8 research outputs found


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    Sport i politika u hrvatskom društveno-političkom kontekstu isprepliću se od osnutka Hrvatske kao samostalne nacije-države. Za razumijevanje odnosa sporta i politike na ovim prostorima, čini se interesantnim slučaj od prije dvadeset godina, kada je na Europskom košarkaškom prvenstvu 1995. ostvaren posljednji značajniji uspjeh nacionalne košarkaške vrste. Navedeni slučaj zahtjeva sustavniju sociološku razradu. Postojeće analize populističke su prirode i kao takve nedovoljne su za razumijevanje ove teme. Unatoč brojnim postignutim rezultatima, te važnoj ulozi košarke u širem društvenom kontekstu, gotovo da ne postoje istraživanja koja bi omogućila dublje razumijevanje navedene problematike. Cilj ovog rada je objasniti odnos sporta i politike u konkretnom slučaju. Na osnovi relevantne literature, koristeći kvalitativne istraživačke metode: polu-strukturirane intervjue, analizu sadržaja i analizu diskursa, nastojat ćemo proširiti razumijevanje odnosa navedenih fenomena u hrvatskom kontekstu.Sport and politics in the Croatian socio-political context are intertwined since the founding of Croatia as an independent nation-state. To understand the relations between sports and politics in the region, the case of European Basketball Championship 1995, when the national basketball team last achieved significant succes seems particulary interesting. This case demands systematic sociological research. Existing analyses have populist nature and as such are insufficient for understanding this topic. Despite many achievements and the important role of basketball in broader social context, there is almost no research that would enable deeper understanding of this subject. The aim of this paper is to explain the relationship between sports and politics in this particular case. Based on relevant literature, using qualitative research methods: semi-structured interviews, content analysis and discourse analysis, we will try to expand the understanding of relationship of these phenomena in the Croatian context

    Model values of motor abilities of junior rhythmic gymnasts in the Republic of Croatia

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    Knowing the current status of rhythmic gymnasts’ motor abilities allows a valid objective evaluation of their competitive preparedness and facilitate planning of their further development. The main objective was to determine possible differences in motor abilities of rhythmic gymnasts regarding program level they were competing in, their age and national ranking. Three groups of junior rhythmic gymnasts, competing in either A, B, or C level programs, were investigated. Both the multivariate analysis of variance and univariate analysis of variance showed statistically significant differences in the selected motor abilities regarding the program level (flexibility, strength and coordination). A-level rhythmic gymnasts scored best in all the tests assessing flexibility, coordination and strength. The differences in motor abilities between junior rhythmic gymnasts with regard to their national ranking showed no statistical significance, whereas age was statistically significant. The Pearson’s correlation coefficient revealed significant relations between certain motor abilities among rhythmic gymnasts in A, B and C level programs. The higher the level of a program, the higher the correlatives, and vice versa. Two tests had the largest contribution to the success achieved in the competition: the figure of eight with bending and forward bent on the bench. The scientific value of the proposed research is aimed at better planning, programming and control of training process in rhythmic gymnastics

    Kinesiological activity and the subculturalization process – BMX scene in the city of Zagreb

