358 research outputs found

    A Simple Expression for the Trajectories under the Effects of Space Charge in a Quadrupole Lens

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    A simple method for the numerical analysis of the second order non-linear coupled differential equations, which represent the trajectories in a quadrupole lens under the effects of space charge, is shown. The resultant equations of the trajectories are expressed by the usual matrix form. The numerical results are shown for a few typical cases

    Microscopic Magnetic Properties of (V1x_{1-x}Tix_{x})2_2O3_3 near the Phase Boundary of the Metal-Insulator Transition

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    Magnetic susceptibility (chi) and 51^{51}V NMR have been measured in (V1x_{1-x}Tix_{x})2_2O3_3 near the phase boundary of the metal-insulator transition. It is established that the transition from antiferromagnetic insulating (AFI) to antiferromagnetic metallic phases near xc0.05x_{\rm c}\approx 0.05 is not quantum critical but is discontinuous with a jump of the transition temperature. In the AFI phase at 4.2 K, we observed the satellite in the zero-field 51^{51}V NMR spectrum around 181 MHz in addition to the ``host'' resonance around 203 MHz. The satellite is also observable in the paramagnetic metallic phase of the x = 0.055 sample. We associated the satellite with the V sites near Ti which are in the V3+^{3+}-like oxidation state but has different temperature dependence of the NMR shift from that of the host V site. The host d-spin susceptibility for x = 0.055 decreases below \sim60 K but remains finite in the low-temperature limit.Comment: 9 pages, 4 eps figures; corrected the author lis

    Cholesterol accumulation in ovarian follicles causes ovulation defects in Abca1a⁻/⁻ Japanese medaka (Oryzias latipes)

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    ATP-binding cassette A1 (ABCA1) is a membrane protein, which exports excess cellular cholesterol to generate HDL to reduce the risk of the onset of cardiovascular diseases (CVD). In addition, ABCA1 exerts pleiotropic effects on such as inflammation, tissue repair, and cell proliferation and migration. In this study, we explored the novel physiological roles of ABCA1 using Japanese medaka (Oryzias latipes), a small teleost fish. Three Abca1 genes were found in the medaka genome. ABCA1A and ABCA1C exported cholesterol to generate nascent HDL as human ABCA1 when expressed in HEK293 cells. To investigate their physiological roles, each Abca1-deficient fish was generated using the CRISPR-Cas9 system. Abca1a−/− female medaka was found to be infertile, while Abca1b−/− and Abca1c−/− female medaka were fertile. In vitro ovarian follicle culture suggested that Abca1a deficiency causes ovulation defects. In the ovary, ABCA1A was expressed in theca cells, an outermost layer of the ovarian follicle. Total cholesterol content of Abca1a−/− ovary was significantly higher than that of the wild-type, while estrogen and progestin contents were compatible with those of the wild-type. Furthermore, cholesterol loading to the wild-type follicles caused ovulation defects. These results suggest that ABCA1A in theca cells regulates cholesterol content in the ovarian follicles and its deficiency inhibits successful ovulation through cholesterol accumulation in the ovarian follicle

    Study of Views on Posthumous Reproduction, Focusing on Its Relation with Views on Family and Religion in Modern Japan

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    Posthumous reproduction has been performed in Japan several times, without sufficient civic discussion on its appropriateness or legislative regulation. There have even been several lawsuits on posthumous acknowledgment (in which a baby born to a deceased father has the same birthright as a baby born to a living father), and some judgments have proposed the need to develop societal agreement on posthumous reproduction and suggested legislative settlement. With this background, this study aims to clarify the views of the Japanese people regarding posthumous reproduction. In December 2007, we distributed a questionnaire on posthumous reproduction in relation to beliefs about family and religion to 32 universities across the country, and received 3,719 replies. It was found that about 60&#65397; of respondents agreed with posthumous reproduction. Statistical analysis was applied to the relationship between this overall position on posthumous reproduction and views on assisted reproduction technologies, family, religion, and so on. The degree of support for posthumous reproduction was strongly correlated with the degree of affirmation of assisted reproduction technologies and a liberal worldview with emphasis on self-determination. On the other hand, there was also a strong correlation with having a traditional view of family, such as family succession. The degree of support for posthumous reproduction was also highly correlated with the intimacy among family members, underlying which was a strong connection to the traditional religious belief in Japan that deceased family members watch the living ones. The view on posthumous reproduction is culturally complex and cannot be explained by a simple dichotomy between traditional conservatives and liberals.</p

