29 research outputs found


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    The contribution shows a current trends related to the application of spiritual culture in the educational process of primary education. Through differentiated characters it shows possible means for the implementation of folk art in creative arts activities in the educational process. The main narrative line of the paper is to demonstrate the application of elements of folk traditions in primary education, which is important foundation for the formation of positive attitudes to cultural heritage. It shows the possible cross-curricular context in the very educational process to enhance national awareness in children.Sažetak Rad prikazuje trenutne trendove koji se odnose na primjenu duhovne kulture u odgojno-obrazovnom procesu primarnog obrazovanja. Kroz diferencirane likove prikazuju se mogući načini za implementaciju narodne umjetnosti u kreativne umjetničke aktivnosti u obrazovnom procesu. Glavna narativna linija rada je prikazati primjenu elemenata narodnih tradicija u osnovnom obrazovanju, što je važan temelj za formiranje pozitivnih stavova prema kulturnoj baštini. Prikazuje se mogući multidisciplinarni kontekst u samom obrazovnom procesu kako bi se poboljšala nacionalna svijest kod djece


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    The contribution shows a current trends related to the application of spiritual culture in the educational process of primary education. Through differentiated characters it shows possible means for the implementation of folk art in creative arts activities in the educational process. The main narrative line of the paper is to demonstrate the application of elements of folk traditions in primary education, which is important foundation for the formation of positive attitudes to cultural heritage. It shows the possible cross-curricular context in the very educational process to enhance national awareness in children.Sažetak Rad prikazuje trenutne trendove koji se odnose na primjenu duhovne kulture u odgojno-obrazovnom procesu primarnog obrazovanja. Kroz diferencirane likove prikazuju se mogući načini za implementaciju narodne umjetnosti u kreativne umjetničke aktivnosti u obrazovnom procesu. Glavna narativna linija rada je prikazati primjenu elemenata narodnih tradicija u osnovnom obrazovanju, što je važan temelj za formiranje pozitivnih stavova prema kulturnoj baštini. Prikazuje se mogući multidisciplinarni kontekst u samom obrazovnom procesu kako bi se poboljšala nacionalna svijest kod djece

    Measurement of Limited and Unlimited Emissions during Burning of Alternative Fuels in the Tractor’s Engines

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    This text is aimed at the basic analysis of diesel oil and rapeseed methyl ester and evaluation of limited and unlimited emission produced by their combustion. Thereafter, test results are compared, and the evaluation of emission—greenhouse gases, dangerous exhaust gases and strong carcinogens and their contents during fuel combustion—is done. In this chapter, results obtained from the application of biofuel to the machinery working in conditions sensitive to environmental contamination are presented. At present, our environment is excessively overloaded with all kinds of emission, and the idea of using fuel with a marginal impact on the environment is very important. Based on the evaluation of emission, it can be stated that it is very important to study not only limited but also unlimited emission that can be very dangerous, although in this work it was discovered that values of unlimited emission do not exceed the lethal limit

    Change in the game : business model innovation in the video game industry across time

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    Technological innovation has changed business models across multiple industries – retail (Amazon), taxi (Uber), hotel (Airbnb). Through exploratory research, using secondary data, this thesis describes changes that have occurred in video gaming industry from its creation to the current, modern era that are connected to technological innovation. Based on the current research of business models, the authors created a “Value Creation-Revenue Stream Framework” that they use to analyse the industry to point out the main changes that occurred in the video game industry’s business models. Through the framework, the authors discuss representative types of models in three eras – traditional, transitional, modern – and point out the main differences and how the industry progressed through the framework over time. In addition, an overview of other business model innovation trends in the industry is included, expanding the current insight into the industry. Key finding of the study is the industry trends of having the consumer create the value of the product; compared to the business models of the traditional era, the importance of community is more prevalent in the modern era. This study contributes to the existing literature of the video game industry by providing a comprehensive overview of the development of the business models in the industry and by exploring business model trends that are related to other areas than revenue structure. Additionally, it contributes to the overall research of business models by introducing a new framework that can be used in the further research.nhhma

    Hydrogels with incorporated proteins

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    This work deals with associative peptides. The aim was to characterize a given associative protein and perform experiments leading to the creation of a hydrogel system containing the selected protein. Casein solutions were initially prepared to determine micellar concentration (CMC) using a pyrene fluorescence probe. Subsequently, the micelles were characterized by dynamic light scattering (DLS) and their size, zeta potential and also the effect of temperature on these properties were determined. Based on the characterization of the particles at temperature, suitable gels were selected into which the protein particles were subsequently incorporated