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    Proces supkulturalizacije uglavnom se veže uz društvene aktere koji koriste glazbene pravce ili navijanje za klubove kao podlogu za stvaranje životnog stila i identiteta. Manje je poznato da same kineziološke aktivnosti i pojedini sportovi mogu mladim ljudima služiti u tome. Osim u dijelu akademske zajednice (isključivo u inozemstvu), ne postoje istraživanja procesa supkulturalizacije na osnovi kineziološke (sportske) aktivnosti iako u malobrojnim domaćim studijama o supkulturama mladih nalazimo pojmove koji na taj proces upućuju (Perasović, 2001). Istovremeno među mladima, u njihovom svakodnevnom komuniciranju, često se koriste pojmovi koji ukazuju na identitete „bajkera“, „skejtera“ i drugih, paralelno s terminima poput „pankera“, „navijača“ ili „partijanera“. Proces kojim neki mladi čovjek postaje „bajker“, odnosno veza između kineziološke aktivnosti i procesa supkulturalizacije, predstavlja glavnu temu ove disertacije. Dosadašnje promatranje BMX scene u Zagrebu omogućuje uvid u proces koji želimo istražiti. U skladu sa znanstveno-istraživačkom tradicijom, etnografsku metodu smatramo najprimjerenijom za dobivanje relevantnih podataka. Ova disertacija podržava i proširuje neke zaključke drugih znanstvenika koji su istraživali ovaj specifični slučaj na drugim lokacijama (Rinehart, 2008, Wheaton i Thorpe, 2011, Wheaton 2019). Kulturna politika unutar ove skupine jedinstvena je i temelji se na prepoznatljivoj povijesti, ideologiji i identitetu. Lifestyle sportovi pružaju važan okvir za razumijevanje empirijskih i teorijskih dokaza i izazova sporta u dvadeset prvom stoljeću. Ovo istraživanje daje vrijedne podatke o stavovima lokalnih BMX vozača o komercijalizaciji lifestyle sporta i uključivanju njihovog sporta u program Olimpijskih igara. U svojim naporima da ubrzaju uključivanje akcijskih sportova u olimpijski program, MOK (Međunarodni olimpijski odbor) uključio ih je s malo znanja o jedinstvenim kulturnim vrijednostima ili praktičnim zahtjevima sudionika u lifestyle sportu. Mnogi sudionici vide potencijalni gubitak autonomije unutar strogih olimpijskih struktura. Međutim, s obzirom na to da je BMX u Hrvatskoj još uvijek nedovoljno poznat, vozači vide dobrobiti uključivanja u program Olimpijskih igara, a to su rast popularnosti i napredak samog sporta. Iako će brak između lifestyle sportova i Olimpijskih igara zasigurno pridonijeti popularnosti BMX-a širom svijeta, može se pretpostaviti da će doći do daljnjeg razdora unutar BMX scene s obzirom na to da Olimpijske igre isključuju srž i prave vrijednosti lifestyle sporta, barem iz perspektive vozača. Ovaj metodološki pristup može pomoći u rasvjetljavanju složene dinamike komercijalizacije u lifestyle sportu.The subculturalization process is mainly associated with social actors who use music or winding for a football club as a basis for creating their own lifestyle and identity. Less known is that kinesiological activities or a sport can serve young people as a basis for creating subcultural style and identity. Except in one part of the academic community (mostly abroad), there is no research of subculturalization process based on kinesiological (or sport) activities in this region. Although in few national studies of youth subcultures, we can find terms which refer to this process (Perasović, 2001), at the same time among young people, in their everyday communication, we can often find terms that indicate the identity of "bikers", "snowboarders", "skaters" and the other, parallel with terms such as "punks", “football fans "or" clubbers ". How a young man becomes a " biker”, what is the connection between kinesiological activities and subculturalization process, will be the main theme of this dissertation. The previous observation and knowledge of the "BMX scene" in Zagreb provides insight into the process we want to explore. According to scientific research tradition in this area, ethnographic method seemed most appropriate for obtaining relevant data. This research therefore supports and extends some of the conclusions drawn by other scholars who have investigated this specific case (Rinehart, 2008, Wheaton and Thorpe, 2011, Wheaton 2019). The cultural politics within this group is unique, based on a distinctive history, ideology and identity. Lifestyle sports provide an important lens for understanding the empirical and theoretical trajectories and challenges of sport in the twenty-first century. This research provides valuable information about local BMX riders’ attitudes to the commercialization of lifestyle sports, and their inclusion in the Olympic Games. In their efforts to fast-track the inclusion of action sports into the Olympic program, the IOC (International Olympic Committee) incorporated them with little knowledge of the unique cultural values or practical requirements of lifestyle sports participants. Many participants see a potential loss of autonomy within the Olympic structures. However, since BMX is still not well known in Croatia, the riders see the benefits of inclusion only in the popularity and progress of the sport itself. While the marriage between action sports and the Olympic Games will certainly add to the popularity of BMX worldwide, it can be assumed that there will be a further rift within the BMX scene given that the Olympics exclude the core and genuine values of lifestyle sports, at least from the perspectives of riders. This methodological approach can help shed further light on the complex dynamics of commercialization in lifestyle sports

