397 research outputs found

    Dark Site Observatory

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    This project for our Architecture Studio was completed in collaboration with the Physics Department to create possible concepts for an observatory for the Solar Eclipses in 2017 and 2024


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    Penelitian spesifik tentang keanekaragaman jenis burung di Gunung Ile Boleng, Adonara, Flores Timur, NTT, belum pernah dilakukan. Oleh karena itu dilakukan penelitian tentang keanekaragaman jenis burung di hutan utara Ile Boleng pada tanggal 28 Juli 2008 sampai dengan tanggal 3 September 2008. Data yang diperoleh dalam penelitian ini ditabulasi dengan Microsoft excel. Data yang diambil menyangkut kekayaan jenis, keanekaragaman jenis, dominansi relatif jenis dan kemerataan (evenness). Kekayaan jenis yang diperoleh adalah sebanyak 33 jenis burung. Lima jenis burung yang terdata merupakan jenis tambahan untuk pulau Adonara yang menjadikan total jenis burung di Adonara sebanyak 64 jenis. Penghitungan keanekaragaman jenis dengan menggunakan indeks Simpson menunjukan keanekaragaman jenis yang tinggi (0,8673). Jenis burung yang mendominasi secara keseluruhan adalah Kacamata biasa dengan nilai dominansi relatif sebesar 24.63 %, diikuti Perkici timor sebesar 20.68 % dan Kepudang sungu topeng sebesar 11.08 %. Kemerataan (evenness) yang diperoleh sebesar 0.9107 yang menunjukan jenis burung yang ada di Ile Boleng tersebar merata

    Introduction to tailored forming

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    In recent years, the requirements for technical components have been increasing steadily. This development is intensified by the desire for products with lower weight, smaller size and extended functionality, but at the same time higher resistance against specific loads. Mono-material components manufactured according to established processes reach their limits regarding conflicting requirements. It is, for example, hardly possible to combine excellent mechanical properties with lightweight construction using mono-materials. Thus, a significant increase in production quality, lightweight design, functionality and efficiency can only be reached by combining different materials in one component. The superior aim of the Collaborative Research Centre (CRC) 1153 is to develop novel process chains for the production of hybrid solid components. In contrast to existing process chains in bulk metal forming, in which the joining process takes place during forming or at the end of the process chain, the CRC 1153 uses tailored semi-finished workpieces which are joined before the forming process. This results in a geometric and thermomechanical influence on the joining zone during the forming process which cannot be created by conventional joining techniques. The present work gives an overview of the CRC and the Tailored Forming approach including the applied joining, forming and finishing processes as well as a short summary of the accompanying design and evaluation methods

    Effect of Propolis Extract to Heal The Burns in New Zealand Rabbit

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    Propolis contains arginine (amino acids), ferulic acid (a derivative compound cinnamic which promotes the formation of collagen), flavonoids (phenolic compounds), and other compounds that can prevent the growth of bacteria, virus, and fungi. The purpose of this study was to measure the most concentration of propolis extracts that effective to heal burns of New Zealand rabbit's.  This was an experimental study with the post-test only control group design. As many as 15 male white rabbits were divided into 5 groups which treated by  propolis extract  with concentration of 50%, 75%, 100%, positive control by bioplacenton and negative control with propylene glycol. The macroscopic observation was done with detached necrosis tissue and the growth of collagen tissue as the parameter. Data were analyzed by using the one-way ANOVA and continued by the SNK test. The results of this study indicated that the propolis extracted have potency on healing burn wound with the significance of 0.00 (p≤0,05). In the concentration of 100%, extract of propolis has  potency on healing burn wound that proportionates with bioplacenton with the significance value of 1.000 (p≥0,05). It is concluded that by increasing dose, the healing time of burn wound will be shortened.Keywords : Propolis, healing burns, rabbi

    The Production of Sponge Iron Utilizing the Midland-Ross Process at Hamburger Stahlwerke GMBH

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    The Midland Ross direct reduction plant at Hamburger Stahlwerke is the third of its kind producing sponge iron since 1971. Economical and technological aspects of this new concept of a steel mill are studies. Concerning the direct reduction process particulars are given about plant installations, gas reforming, input materials, final product as well as first operational results

    Comparison of the Joining Zone Development of Hybrid Semi-Finished Products after Different Extrusion Processes