    Family House

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    Predmetom bakalárskej práce je návrh rodinného domu v Prahe 2, Na Hrobci. Pozemok je situovaný v prieluke v staršej zástavbe, v oblasti s dobrou občianskou vybavenosťou a dochádzkovou vzdialenosťou. Parcela je trojuholníkového tvaru o výmere cca 70 m2 a ústi do zeleného vnútrobloku. Návrh sa snaží rešpekovať kvality lokality a umocniť potenciál malého pozemku s prevažnou orientáciou na sever. Koncept bývania usiluje o otvorenosť, no zároveň zachováva prepojenosť jednotlivých zón.The aim of this thesis is project of a town house in Prague, Na Hrobci street. Our parcel is located in a gap site, between two older buildings, in an area with a good availability. It has a triangle shape, 70 m2 and leads to a yard behind the house. The created solution is trying to respect the qualities of its location and raise its potential despite of its size and facade location to the north. The concept of living is struggling to create an opened space while structures in the house are staying connected

    Use of advanced fluorescence methods in the study of aggregation

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    The diploma thesis deals with the use of advanced fluorescence techniques in the study of aggregation of selected aggregation models (casein and sodium dodecyl sulfate). At the beginning of the research, fluorescent probes Atto 488 and Rhodamine 6G (RH6G) were characterized using a spectrofluorometry, UV-VIS spectrometry, time-resolved fluorescence, and fluorescence correlation spectroscopy (FCS). Aggregation models with the addition of fluorescent probes were characterized using the same advanced fluorescence techniques. The interaction between the fluorescent probe Atto 488 and the aggregation models was not confirmed. The excitation maximum of Atto 488 was at 500 nm and the emission maximum at 520 nm. The lifetime of the fluorescent probe Atto 488 was from 4,20 to 4,82 ns and the hydrodynamic radius was determined to 0,6 nm. Rhodamine 6G had an excitation maximum at 525 nm and an emission maximum at 555 nm. The lifetime of the fluorescent probe RH6G was from 3,99 to 5,27 ns. The intensity of RH6G was found to decrease upon addition of a higher concentration of casein, resulting in quenching. The hydrodynamic radius of the RH6G probe was determined to 0,6 nm. With the addition of casein using the maximum entropy method (MEM) evaluation was from 0,5 to 534 nm. Stable SDS micelles had a hydrodynamic radius by MEM evaluation of 2,4 nm

    Hydrogels with incorporated proteins

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    Táto práca sa zaoberá asociatívnymi peptidmi. Cieľom bolo charakterizovať daný asociatívny proteín a previesť experimenty vedúce k vytvoreniu hydrogélového systému obsahujúceho vybraný proteín. Na začiatku boli pripravené roztoky kazeínu, pomocou ktorých sa stanovila micelárna koncentrácia (CMC) za použitia fluorescenčnej sondy pyrénu. Následne boli micely charakterizované pomocou dynamického rozptylu svetla (DLS) a bola stanovená ich veľkosti, zeta potenciál a tiež vplyv teploty na tieto vlastnosti. Na základe charakterizácie častíc pri teplote boli vybrané vhodné gély, do ktorých boli proteínové častice následne inkorporované.This work deals with associative peptides. The aim was to characterize a given associative protein and perform experiments leading to the creation of a hydrogel system containing the selected protein. Casein solutions were initially prepared to determine micellar concentration (CMC) using a pyrene fluorescence probe. Subsequently, the micelles were characterized by dynamic light scattering (DLS) and their size, zeta potential and also the effect of temperature on these properties were determined. Based on the characterization of the particles at temperature, suitable gels were selected into which the protein particles were subsequently incorporated.

    Estimation of the Degree of Crystallinity of Partially Crystalline Polypropylenes Using 13C\text{}^{13}C NMR

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    The paper deals with a method for the estimation of the degree of crystallinity for partially-crystalline isotactic-polypropylenes (i-PP) using high-resolution solid-state 13C\text{}^{13}C NMR. For this purpose direct polarization 13C\text{}^{13}C MAS NMR spectra were measured for i-PP samples with different degrees of crystallinity at 98°C. The areas beneath the resonance lines in these spectra correspond to the number of carbons in particular functional groups, while the widths and shapes of the lines reflect the degree of crystallinity, crystalline modifications, distribution of chain conformations and the chain mobility. The 13C\text{}^{13}C MAS NMR spectra, measured using appropriate combination of delay time and high proton decoupling field, made it possible to detect only amorphous domains in the sample. This enabled identification of the lines associated with the amorphous domains in the complete 13C\text{}^{13}C MAS NMR spectra and provided sufficient information for reliable estimation of the degree of crystallinity. The heteronuclear Overhauser enhancement of the 13C\text{}^{13}C NMR signals due to short delay time was taken into account in our calculations