16 research outputs found

    Uma análise sobre as Barreiras Fitossanitárias a partir do Método de Tarifas Equivalentes: o caso da aveia no Brasil

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    O objetivo deste trabalho é analisar a evolução da produção da aveia no Brasil e sua relação com o seu comércio externo, principalmente considerando os possíveis impactos que as barreiras não tarifárias podem ter sobre a dinâmica das importações de aveia pela economia brasileira. Para isso, além de considerar as bases de dados da aveia no mundo e no Brasil, adotou-se o dimensionamento da tarifa equivalente é aplicado o método do price-wedge. A tarifa equivalente foi dimensionada em 14,06%. Isso pode ser uma alíquota de tarifa que pode restringir o comércio na mesma intensidade que a medida não tarifária existente, podendo ser uma quota, uma medida sanitária ou técnica, ou um conjunto dessas medidas incidindo simultaneamente

    Inserção externa e crescimento econômico: quais os argumentos anti-liberais?

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    The paper analyzes the importance accorded to the high technology industry sector in the process of economic growth, in its relation to international trade. Considering at 'rst liberal arguments that disregard productive and commercial specialization as a cause of unequal economic development, the paper discusses then some institutionalist and evolutionist arguments which, since List, stress that high technology specialization matters for the rate of increase of productivity and for the surmount for foreign exchange restrictions to growth.O artigo analisa a importância conferida aos ramos industriais dealta tecnologia no processo de crescimento econômico, em sua relação como comércio internacional. Abordando de início os argumentos liberais quedesconsideram a especialização produtiva e comercial como causa de desen-volvimento econômico desigual, o artigo recupera a seguir alguns argumentosinstitucionalistas e evolucionistas que, desde List, a'rmam que a especializa-ção em alta tecnologia importa para o ritmo de crescimento da produtividadee para a superação de restrições externas ao crescimento

    Governance and Asymmetry in Global Value Chains of the Coffee Industry: Possibility for Catch-Up by Emerging Economies

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    Earlier versions of this paper have been presented on several occasions, including the SJE International Symposium held in October 2022. The authors thank the discussants and other participants for their useful comments. This paper was written when the first author was a visiting scholar at the Institute of Economic Research of Seoul National University. The first author acknowledges the financial support from the Brazilian government through CAPES-PRINT (Fundação Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior –Programa Institucional de Internacionalização). The second author acknowledges the financial support from the National Research Foundation of South Africa (Grant Number: 118873) via the DSI/NRF/Newton Fund Trilateral Chair in Transformative Innovation, the 4IR, and Sustainable Development.This paper analyzes the global value chains (GVC) of the coffee industry, particularly in the emerging economies of Vietnam, Colombia, and Brazil, which are the largest producers and exporters of unprocessed coffee in the world. However, valueadded or processed coffee exports are equally dominated by advanced countries, such as Switzerland, Germany, and Italy. Thus, to upgrade the coffee sector and the GVC, the challenges for latecomers not only lie in strengthening their productive structures via technological upgrading but also in changing the governance structure, including the asymmetry in global value distribution and the tariffs and no-tariffs barriers, in international coffee trade. This paper discusses the structural and artificial barriers associated with monopoly in brand power and marketing channels as well as the protectionist tariff and non-tariff barriers in advanced country markets. Overcoming such barriers requires targeted interventions in the form of industrial policies, including capability building and export taxes against unprocessed coffee in emerging countries, countermeasures against trade barriers, and even M&A of foreign brand incumbents. Another radical option is to form a coffee cartel, similar to the OPEC for crude oil, that unites the top three or five coffee-producing countries. A pre-condition to form such cartel is consolidating the coffee industries of emerging countries into several large procuring companies in order to gain certain market power. Even without a cartel, imposing common and coordinated export taxes on unprocessed coffee would increase the amount of coffee beans remaining in the domestic market and processed by domestic firms in order to be exported as processed coffe


