230 research outputs found
Daily entropy of dissolved oxygen reveals different energetic regimes and drivers among high‐mountain stream types
High‐resolution time series of dissolved oxygen (DO) have revealed different ecosystem energetics regimes across various stream types. Ecosystem energetic regimes are relevant to better understand the transformation and retention of nutrients and carbon in stream ecosystems. However, the patterns and controls of stream energetics in high‐mountain landscapes remain largely unknown. Here we monitored percent DO saturation (every 10 min) over 2 years in a glacier‐fed, krenal (groundwater‐fed) and a nival (snowmelt‐fed) stream as they are typical for the high mountains. We used daily Shannon entropy to explore the temporal dynamics of stream water DO and to infer information on the ecosystem energetics and on the potential drivers. We found that discharge modulated the drivers of DO variations at daily and seasonal scales. Elevated bed movement along with high turbidity and very high gas exchange rates drove the daily DO patterns in the glacier‐fed stream during snow and ice melt, whereas light seemed to drive DO dynamics in the krenal and nival streams. We found a window of favorable conditions for potential gross primary production (GPP) during the onset of the snowmelt in the glacier‐fed stream, whereas potential GPP seemed to extend over longer periods in the krenal and nival streams. Our findings suggest how the energetic regimes of these high‐mountain streams may change in the future as their biological and physical drivers change owing to climate warming
The influence of longwave ultraviolet radiation (u.v.-A) on the photosynthetic activity (14C-assimilation) of phytoplankton
The impact of u.v.-A (315-400 nm) on phytoplanktonic C-assimilation has been studied in situ and in the laboratory under artificial light. Water samples from Lake Lucerne were placed in DURAN-glass bottles and incubated either covered or uncovered with u.v. absorbing transparent tubes. Exposure to u.v.-A clearly inhibited 14C-assimilation in the uncovered samples both in situ and in the laboratory. Variations in visible light intensity and filtering of u.v.-B selectively demonstrated small inhibition of 14C-assimilation. U.v.-A inhibition of productivity is the major factor in the well known depression in productivity for surface water
Effects of experimental floods on periphyton and stream metabolism below a high dam in the Swiss Alps (River Spöl)
We investigated the effects of an experimental flood regime on periphyton and stream metabolism downstream of a large reservoir. Three floods took place in summer of 2000 and 2001 and two floods in summer of 2002. Residual flow in the River Spöl was <2.5 m3s-1. The experimental floods lasted 9 to 11 hours with peak flows ranging from 12 to 55 m3s-1. Periphyton was collected in the River Spöl (impact site) and in a reference stream in 1999 (pre-flood) and before and after each flood from 2000 to 2002. We measured ecosystem metabolism with the single station diel oxygen method a few days before and after floods in the River Spöl. Floods temporarily reduced periphyton biomass, but the disturbance impact and recovery patterns were not uniform among floods, thus resulting in high inter-annual variation in seasonal biomass patterns. The average periphyton biomass in the River Spöl even increased after a transient reduction in 2000. A principal component analysis indicated a persistent shift in the structure of the diatom community at the impact site. The floods reduced gross primary production and to minor extent ecosystem respiration, resulting in a transient decline in the P/R ratio. However, ecosystem metabolism recovered relatively fast. The new flow regime increased ecosystem dynamics, but it may take several years until the autotrophic energy base becomes adapted to the new and more dynamic flow regim
The physico-chemical habitat template for periphyton in alpine glacial streams under a changing climate
The physico-chemical habitat template of glacial streams in the Alps is characterized by distinct and predictable changes between harsh and relatively benign periods. Spring and autumn were thought to be windows of favorable environmental conditions conducive for periphyton development. Periphyton biomass (measured as chlorophyll a and ash-free dry mass) was quantified in five glacial and three non-glacial streams over an annual cycle. One glacial stream was an outlet stream of a proglacial lake. In all glacial streams, seasonal patterns in periphyton were characterized by low biomass during summer high flow when high turbidity and transport of coarse sediment prevailed. With the end of icemelt in autumn, environmental conditions became more favorable and periphyton biomass increased. Biomass peaked between late September and January. In spring, low flow, low turbidity, and a lack of coarse sediment transport were not paralleled by an increase in periphyton biomass. In the non-glacial streams, seasonal periphyton patterns were similar to those of glacial streams, but biomass was significantly higher. Glacier recession from climate change may shift water sources in glacier streams and attenuate the glacial flow pulse. These changes could alter predicted periods of optimal periphyton development. The window of opportunity for periphyton accrual will shift earlier and extend into autumn in channels that retain surface flow
The measurement of primary productivity in a high-rate oxidation pond (HROP)
A high-rate oxidation pond is studied as a model system for comparing 14C and oxygen evolution methods as tools for measuring primary productivity in hypertrophic aquatic systems. Our results indicate that at very dense algal populations (up to 5 mg chl. a l−1) and high photosynthetic rates, 14C based results may severely underestimate primary productivity, unless a way is found to keep incubation times very short. Results obtained with our oxygen electrode were almost an order of magnitude higher than those obtained by all 14C procedures. These higher values correspond fairly well with a field-tested computer-simulation model, as well as with direct harvest data obtained at the same pond when operated under similar conditions. The examination of the size-fractionation of the photosynthetic activity underscored the important contribution of nannoplanktonic algae to the total production of the syste
Near streambed flow shapes microbial guilds within and across trophic levels in fluvial biofilms