    Kinesiological activity and the subculturalization process – BMX scene in the city of Zagreb

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    Proces supkulturalizacije uglavnom se veže uz društvene aktere koji koriste glazbene pravce ili navijanje za klubove kao podlogu za stvaranje životnog stila i identiteta. Manje je poznato da same kineziološke aktivnosti i pojedini sportovi mogu mladim ljudima služiti u tome. Osim u dijelu akademske zajednice (isključivo u inozemstvu), ne postoje istraživanja procesa supkulturalizacije na osnovi kineziološke (sportske) aktivnosti iako u malobrojnim domaćim studijama o supkulturama mladih nalazimo pojmove koji na taj proces upućuju (Perasović, 2001). Istovremeno među mladima, u njihovom svakodnevnom komuniciranju, često se koriste pojmovi koji ukazuju na identitete „bajkera“, „skejtera“ i drugih, paralelno s terminima poput „pankera“, „navijača“ ili „partijanera“. Proces kojim neki mladi čovjek postaje „bajker“, odnosno veza između kineziološke aktivnosti i procesa supkulturalizacije, predstavlja glavnu temu ove disertacije. Dosadašnje promatranje BMX scene u Zagrebu omogućuje uvid u proces koji želimo istražiti. U skladu sa znanstveno-istraživačkom tradicijom, etnografsku metodu smatramo najprimjerenijom za dobivanje relevantnih podataka. Ova disertacija podržava i proširuje neke zaključke drugih znanstvenika koji su istraživali ovaj specifični slučaj na drugim lokacijama (Rinehart, 2008, Wheaton i Thorpe, 2011, Wheaton 2019). Kulturna politika unutar ove skupine jedinstvena je i temelji se na prepoznatljivoj povijesti, ideologiji i identitetu. Lifestyle sportovi pružaju važan okvir za razumijevanje empirijskih i teorijskih dokaza i izazova sporta u dvadeset prvom stoljeću. Ovo istraživanje daje vrijedne podatke o stavovima lokalnih BMX vozača o komercijalizaciji lifestyle sporta i uključivanju njihovog sporta u program Olimpijskih igara. U svojim naporima da ubrzaju uključivanje akcijskih sportova u olimpijski program, MOK (Međunarodni olimpijski odbor) uključio ih je s malo znanja o jedinstvenim kulturnim vrijednostima ili praktičnim zahtjevima sudionika u lifestyle sportu. Mnogi sudionici vide potencijalni gubitak autonomije unutar strogih olimpijskih struktura. Međutim, s obzirom na to da je BMX u Hrvatskoj još uvijek nedovoljno poznat, vozači vide dobrobiti uključivanja u program Olimpijskih igara, a to su rast popularnosti i napredak samog sporta. Iako će brak između lifestyle sportova i Olimpijskih igara zasigurno pridonijeti popularnosti BMX-a širom svijeta, može se pretpostaviti da će doći do daljnjeg razdora unutar BMX scene s obzirom na to da Olimpijske igre isključuju srž i prave vrijednosti lifestyle sporta, barem iz perspektive vozača. Ovaj metodološki pristup može pomoći u rasvjetljavanju složene dinamike komercijalizacije u lifestyle sportu.The subculturalization process is mainly associated with social actors who use music or winding for a football club as a basis for creating their own lifestyle and identity. Less known is that kinesiological activities or a sport can serve young people as a basis for creating subcultural style and identity. Except in one part of the academic community (mostly abroad), there is no research of subculturalization process based on kinesiological (or sport) activities in this region. Although in few national studies of youth subcultures, we can find terms which refer to this process (Perasović, 2001), at the same time among young people, in their everyday communication, we can often find terms that indicate the identity of "bikers", "snowboarders", "skaters" and the other, parallel with terms such as "punks", “football fans "or" clubbers ". How a young man becomes a " biker”, what is the connection between kinesiological activities and subculturalization process, will be the main theme of this dissertation. The previous observation and knowledge of the "BMX scene" in Zagreb provides insight into the process we want to explore. According to scientific research tradition in this area, ethnographic method seemed most appropriate for obtaining relevant data. This research therefore supports and extends some of the conclusions drawn by other scholars who have investigated this specific case (Rinehart, 2008, Wheaton and Thorpe, 2011, Wheaton 2019). The cultural politics within this group is unique, based on a distinctive history, ideology and identity. Lifestyle sports provide an important lens for understanding the empirical and theoretical trajectories and challenges of sport in the twenty-first century. This research provides valuable information about local BMX riders’ attitudes to the commercialization of lifestyle sports, and their inclusion in the Olympic Games. In their efforts to fast-track the inclusion of action sports into the Olympic program, the IOC (International Olympic Committee) incorporated them with little knowledge of the unique cultural values or practical requirements of lifestyle sports participants. Many participants see a potential loss of autonomy within the Olympic structures. However, since BMX is still not well known in Croatia, the riders see the benefits of inclusion only in the popularity and progress of the sport itself. While the marriage between action sports and the Olympic Games will certainly add to the popularity of BMX worldwide, it can be assumed that there will be a further rift within the BMX scene given that the Olympics exclude the core and genuine values of lifestyle sports, at least from the perspectives of riders. This methodological approach can help shed further light on the complex dynamics of commercialization in lifestyle sports

