276 research outputs found

    The Development of the Vortex Gas Pressure Regulator

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    AbstractFollowing the analysis and preliminary numerical calculation of the gas flow in the working cavity of the vortex pressure regulator its geometric parameters were defined and three-dimensional model was developed. The prototype of the vortex regulator was made with the application of additive technologies. A test bench to be used for testing the developed vortex pressure regulator was prepared. According to the experiment results, nomogram gas flow at the regulator's outlet by the control flow for different power pressures was composed. Moreover, the locking pressure value in the experiment was compared to the value obtained by numerical calculation

    Fleet Order No. 17-14 - USS Arkansas (BB-33)

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    The occupation of the city of Veracruz, Mexico, commenced on the forenoon of April 21, 1914 by the Naval Forces of the United States having been successfully concluded, the Commander-in-Chief desires to congratulate Rear Admiral F. F. Fletcher, U. S. Navy, in command of the U. S. Naval Forces on Shore, and the officers and men of the Landing Force and of the supporting Cruisers for their gallant conduct. The gallantry and expedition of the officers and men engaged in this enterprise, undertaken on the spur of the moment and in the face of adverse conditions, was in keeping with the traditions of the Service.https://scholarworks.utrgv.edu/tampicoaffair/1001/thumbnail.jp

    Fleet Order No. 18-14 - USS Arkansas (BB-33)

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    The following cablegram, received from the Secretary of the Navy, is quoted for the information of the Fleet and will be published to the crews at quarters on board all vessels: Speaking for myself as Secretary of the Navy, and voicing the sentiment of the American People, I wish to convey to the officers, sailors and marines now in Mexican waters, the National thanks and appreciation for your patriotic service at Vera Cruz on April twenty-first and succeeding days.https://scholarworks.utrgv.edu/tampicoaffair/1002/thumbnail.jp

    Aumento da incidência da Síndome de Guillain-Barré: Revisão de literatura

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    A Síndrome de Guillain Barré (SGB) trata-se de uma polineurorradiculopatia inflamatória desmielinizante aguda que se desenvolve frequentemente após infecções, principalmente virais. Citomegalovírus, Epstein Barr e HIV são alguns dos agentes virais associados a esta síndrome neurológica. Atualmente alguns estudos atentam para uma possível associação entre o Zika vírus e a Síndrome. Tem-se constatado que o número de casos da SGB tem aumentado de maneira significativa no Brasil. O objetivo do artigo é realizar uma revisão de literatura sobre o aumento da incidência de SGB buscando esclarecer os principais motivos que justificam este aumento. Trata-se de um estudo de caráter descritivo, onde se coletou informações de material gráfico, como publicações em livros, jornais, redes eletrônicas. Comprova-se nos resultados o aumento da incidência de SGB no Brasil e, verifica-se que novos estudos devam ser desenvolvidos no sentido de se investigar a associação causal com o Zika vírus, dentre outros patógenos, com o objetivo de se estabelecer medidas de combate e proteção

    Organization of the U.S. Naval Forces on Shore at Vera Cruz, Mexico

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    Pamphlet outlining the command structure of the U.S. Naval forces involved in the 1914 Tampico Affair during the Mexican Revolution. The pamphlet contains the autographs of 25 naval participants, including Congressional Medal of Honor recipients Read-Admiral, later Admiral, Frank Friday Fletcher (1855-1928) and Lieutenant (j.g.), later Admiral, Jonas H. Ingram (1886-1952). Battalions include: Arkansas Battalion, Florida Battaloion, Utah Battalion, Utah Special Artillery Detachments, Chester Battalion, San Francisco Battalion, Second Naval Regiment, New Hampshire Battalion, Vermont Battalion, South Carolina Battalion, New Jersey Battalion, Third Naval Regiment, Michigan Battalion, Louisiana Battalion, Minnesota Battalion, North Dakota Battalion, and Marine Brigade.https://scholarworks.utrgv.edu/tampicoaffair/1000/thumbnail.jp

    Multimodal Remote Sensing Image Registration with Accuracy Estimation at Local and Global Scales

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    This paper focuses on potential accuracy of remote sensing images registration. We investigate how this accuracy can be estimated without ground truth available and used to improve registration quality of mono- and multi-modal pair of images. At the local scale of image fragments, the Cramer-Rao lower bound (CRLB) on registration error is estimated for each local correspondence between coarsely registered pair of images. This CRLB is defined by local image texture and noise properties. Opposite to the standard approach, where registration accuracy is only evaluated at the output of the registration process, such valuable information is used by us as an additional input knowledge. It greatly helps detecting and discarding outliers and refining the estimation of geometrical transformation model parameters. Based on these ideas, a new area-based registration method called RAE (Registration with Accuracy Estimation) is proposed. In addition to its ability to automatically register very complex multimodal image pairs with high accuracy, the RAE method provides registration accuracy at the global scale as covariance matrix of estimation error of geometrical transformation model parameters or as point-wise registration Standard Deviation. This accuracy does not depend on any ground truth availability and characterizes each pair of registered images individually. Thus, the RAE method can identify image areas for which a predefined registration accuracy is guaranteed. The RAE method is proved successful with reaching subpixel accuracy while registering eight complex mono/multimodal and multitemporal image pairs including optical to optical, optical to radar, optical to Digital Elevation Model (DEM) images and DEM to radar cases. Other methods employed in comparisons fail to provide in a stable manner accurate results on the same test cases.Comment: 48 pages, 8 figures, 5 tables, 51 references Revised arguments in sections 2 and 3. Additional test cases added in Section 4; comparison with the state-of-the-art improved. References added. Conclusions unchanged. Proofrea