    In vivo FRET analyses reveal a role of ATP hydrolysis–associated conformational changes in human P-glycoprotein

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    P-glycoprotein (P-gp; also known as MDR1 or ABCB1) is an ATP-driven multidrug transporter that extrudes various hydrophobic toxic compounds to the extracellular space. P-gp consists of two transmembrane domains (TMDs) that form the substrate translocation pathway and two nucleotide-binding domains (NBDs) that bind and hydrolyze ATP. At least two P-gp states are required for transport. In the inward-facing (pre-drug transport) conformation, the two NBDs are separated, and the two TMDs are open to the intracellular side; in the outward-facing (post-drug transport) conformation, the NBDs are dimerized, and the TMDs are slightly open to the extracellular side. ATP binding and hydrolysis cause conformational changes between the inward-facing and the outward-facing conformations, and these changes help translocate substrates across the membrane. However, how ATP hydrolysis is coupled to these conformational changes remains unclear. In this study, we used a new FRET sensor that detects conformational changes in P-gp to investigate the role of ATP binding and hydrolysis during the conformational changes of human P-gp in living HEK293 cells. We show that ATP binding causes the conformational change to the outward-facing state and that ATP hydrolysis and subsequent release of γ-phosphate from both NBDs allow the outward-facing state to return to the original inward-facing state. The findings of our study underscore the utility of using FRET analysis in living cells to elucidate the function of membrane proteins such as multidrug transporters

    Studies on the Leaf Temperature of Muscat of Alexandria under Glass. I.

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    1.Muscat of Alexandria栽培の硝子室(5.4×12.6m)内で地上1.2mおよび棟下部に百葉箱を,また棚部を西側から東側にむかって西下部(I)→西中部(II)→棟部(III)→東中部(IV)→東下部(V)に区分し,葉と硝子面との中間にサーミスタを内包する白厚紙製傘付二重円筒をとりつけた.室内を棟下に電動換気扇(直径25cm)をとりつけた換気区と,無処理区とに区劃し1966年8月5,6の両日に9~17時まで各部位の気温および葉温を測定した.2.無処理区:換気区の順序に示せば8月6日15時の地上百葉箱内気温は36.3:35.8℃,棟直下部のそれは40.3:38.2℃,棟下部の二重円筒内温度は50.0:39.8℃であった.これにくらべてII,III,IV,3部位の同時刻の平均葉温は47.1:38.3℃で両区の差は8.8℃である.3.無処理区の9~17時のI~V各部位の葉温の推移をみると,II,III部位では極めてよく似ており15時には50℃以上となる.IV部位では10時に45.1℃となるが以後低下する.意外にもV部位では11~14時の間46.4~43.6℃でIV部位よりはるかに高温である.I部位では午前中の葉温は最も低いばかりではなく,西から吹いている微風のためか最高温度(15時)も42.7℃にすぎない.4.換気装置による葉温低下効果は大であって,15時の葉温はII:I:III:IV:V部位の順序に示せばそれぞれ43.5:38.9:36.7:34.8:34.8℃であった

    Crucial role of vinexin for keratinocyte migration in vitro and epidermal wound healing in vivo.

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    In the process of tissue injury and repair, epithelial cells rapidly migrate and form epithelial sheets. Vinexin is a cytoplasmic molecule of the integrin-containing cell adhesion complex localized at focal contacts in vitro. Here, we investigated the roles of vinexin in keratinocyte migration in vitro and wound healing in vivo. Vinexin knockdown using siRNA delayed migration of both HaCaT human keratinocytes and A431 epidermoid carcinoma cells in scratch assay but did not affect cell proliferation. Induction of cell migration by scratching the confluent monolayer culture of these cells activated both EGFR and ERK, and their inhibitors AG1478 and U0126 substantially suppressed scratch-induced keratinocyte migration. Vinexin knockdown in these cells inhibited the scratch-induced activation of EGFR, but not that of ERK, suggesting that vinexin promotes cell migration via activation of EGFR. We further generated vinexin (-/-) mice and isolated their keratinocytes. They similarly showed slow migration in scratch assay. Furthermore, vinexin (-/-) mice exhibited a delay in cutaneous wound healing in both the back skin and tail without affecting the proliferation of keratinocytes. Together, these results strongly suggest a crucial role of vinexin in keratinocyte migration in vitro and cutaneous wound healing in vivo