83 research outputs found

    Therapy for hyperthermia-induced seizures in Scn1a mutant rats

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    Purpose: Mutations in the SCN1A gene, which encodes the alpha 1 subunit of voltage-gated sodium channels, cause generalized epilepsy with febrile seizures plus (GEFS+) and severe myoclonic epilepsy of infancy (SMEI). N1417H-Scn1a mutant rats are considered to be an animal model of human FS+ or GEFS+. To assess the pharmacologic validity of this model, we compared the efficacies of eight different antiepileptic drugs (AEDs) for the treatment of hyperthermia-induced seizures using N1417H-Scn1a mutant rats. Methods: AEDs used in this study included valproate, carbamazepine (CBZ), phenobarbital, gabapentin, acetazolamide, diazepam (DZP), topiramate, and potassium bromide (KBr). The effects of these AEDs were evaluated using the hot water model, which is a model of experimental FS. Five-week-old rats were pretreated with each AED and immersed in water at 45 degrees C to induce hyperthermia-induced seizures. The seizure manifestations and video-electroencephalographic recordings were evaluated. Furthermore, the effects of each AED on motor coordination and balance were assessed using the balance-beam test. Key Findings: KBr significantly reduced seizure durations, and its anticonvulsant effects were comparable to those of DZP. On the other hand, CBZ decreased the seizure threshold. In addition, DZP and not KBr showed significant impairment in motor coordination and balance. Significance: DZP and KBr showed potent inhibitory effects against hyperthermia-induced seizures in the Scn1a mutant rats, whereas CBZ exhibited adverse effects. These responses to hyperthermia-induced seizures were similar to those in patients with GEFS+ and SMEI. N1417H-Scn1a mutant rats may, therefore, be useful for testing the efficacy of new AEDs against FS in GEFS+ and SMEI patients

    Management of Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Japan : JSH Consensus Statements and Recommendations 2021 Update

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    The Clinical Practice Manual for Hepatocellular Carcinoma was published based on evidence confirmed by the Evidence-based Clinical Practice Guidelines for Hepatocellular Carcinoma along with consensus opinion among a Japan Society of Hepatology (JSH) expert panel on hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Since the JSH Clinical Practice Guidelines are based on original articles with extremely high levels of evidence, expert opinions on HCC management in clinical practice or consensus on newly developed treatments are not included. However, the practice manual incorporates the literature based on clinical data, expert opinion, and real-world clinical practice currently conducted in Japan to facilitate its use by clinicians. Alongside each revision of the JSH Guidelines, we issued an update to the manual, with the first edition of the manual published in 2007, the second edition in 2010, the third edition in 2015, and the fourth edition in 2020, which includes the 2017 edition of the JSH Guideline. This article is an excerpt from the fourth edition of the HCC Clinical Practice Manual focusing on pathology, diagnosis, and treatment of HCC. It is designed as a practical manual different from the latest version of the JSH Clinical Practice Guidelines. This practice manual was written by an expert panel from the JSH, with emphasis on the consensus statements and recommendations for the management of HCC proposed by the JSH expert panel. In this article, we included newly developed clinical practices that are relatively common among Japanese experts in this field, although all of their statements are not associated with a high level of evidence, but these practices are likely to be incorporated into guidelines in the future. To write this article, coauthors from different institutions drafted the content and then critically reviewed each other’s work. The revised content was then critically reviewed by the Board of Directors and the Planning and Public Relations Committee of JSH before publication to confirm the consensus statements and recommendations. The consensus statements and recommendations presented in this report represent measures actually being conducted at the highest-level HCC treatment centers in Japan. We hope this article provides insight into the actual situation of HCC practice in Japan, thereby affecting the global practice pattern in the management of HCC

