65 research outputs found

    Seismic Evaluation and Remediation of Embankment Dam

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    The seismic stability of the Croton Dam left embankment, was evaluated for potential earthquake ground motions. Field and laboratory test results were used to characterize the static and dynamic properties of the embankment and foundation materials. Results showed liquefaction and strength loss in certain zones of the embankment resulting in large deformation of the slope. Remediation of these areas of the dam was necessary. Various techniques were evaluated including drainage, construction of a berm at toe, vibro-grouted stone columns and compaction grouting. Compaction grouting was selected

    Social Welfare and Poverty Reduction Activities of NGOs in Bangladesh: An Empirical Study

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    Bangladesh is both a developing nation and a medium-sized economic power. It is among the eleven market-based middle-income countries with the fastest expanding economies. It is the forty-second market-based economy on the planet in nominal terms and the thirty-first largest by purchasing power parity. According to the IMF, Bangladesh's economy is the second biggest country on an upswing in 2016, with an annual rate of 7.1%. Since the early 2000s, Bangladesh's poverty has unexpectedly decreased, accelerating economic growth. Non-governmental organizations (NGOs) actively contribute to the decline of extreme poverty in our nation. NGOs engaged in some charitable work and improved social welfare. This study's primary goal is to show how NGOs and their initiatives affect Bangladesh's social welfare and poverty reduction. Researchers have used primary and secondary data and powerful statistical tools to assess pertinent data to accomplish these goals. From the researchers' observations, data analysis, and findings, it is clear that NGO programs significantly promote social welfare and reduce poverty in Bangladesh

    Design and Fabrications of 156xi Single Transistor Dynamic Ram

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    School of Electrical and Computer Engineerin

    High speed laser welding instability and optimization.

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    Laser welding has firmly entrenched itself as an attractive manufacturing process technology in the industry. Despite its role of a viable manufacturing process, its overall efficiency is not significantly higher than other joining processes, in particular resistance welding. It is apparent that the high traverse speed of laser welding would increase the manufacturing process efficiency and productivity. One aspect of the research is to optimize process parameters for the physical performance of automotive body-in-white sheet steels joined by high speed welding. For this purpose, exploratory phases of pre-design experiments, bead-on-plate welding and optimization of welding in butt joint configurations are adopted. Parametric design schemes are undertaken in this research. The parametric design methodology is adopted to optimize the product and process design prior to recommendation for production implementation. This methodology takes into account the quality in the experimentation phase since so-called real-time quality control and/or SPC (statistical process control) can never fully compensate for all the physical process variables. Taguchi methodology, though used for other joining processes, is applicable to laser welding but has never been studied. This research discusses the laser welding optimization using Taguchi methodology. The Taguchi methodology employed a set of orthogonal arrays. The orthogonal array used in this experiment is L\sb8 (2\sp7) orthogonal array. The L\sb8 orthogonal array employs only 8 prototype trials while the equivalent conventional full factorial experiment would be 128. Though the designs sacrifice the effects of complex interactions of process variables, but the number of tests has been reduced 16-fold. The two levels of process variables such as speed, shield gas, flow rate, nozzle diameter are used along with three beam parameters each also at two-level. Two material conditions are also studied. The welding experiments were conducted on sheet steels in the butt joint configurations. A 10 kW fast axial flow continuous-wave CO\sb2 laser was used for all the trials. The sheets were butt welded transverse to the joint and parallel to the sheet rolling direction. The bead profile of the laser welds were investigated through visual and optical examinations. The most significant process parameters that provided the highest quality of welds were established. The quality characteristics were determined through destructive testing. It is observed that the high speed laser welds are associated with defects such as bead protrusion commonly known as humping, hole formation, undercutting, etc. Though these phenomena have been observed previously, in high speed laser, electron beam and arc welding, there is a scarcity of reported physical explanation of the cause of these high speed weld nonlinearities. A mathematical model is developed to correlate the instabilities of high speed weld melt pool. The weld molten pool behavior is explained in terms incompressible Newtonian fluid flow. The continuity and momentum equations are formulated for surface perturbation or instability of the melt. The surface perturbation is defined as the quasi-periodic protruded bead structure measured after solidification. The surface perturbation is not measurable within the weld speed that does not create weld defects and is distinctive of striations. The onset of instability is determined employing dynamic similitude that correlates the weld penetration and weld speed. A comparison of experimental welding speed showed a good approximation to the weld surface perturbation. This thesis detailed the mathematical formulation of propagation of the perturbation on the melt at high weld speed and experimentally determines the stability/instability criteria.Dept. of Mechanical, Automotive, and Materials Engineering. Paper copy at Leddy Library: Theses & Major Papers - Basement, West Bldg. / Call Number: Thesis1994 .U32. Source: Dissertation Abstracts International, Volume: 56-11, Section: B, page: 6356. Adviser: D. F. Watt. Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Windsor (Canada), 1995