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    Este artigo analisa empiricamente a inserção internacional, assim como o desempenho do Brasil nas chamadas Cadeias Globais de Valor (CGV) comparativamente aos principais players mundiais do setor de papel e celulose, em termos de valor adicionado de acordo com o destino final, dado um contexto da reestruturação produtiva e de especialização vertical. Os resultados permitiram identificar que países que não ocuparam posição de liderança nas exportações brutas da indústria de papel e celulose despontaram como importantes players quando analisado fator agregação de valor, a exemplo do Japão, Indonésia, Índia e o Brasil. Adicionalmente, verificou-se também que o Brasil dada a sua especialização em recursos naturais se insere na CGV principalmente como exportador de produtos intermediários como a celulose e sua competitividade tem sido baseada no fornecimento de recursos naturais.


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    The purpose of this paper is to present the main industrial and education policies developed by China in the last 30 years that are focused on strengthening the high technology sectors. In this regard, based on a theoretical and methodological framework of sectoral innovation system and technological product cycles, we focused on the main measures to strengthen the domestic innovation process and policies for higher education, which are complement to each other. It was observed that China has been building a high-tech industry based on both domestic enterprises and domestic technologies, called “indigenous innovation”, since the mid-2000s. Therefore, the goal is not only to increasingly make industrial innovation the main driver of economic growth but also to ensure relative independence of these knowledge sectors


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    O objetivo deste texto é analisar os impactos jurídicos, econômicos e sociais da(s) reforma(s) trabalhista(s) em alguns países nas últimas décadas, comparando-os com o caso brasileiro após a implementação da Lei 13.467, em vigor desde novembro de 2017. A despeito das particularidades de cada país, e das mudanças legais em cada um deles não serem unívocas, é possível identificar as seguintes semelhanças: 1) no campo jurídico, há tendência ao recrudescimento da mercadorização da força de trabalho, reduzindo a proteção aos trabalhadores; 2) no campo econômico, as promessas das reformas não se confirmam ou seus impactos são controversos, e sua generalização é limitada; 3) os impactos sociais são parecidos e generalizáveis, e implicam piora na venda e uso da força de trabalho na medida da efetividade das reformas. Os mercados de trabalho vivem, em geral, uma trajetória que se inicia desde a década de 1990, que deteriora, mas (ainda) sem desestruturar, o conjunto do padrão de gestão do trabalho. LEGAL, ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL IMPACTS OF THE LABOUR REFORMSThe aim of this paper is to analyse the legal, economic and social impacts of labour reform(s) in some countries in the last decades, comparing them with the Brazilian case after the implementation of Law 13,429 in 2017. Despite the particularities of each country, and the fact that the legal changes in each one of them are not univocal, it is possible to identify the following similarities: 1) in the legal field, there is a tendency to the increasing commodification of the labour force, reducing protection to workers; 2) in the economic field, the promises of the reforms are not confirmed or their impacts are controversial, and their generalization is limited; 3) the social impacts are similar and widespread, and imply worsening the use of the workforce to the extent of reform effectiveness. Labour markets generally experience a trajectory that began since the 1990s, which deteriorates, but not yet disrupts, the set of labour management patterns.Key words: Labour law; Reform; Unemployment; Commodification; precariousness LES IMPACTS JURIDIQUES, ÉCONOMIQUES ET SOCIAUX DES RÉFORMES DU TRAVAILL’objectif de cet article est d’analyser les impacts juridiques, économiques et sociaux de la (des) réforme (s) du travail dans certains pays au cours des dernières décennies, en les comparant avec le cas du Brésil après l’application de la loi 13 429 en vigueur. depuis novembre 2017. Malgré les particularités de chaque pays et les modifications juridiques de chacun d’entre eux non univoques, il est possible d’identifier les similitudes suivantes: 1) dans le domaine juridique, la tendance à la marchandisation croissante de la force de travail, réduisant la protection des travailleurs; 2) dans le domaine économique, les promesses des réformes ne sont pas confirmées ou leurs impacts sont controversés et leur généralisation est limitée; 3) les impacts sociaux sont similaires et étendus et impliquent une dégradation de la vente et de l’utilisation de la main-d’œuvre dans la mesure de l’efficacité des réformes. Les marchés du travail suivent généralement une trajectoire amorcée depuis les années 90, ce qui détériore, mais ne bouleverse pas encore, l’ensemble des modèles de gestion de la main-d’œuvre.Key words: Droit du travail; La rénovation; Le chômage; Marchandisation; Précarit