    Kinesiological activity and the subculturalization process – BMX scene in the city of Zagreb

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    Proces supkulturalizacije uglavnom se veže uz društvene aktere koji koriste glazbene pravce ili navijanje za klubove kao podlogu za stvaranje životnog stila i identiteta. Manje je poznato da same kineziološke aktivnosti i pojedini sportovi mogu mladim ljudima služiti u tome. Osim u dijelu akademske zajednice (isključivo u inozemstvu), ne postoje istraživanja procesa supkulturalizacije na osnovi kineziološke (sportske) aktivnosti iako u malobrojnim domaćim studijama o supkulturama mladih nalazimo pojmove koji na taj proces upućuju (Perasović, 2001). Istovremeno među mladima, u njihovom svakodnevnom komuniciranju, često se koriste pojmovi koji ukazuju na identitete „bajkera“, „skejtera“ i drugih, paralelno s terminima poput „pankera“, „navijača“ ili „partijanera“. Proces kojim neki mladi čovjek postaje „bajker“, odnosno veza između kineziološke aktivnosti i procesa supkulturalizacije, predstavlja glavnu temu ove disertacije. Dosadašnje promatranje BMX scene u Zagrebu omogućuje uvid u proces koji želimo istražiti. U skladu sa znanstveno-istraživačkom tradicijom, etnografsku metodu smatramo najprimjerenijom za dobivanje relevantnih podataka. Ova disertacija podržava i proširuje neke zaključke drugih znanstvenika koji su istraživali ovaj specifični slučaj na drugim lokacijama (Rinehart, 2008, Wheaton i Thorpe, 2011, Wheaton 2019). Kulturna politika unutar ove skupine jedinstvena je i temelji se na prepoznatljivoj povijesti, ideologiji i identitetu. Lifestyle sportovi pružaju važan okvir za razumijevanje empirijskih i teorijskih dokaza i izazova sporta u dvadeset prvom stoljeću. Ovo istraživanje daje vrijedne podatke o stavovima lokalnih BMX vozača o komercijalizaciji lifestyle sporta i uključivanju njihovog sporta u program Olimpijskih igara. U svojim naporima da ubrzaju uključivanje akcijskih sportova u olimpijski program, MOK (Međunarodni olimpijski odbor) uključio ih je s malo znanja o jedinstvenim kulturnim vrijednostima ili praktičnim zahtjevima sudionika u lifestyle sportu. Mnogi sudionici vide potencijalni gubitak autonomije unutar strogih olimpijskih struktura. Međutim, s obzirom na to da je BMX u Hrvatskoj još uvijek nedovoljno poznat, vozači vide dobrobiti uključivanja u program Olimpijskih igara, a to su rast popularnosti i napredak samog sporta. Iako će brak između lifestyle sportova i Olimpijskih igara zasigurno pridonijeti popularnosti BMX-a širom svijeta, može se pretpostaviti da će doći do daljnjeg razdora unutar BMX scene s obzirom na to da Olimpijske igre isključuju srž i prave vrijednosti lifestyle sporta, barem iz perspektive vozača. Ovaj metodološki pristup može pomoći u rasvjetljavanju složene dinamike komercijalizacije u lifestyle sportu.The subculturalization process is mainly associated with social actors who use music or winding for a football club as a basis for creating their own lifestyle and identity. Less known is that kinesiological activities or a sport can serve young people as a basis for creating subcultural style and identity. Except in one part of the academic community (mostly abroad), there is no research of subculturalization process based on kinesiological (or sport) activities in this region. Although in few national studies of youth subcultures, we can find terms which refer to this process (Perasović, 2001), at the same time among young people, in their everyday communication, we can often find terms that indicate the identity of "bikers", "snowboarders", "skaters" and the other, parallel with terms such as "punks", “football fans "or" clubbers ". How a young man becomes a " biker”, what is the connection between kinesiological activities and subculturalization process, will be the main theme of this dissertation. The previous observation and knowledge of the "BMX scene" in Zagreb provides insight into the process we want to explore. According to scientific research tradition in this area, ethnographic method seemed most appropriate for obtaining relevant data. This research therefore supports and extends some of the conclusions drawn by other scholars who have investigated this specific case (Rinehart, 2008, Wheaton and Thorpe, 2011, Wheaton 2019). The cultural politics within this group is unique, based on a distinctive history, ideology and identity. Lifestyle sports provide an important lens for understanding the empirical and theoretical trajectories and challenges of sport in the twenty-first century. This research provides valuable information about local BMX riders’ attitudes to the commercialization of lifestyle sports, and their inclusion in the Olympic Games. In their efforts to fast-track the inclusion of action sports into the Olympic program, the IOC (International Olympic Committee) incorporated them with little knowledge of the unique cultural values or practical requirements of lifestyle sports participants. Many participants see a potential loss of autonomy within the Olympic structures. However, since BMX is still not well known in Croatia, the riders see the benefits of inclusion only in the popularity and progress of the sport itself. While the marriage between action sports and the Olympic Games will certainly add to the popularity of BMX worldwide, it can be assumed that there will be a further rift within the BMX scene given that the Olympics exclude the core and genuine values of lifestyle sports, at least from the perspectives of riders. This methodological approach can help shed further light on the complex dynamics of commercialization in lifestyle sports

    Związek pomiędzy statusem społeczno-ekonomicznym rodziców, wsparciem socjalnym dla rodziny a aktywnością fizyczną młodzieży

