150 research outputs found

    Green cosmetics: perspectives and challenges in the context of green chemistry

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    Green cosmetics present ecological appeals and claim to be developed according to the principles of Green Chemistry. Green Chemistry can be defined as the set of processes and products that reduces or eliminates the use or generation of hazardous substances. Despite the growing market, there are gaps related to the scope and regulation of these products. The article consists of a literature review on conceptual, regulatory and risk analysis limitations and perspectives of green cosmetics. We conducted searches in databases of scientific articles and analysis of publications by government agencies and organic/natural cosmetic certification systems. From the data collected, we found that there is a lack of government definitions and regulations for green cosmetics in the United States, the European Union and Brazil, and there are divergences between the guidelines adopted by green cosmetic certification systems, although we identified attempts to harmonize these guidelines. There was also a lack of approaches to the risk assessment of these products. The identification of limitations and perspectives on green cosmetics can be considered the first step to overcome these difficulties, promoting the dissemination of these products and maximizing their potential in reducing the risks to human and environmental health presented by cosmetics, following the principles of Green Chemistry

    The relationship between fine rings in the statolith and growth of the cubomedusa Chiropsalmus quadrigatus (Cnidaria: Cubozoa) from Okinawa Island, Japan

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    Sixty-nine Chiropsalmus quadrigatus medusae were collected from Okinawa Island, Japan, in June-August 2000. The bell height ranged from 2.5 to 97.6 mm. The numbers of fine rings on polished statoliths were counted, and the coefficient of variation for the within-individual counts for the four statoliths was 3.3± 1.9% (mean::tSD, n=17). The slope of the linear regression of the number of rings against collecting date in 61 medusae was near 1.0, suggesting that the statolith rings are daily increments. The relationship between bell height and number of rings fitted a logistic growth curve. And, the relationship between statolith length and number of rings fitted the Gompertz growth curve. A check ring was present at a position of 5-10 rings from the center of each statolith. The backcalculated dates of check ring formation dated mainly from early to mid June, suggesting that the polyp of C. quadrigatus finished the metamorphosis to medusa and the medusa was liberated from a substratum during this period

    Segurança química ou proteção isomórfica? Uma análise da criação do anteprojeto de lei de substâncias químicas industriais à luz da teoria institucional

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    The main objective of this study was to identify isomorphic mechanisms - coercive, mimetic or normative - in the construction of the Brazilian draft law designed to monitor and control industrial chemical substances, in order to promote a reflection on the mechanisms of change that are under way, therefore, addressing some of the challenges in chemical safety governance, health and the environment. Firstly, a bibliographical review is presented on the context of chemical safety in Brazil and in the world, and on the theoretical reference in the field of institutional theory. The study was based on a content analysis of the 16 meeting memoirs of the working group established in May 2014 within the National Chemical Safety Commission (Conasq), to propose strategies, institutional arrangements and the draft legislation. The results were categorized, and there were identified processes and isomorphic pressures that affect the represented entities in the work group, generating, therefore, a preliminary scenario of the institutional situation and its functioning mechanisms that underlie the creation of the new chemical safety legislation.O objetivo principal deste estudo foi identificar mecanismos isomórficos — coercitivo, mimético ou normativo — na construção do anteprojeto de lei para monitoramento e controle de substâncias químicas industriais, de forma a promover uma reflexão sobre as engrenagens de mudança que estão em curso e apontar desafios à governança em segurança química, em saúde e ambiente. Primeiramente, apresenta-se uma revisão bibliográfica sobre o contexto da segurança química no Brasil e no mundo. Em seguida, apresenta-se o referencial teórico com base na nova teoria institucional, que orienta a análise de conteúdo das 16 memórias de reuniões do grupo de trabalho instituído em maio de 2014 no âmbito da Comissão Nacional de Segurança Química (Conasq) para propor estratégias, arranjos institucionais e a minuta de legislação do anteprojeto de lei em questão. Os resultados foram categorizados, identificando-se processos e pressões isomórficas que incidem sobre as entidades representadas no grupo de trabalho, gerando-se, assim, um cenário preliminar da situação institucional e seus mecanismos de funcionamento que estão na gênese da nova normativa de segurança química

    Gestión Ambiental en la Escuela de Artes, Ciencias y Humanidades: el grado, la disciplina y el profesional