    Probable invasive aspergillosis in adult patient after haematopoietic stem cell transplantation: a case report

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    Universitatea de Stat de Medicină din Belarus, Minsk, Belarus, Spitalul Clinic Municipal nr. 9, Minsk, BelarusRezumat Introducere. Infecţiile sunt, deocamdată, cauza principală de deces a pacienţilor adulţi, beneficiari de transplant de celule stem hematopoietice (TCSH). Morbiditatea și mortalitatea de aspergiloză pulmonară invazivă rămâne importantă în rândul recipienţilor TCHS. Un diagnostic de aspergiloză invazivă nu este ușor de confirmat, iar comunicările de caz clinic referitoare la acest tip de infecţie la pacienţii adulţi, beneficiari de TCSH, sunt rareori publicate. Prezentare de caz. Este descris cazul clinic al unui pacient cu limfom Hodgkin, care, probabil, a dezvoltat o formă de aspergiloză pulmonară invazivă după un transplant autolog de celule stem hematopoietice. Infecţia fungică a fost tratată sistemic cu antifungice, dar aceasta s-a dovedit a fi rezistentă la voriconazol, totodată a cedat la administrarea caspofunginei. Discuţii. Acest caz prezintă date clinice interesante și imagini referitoare la diagnosticul aspergilozei pulmonare și indică posibilităţile existente de tratament antifungic. Concluzii. Incidenţa înaltă a aspergilozei invazive la pacienţii beneficiari de TCSH trebuie luată în consideraţie de către medicii care se ocupă de pacienţii transplantaţi. Chiar dacă izolarea prin cultură nu este întotdeauna posibilă, alte semne clinice și teste de laborator (galactomannanul, tomografia computerizată, microscopia sputei) pot fi utile pentru stabilirea diagnosticului de aspergiloză. Voriconazolul rămâne tratamentul de primă linie la pacienţii cu aspergiloză invazivă, cu posibilitatea utilizării echinocandinelor, în cazuri refractare. Abstract Introduction. Infections still stay one the leading causes of death in adult patients undergoing HSCT. Invasive pulmonary aspergillosis remains an important cause of morbidity and mortality in HSCT recipients. Diagnosis of invasive aspergillosis is not easy to be proven, and clinical data regarding this infection in adult HSCT recipients are rarely published. Case presentation. In the present case report, we describe a patient with a Hodgkin’s lymphoma, who developed probable invasive pulmonary aspergillosis after tandem autologous HSCT. The fungal infection was treated by systemic antifungal therapy, but the patient was refractory to voriconazole, showing clinical efficacy on caspofungin. Discussion. This case presents interesting clinical data and images concerning aspergillosis diagnosis and shows the possibilities of antifungal treatment in patients with invasive pulmonary aspergillosis. Conclusion. High incidence of invasive aspergillosis in HSCT patients should be kept in mind of practical doctors dealing with transplant patients. Even though the culture isolation is not always possible, other clinical and laboratory tests (galactomannan, CT-scan, sputum microscopy) may be useful for diagnosis of aspergillosis. Voriconazole remains a treatment of choice for patients with invasive aspergillosis, with a possibility of using echinocandins in refractory cases

    Efficiency of texture image enhancement by DCT-based filtering

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    International audienceTextures or high-detailed structures as well as image object shapes contain information that is widely exploited in pattern recognition and image classification. Noise can deteriorate these features and has to be removed. In this paper, we consider the influence of textural properties on efficiency of image enhancement by noise suppression for the posterior treatment. Among possible variants of denoising, filters based on discrete cosine transform known to be effective in removing additive white Gaussian noise are considered. It is shown that noise removal in texture images using the considered techniques can distort fine texture details. To detect such situations and to avoid texture degradation due to filtering, filtering efficiency predictors, including neural network based predictor, applicable to a wide class of images are proposed. These predictors use simple statistical parameters to estimate performance of the considered filters. Image enhancement is analysed in terms of both standard criteria and metrics of image visual quality for various scenarios of texture roughness and noise characteristics. The discrete cosine transform based filters are compared to several counterparts. Problems of noise removal in texture images are demonstrated for all of them. A special case of spatially correlated noise is considered as well. Potential efficiency of filtering is analysed for both studied noise models. It is shown that studied filters are close to the potential limits