    The effects of vitamin D on Immunoresponsive gene 1 and KrĂĽppel-like Factor 2 protein expression in the lung due to the cadmium poisoning

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    Background: Cadmium, a well-known hazardous heavy metal and non-essential component, has several negative health effects. The long-term use of cadmium toxin to develop a pulmonary model, evaluation of Irg1 gene expression and KLF-2 protein and serum IL4 levels following model induction, and evaluation of vitamin D's therapeutic effects in reducing pulmonary and hepatic complications in a mice model have not been studied.Methods: A total of 40 healthy female C57 black 6 mice weighing 20–25 g and approximately 6–8 weeks’ old were purchased from animal husbandry, Pasteur Institute of Iran. After induction of the model, the mice were assigned to the following groups such as Group 1 (G1): mice were euthanized the day after induction. Group 2(G2): mice were ethically killed 21 days after induction. Group 3(G3) mice were treated with vitamin D and euthanized 5 days after treatment. Group 4(G4): mice were treated with vitamin D and euthanized 21 days after treatment. Vitamin D3 with a concentration of 300,000 units per milliliter, which is equivalent to 7.5 mg per 1 microliter, and 13.5 μl of the main stock is equivalent to 100 ng, which is used for 1 kg of mice. Blood samples were collected to measure serum glutamic-oxaloacetic transaminase, serum glutamic-pyruvic transaminase, and alkaline phosphatase to evaluate liver toxicity.Results: Based on the results obtained, serum SGPT levels in vitamin D treatment groups did not show a significant decrease compared to cadmium groups (p >0.001). The ALP biomarker in the groups treated with vitamin D was decreased significant in comparison to untreated model groups (p<0.001). While any significant differences were not observed between the Cd model and the Cd model treated with Vitamin D.Conclusion: This study proved that administration vitamin D to some extent reduces the toxic effects of cadmium on the liver and lung.Keywords: Ameliorated; Vitamin D; Protein expression; Lung; Cadmiu

    Global Oil Price and Its Economic Impact in Bangladesh

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    This paper highlighted the plummeting price of oil that is at present the most sensational energy story in the world. This research work outlined the main reasons for the current situation is the low demand for oil as well as concerned companies found it more profitable to extract oil by unconventional methods. In Bangladesh, no changes have been made in the oil price. By figure, at present (June 2017) BPC (Bangladesh Petroleum Corporation) is making profit of Tk 13.77 per liter of Kerosene, of Tk 14.68 per liter of Diesel, of Tk 19.57 per liter of Furnace oil and of Tk 18.75 per liter of jet fuel oil where the very latest world crude oil price come down $ 35.62. The present study is done to make the overview of the world oil prices and Bangladesh as well using purely secondary data collected mostly from newspaper reports, websites, magazines, journals, periodic, reviews and various published data. This study also investigates the impact of the sharp fall oil price to the economy of Bangladesh. In the study, there is seen negatively correlation with the oil price of the world and that of Bangladesh. This paper will be useful to the all stakeholders even policy makers to take proper initiatives for the adjustment of the plummeting oil price of the world. This present study may disseminate that the BPC, as the government-sponsored firm, cannot make the maximum profit as like the Monopoly Company in Bangladesh, so, the retail consumer may give the benefits of the adjustment with the sharp oil price fall in the world

    Bridge monitoring utilizing handheld devices

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    Natural Frequencies of structures is an elegant intrinsic property that is essential for many Civil Structural applications, as Structural Health Monitoring and Simulation Modeling. The physically tangible relation between the frequency of the structures and its dynamic characteristics was the impetus for using different time/frequency based methods to quantify this fundamental property. Unfortunately, the disruption effect of noise requires incorporating advanced sensors, that provide signals with a low noise-intensity, to accurately identify the fundamental frequencies of the structure. This article solves this bottleneck via exploiting the Stochastic Resonance (SR) phenomena to extract the fundamental frequencies of a bridge using an acceleration recorded by a conventional portable sensor as the sensor implemented in small portable accelerometer. The portable accelerometer device has an M9 motion coprocessor designed mainly for tracking human activities. Human activities have an exaggerated amplitude when it is compared to the structural responses. Therefore, if an iPhone device is used to record the response of the structure (for example a bridge) the structure response will be swamped by severe surrounding noise because of its small amplitude. Therefore, in this vein, the SR phenomena has been employed to use rather than suppress the noise to magnify the feeble bridge response in the recorded acceleration and hence identify the corresponding frequency. The fidelity of the proposed approach has been verified using the data of a field experiment. The bridge frequencies are identified first using conventional vibration analysis, thereafter, the portable accelerometer has been attached to the bridge rail to record the bridge vibration under the passing traffic. The recorded data has been processed using a new Developed Underdamped Pinning Stochastic Resonance (DUPSR) technique to quantify the bridge frequency

    Pembuatan Sistem Aplikasi Basis Data Kualitas Air Sungai (Data Environmen) Berbasis Web Di Kecamatan Weda Tengah

