70 research outputs found

    Rifting of the north-western South China Sea Basin from MCS images

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    European Geosciences Union General Assembly 2014 (EGU2014), 27 april - 2 may 2014, Vienna, Austria.-- 1 pageWe have reprocessed about 2250 km of multichannel seismic reflection data collected during cruise Sonne 49 across the NW South China Sea. We present images across four regional lines that cross the outer continental shelf and slope, and extend into the deep-water basin. The seismic images are of high quality and show the crustal structure from clear base-of-the-crust reflections to continuous top-of-basement reflections and a well imaged syn-rift and post rift stratigraphy and intrusive magmatic layering. In addition, fault reflections in the basement are also common. The crystalline basement and sediment strata display a series of structures that change laterally from the continental shelf to the deep-water basin and that have been used to define a continental domain, an abrupt continent to ocean transition and an oceanic domain. Existing wide-angle data coincident with our lines support our interpretation. The style of continental extension, the structures defining the continent to ocean transition, and the distribution of oceanic crust in the basin has been used to propose a tectonic model of the formation of the NW South China Sea continental margin. The data document the three-dimensional temporal evolution of the interplay between rifting processes and seafloor spreading leading to the current structural configurationPeer Reviewe

    Subducting seamounts control interplate coupling and seismic rupture in the 2014 Iquique earthquake area

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    To date, the parameters that determine the rupture area of great subduction zone earthquakes remain contentious. On 1 April 2014, the Mw 8.1 Iquique earthquake ruptured a portion of the well-recognized northern Chile seismic gap but left large highly coupled areas un-ruptured. Marine seismic reflection and swath bathymetric data indicate that structural variations in the subducting Nazca Plate control regional-scale plate-coupling variations, and the limited extent of the 2014 earthquake. Several under-thrusting seamounts correlate to the southward and up-dip arrest of seismic rupture during the 2014 Iquique earthquake, thus supporting a causal link. By fracturing of the overriding plate, the subducting seamounts are likely further responsible for reduced plate-coupling in the shallow subduction zone and in a lowly coupled region around 20.5°S. Our data support that structural variations in the lower plate influence coupling and seismic rupture offshore Northern Chile, whereas the structure of the upper plate plays a minor role

    Seismic reflection evidence for a Dangerous Grounds miniplate: No extrusion origin for the South China Sea

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    The collision of India and Asia has caused large strike-slip faults to form in east Asia, resulting in the extrusion of crustal blocks toward the southeast since the Eocene as a result of the indentation of rigid India into Asia. It has been suggested that the South China Sea opened as a result of relative motion between a rigid Indochina (Sundaland) block and China. Alternative models propose that riffing and seafloor spreading were driven by trench forces to the south. We test these competing models by analysis of seismic reflection profiles across the boundary between Sundaland and the southern rifted margin, known as the Dangerous Grounds. We show that the southern boundary of the Dangerous Grounds is a subduction zone that jammed in the middle Miocene. To the west the Dangerous Grounds are bounded by a strike-slip zone, also active until ∼16 Ma, that becomes diffuse south of the now inactive South China Sea seafloor spreading center. We place the western edge of the Dangerous Grounds just to the east of the Natuna Arch (Lupar Line). The West Baram Line is confirmed as originating as a major strike-slip fault within the Dangerous Grounds and is continuous with the Red River Fault Zone. Because the Dangerous Grounds were independent of Sundaland until ∼16 Ma, its motion cannot have been constrained by motion of this block, making extrusion impossible as a mechanism to rift the South China Sea. SE motion by both the Dangerous Grounds and Sundaland suggests subduction forces were the primary trigger for plate motions. Our reconstruction places a ∼280 km upper limit on the motion on the Red River Fault and a ∼1400 km width to the paleo-South China Sea. Copyright 2008 by the American Geophysical Union

    Thermal regime of the Costa Rican convergent margin: 1. Along-strike variations in heat flow from probe measurements and estimated from bottom-simulating reflectors

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    21 pages, 9 figures, 1 tableThe thermal structure of convergent margins provides information related to the tectonics, geodynamics, metamorphism, and fluid flow of active plate boundaries. We report 176 heat flow measurements made with a violin bow style probe across the Costa Rican margin at the Middle America Trench. The probe measurements are collocated with seismic reflection lines. These seismic reflection lines show widespread distribution of bottom-simulating reflectors (BSRs). To extend the spatial coverage of heat flow measurements we estimate heat flow from the depth of BSRs. Comparisons between probe measurements and BSR-derived estimates of heat flow are generally within 10% and improve with distance landward of the deformation front. Together, these determinations provide new information on the thermal regime of this margin. Consistent with previous studies, the margin associated with the northern Nicoya Peninsula is remarkably cool. We define better the southern boundary of the cool region. The northern extent of the cool region remains poorly determined. A regional trend of decreasing heat flow landward of the deformation front is apparent, consistent with the downward advection of heat by the subducting Cocos Plate. High wave number variability at a scale of 5–10 km is significantly greater than the measurement uncertainty and is greater south of the northern Nicoya Peninsula. These heat flow anomalies vary between approximately 20 and 60 mW m−2 and are most likely due to localized fluid flow through mounds and faults on the margin. Simple one-dimensional models show that these anomalies are consistent with flow rates of 7–15 mm yr−1. Across the margin toe variability is significant and likely due to fluid flow through deformation structures associated with the frontal sedimentary prismThis research was support by an NSF award (OCE‐0637120) to R.N.H. We thank R. von Huene, P. Fulton, and G. Spinelli for helpful comments. Heat flow data acquisition was funded by the German Science Foundation (DFG) through grant Vi 133/7‐1 to H.V. and I.G. and the SFB 574 “Volatiles and fluids in subduction zones” at Christan‐Albrechts University, Kiel. This is a contribution of the Barcelona Center for Subsurface Imaging (Barcelona‐CSI) supported by the Kaleidoscope project of REPSOLPeer Reviewe

    Revised tectonic boundaries in the Cocos Plate off Costa Rica: Implications for the segmentation of the convergent margin and for plate tectonic models

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    The oceanic Cocos Plate subducting beneath Costa Rica has a complex plate tectonic history resulting in segmentation. New lines of magnetic data clearly define tectonic boundaries which separate lithosphere formed at the East Pacific Rise from lithosphere formed at the Cocos-Nazca spreading center. They also define two early phase Cocos-Nazca spreading regimes and a major propagator. In addition to these sharply defined tectonic boundaries are overprinted boundaries from volcanism during passage of Cocos Plate over the Galapagos hot spot. The subducted segment boundaries correspond with distinct changes in upper plate tectonic structure and features of the subducted slab. Newly identified seafloor-spreading anomalies show oceanic lithosphere formed during initial breakup of the Farallon Plate at 22.7 Ma and opening of the Cocos-Nazca spreading center. A revised regional compilation of magnetic anomalies allows refinement of plate tectonic models for the early history of the Cocos-Nazca spreading center. At 19.5 Ma a major ridge jump reshaped its geometry, and after ∼14.5 Ma multiple southward ridge jumps led to a highly asymmetric accretion of lithosphere. A suspected cause of ridge jumps is an interaction of the Cocos-Nazca spreading center with the Galapagos hot spot