21 research outputs found

    Morphophysiogenetic characterization of wild poinsettia biotypes with low resistance to glyphosate.

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    The objective of this work was to compare wild poinsettia (Euphorbia heterophylla) biotypes as to their morphological characteristics, as well as to determine their genetic similarity in the state of Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, and to confront the light compensation point of susceptible biotypes and of biotypes with low-resistance level to glyphosate. Besides the morphology analysis, the study included the genetic characterization, by AFLP, of susceptible (GR50 = 58.65 g ha-1 a.e.) biotypes and of biotypes with low resistance (GR50 = 310.36 g ha-1 a.e.) to glyphosate. The competitive ability of the biotypes was inferred according to their light compensation point. The observed morphological characteristics do not allow to differentiate biotypes as to their geographical location, or their resistance level to glyphosate. The genetic analysis identified low genetic diversity among the 15 tested biotypes, with a large amount of subgroups. The biotypes with low resistance formed an isolated group. The susceptible biotypes showed the lowest values of light compensation point and, possibly, they have a greater competitive ability under low-luminosity conditions. The evaluated characteristics do not enable to differentiate genotypes with different levels of glyphosate resistance.Título em português: Caracterização morfofisiogenética de biótipos de leiteira com baixa resistência ao glifosato

    Mixture of glufosinate and atrazine for ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) control and its effect on seeds' quality.

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    Ryegrass management has been difficult by the occurrence of resistant biotypes to several herbicides with different action mechanisms. Since herbicides mixes and rotations are an important alternative for resistant weed management, the objective of this work was to evaluate the interaction of the dose of the herbicides glufosinate and atrazine on ryegrass control and its seeds’ quality exposed to their association. For this study, three experiments were carried out using factorial design in field, laboratory, and greenhouse conditions. Two factors (A and B) were evaluated in each experiment, where factor A and B represented the doses of glufosinate and atrazine, respectively. Ryegrass control was evaluated in field experiment, while germination percentage and Emergence Speed Index (ESI), were obtained in laboratory and greenhouse analyses, respectively. The data were submitted to variance analysis (P≤0.05) and the significant results were analyzed through response surface graphs. For ryegrass control data, the effect of the interaction was analyzed by the Colby method; glufosinate provides efficient ryegrass control, but its association with atrazine reduces the efficiency, being characterized as an antagonism between molecules. Glufosinate herbicide application, independent of atrazine presence, reduced the ryegrass seeds quality at the post-flowering stage