1,807 research outputs found

    Generalized Einstein or Green-Kubo relations for active biomolecular transport

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    For driven Markovian dynamics on a network of (biomolecular) states, the generalized mobilities, i.e., the response of any current to changes in an external parameter, are expressed by an integral over an appropriate current-current correlation function and thus related to the generalized diffusion constants. As only input, a local detailed balance condition is required typically even valid for biomolecular systems operating deep in the non-equilibrium regime.Comment: 4 page

    Dynamics of quantum adiabatic evolution algorithm for Number Partitioning

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    We have developed a general technique to study the dynamics of the quantum adiabatic evolution algorithm applied to random combinatorial optimization problems in the asymptotic limit of large problem size nn. We use as an example the NP-complete Number Partitioning problem and map the algorithm dynamics to that of an auxilary quantum spin glass system with the slowly varying Hamiltonian. We use a Green function method to obtain the adiabatic eigenstates and the minimum excitation gap, gmin=O(n2n/2)g_{\rm min}={\cal O}(n 2^{-n/2}), corresponding to the exponential complexity of the algorithm for Number Partitioning. The key element of the analysis is the conditional energy distribution computed for the set of all spin configurations generated from a given (ancestor) configuration by simulteneous fipping of a fixed number of spins. For the problem in question this distribution is shown to depend on the ancestor spin configuration only via a certain parameter related to the energy of the configuration. As the result, the algorithm dynamics can be described in terms of one-dimenssional quantum diffusion in the energy space. This effect provides a general limitation on the power of a quantum adiabatic computation in random optimization problems. Analytical results are in agreement with the numerical simulation of the algorithm.Comment: 32 pages, 5 figures, 3 Appendices; List of additions compare to v.3: (i) numerical solution of the stationary Schroedinger equation for the adiabatic eigenstates and eigenvalues; (ii) connection between the scaling law of the minimum gap with the problem size and the shape of the coarse-grained distribution of the adiabatic eigenvalues at the avoided-crossing poin

    Determinants of Private Investment in Nigeria: An Empirical Exploration

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    In recent years, private investment has been accorded renewed emphasis and important place as engine of economic growth and development. This paper examines issues on and determinants of private investment in Nigeria. The findings show that, among other things, from the colonial government era up to the Nigeria’s First Development Plan of 1964, there was commitment to the promotion of private investment. The relative non-performance of the private sector in general and the disappointing inflow of expected foreign capital during the First National Development Plan in particular, spurred the need for greater public sector involvement in the economic activities. The unprecedented increase in crude oil earnings from the 1970s through the early 1980 gave the public sector further impetus to move in and dominated the scene in the Nigerian economy. Consequently, private sector was reduced drastically and forced into becoming an appendage of public sector. This resulted in the preponderance of public investment and very low level of private investment. Prompted by the global wind of change on the role of the government in economic development process and domestic realities of dwindling government revenue caused by a fall in crude oil prices in the international market, many economic policies such as privatization and deregulation as well as sectoral reforms aimed at restructuring the economy, down-sizing the public sector and enhance private investment had been formulated and implemented. This work establishes that the expected sustained improvement in the level of private investment has been greatly constrained by the adverse impacts exerted by most of the determinants of private investment. The study has identified determinants of private investment in Nigeria to include domestic inflation rate, size and growth rate of market, availability and access to bank credit, interest rate, fiscal deficits, public investment rate, poor provision of infrastructure, political and economic stability, investment climate and institutional factors. The study recommends proper mobilization of investible fund in the economy by the banking sector through high saving deposits rates and accessibility of such fund by private investors through low lending rate, avoidance of excessive deficit financing and drastic reduction of government borrowing from the banking sector, provision of adequate and efficient internal security, political stability, sustained democratic government and good governance. Public investment should therefore, concentrate on the provision of critical economic and social infrastructure like road, electricity supply, education and health services which enter private sector production directly. Keywords: Investment determinants, Private investment, Nigeria