Flow is an important physical driver of biofilm communities. Here, we tested the effects of the near bed flows in two mountainous stream reaches on the structure of biofilm microbial guilds (autotrophs, heterotrophic bacteria, and heterotrophic protists) within and across trophic levels. Near bed flow velocity and turbulent kinetic energy were important physical drivers for structuring the communities within and across guilds of the multitrophic fluvial biofilms. The effects of flow were nested in a seasonal and spatial (across-streams) context. Changes in physicochemical factors (temperature, light, dissolved carbon, and nutrients) along the reaches were alike in both streams suggesting that environmental boundary conditions at larger temporal scales were responsible for the seasonal differences of biofilm communities, whereas locally microbial diversity was shaped by near bed flow. Typically, the abundance of autotrophs increased with flow, indicating that biofilms shifted toward increasing autotrophy with increasing shear forces. Filamentous autotrophs seemed to provide protected habitats from the shear forces for smaller sized bacteria. Heterotrophic protist abundance decreased with flow leading to decreasing grazer to prey ratio. Bacteria thus benefitted from a reduction in grazing pressure at faster flowing, more turbulent sites. Our results suggest that near bed flow can impact the magnitude and direction of matter fluxes through the microbial food web and possibly affect ecosystem functioning of fluvial biofilms
Creating, moving and merging Dirac points with a Fermi gas in a tunable honeycomb lattice
Dirac points lie at the heart of many fascinating phenomena in condensed
matter physics, from massless electrons in graphene to the emergence of
conducting edge states in topological insulators [1, 2]. At a Dirac point, two
energy bands intersect linearly and the particles behave as relativistic Dirac
fermions. In solids, the rigid structure of the material sets the mass and
velocity of the particles, as well as their interactions. A different, highly
flexible approach is to create model systems using fermionic atoms trapped in
the periodic potential of interfering laser beams, a method which so far has
only been applied to explore simple lattice structures [3, 4]. Here we report
on the creation of Dirac points with adjustable properties in a tunable
honeycomb optical lattice. Using momentum-resolved interband transitions, we
observe a minimum band gap inside the Brillouin zone at the position of the
Dirac points. We exploit the unique tunability of our lattice potential to
adjust the effective mass of the Dirac fermions by breaking inversion symmetry.
Moreover, changing the lattice anisotropy allows us to move the position of the
Dirac points inside the Brillouin zone. When increasing the anisotropy beyond a
critical limit, the two Dirac points merge and annihilate each other - a
situation which has recently attracted considerable theoretical interest [5-9],
but seems extremely challenging to observe in solids [10]. We map out this
topological transition in lattice parameter space and find excellent agreement
with ab initio calculations. Our results not only pave the way to model
materials where the topology of the band structure plays a crucial role, but
also provide an avenue to explore many-body phases resulting from the interplay
of complex lattice geometries with interactions [11, 12]
Ecosystem impacts of Alpine water intakes for hydropower: the challenge of sediment management
The natural flow hydrological characteristics (such as the magnitude, frequency, duration, timing, and rate of change of discharge) of Alpine streams, dominated by snowmelt and glacier melt, have been established for many years. More recently, the ecosystems that they sustain have been described and explained. However, natural Alpine flow regimes may be strongly modified by hydroelectric power production, which impacts upon both river discharge and sediment transfer, and hence on downstream flora and fauna. The impacts of barrages or dams have been well studied. However, there is a second type of flow regulation, associated with flow abstraction at intakes where the water is transferred laterally, either to another valley for storage, or at altitude within the same valley for eventual release downstream. Like barrages, such intakes also trap sediment, but because they are much smaller, they fill more frequently and so need to be flushed regularly. Downstream, while the flow regime is substantially modified, the delivery of sediment (notably coarser fractions) remains. The ecosystem impacts of such systems have been rarely considered. Through reviewing the state of our knowledge of Alpine ecosystems, we outline the key research questions that will need to be addressed in order to modify intake management so as to reduce downstream ecological impacts. Simply redesigning river flows to address sediment management will be ineffective because such redesign cannot restore a natural sediment regime and other approaches are likely to be required if stream ecology in such systems is to be improved
Cystic Fibrosis-Niche Adaptation of Pseudomonas aeruginosa Reduces Virulence in Multiple Infection Hosts
The opportunistic pathogen Pseudomonas aeruginosa is able to thrive in diverse ecological niches and to cause serious human infection. P. aeruginosa environmental strains are producing various virulence factors that are required for establishing acute infections in several host organisms; however, the P. aeruginosa phenotypic variants favour long-term persistence in the cystic fibrosis (CF) airways. Whether P. aeruginosa strains, which have adapted to the CF-niche, have lost their competitive fitness in the other environment remains to be investigated. In this paper, three P. aeruginosa clonal lineages, including early strains isolated at the onset of infection, and late strains, isolated after several years of chronic lung infection from patients with CF, were analysed in multi-host model systems of acute infection. P. aeruginosa early isolates caused lethality in the three non-mammalian hosts, namely Caenorhabditis elegans, Galleria mellonella, and Drosophila melanogaster, while late adapted clonal isolates were attenuated in acute virulence. When two different mouse genetic background strains, namely C57Bl/6NCrl and Balb/cAnNCrl, were used as acute infection models, early P. aeruginosa CF isolates were lethal, while late isolates exhibited reduced or abolished acute virulence. Severe histopathological lesions, including high leukocytes recruitment and bacterial load, were detected in the lungs of mice infected with P. aeruginosa CF early isolates, while late isolates were progressively cleared. In addition, systemic bacterial spread and invasion of epithelial cells, which were detected for P. aeruginosa CF early strains, were not observed with late strains. Our findings indicate that niche-specific selection in P. aeruginosa reduced its ability to cause acute infections across a broad range of hosts while maintaining the capacity for chronic infection in the CF host
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