164 research outputs found

    Oxygen Isotope Exchange Between Molten Silicate Spherules and Ambient Water Vapor with Nonzero Relative Velocity: Implication for Chondrule Formation Environment

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    Oxygen isotope compositions of chondrules reflect the environment of chondrule formation and its spatial and temporal variations. Here, we present a theoretical model of oxygen isotope exchange reaction between molten silicate spherules and ambient water vapor with finite relative velocity. We found a new phenomenon, that is, mass-dependent fractionation caused by isotope exchange with ambient vapor moving with nonzero relative velocity. We also discussed the plausible condition for chondrule formation from the point of view of oxygen isotope compositions. Our findings indicate that the relative velocity between chondrules and ambient vapor would be lower than several 100 m/s when chondrules crystallized.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figures. Accepted for publication in Icaru

    A Late Episode of Irradiation in the Early Solar System: Evidence from Extinct ^(36)Cl and ^(26)Al in Meteorites

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    Late-formed halogen-rich phases in a refractory inclusion and a chondrule from the Allende meteorite exhibit large ^(36)S excesses that linearly correlate with the chlorine concentration, providing strong evidence in support of the existence of the short-lived nuclide ^(36)Cl (mean life of 0.43 Myr) in the early solar system. The inferred ^(36)Cl/^(35)Cl ratios at the time when these phases formed are very high (~4 × 10^(-6)) and essentially the same for the inclusion and the chondrule and confirm the earlier report of ^(36)S excess in another meteorite. In addition, the ^(36)Cl is decoupled from ^(26)Al. The observed and any possible higher levels of ^(36)Cl cannot be the result of a supernova or AGB stellar source but require a late episode of energetic particle bombardment by the early Sun, in support of the arguments based on the previous discovery of ^(10)Be. It is now clear that a blend of several sources is required to explain the short-lived nuclei when the solar system formed

    Determining the impactor of the Ordovician Lockne crater : oxygen and neon isotopes in chromite versus sedimentary PGE signatures

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    Author Posting. © The Author(s), 2011. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Elsevier B.V. for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Earth and Planetary Science Letters 306 (2011): 149-155, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2011.04.028.Abundant chromite grains with L-chondritic composition in the resurge deposits of the Lockne impact crater (458 Myr old; dia. ~10 km) in Sweden have been inferred to represent relict fragments of an impactor from the break-up of the L-chondrite parent body at 470 Ma. This view has been challenged based on Ir/Cr and platinum group element (PGE) patterns of the same resurge deposits, and a reinterpretation of the origin of the chromite grains. An impactor of the non-magmatic iron meteorite type was proposed instead. Here we show that single-grain oxygen and noble-gas isotope analyses of the chromite grains from the resurge deposits further support an origin from an L-chondritic asteroid. We also present PGE analyses and Ir/Cr ratios for fossil L-chondritic meteorites found in mid-Ordovician marine limestone in Sweden. The L-chondritic origin has been confirmed by several independent methods, including major element and oxygen isotopic analyses of chromite. Although the meteorites show the same order-of-magnitude PGE and Cr concentrations as recent L chondrites, the elements have been redistributed to the extent that it is problematic to establish the original meteorite type from these proxies. Different PGE data processing approaches can lead to highly variable results, as also shown here for the Lockne resurge deposits. We conclude that the Lockne crater was formed by an L-chondritic impactor, and that considerable care must be taken when inferring projectile type from PGEs in sedimentary ejecta deposits.The WiscSIMS Lab is partially funded by NSF-EAR (0319230, 0516725, 0744079). The Robert A. Pritzker Center for Meteoritics and Polar Studies is supported by the Tawani Foundation

    Buoyant hydrous mantle plume from the mantle transition zone

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    Abstract Magmatism at some intraplate volcanoes and large igneous provinces (LIPs) in continental areas may originate from hydrous mantle upwelling (i.e. a plume) from the mantle transition zone (MTZ) at 410–660 km depths in the Earth’s deep interior. However, the ultimate origin of the magmatism, i.e. why mantle plumes could have been generated at the MTZ, remains unclear. Here, we study the buoyancy of a plume by investigating basalts from the Changbaishan volcano, beneath which a mantle plume from the hydrous MTZ is observed via seismology. Based on carefully determined water contents of the basalts, the potential temperature of the source mantle is estimated to be 1310–1400 °C, which is within the range of the normal upper mantle temperature. This observation suggests that the mantle plume did not have a significant excess heat, and that the plume upwelled because of buoyancy resulting from water supplied from the Pacific slab in the MTZ. Such a hydrous mantle plume can account for the formation of extremely hydrous LIP magmatism. The water was originally sourced from a stagnant slab and stored in the MTZ, and then upwelled irrespective of the presence or absence of a deep thermal plume