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    Background. There are numerous benefits of undertaking regular physical activity on health. The World Health Organization (WHO) recommends for young people to undertake at least 60 minutes of moderately intense physical activity daily. Despite the well-known health benefits of exercise, the levels of physically inactive young people are continuously increasing. A large number of studies have found a relationship between socio-economic status and chronic disease. The aim of our study was to examine: the association between family socio-economic status and adolescent physical activity and also to assess the link between social support and adolescents’ physical activity and finally to examine whether there are any gender differences. Material and methods. There were 3396 final year secondary school students from 33 randomly selected secondary schools from Zagreb included in our study. The study was conducted from April 2015 to June 2016. Physical activity was measured using a short version of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ-SF). Socio-economic status and family social support was assessed using questionnaires. Results. Boys were significantly more physically active than girls. The results of the logistic regression analysis did not determine a statistically significant association between the socioeconomic status and physical activity of the participants. Conclusions. Family social support and socio-economic status were not positively related to physical activity in Croatian adolescents.Wprowadzenie. Regularna aktywność fizyczna ma liczne korzyści dla zdrowia, co zostało naukowo potwierdzone badaniami wstępnymi. Światowa Organizacja Zdrowia (WHO) zaleca, aby codzienna aktywność fizyczna dzieci i młodzieży o intensywności umiarkowanej do wzmożonej wynosiła co najmniej 60 minut. Pomimo korzyści zdrowotnych oraz zaleceń WHO liczba dzieci i młodzieży niepodejmujących aktywności fizycznej stale rośnie. Liczne badania stwierdzają pozytywny związek między statusem społeczno-ekonomicznym a chorobami przewlekłymi i wskaźnikami umieralności. Niniejsze badanie miało na celu: 1) analizę związku pomiędzy statusem społeczno-ekonomicznym rodziców a aktywnością fizyczną młodzieży; 2) ocenę związku pomiędzy wsparciem socjalnym rodziców a aktywnością fizyczną młodzieży oraz ustalenie, czy istnieją różnice w odniesieniu do płci. Materiał i metody. W badaniu wzięło udział 3396 uczniów ostatniego roku szkoły średniej z 33 losowo wybranych szkół średnich z Zagrzebia. Badanie to było prowadzone od kwietnia do czerwca w roku szkolnym 2015/2016. Aktywność fizyczną mierzono za pomocą skróconej wersji Międzynarodowego Kwestionariusza Aktywności Fizycznej (IPAQ-SF). Status społecznoekonomiczny oraz wsparcie socjalne rodziców oceniono za pomocą kwestionariuszy. Wyniki. Chłopcy wykazywali znacznie większą aktywność fizyczną niż dziewczęta. Wyniki analizy regresji logistycznej nie wskazują na statystycznie istotny związek pomiędzy statusem społeczno-ekonomicznym a aktywnością fizyczną uczestników. Wnioski. Wsparcie socjalne dla rodziny oraz status społeczno-ekonomiczny rodziców nie wywierają korzystnego wpływu na aktywność fizyczną chorwackiej młodzieży

    8th international scientific conference on kinesiology: 20th anniversary : proceedings

