22 research outputs found

    Aktywność turystyczna mieszkańców wsi – studium przypadku

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    Nowadays tourism is an important sphere of modern man’s life. Tourism activity has become one of the key measures of  inhabitants life quality and an indicator of civilization development. There are many factors which determine it, undoubtedly one of them is the place of living. The aim of this study is to show the level of the rural residents tourism activity. The source material were the results of the survey conducted among residents of Komorniki community. The choice of respondents to this survey was of a quote character. The results showed significant differences in the level of tourism activity surveyed villagers. The main motive for their tourist travel and journey was  holiday and recreation purpose and desire to explore new places, people and cultures. On the other hand, the leading factors that hinder undertaking tourist destination by the respondents are: lack of money and lack of free time

    Kształtowanie postaw studentów jako przejaw społecznej odpowiedzialności uczelni w kształceniu kadr turystycznych

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    Modern universities, due to the changes in their environment more often become similar to business organizations in their activities. Just as businesses they are beginning to realize how important is the idea of social responsibility of their effective functioning. The most immediate stakeholders are college students and preparing them to find themselves in the labor market. The article made a brief analysis of the issues of university social responsibility and the results of research conducted among students of tourism and recreation and nature tourism from University of Life Sciences in Poznań. The study concerned the behavior of university staff that could affect the development of ethical and socially desirable attitudes of students

    Students’ perception of education as a preparation to enter the labour market : a case study from a Polish university

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    PURPOSE: The aim of the article is to determine the importance of university education in the theoretical and practical dimensions for students-graduates preparing to enter the labour market.DESIGN/METHODOLOGY/APPROACH: The opinions of students - graduates of the Faculty of Economics in Poznan University of Life Sciences - were examined, discussing the obtained results with the information from the system of monitoring the fate of graduates (ELA) and available statistical data related to the topic.FINDINGS: It was found that from the students' point of view, the condition of entering the labour market is both a diploma confirming the resources of acquired theoretical knowledge, and the completion of internships and work placements. During the discussion, it was also found that the surveyed graduates have a more difficult entry into the market than their predecessors, which was caused, among others, by the COVID-19 pandemic and the introduction of lockdown. This has led to an almost complete elimination of students from the labour market, which results in the inability to gain work experience, which strengthens the competitiveness of graduates in this market.PRACTICAL IMPLICATIONS: The experience gained during the studies related to taking up work, both resulting from the internships carried out in the program of studies, and the individual acquired by students (occasional jobs usually in services) are one of the most important factors determining the effectiveness of graduates entering the market work.ORIGINALITY/VALUE: The research results contained in the article fill the cognitive gap regarding the perception of the chances of finding employment by graduates in the changing labour market, emphasizing the role of universities as an active participant in the labour market.peer-reviewe

    Organizacyjno-prawne uwarunkowania rozwoju turystyki na obszarach wiejskich

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    Obszary wiejskie mają bardzo duży potencjał turystyczny. Na tych terenach mogą rozwijać się różne formy turystyki, jednak najczęściej podejmowane są działalności w ramach turystyki wiejskiej i agroturystyki. Działalność turystyczna w gospodarstwie rolnym jest regulowana wieloma przepisami, a ustawodawca w tym zakresie ograniczył formalności do minimum oraz zaproponował zwolnienia podatkowe. Celem artykułu jest próba analizy obowiązujących regulacji prawnych dotyczących podejmowania działalności turystycznej na wsi, a szczególnie agroturystyki. Artykuł ma charakter teoretyczno-przeglądowy

    A framework to measure the taxonomic of economic anchor: A case study of the Three Seas Initiative countries.

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    This research is aimed at determining the characteristics of the current level of entrepreneurial potential of the Three Seas Initiative (3SI) countries, the ability to overcome the consequences of extraordinary events, such as COVID-19 and prospects for the return to an accelerated development once the destabiliser of the economic system, the coronavirus pandemic, has ceased. Eurostat, World Bank and the World Economic Forum data for 2015-2019 were used for the purpose of the research. The research was divided into three stages, i.e. assessment of economic development on the basis of a synthetic ratio of economic anchor development, for which a relative benchmark method based on spatial median (so-called L1 median or Weber point) was used, identification of conditions for the development of entrepreneurial capacity and statistical analysis showing the correlation between economic anchor measures and selected factors of the 3SI countries economic development. Our study found that the entrepreneurial capacity of the 3SI countries in 2015-2019 was determined by nine characteristics, belonging to six areas, i.e. local economy, demographic situation, social situation, trade exchange, innovation and tourism economy. The entrepreneurial potential of the 3SI countries was spatially diversified, and its development was determined, among others, by the entrepreneurial activity of residents (entrepreneurship index) and the conditions for running a business

    The impact of professional traineeship on the students’ perception of their knowledge and future work in the agribusiness sector