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    En este artículo presentamos el curso de Gestión Ambiental en la Escuela de Artes, Ciencias y Humanidades en su contexto institucional, características del curso, sus alumnos y gestores ambientales. Los resultados integran datos organizados por becarios en diversos proyectos de investigación y muestran que el gestor ambiental es un ciudadano crítico que ingresa al curso creyendo en su potencial para transformar el mundo. Las áreas de interés y desempeño profesional tienden a permanecer en la trayectoria académica, desde la admisión, e incluyen diferentes temáticas en instituciones públicas, privadas o de interés social. Esto está en línea con el gestor ambiental idealizado en el Proyecto Político Pedagógico de la asignatura, y muestra la necesidad de una formación interdisciplinaria para actuar en la gestión ambiental considerando la complejidad del origen, estudio de impactos y soluciones a los problemas ambientales. A pesar de las dificultades relacionadas con el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje y las cuestiones personales que llevan a algunos a abandonar el curso, el gestor ambiental empieza a valorarlos como retos superados y aprendizajes importantes o necesarios.  Neste artigo apresentamos o curso de Gestão Ambiental da Escola de Artes, Ciências e Humanidades em seu contexto institucional, características do curso, seus estudantes e dos gestores ambientais. Os resultados integram dados organizados por bolsistas em diversos projetos de pesquisa e mostram que o gestor ambiental é cidadão crítico que ingressa no curso acreditando em seu potencial de transformar o mundo. As áreas de interesse e atuação profissional tendem a se manter no percurso acadêmico, desde o ingresso, e incluem temas diversos em instituições públicas, privadas ou de interesse social. Isso se alinha ao gestor ambiental idealizado no Projeto Político Pedagógico do curso, e mostra a necessidade da formação interdisciplinar para atuar na gestão ambiental considerando a complexidade da origem, estudo de impactos e soluções de problemas ambientais. Apesar das dificuldades relacionadas ao processo ensino-aprendizagem e questões pessoais levarem alguns ao abandono do curso, o gestor ambiental passa a valorizá-las como desafios superados e aprendizagens importantes ou necessárias.  In this article we present the Environmental Management course at the School of Arts, Sciences and Humanities in its institutional context, characteristics of the course, its students and environmental managers. The results integrate data organized by fellows in some research projects and show that the environmental manager is a critical citizen who enters the course believing in his potential to transform the world. The areas of interest and professional performance tend to remain throughout the academic path, since admission, and include different themes in public, private or social interest institutions. This is according to the environmental manager idealized in the course's Political Pedagogical Project, and shows the need for interdisciplinary training to act in environmental management considering the complexity of the origin, study of impacts and solutions to environmental problems. Despite the difficulties related to the teaching-learning process and personal issues that lead some to drop out of the course, the environmental manager tends to value them as overcome challenges and important or necessary learning.    Dans cet article, nous présentons le cours de Gestion de l'Environnement à l'École des Arts, Sciences et Humanités dans son contexte institutionnel, les caractéristiques du cours, ses étudiants et les gestionnaires de l'environnement. Les résultats intègrent des informations organisées par des boursiers dans divers projets de recherche et montrent que le gestionnaire de l'environnement est un citoyen critique qui entre dans le cours en croyant en son potentiel pour transformer le monde. Les domaines d'intérêt et les performances professionnelles ont tendance à rester dans le parcours académique, depuis l'admission, et incluent des thèmes différents dans les institutions d'intérêt public, privé ou social. Ceci est en ligne avec le gestionnaire environnemental idéalisé dans le projet politique pédagogique du cours, et montre la nécessité d'une formation interdisciplinaire pour agir en gestion environnementale compte tenu de la complexité de l'origine, de l'étude des impacts et des solutions aux problèmes environnementaux. Malgré les difficultés liées au processus d'enseignement-apprentissage et les problèmes personnels qui conduisent certains à abandonner le cours, le responsable de l'environnement commence à les valoriser comme des défis surmontés et des apprentissages importants ou nécessaires

    Percepções da Indústria e Distribuição Farmacêutica sobre a Logística Reversa de Medicamentos