    Modelling, Analysis and Design of a Bottle-Shaped Building

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    The emergence of unique structures around the world have turned the points of it location to centers of attraction thereby yielding benefits to the economy of the cities where they are cited. Worldwide, iconic structures stand out, placing its location on the map. Hence, the idea of bottle-shaped building was birthed trying to put bottle to tension. This research models, analyses and designs a bottle-shaped structure according the British Standard. The works carried out in this research consisted of step by step generation of a three dimensional computer models of the bottle shaped super- structure, analysis and design of critical members for various combination of dead load, live load and the wind load and the critical analysis of the results obtained. The results of the nonlinear finite element analysis carried out for different ranges of loading scenarios were so exiting. It confirmed the validity of the approach adopted for the model and showed that the realization of the structure is very feasible

    Resources for Chemistry Teaching in Secondary Schools in Akwa Ibom State, Nigeria

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    This study investigated the status of human and material resources for effective implementation of the new chemistry curriculum for secondary schools in Nigeria in Akwa Ibom state. To achieve the objectives of the study, two research questions were raised. Ex-post-facto design was used. The sample consisted of 105 chemistry teachers from all the 31 local government areas of the state using criterion sampling technique. A researcher-developed questionnaire, Resources for Chemistry Teaching Questionnaire (RCTQ), with a reliability index of 0.83 determined using Cronbach’s alpha reliability formula, was used in collecting relevant data. The results of data analyses using percentage rating showed that available human resources are not equitably distributed; the basic facilities are either lacking or are grossly inadequate; and the basic chemicals and equipment for students’ activities are either lacking or are grossly inadequate. Consequently, it was been recommended that the state government should urgent steps to ensure successful implementation of the new curriculum in the state

    Оценка погрешности выделения сигнала из шума на основе синхронного детектирования

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    Объектом исследования является метод синхронного детектирования, его применение и оценка погрешностей при разных параметрах. Цель работы – анализ составляющих погрешности при выделении сигнала методом синхронного детектирования. В процессе исследования проводился анализ принципа синхронного детектирования, аналитический обзор средств измерений на основе синхронного детектирования. Также проводилась оценка составляющих погрешности при отклонении частот детектируемого и опорного сигнала, влияние некогерентности опорного сигнала, влияние не ортогональности опорных сигналов. В результате исследования были получены оценки составляющих погрешности при отклонении частот детектируемого и опорного сигнала, а также было выявлено влияние некогерентности опорного сигнала, влияние не ортогональности опорных сигналов. Экономическая эффективность/значимость работы: реализация данного научно-технического проекта, позволяет увеличить эффективность производства, с ресурсосберегающей стороны путем внедрения новых синхронных усилителей с меньшей погрешностью, это позволит производить измерения более точно.The object of the study is the method of synchronous detection, its application and estimation of errors in different parameters. The work purpose – the analysis of the error components when the selection signal by the method of synchronous detection. In the process of investigation the analysis of the principle of synchronous detection, analytical review of measurement tools based on synchronous detection. Also was evaluated the components of the error in the frequency deviation detected and the reference signal, the influence of the incoherence of the reference signal, the influence of orthogonality of a reference signal. The study produced estimates of the components of error in the frequency deviation detected and the reference signal, but also revealed the effects of incoherence of the reference signal, the influence of orthogonality of a reference signal. Economic efficiency and significance of the work: the implementation of this research project, allows to increase production efficiency, resource-saving hand through the introduction of new synchronous amplifiers with reduced error, this will allow to measure more precisely

    Factors Affecting Teaching and Learning of Basic Science and Technology in Primary Schools

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    The purpose of this study was to investigate into the factors that affect teaching and learning of Basic Science and Technology in primary schools. The population of the study consisted of 100 male and female teachers in the primary schools. A survey research design was adopted for the study, three research questions and two null hypotheses were formulated base on the specific purpose of the study. The data for the study were collected by means of structured questionnaire developed the researcher. The data collected were analyzed using mean score to answer research questions, while the null hypotheses were tasted using t-test at 0.05 level of significance. The study revealed that most of the instructional materials were not available for teaching basic science in primary schools. The non available of material implies their non-utilization. Primary school administrators should encourage classroom teachers to produce and use instructional materials in teaching. Teachers should not wait for the Government to do everything, they should go extra mile in the provision of instructional materials for their pupils. Keywords: Basic Science, Technology, Instructional Materials, Educatio