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    The paper presents the results of research on the impact of paid professional traineeships done by students during their studies on the perception of knowledge they have gained, as well as on agribusiness as their work environment and their further professional career. The aim of the research was to evaluate paid traineeships as a factor determining the way in which the knowledge gained by students during studies and their future work are perceived. The research material included the results obtained in a study of students conducted twice – before and after they had completed their professional traineeships. The research tool was the auditorium questionnaire, and the collected data underwent a statistical analysis, followed by a discussion. It was found that the respondents appreciated work placements as a way of gaining experience during studies. At the same time, the results of the investigation indicate that in the students’ opinion, graduating from a good university guarantees finding an interesting job. This was additionally confirmed by disagreeing with the statement that gaining good grades in the course of university studies does not bring any benefits (as indicated by the gamma correlation coefficient). Thus, completing a traineeship is significant for a future professional career, as it allows the students to look at it more realistically, including the financial aspect. However, their expectations, both before and after the work placement, remained relatively high, compared to the actual earnings reported in the University Graduates’ Economic Future monitoring system (ELA)


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    Zaprezentowano wyniki badań nad wpływem wybranych czynników na postrzeganie agrobiznesu jako miejsca pracy i realizacji kariery zawodowej. Przyjęto, że wpływ taki mają wykształcenie (ukończony poziom studiów) oraz płeć. Zgromadzone z użyciem ankiety audytoryjnej dane faktograficzne poddano analizie statystycznej. Na podstawie przeprowadzonych badań stwierdzono, że w opinii studentów idealna praca powinna być zgodna z ich zainteresowaniami, oferować stabilne warunki zatrudnienia, dawać poczucie dumy z jej wykonywania, a także gwarantować wysokie zarobki i jednocześnie odbywać się w przyjaznej atmosferze. Natomiast za niepożądane cechy pracy studenci uznali: nieregularność czasu pracy, wymóg mobilności, tj. cechy związane z dużą liczbą i wysokim tempem wykonywania obowiązków. Na podstawie badań stwierdzono także, że praca na stanowisku przedstawiciela handlowego w agrobiznesie, chociaż daje możliwości rozwoju, nie stanowi atrakcyjnej oferty zatrudnienia dla większości badanych

    Development of the tourist function within areas of lower silesian landscape parks / Rozwój funkcji turystycznej obszarów dolnośląskich parków krajobrazowych

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    Subject and purpose of work: The aim of the study was to present the development of the tourist function in the areas of Lower Silesian landscape parks. The subject of the study were the communes associated with Lower Silesian landscape parks. Materials and methods: The study covered 59 communes of the Lower Silesia Voiovodeship where 12 landscape parks are located. In this research six indicators of the level of tourism development were listed - three in the field of conditions of tourism development and three in the field of tourist traffic. Results: A significant dependency between the surface area of a landscape park and the state of tourismoriented land development was established. It turned out that among the 59 surveyed communes in 14 of them there are no tourist accommodation facilities. Conclusions: Based on the conducted surveys, it was found that the highest level of tourist function development occurs in the communes associated with the following landscape parks: Śnieżnik, the Sudety Wałbrzyskie, the Owl Mountains, Książ and Bóbr Valley Landscape Park.Przedmiot i cel pracy: Celem pracy było przedstawienie rozwoju funkcji turystycznej obszarów dolnośląskich parków krajobrazowych. Przedmiotem badań były gminy związane z dolnośląskimi parkami krajobrazowymi. Materiały i metody: Badaniami objęto 59 gmin województwa dolnośląskiego na terenie których zlokalizowanych było 12 parków krajobrazowych. W badaniu wyznaczono sześć wskaźników opisujących poziom rozwoju funkcji turystycznej - po trzy z zakresu stanu zagospodarowania turystycznego i ruchu turystycznego. Wyniki: Ustalono istotną zależność między powierzchnią parku krajobrazowego a stanem zagospodarowania turystycznego. Okazało się, że wśród 59 z badanych gmin na terenie 14 z nich nie funkcjonuje ani jeden turystyczny obiekt noclegowy. Wnioski: Na podstawie przeprowadzonych badań stwierdzono, że najwyższy poziom rozwoju funkcji turystycznej występuje w gminach związanych z następującymi parkami krajobrazowymi: Śnieżnickim, Sudetów Wałbrzyskich, Gór Sowich, Księżańskim i Doliny Bobru


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    The aim of this study was to detreminate the impact of intellectual capital on the development of agroturism venture. Due to the fact that intellectual capital is complex resource it was assumed that the level of agritourism services affect the education level. The base material was the results of a survey carried out in 87 agritourism providers located in the Wielkopolska Region. The research shows that intellectual resources are important from the business of farming and agritourism activity point of view. They affect both the scope of this ingenuity, as well as the size of the run farms