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    An appropriate disposal of medication waste from households can be promoted by reverse logistics. This can be achieved by returning this kind of waste to the business sector for an environmentally friendly disposal. The aim of this study is to identify and describe the obstacles to the implementation and management of the reverse logistics of drugs from the perspective of the pharmaceutical industry and of product distribution representatives. Representatives identified as obstacles the lack of formalization of reverse logistics that are specific for the pharmaceutical segment, the lack of education aimed at the general population, to weak control of delivery stations and incoming waste and scarce financial resources. Creating awareness about such perceptions is fundamental to the search for solutions and to the debate about viable alternatives for both the general population and the pharmaceutical industry and its distribution network.O descarte dos resíduos de medicamentos de origem domiciliar pode ser promovido pela logística reversa, onde este tipo de resíduo é devolvido ao setor empresarial para destinação final ambientalmente segura. O objetivo desse estudo é identificar e descrever os obstáculos para a implementação e gerenciamento da logística reversa de medicamentos na percepção de representantes da indústria farmacêutica e da distribuição de produtos. Trata-se de um estudo exploratório, descritivo e com abordagem qualitativa. As categorias referentes aos obstáculos na percepção dos representantes pesquisados foram: falta de formalização da logística reversa específica para o segmento farmacêutico, educar a população, controlar os postos de entrega e os resíduos recebidos e direcionar recursos financeiros. Conhecer essas percepções torna-se fundamental na busca por soluções e na discussão acerca de alternativas viáveis tanto para a população, quanto para a indústria farmacêutica e sua rede distribuidora

    Application of a Pedometer for the Management of Impaired Glucose Tolerance in Pregnant Women

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    The proper management of impaired glucose tolerance (IGT) in pregnant women is important for both obstetricians and diabetologists as this condition is of interest to both obstetrics and internal medicine. Although nutritional intervention along with insulin treatment is the mainstream approach of IGT treatment in pregnant women, exercise intervention is another important component of the IGT management. A pedometer is a useful tool for objective exercise evaluation. Nonetheless, its application in the management of IGT in pregnant women is limited. On the other hand, with the widespread use of smartphones equipped with pedometer function, exercise by walking is easily monitored and utilised in both healthy pregnant women and pregnant women with obesity and impaired glucose tolerance. In this chapter, we review the present perspective on the use of a pedometer in the management of IGT in pregnant women by introducing our recently published work

    Paridade e influência do vento sobre a freqüência de Anopheles marajoara, São Paulo

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    OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the impact of wind velocity on the behavior of An. marajoara population and its parity. METHODS: Collections were made bimonthly from January 1999 to February 2000 in the municipality of Ilha Comprida, Brazil. Adult mosquitoes were captured with a battery hand aspirator. Mann-Whitney test was applied to verify the wind impact on mosquito behavior. Polovodova technique and Christophers and Mer's follicular development analysis were used to determine parity. RESULTS: A total of 11,833 mosquitoes were captured, including 3,072 An. marajoara specimens. The peak of activity of An. marajoara occurred from 2 to 5 AM. Amongst 1,006 An. marajoara females who had their ovarioles dissected, it was found 530 (52.7%) nulliparous, 432 (42.9%) uniparous, 24 (2.4%) biparous and 1 multiparous. According to Christophers and Mer analysis, 982 (97.6%) had their follicles in phases I and II, 7 in phases III and IV, and 17 in phase V. The frequency of An. marajoara was significantly lower when wind velocity was 3 km/h or more or below 3 km/h. CONCLUSIONS: An. marajoara mosquitoes were more active at night. About 50% of dissected An. marajoara females were oniparous. Another important finding was the high proportion of females (97.6%) with follicles in the Christophers and Mer's phases I and II, suggesting the presence of gonotrophic concordance. Wind velocity equal or higher than 3 km/h considerably reduced the frequency of An. marajoara.OBJETIVO: Avaliar a influência da velocidade do vento sobre o comportamento da população de Anopheles marajoara e sua paridade. MÉTODOS: As capturas foram feitas a cada dois meses, de janeiro de 1999 a fevereiro de 2000, no município de Ilha Comprida, no Estado de São Paulo, com utilização de aspirador manual movido à pilha. Utilizou-se o teste de Mann-Whitney para verificar a possível influência do vento sobre o comportamento dos mosquitos capturados. Para determinar a paridade, utilizou-se a técnica de Polovodova e a análise do desenvolvimento folicular de Christopher e Mer. RESULTADOS: Foram capturados 11.833 mosquitos, dos quais 3.072 foram de An. marajoara. Observou-se pico de atividade hematofágica de An. marajoara no período das 2:00 às 5:00h. Das 1.006 fêmeas dissecadas, 530 (52,7%) foram nulíparas, 432 (42,9%) uníparas, 24 (2,4%) bíparas e uma multípara; 982 (97,6%) apresentavam seus folículos nas fases I/II de Christopher e Mer, sete nas fases III/IV, e 17 na fase V. Verificou-se diferença significativa entre a freqüência de An. marajoara diante de vento com velocidades iguais ou superiores a 3 km/h e para medidas inferiores a 3 km/h. CONCLUSÕES: An. marajoara apresentou atividade hematofágica notadamente noturna. Verificou-se que aproximadamente 50% das fêmeas de An. marajoara dissecadas eram oníparas. O dado, associado à elevada porcentagem (97,6%) de fêmeas com folículos nos estágios I e II de Christopher e Mer, sugere a existência de concordância gonotrófica. A freqüência de An. marajoara sofreu considerável redução diante de ventos com velocidade igual ou superior a 3 km/h

