostras. Dois eventos vulcânicos principais foram definidos em Fernando de Noronha por Almeida (1955). A Formação Remédios é a mais antiga (12 a 8 Ma), composta por domos, "plugs" e diques e por depósitos piroclásticos basais por eles cortados, que apresentam composições variando de tefritos-basanitos a traquitos e fonolitos, junto com essexitos pórfiros, limburgitos e lamprófiros alcalinos. A formação mais nova, a de Quixaba, é constituída principalmente por derrames de nefelinitos (ankaratritos). Os lamprófiros foram separados em dois grupos: lamprófiros tefríticos ou melanocráticos e lamprófiros típicos, os primeiros pertencendo a uma suite caracterizada pelo aumento contínuo no conteúdo modal de anfíbólio. As rochas da Formação Remédios parecem pertencer a duas séries petrográficas, uma subsaturada, de tendência sódica, representada por basanitos-tefritos (essexitos)-fonolitos e a outra de tendência potássica constituída por alkali basaltos-traquiandesitostraquitos. Os lamprófiros e limburgitos são de origem duvidosa. Alguns diques que cortam a Formação Remédios (ankaratritos e nefelinito) foram atribuídos à Formação Quixaba. Os derrames de basanitos com xenólitos mantélicos da Ilha de São José, que Almeida (1955) atribui a uma formação mais nova, a de São José, são aqui considerados como pertencentes aos estágios finais do vulcanismo nefelinítico da Formação Quixaba

    Calibration Variable Selection and Natural Zero Determination for Semispan and Canard Balances

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    Independent calibration variables for the characterization of semispan and canard wind tunnel balances are discussed. It is shown that the variable selection for a semispan balance is determined by the location of the resultant normal and axial forces that act on the balance. These two forces are the first and second calibration variable. The pitching moment becomes the third calibration variable after the normal and axial forces are shifted to the pitch axis of the balance. Two geometric distances, i.e., the rolling and yawing moment arms, are the fourth and fifth calibration variable. They are traditionally substituted by corresponding moments to simplify the use of calibration data during a wind tunnel test. A canard balance is related to a semispan balance. It also only measures loads on one half of a lifting surface. However, the axial force and yawing moment are of no interest to users of a canard balance. Therefore, its calibration variable set is reduced to the normal force, pitching moment, and rolling moment. The combined load diagrams of the rolling and yawing moment for a semispan balance are discussed. They may be used to illustrate connections between the wind tunnel model geometry, the test section size, and the calibration load schedule. Then, methods are reviewed that may be used to obtain the natural zeros of a semispan or canard balance. In addition, characteristics of three semispan balance calibration rigs are discussed. Finally, basic requirements for a full characterization of a semispan balance are reviewed

    Mapping Itinerant Electrons around Kondo Impurities

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    We investigate single Fe and Co atoms buried below a Cu(100) surface using low temperature scanning tunneling spectroscopy. By mapping the local density of states of the itinerant electrons at the surface, the Kondo resonance near the Fermi energy is analyzed. Probing bulk impurities in this well-defined scattering geometry allows separating the physics of the Kondo system and the measuring process. The line shape of the Kondo signature shows an oscillatory behavior as a function of depth of the impurity as well as a function of lateral distance. The oscillation period along the different directions reveals that the spectral function of the itinerant electrons is anisotropic.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, accepted by Physical Review Letter

    Analysis of Multivariate Experimental Data Using A Simplified Regression Model Search Algorithm

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    A new regression model search algorithm was developed that may be applied to both general multivariate experimental data sets and wind tunnel strain-gage balance calibration data. The algorithm is a simplified version of a more complex algorithm that was originally developed for the NASA Ames Balance Calibration Laboratory. The new algorithm performs regression model term reduction to prevent overfitting of data. It has the advantage that it needs only about one tenth of the original algorithm's CPU time for the completion of a regression model search. In addition, extensive testing showed that the prediction accuracy of math models obtained from the simplified algorithm is similar to the prediction accuracy of math models obtained from the original algorithm. The simplified algorithm, however, cannot guarantee that search constraints related to a set of statistical quality requirements are always satisfied in the optimized regression model. Therefore, the simplified algorithm is not intended to replace the original algorithm. Instead, it may be used to generate an alternate optimized regression model of experimental data whenever the application of the original search algorithm fails or requires too much CPU time. Data from a machine calibration of NASA's MK40 force balance is used to illustrate the application of the new search algorithm

    UHF and VHF radar observations of thunderstorms

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    A study of thunderstorms was made in the Summer of 1985 with the 430-MHz and 50-MHz radars at the Arecibo Observatory in Puerto Rico. Both radars use the 300-meter dish, which gives a beam width of less than 2 degrees even at these long wavelengths. Though the radars are steerable, only vertical beams were used in this experiment. The height resolution was 300 and 150 meters for the UHF and VHF, respectively. Lightning echoes, as well as returns from precipitation and clear-air turbulence were detected with both wavelengths. Large increases in the returned power were found to be coincident with increasing downward vertical velocities at UHF, whereas at VHF the total power returned was relatively constant during the life of a storm. This was attributed to the fact that the VHF is more sensitive to scattering from the turbulence-induced inhomogeneities in the refractive index and less sensitive to scatter from precipitation particles. On occasion, the shape of the Doppler spectra was observed to change with the occurrence of a lightning discharge in the pulse volume. Though the total power and mean reflectivity weighted Doppler velocity changed little during these events, the power is Doppler frequency bins near that corresponding to the updraft did increase substantially within a fraction of a second after a discharge was detected in the beam. This suggests some interaction between precipitation and lightning

    Calibration and Data Analysis Recommendations for Three-Component Moment Balances

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    Fundamental characteristics of design, calibration, and application of three-component moment balances are investigated in great detail. These balances are typically used to determine loads on control surfaces, canards, or other parts that are attached to a wind tunnel model. First, three different descriptions of the load state of a moment balance are reviewed. Then, load transformations between different load formats and the combined load diagram for two of the three load components are discussed. An error analysis showed that it is critical to maximize the product of the distance between the bending moment gages and their sensitivities in order to minimize the overall error in the normal force prediction. In addition, it is important to apply a sufficient number of calibration loadings near the first bending moment gage. Then, unwanted near-linear dependencies between the two bending moment gage outputs can be avoided. The error in the bending moment prediction is also investigated that results from the elastic deformation of the metric part of the balance under load. Finally, the application of the Non-Iterative Method to three-component moment balance calibration data is described in order to obtain regression models that can be used to predict loads from measured outputs during a wind tunnel test
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