    Speciation and Gene Flow between Snails of Opposite Chirality

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    Left-right asymmetry in snails is intriguing because individuals of opposite chirality are either unable to mate or can only mate with difficulty, so could be reproductively isolated from each other. We have therefore investigated chiral evolution in the Japanese land snail genus Euhadra to understand whether changes in chirality have promoted speciation. In particular, we aimed to understand the effect of the maternal inheritance of chirality on reproductive isolation and gene flow. We found that the mitochondrial DNA phylogeny of Euhadra is consistent with a single, relatively ancient evolution of sinistral species and suggests either recent “single-gene speciation” or gene flow between chiral morphs that are unable to mate. To clarify the conditions under which new chiral morphs might evolve and whether single-gene speciation can occur, we developed a mathematical model that is relevant to any maternal-effect gene. The model shows that reproductive character displacement can promote the evolution of new chiral morphs, tending to counteract the positive frequency-dependent selection that would otherwise drive the more common chiral morph to fixation. This therefore suggests a general mechanism as to how chiral variation arises in snails. In populations that contain both chiral morphs, two different situations are then possible. In the first, gene flow is substantial between morphs even without interchiral mating, because of the maternal inheritance of chirality. In the second, reproductive isolation is possible but unstable, and will also lead to gene flow if intrachiral matings occasionally produce offspring with the opposite chirality. Together, the results imply that speciation by chiral reversal is only meaningful in the context of a complex biogeographical process, and so must usually involve other factors. In order to understand the roles of reproductive character displacement and gene flow in the chiral evolution of Euhadra, it will be necessary to investigate populations in which both chiral morphs coexist

    Sodium intake in men and potassium intake in women determine the prevalence of metabolic syndrome in Japanese hypertensive patients: OMEGA Study

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    Dietary intake affects hypertension and metabolic syndrome (MS) and their management. In Japanese hypertensive patients, little evidence exists regarding the relation between diet and MS. A self-administered lifestyle questionnaire was completed by each patient at the baseline. Three dietary scores were calculated for each patient: sodium intake, potassium intake and soybean/fish intake. The relationships between dietary scores and systolic blood pressure (SBP) and diastolic blood pressure (DBP) were analyzed by multiple regression analysis. The relation between dietary intake of sodium, potassium and soybean/fish, and the presence of MS was evaluated by the Mantel–Haenszel test. A total of 9585 hypertensive patients (mean age, 64.9 years; women, 51.4%) were included in this sub-analysis. High sodium intake was significantly related to increased SBP (P=0.0003) and DBP (P=0.0130). Low potassium intake was significantly related to increased SBP (P=0.0057) and DBP (P=0.0005). Low soybean/fish intake was significantly related to increased SBP (P=0.0133). A significantly higher prevalence of MS was found in men in the highest quartile of sodium intake compared with the lower quartiles (P=0.0026) and in women in the lowest quartile of potassium intake compared with the higher quartiles (P=0.0038). A clear relation between dietary habits and blood pressure was found in Japanese hypertensive patients using a patient-administered questionnaire. Sodium and potassium intake affect MS prevalence. Dietary changes are warranted within hypertension treatment strategies

    Urine volume to hydration volume ratio is associated with pharmacokinetics of high-dose methotrexate in patients with primary central nervous system lymphoma.

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    High-dose methotrexate (HD-MTX)-based chemotherapy is the first-line treatment for primary central nervous system lymphoma (PCNSL), but is associated with severe adverse effects, including myelosuppression and renal impairment. MTX is primarily excreted by the kidneys. Renal function calculated using serum creatinine (Scr) derived from muscle may be overestimated in elderly PCNSL patients. Therefore, we aimed to construct a population pharmacokinetic model in PCNSL patients and explore the factors associated with MTX clearance. Sixteen PCNSL patients (median age, 66 years) treated with HD-MTX were included, and serum MTX concentrations were measured at 193 points in 49 courses. A population pharmacokinetic analysis was performed using NONMEM. A Monte Carlo simulation was conducted, in which serum MTX concentrations were stratified into three groups of creatine clearance (Ccr) (50, 75, and 100 ml/min) with three groups of the urine volume to hydration volume (UV/HV) ratio (2). The final model was constructed as follows: MTX clearance = 4.90·(Ccr/94.5)0.456·(UV/HV)0.458. In the Monte Carlo simulation, serum MTX concentrations were below the standard values (10, 1, and 0.1 µM at 24, 48, and 72 h, respectively, after the start of the MTX administration) in most patients with UV/HV >2, even with Ccr of 50 ml/min. Conversely, half of the patients with UV/HV <1 and Ccr of 50 ml/min failed to achieve the standard values. The present results demonstrated that the UV/HV ratio was useful for describing the pharmacokinetics of MTX in PCNSL patients

    Pharmacokinetics of Intravitreal Vancomycin and Ceftazidime in Silicone Oil-Filled Macaque Eyes.