    A inserção da Coreia do Sul na cadeia global automobilística: Foco sobre as políticas públicas

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    The auto industry, since the 1960s, showed substantial growth in South Korea causing the country at the end of the 1980s was among the world's leading manufacturers of automobiles. In the early 1990s, associated with the opening up of the economy held by the Korean government, the auto industry begins to present problems that will become more evident in the Asian economic crisis in 1997, leading the government to adopt an industry rationalization policy promoting a process of mergers and acquisitions, as well as allowing the entry of foreign investors in the automotive industry. Reforms and changes in the Korean auto industry just beginning to be realized when, from a global point of view, there is a process of internationalization of production in which companies seek new strategies for entering the values of Global Chains (GVCs), where many industries out the condition of nationally bounded entities to the condition of fragmented and globally distributed business networks. This research aims to investigate the changes that passed the automotive industry in recent years from the perspective of the strategies of Korean companies in GVCs, analyzing public policies implemented by the government and Korean companies for insertion in GVCs

    A dinâmica e o funcionamento da cadeia global de valor da indústria automobilística na economia mundial

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    The new strategies of internationalization of production lie in the fact many industries leave the condition of bounded entities nationally for the condition of fragmented business networks, in organizational terms, globally distributed, leading companies to engage in the production of a good or service, from conception to consumption. This new strategy, which gains strength mainly from the 1990s to the productive globalization, is best known as Global Value Chains (GVCs). The global automotive industry, like many others, is in the midst of this profound transition. Since the mid-1980s, there is a transition from national industries located in a limited number of countries for a more integrated global industry. Factors such as market saturation, high levels of motorization and political pressure on automakers to produce where they sell have encouraged the dispersion of final assembly, making the production happen in many more places than thirty years ago. Therefore, the aim of this paper is to analyze the functioning of the global value chain of the automotive industry, its dynamics and trends, taking into account the organization of the production process in the world economy and its foreign trade

    O Brasil e a cadeia automobilística: Uma avaliação das políticas públicas para maior produtividade e integração internacional entre os anos 1990 e 2014

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    From the 1990s, it intensified in the global economy the implementation of strategies for companies of fragmenting their production processes and allocate their productive activities in various countries and regions, forming with this global value chains to recreate the international division of work in the global economy. Given this scenario, sectoral policies were implemented as the Brazilian Automotive Regime (RAB) in 1996 and the Innovate-Auto in 2012 to promote the automotive sector gain in competitiveness and productivity. The objective of this study is to analyze these policies for the automotive industry adopted from the 1990s and its impact on Brazil's participation in the automotive supply chain, as well as its relation to the dynamics of the Brazilian international insertion in recent decades, proposing further ideas contribute to the reflection on the construction of a public policy agenda in Brazil that aims to integrate the country in the global chain of automotive value

    As relações comerciais entre Brasil e Estados Unidos no período 2000-2014

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    The objective of this paper is to analyze the trade flow between Brazil and the United States between 2000 and 2014, considering its evolution and analyzing indicators such as export and import tariffs, relative importance of bilateral trade, trade intensity index, concentration index, index of comparative advantage revealed and the intersectoral pattern of bilateral trade. To contextualize the analysis of trade flows between the two countries, a brief retrospective of the conduct of Brazilian foreign policy between 2000 and 2014 is presented, particularly considering the strategies of Brazil's diplomatic relations with the United States, whose objective is to provide subsidies for construction hypotheses and speculations about the relationship between foreign policy and trade flows. In this sense, it is important to point out that no assertion is made in the sense that foreign policy has determined the behavior of trade flows between the two countries, since during the period there were several other factors operating and there is no analysis to capture the relevance of foreign policy