    Spatially Resolved, In Situ Carbon Isotope Analysis of Archean Organic Matter

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    Spatiotemporal variability in the carbon isotope composition of sedimentary organic matter (OM) preserves information about the evolution of the biosphere and of the exogenic carbon cycle as a whole. Primary compositions, and imprints of the post-depositional processes that obscure them, exist at the scale of individual sedimentary grains (mm to micron). Secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) (1) enables analysis at these scales and in petrographic context, (2) permits morphological and compositional characterization of the analyte and associated minerals prior to isotopic analysis, and (3) reveals patterns of variability homogenized by bulk techniques. Here we present new methods for in situ organic carbon isotope analysis with sub-permil precision and spatial resolution to 1 micron using SIMS, as well as new data acquired from a suite of Archean rocks. Three analytical protocols were developed for the CAMECA ims1280 at WiscSIMS to analyze domains of varying size and carbon concentration. Average reproducibility (at 2SD) using a 6 micron spot size with two Faraday cup detectors was 0.4 %, and 0.8 % for analyses using 1 micron and 3 micron spot sizes with a Faraday cup (for C-12) and an electron multiplier (for C-13). Eight coals, two ambers, a shungite, and a graphite were evaluated for micron-scale isotopic heterogeneity, and LCNN anthracite (delta C-13 = -23.56 +/- 0.1 %, 2SD) was chosen as the working standard. Correlation between instrumental bias and H/C was observed and calibrated for each analytical session using organic materials with H/C between 0.1 and 1.5 (atomic), allowing a correction based upon a C-13H/C-13 measurement included in every analysis. Matrix effects of variable C/SiO2 were evaluated by measuring mm to sub-micron graphite domains in quartzite from Bogala mine, Sri Lanka. Apparent instrumental bias and C-12 count rate are correlated in this case, but this may be related to a crystal orientation effect in graphite. Analyses of amorphous Archean OM suggest that instrumental bias is consistent for 12C count rates as low as 10% relative to anthracite. Samples from the ABDP-9 (n=3; Mount McRae Shale, approximately 2.5 Ga), RHDH2a (n=2; Carrawine Dolomite and Jeerinah Fm, approximately 2.6 Ga), WRL1 (n=3; Wittenoom Fm, Marra Mamba Iron Formation, and Jeerinah Fm, approximately 2.6 Ga), and SV1 (n=1; Tumbiana Fm, approximately 2.7 Ga) drill cores, each previously analyzed for bulk organic carbon isotope composition, yielded 100 new, in situ data from Neoarchean sedimentary OM. In these samples, delta C-13 varies between -53.1 and -28.3 % and offsets between in situ and bulk compositions range from -8.3 to 18.8%. In some cases, isotopic composition and mode of occurrence (e.g. morphology and mineral associations) are statistically correlated, enabling the identification of distinct reservoirs of OM. Our results support previous evidence for gradients of oxidation with depth in Neoarchean environments driven by photosynthesis and methane metabolism. The relevance of these findings to questions of bio- and syngenicity as well as the alteration history of previously reported Archean OM will be discussed

    Extreme oxygen isotope zoning in garnet and zircon from a metachert block in melange reveals metasomatism at the peak of subduction metamorphism