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    Purpose:This study evaluated the pharmacokinetics of intravitreal vancomycin and ceftazidime in the aqueous humor of macaque eyes filled with silicone oil in the vitreous cavity.Methods:Intravitreal vancomycin (1 mg/0.1 mL) and ceftazidime (2 mg/0.1 mL) were injected into four normal macaque eyes, four vitrectomized aphakic macaque eyes, and four previously vitrectomized aphakic macaque eyes filled with silicone oil (silicone oil-filled eyes). Aqueous humor samples (0.1 mL) were obtained just before injection and at 2 and 5 hours and 1, 2, 3, 5, 7, and 10 days after injection. In each group, corneal endothelial cell density (ECD) measurements and electroretinogram (ERG) recordings were obtained before injection and after 1 month.Results:The half-lives of vancomycin in the aqueous humor of normal, vitrectomized, and silicone oil-filled eyes were 29.4, 21.1, and 6.8 hours, respectively, and those of ceftazidime were 20.4, 5.2, and 3.1 hours, respectively. The maximum vancomycin aqueous humor concentrations of normal, vitrectomized, and silicone oil-filled eyes were 151.4, 205.6, and 543.5 µg/mL, respectively, and the maximum ceftazidime aqueous humor concentrations are 64.6, 260.0, and 1176.3 µg/mL, respectively. There was no change in ECD, and ERG was not declined after intravitreal injection in all groups.Conclusions:The half-lives of vancomycin and ceftazidime in the aqueous humor were shorter in silicone oil-filled eyes than in normal and vitrectomized eyes. High antibiotic concentrations in silicone oil-filled eyes seemed to be well tolerated.Translational Relevance:This study aids in estimating how often an antibiotic should be intravitreally injected for endophthalmitis of silicone oil-filled eyes

    Management of Hepatocellular Carcinoma in Japan: JSH Consensus Statements and Recommendations 2021 Update

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    The Clinical Practice Manual for Hepatocellular Carcinoma was published based on evidence confirmed by the Evidence-based Clinical Practice Guidelines for Hepatocellular Carcinoma along with consensus opinion among a Japan Society of Hepatology (JSH) expert panel on hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). Since the JSH Clinical Practice Guidelines are based on original articles with extremely high levels of evidence, expert opinions on HCC management in clinical practice or consensus on newly developed treatments are not included. However, the practice manual incorporates the literature based on clinical data, expert opinion, and real-world clinical practice currently conducted in Japan to facilitate its use by clinicians. Alongside each revision of the JSH Guidelines, we issued an update to the manual, with the first edition of the manual published in 2007, the second edition in 2010, the third edition in 2015, and the fourth edition in 2020, which includes the 2017 edition of the JSH Guideline. This article is an excerpt from the fourth edition of the HCC Clinical Practice Manual focusing on pathology, diagnosis, and treatment of HCC. It is designed as a practical manual different from the latest version of the JSH Clinical Practice Guidelines. This practice manual was written by an expert panel from the JSH, with emphasis on the consensus statements and recommendations for the management of HCC proposed by the JSH expert panel. In this article, we included newly developed clinical practices that are relatively common among Japanese experts in this field, although all of their statements are not associated with a high level of evidence, but these practices are likely to be incorporated into guidelines in the future. To write this article, coauthors from different institutions drafted the content and then critically reviewed each other’s work. The revised content was then critically reviewed by the Board of Directors and the Planning and Public Relations Committee of JSH before publication to confirm the consensus statements and recommendations. The consensus statements and recommendations presented in this report represent measures actually being conducted at the highest-level HCC treatment centers in Japan. We hope this article provides insight into the actual situation of HCC practice in Japan, thereby affecting the global practice pattern in the management of HCC