    Distribuição vertical e sazonal de Anopheles (Kerteszia) em Ilha Comprida, SP

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    OBJECTIVE: Anopheles bellator e An. cruzii are vectors of the so-called bromeliad-malaria, typical of conserved areas. The objective was to evaluate the seasonal and vertical distribution of these anophelines, aiming at assessing the risk of malaria transmission. METHODS: In the municipality of Ilha Comprida, Southeastern Brazil, CDC light traps baited with dry ice were placed fortnightly from 17:00 to 20:00, at one, six and 12 meters high from September 2001 to September 2002. Association between An. bellator and An. cruzii densities and weather were assessed by Spearman coefficient and comparisons among heights and species densities were made by Mann-Whitney non-parametric test. RESULTS: A total of 55,226 mosquitoes were caught: 1,341 were An. bellator (2.4% of Culicidae), 278 at one meter, 261 at six meter and 802 at 12m high. Following the same sequence, An. cruzii was represented by 452, 1,032 and 4,420 adults, totalizing 5,904 mosquitoes (10.7%). There was a positive correlation between densities of both species and daily maximum temperature, and between density of An. bellator and thermal amplitude. The densities were higher for both species at tree canopy. At the three levels, the density of An. cruzii was higher. CONCLUSIONS: The acrodendrophilic behavior of these species was confirmed, remarkably in An. cruzii. After aggressive measures of control, these anophelines have remained in this region, but they are not under entomological surveillance. The persistent transmission of malaria and increasing tourism activities in this region highlight the need for surveillance of these species.OBJETIVO: Anopheles bellator e An. cruzii são vetores da malária-bromélia, característicos de áreas preservadas. O objetivo do estudo foi analisar a distribuição sazonal e vertical desses anofelinos, visando contribuir para a avaliação do risco de transmissão desse agravo. MÉTODOS: No município de Ilha Comprida, SP, foram instaladas armadilhas luminosas tipo CDC iscadas com gelo seco, das 17 às 20h, a um, seis e 12m do solo, quinzenalmente, de setembro de 2001 a setembro de 2002. A relação da densidade desses anofelinos com o clima foi avaliada pelo coeficiente de Spearman e suas densidades entre os estratos foram comparadas pelo teste não paramétrico de Mann-Whitney. RESULTADOS: Do total de 55.226 mosquitos, 1.341 eram An. bellator (2,4% do total de Culicidae), sendo capturados 278 indivíduos próximo ao solo, 261 a seis metros e 802 na copa (12 m). Na mesma ordem, foram capturados 452, 1.032 e 4.420 adultos de An. cruzii, totalizando 5.904 mosquitos desta espécie (10,7%). Houve correlação positiva entre a densidade das duas espécies com a temperatura máxima, e entre An. bellator e amplitude térmica diária. As densidades das duas espécies foram maiores na copa. Nos três estratos, An. cruzii predominou sobre An. bellator. CONCLUSÕES: Confirmou-se o comportamento acrodendrófilo dessas espécies, principalmente An. cruzii. Após medidas drásticas de controle, esses anofelinos permaneceram na região mas, atualmente, não são alvo de vigilância entomológica. A persistência da transmissão de malária autóctone e o incremento de atividades de ecoturismo na região apontam a necessidade de monitoramento dessas espécies