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    We are exceptionally happy that we can greet you once more on this occasion. The Faculty of Kinesiology, as a proud member of the University of Zagreb and a higher education institution that is 57 years old, is organizing The International Scientific Conference on Kinesiology for the 8th time. Identically as three years ago, this is a good opportunity to remember some important anniversaries. First of all, this year we celebrate 160 years since Nicolas Dally published his work in 1857 under the title “Kinesiology – Science of Movement in Relation to Education, Hygiene and Therapy”. This was the first book that introduced Kinesiology as a science of movement. The second important anniversary is 20 years since the establishment of our Conference. In 1997 the first International Scientific Conference on Kinesiology was held in Dubrovnik. Until today a great number of leading experts in the field of contemporary kinesiology were keynote lectures and presenters of the most important scientific breakthroughs in the field. Once again, the Conference will be a great opportunity for broadening of scientific insights into this miraculous, beautiful phenomenon of physical activity and its effects – its perfection when performed by sport artists, as seen at the XXXI Olympic Games, its joyfulness when happy children enjoy being competent to be in motion, or when we see eager people who enjoy life and nature because they have enough energy and they are healthy thanks to an active lifestyle. We are especially proud of the 17th place on the medal list thanks to the ten Olympic medals won by Croatian athletes. All fundamental and applied fields of our science will be discussed within 10 tentative sessions and 3 Satellite symposiums. The ultimate purpose of papers or abstracts published in this Proceedings book is to know and understand human beings and to apply the findings in everyday practice of education, sports, health promotion, recreation, sports management and kinesitherapy. The Proceedings Book contains 249 contributions, which were submitted by the submission deadline, written by 557 authors from 30 countries from all over the world. We expect a number of graduate, doctoral and postdoctoral students from Croatia and abroad for whom the Conference School of Kinesiology for Postgraduate and Doctoral Students will be organised during the Conference. From the very beginning the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts has given its highly respected patronage to the Conference, thus underpinning the recognition of kinesiology in the structure of sciences. Special thanks go to our partner institutions: Beijing Sports University, China and the Faculty of Sports Studies, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic, to our collaboration institutions: the Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences, Lithuania, the Otto-von-Guericke University, Magdeburg, Germany and the Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Novi Sad, Serbia. We wish to express much gratitude to all the authors, reviewers, participants, members of the Organisation and Program Committee, Section Editors, technical support staff, and sponsors for their contributions, time and effort inbuilt in the quality of the 8th International Conference on Kinesiology and its Proceedings. We wish success in the conference work to all the participants and a pleasant time in Opatija. Convinced that the Conference will give the expected impetus to further cooperation between scholars and institutions, we are looking forward in advance to meeting you again at the 9th International Conference on Kinesiology in 2020. Organising Committe