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    The use of hybrid semi-finished products made of aluminium and steel enables the production of components with locally adapted properties, i.e. high strength and wear-resistance with reduced weight. In the scope of this work, different impact extrusion processes for the forming of friction-welded hybrid semi-finished products consisting of steel (20MnCr5) and aluminium (EN AW-6082) were developed and experimentally implemented. The resulting material flows were intended to enable different joining zone geometries as well as to evaluate the influence of a thermo-mechanical treatment during the impact extrusion process on the quality of the joining zone. For this purpose, a full-forward extrusion, cup-backward extrusion, combined cup-backward-full-forward extrusion and a hollow-forward extrusion process were investigated. The evaluation of the resulting component quality was carried out based on metallographic images, which provide microstructural information about the forming-related influence on the friction welded joining zone. Based on the characteristic values determined, a correlation between the reproducibility and quality of the joining zone properties and the type of impact extrusion process is deduced. The backward extrusion processes have proven to be the best processes in terms of influencing the joining zone geometry. Further, the effect of forward extrusion showed no significant influence on the joining zone geometry, even resulting in a reduction of the joining zone formation in the combined cup-backward-full-forward extrusion process

    Vertragsrecht in der Coronakrise

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    Der Ausbruch der Coronakrise verunsichert, aber Verträge sind in der Welt. Was hat Bestand, was bedarf der Anpassung? Der Tagungsband dokumentiert die Beiträge der Online-Tagung „Vertragsrecht in der Coronakrise“ in zitationsfähiger Form. Von grundlegenden dogmatischen Aspekten wie dem allgemeinen Leistungsstörungsrecht über das massenhaft relevante Verbraucher- sowie Mietrecht bis hin zu Spezialfragen in der Insolvenz beantworten Rechtsexperten die drängenden Fragen in der Pandemie, z.B. Wer trägt die Hotelkosten, wenn ein Pauschalreisender wegen Flugausfällen an der Rückreise gehindert ist? Können Arbeitnehmer auf erhöhte Schutzvorkehrungen im Betrieb pochen? Wer haftet, wenn eine Warenlieferung an der Landesgrenze durch überlange Kontrollen verspätet eintrifft oder zwischenzeitlich verdirbt? Herausgeber und Autoren Herausgegeben von PD Dr. Daniel Effer-Uhe und Dipl.-Psych. Alica Mohnert, Mag. iur., LL.M. (CUPL). Mit Beiträgen von Dr. Caspar Behme, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München; Dr. Jonas Brinkmann, Universität Bielefeld; Dr. Ann-Marie Kaulbach, Universität zu Köln; Stephan Klawitter, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin; Jun.-Prof. Dr. Andreas Maurer, Universität Mannheim; PD Dr. Patrick Meier, Notarassessor, Julius-Maximilians-Universität Würzburg; Jun.-Prof. Dr. Jens Prütting, Rechtsanwalt, Bucerius Law School Hamburg; Prof. Dr. Thomas Riehm, Universität Passau; Prof. Dr. Jens M. Schmittmann, Rechtsanwalt, Mitglied des Senats für Anwaltssachen des Bundesgerichtshofs, FOM Hochschule Essen; Dipl.-Kfm. Dr. Bernd Scholl, Rechtsanwalt, Universität zu Köln

    Numerical investigations on the influence of the weld surface and die geometry on the resulting tensile stresses in the joining zone during an extrusion process

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    Bulk metal components are often used in areas which are subjected to very high loads. For most technical components, a distinction between structural and functional areas can be made. These areas usually have very different loading profiles, sometimes with contradictory requirements. Nevertheless, nowadays almost only monomaterials are used for the production of bulk metal components. With increasing requirements towards more and more efficient products with lower weight, compact design and extended functionality, these materials are reaching their material-specific limits. A significant increase of product quality and economic efficiency can be expected exclusively with locally adapted properties by combining different materials within one component. In this regard, the focus of this contribution is the production of a hybrid pinion shaft made of the material combination steel (37CrS4) and aluminium (AW6082). The tool concept for extrusion of the hybrid preform, the simulation-based design of the forming process as well as the material characterisation are presented. With the help of the FE-simulation, different serially arranged semi-finished component geometries were investigated in order to minimise the occurring tensile stresses in the component during the extrusion process to prevent failure during forming