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    Abstract - Application Information Systems environment, especially about water quality, allows each area to be able to monitor the quality of environmental resources, especially on the level of contamination of water sources in the region. Water quality is vital objects in each area, because in addition to dealing with public health and the environment, water quality can also be used as a parameter for assessing environmental impact analysis (EIA) of the construction industry in each area. The mineral content in the water harmful long-term effects of pollution, caused by the content of heavy minerals such as chimes (Pb) or Mercury which is accumulative and can not be decomposed by microbes. Therefore, local governments need to build a database on environmental pollution their region so that mineral dangerous or harmful bacteria can be controlled or prevented and was immediately taken serious action about the pollution problem, both sources of water in the lake, rivers and natural water sources more particularly water sources used for the consumption of the surrounding community. Database system that will be built is a web-based client server system using a CMS (Content Management System) and CMS to be used is based CMDBUILD ExtJS with licsensi GPL (General Public License). ExtJS is a javascript Framwork with language that simplifies the development of AJAX based applications, with support libraries that provide components for building web applications. Then to the database using Postgres Database as a storage and maipulasi data. In general, this database will melaukan the data import process water samples from the laboratory which will then be processed to determine a threshold value corresponding to the value of the standard tolerance threshold harmful minerals issued by the Indonesian government.. Keywords : Application, System, Database, River Water Quality, Web-Based. Abstrak - Sistem Informasi lingkungan khususnya tentang kualitas air, memudahkan setiap daerah untuk dapat memonitoring kualitas sumber daya lingkungannya terutama tentang tingkat pencemaran sumber air di wilayahnya. Kualitas air bersih merupakan objek vital disetiap daerah, karena selain berhubungan dengan kesehatan masyarakat dan lingkungan, kualitas air juga dapat dijadikan sebagai parameter untuk melakukan kajian analisis dampak lingkunga (AMDAL) terhadap pembangunan industri disetiap daerah. Kandungan mineral berbahaya pada air memberikan efek pencemaran jangka panjang, disebabkan oleh kandungan mineral berat seperti Timpal (Pb) atau Mercury yang bersifat akumulatif dan tidak dapat terurai oleh mikroba. Oleh sebab itu pemerintah daerah perlu membangun basis data tentang dampak pencemaran lingkungan didaerahnya sehingga mineral berbahaya atau bakteri berbahaya dapat dikendalikan atau dicegah dan segera diambil tindakan serius tentang masalah pencemaran tersebut, baik sumber air didanau, sungai maupun sumber air alami lainnya khususnya sumber air yang digunakan untuk konsumsi masyarakat sekitarnya. Sistem basis data yang akan dibangun yaitu sistem berbasis web client server dengan menggunakan CMS (Content Management System) dan CMS yang akan digunakan adalah CMDBUILD yang berbasis ExtJS dengan licsensi GPL (General Public License). ExtJS adalah Sebuah Framwork Dengan Bahasa javascript yang dapat menyederhanakan pembangunan aplikasi berbasis AJAX, dengan dukungan library yang menyediakan komponen komponen untuk membangun web aplikasi. Kemudian untuk basis data menggunakan Database postgres sebagai tempat penyimpanan dan maipulasi data. Secara umum, basis data ini akan melaukan proses import data sample air dari laboratorium yang selanjutnya akan diproses untuk menentukan nilai ambang batas sesuai dengan nilai standar ambang batas toleransi mineral berbahaya yang dikeluarkan oleh pemerintah Indonesia. Kata Kunci : Aplikasi, Sistem, Basis Data, Kualitas Air Sungai, Berbasis Web

    Global Oil Price and Its Economic Impact in Bangladesh

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    This paper highlighted the plummeting price of oil that is at present the most sensational energy story in the world. This research work outlined the main reasons for the current situation is the low demand for oil as well as concerned companies found it more profitable to extract oil by unconventional methods. In Bangladesh, no changes have been made in the oil price. By figure, at present (June 2017) BPC (Bangladesh Petroleum Corporation) is making profit of Tk 13.77 per liter of Kerosene, of Tk 14.68 per liter of Diesel, of Tk 19.57 per liter of Furnace oil and of Tk 18.75 per liter of jet fuel oil where the very latest world crude oil price come down $ 35.62. The present study is done to make the overview of the world oil prices and Bangladesh as well using purely secondary data collected mostly from newspaper reports, websites, magazines, journals, periodic, reviews and various published data. This study also investigates the impact of the sharp fall oil price to the economy of Bangladesh. In the study, there is seen negatively correlation with the oil price of the world and that of Bangladesh. This paper will be useful to the all stakeholders even policy makers to take proper initiatives for the adjustment of the plummeting oil price of the world. This present study may disseminate that the BPC, as the government-sponsored firm, cannot make the maximum profit as like the Monopoly Company in Bangladesh, so, the retail consumer may give the benefits of the adjustment with the sharp oil price fall in the world
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