    8th international scientific conference on kinesiology: 20th anniversary : proceedings

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    We are exceptionally happy that we can greet you once more on this occasion. The Faculty of Kinesiology, as a proud member of the University of Zagreb and a higher education institution that is 57 years old, is organizing The International Scientific Conference on Kinesiology for the 8th time. Identically as three years ago, this is a good opportunity to remember some important anniversaries. First of all, this year we celebrate 160 years since Nicolas Dally published his work in 1857 under the title “Kinesiology – Science of Movement in Relation to Education, Hygiene and Therapy”. This was the first book that introduced Kinesiology as a science of movement. The second important anniversary is 20 years since the establishment of our Conference. In 1997 the first International Scientific Conference on Kinesiology was held in Dubrovnik. Until today a great number of leading experts in the field of contemporary kinesiology were keynote lectures and presenters of the most important scientific breakthroughs in the field. Once again, the Conference will be a great opportunity for broadening of scientific insights into this miraculous, beautiful phenomenon of physical activity and its effects – its perfection when performed by sport artists, as seen at the XXXI Olympic Games, its joyfulness when happy children enjoy being competent to be in motion, or when we see eager people who enjoy life and nature because they have enough energy and they are healthy thanks to an active lifestyle. We are especially proud of the 17th place on the medal list thanks to the ten Olympic medals won by Croatian athletes. All fundamental and applied fields of our science will be discussed within 10 tentative sessions and 3 Satellite symposiums. The ultimate purpose of papers or abstracts published in this Proceedings book is to know and understand human beings and to apply the findings in everyday practice of education, sports, health promotion, recreation, sports management and kinesitherapy. The Proceedings Book contains 249 contributions, which were submitted by the submission deadline, written by 557 authors from 30 countries from all over the world. We expect a number of graduate, doctoral and postdoctoral students from Croatia and abroad for whom the Conference School of Kinesiology for Postgraduate and Doctoral Students will be organised during the Conference. From the very beginning the Croatian Academy of Sciences and Arts has given its highly respected patronage to the Conference, thus underpinning the recognition of kinesiology in the structure of sciences. Special thanks go to our partner institutions: Beijing Sports University, China and the Faculty of Sports Studies, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic, to our collaboration institutions: the Lithuanian University of Educational Sciences, Lithuania, the Otto-von-Guericke University, Magdeburg, Germany and the Faculty of Sport and Physical Education, University of Novi Sad, Serbia. We wish to express much gratitude to all the authors, reviewers, participants, members of the Organisation and Program Committee, Section Editors, technical support staff, and sponsors for their contributions, time and effort inbuilt in the quality of the 8th International Conference on Kinesiology and its Proceedings. We wish success in the conference work to all the participants and a pleasant time in Opatija. Convinced that the Conference will give the expected impetus to further cooperation between scholars and institutions, we are looking forward in advance to meeting you again at the 9th International Conference on Kinesiology in 2020. Organising Committe