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    A tectonic block of garnet quartzite in the amphibolite-facies melange of the Catalina Schist (Santa Catalina Island, California, USA) records the metasomatic pre-treatment of high-delta O-18 sediments as they enter the subduction zone. The block is primarily quartz, but contains two generations of garnet that record extreme oxygen isotope disequilibrium and inverse fractionations between garnet cores and matrix quartz. Rare millimeter-scale garnet crystals record prograde cation zoning patterns, whereas more abundant similar to 200-mu m-diameter crystals have the same composition as rims on the larger garnets. Garnets of both generations have high-delta O-18 cores (20.8 parts per thousand-26.3 parts per thousand, Vienna standard mean ocean water) that require an unusually high-delta O-18 protolith and lower-delta O-18, less variable rims (10.0 parts per thousand-11.2 parts per thousand). Matrix quartz values are homogeneous (13.6 parts per thousand). Zircon crystals contain detrital cores (delta O-18 = 4.7 parts per thousand-8.5 parts per thousand, 124.6 + 1.4/-2.9 Ma) with a characteristic igneous trace element composition likely sourced from arc volcanics, surrounded by zircon with metamorphic age (115.1 +/- 2.5 Ma) and trace element compositions that suggest growth in the presence of garnet. Metamorphic zircon decreases in delta O-18 from near-core (24.1 parts per thousand) to rim (12.4 parts per thousand), in equilibrium with zoned garnets. Collectively, the data document the subduction of a mixed high-delta O-18 siliceous ooze and/or volcanic ash protolith reaching temperatures of 550-625 degrees C prior to the nucleation of small garnets without influence from external fluids. Metasomatism was recorded in rims of both garnet and zircon populations as large volumes of broadly homogeneous subduction fluids stripped matrix quartz of its extremely high oxygen isotope signature. Thus, zoned garnet and zircon in high-delta O-18 subducted sediments offer a detailed window into subduction fluids

    Temporal evolution of proto-Izu–Bonin–Mariana arc volcanism over 10 Myr: Constraints from statistical analysis of melt inclusion compositions

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    International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) Expedition 351 ‘Izu–Bonin–Mariana (IBM) Arc Origins’ drilled Site U1438, situated in the northwestern region of the Philippine Sea. Here volcaniclastic sediments and the igneous basement of the proto-IBM volcanic arc were recovered. To gain a better understanding of the magmatic processes and evolution of the proto-IBM arc, we studied melt inclusions hosted in fresh igneous minerals and sampled from 30–40 Myr old deposits, reflecting the maturation of arc volcanism following subduction initiation at 52 Ma. We performed a novel statistical analysis on the major element composition of 237 representative melt inclusions selected from a previously published dataset, covering the full age range between 30 and 40 Ma. In addition, we analysed volatiles (H2O, S, F and Cl) and P2O5 by secondary ion mass spectrometry for a subset of 47 melt inclusions selected from the dataset. Based on statistical analysis of the major element composition of melt inclusions and by considering their trace and volatile element compositions, we distinguished five main clusters of melt inclusions, which can be further separated into a total of eight subclusters. Among the eight subclusters, we identified three major magma types: (1) enriched medium-K magmas, which form a tholeiitic trend (30–38 Ma); (2) enriched medium-K magmas, which form a calc-alkaline trend (30–39 Ma); (3) depleted low-K magmas, which form a calc-alkaline trend (35–40 Ma). We demonstrate the following: (1) the eruption of depleted low-K calc-alkaline magmas occurred prior to 40 Ma and ceased sharply at 35 Ma; (2) the eruption of depleted low-K calc-alkaline magmas, enriched medium-K calc-alkaline magmas and enriched medium-K tholeiitic magmas overlapped between 35 and 38–39 Ma; (3) the eruption of enriched medium-K tholeiitic and enriched medium-K calc-alkaline magmas became predominant thereafter at the proto-IBM arc. Identification of three major magma types is distinct from the previous work, in which enriched medium-K calc-alkaline magmas and depleted low-K calc-alkaline magmas were not identified. This indicates the usefulness of our statistical analysis as a powerful tool to partition a mixture of multivariable geochemical datasets, such as the composition of melt inclusions in this case. Our data suggest that a depleted mantle source had been replaced by an enriched mantle source owing to convection beneath the proto-IBM arc from >40 to 35 Ma. Finally, thermodynamic modelling indicates that the overall geochemical variation of melt inclusions assigned to each cluster can be broadly reproduced either by crystallization differentiation assuming P = 50 MPa (∼2 km deep) and ∼2 wt% H2O (almost saturated H2O content at 50 MPa) or P = 300 MPa (∼15 km deep) and ∼6 wt% H2O (almost saturated H2O content at 300 MPa). Assuming oxygen fugacity (fO2) of log fO2 equal to +1 relative to the nickel–nickel oxide (NNO) buffer best reproduces the overall geochemical variation of melt inclusions, but assuming more oxidizing conditions (log fO2 = +1 to +2 NNO) probably reproduces the geochemical variation of enriched medium-K and calc-alkaline melt inclusions (30–39 Ma)