46 research outputs found

    Seguimiento farmacoterapéutico en las prácticas tuteladas: aplicación de la metodología Dáder en la identificación de PRM

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    Within the framework of the subject “Practical Work Experience” forming part of the Pharmacy course at the NationalUniversity of Cordoba, Argentina, fifth year students carry out practical work in community pharmacies. This universitycourse, tutored by professional pharmacists, includes the pharmacotherapeutic monitoring of patients, using Dádermethodology, as one of its activities.In this study, the students ability to recognise Adverse Drug Reactions (ADR) is evaluated during the year 2001, anda comparison of the results is made with those obtained from a similar study carried out by professional communitypharmacists in August of the year 2000.50 students, supervised by pharmacist tutors, carried out the identification of ADR. Of the patients that were monitored(n=50): 70% were women; with a predominant age group from 70 to 79 years of age (34%) and an average of medicines/patient of 7.6±2.1 (range: 0-12); average ADR identified per patient 5.6±5.0 (range: 1-23).The standard of the teaching, at pre-graduate level, of Dáder methodology evaluated through the comparison of resultsbetween students and pharmacists, gave satisfactory results.En el marco de la asignatura “Practicanato Profesional” de la Carrera de Farmacia de la Universidad Nacional deCórdoba (Argentina), los alumnos del quinto año desarrollan sus prácticas en farmacias comunitarias. Allí cuentancon farmacéuticos tutores y, entre las actividades desarrolladas, se incluye el seguimiento farmacoterapéutico depacientes empleando la metodología Dáder.En este trabajo se evalúa la capacidad de los alumnos para identificar PRM, durante el año 2001, y se comparan,para fines académicos, con los resultados presentados por farmacéuticos comunitarios en agosto de 2000.50 alumnos realizaron la identificación de PRM supervisados por farmacéuticos tutores. De los pacientes bajoseguimiento (n=50): 70% fueron mujeres; grupo etario predominante, de 70 a 79 años (34%); promedio de medicamentos/paciente 7.6±2.1 (rango: 0-12); promedio de PRM identificados por paciente 5.6±5.0 (rango: 1-23).La calidad de la enseñanza de la metodología Dáder en el pregrado arrojó resultados satisfactorios al comparar entrealumnos y farmacéuticos

    Experiencia con la metodología Dáder de seguimiento farmacoterapéutico en el pre-grado: encuesta a los alumnos

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    In the field of pharmaceutical studies, the inclusion of tutored practical experience is considered as a priority in theeducation of pre-graduate students. In the year 2001, the subject Practical Work Experience during the pharmacy degreecourse at the Faculty of Chemical Sciences, National University of Córdoba, was carried out, with the collaboration ofpharmacist tutors, participants in the Dáder program, in the Province of Córdoba, Argentina. Under their supervision,the students carrying out the final year of their studies, participated in practice sessions in community pharmacies. Inthe year 2001, a survey was designed in order to obtain student’s opinions of the project. On this basis, the activitiesand training tools developed, with the tutor pharmacist, were evaluated.A response rate of 89.6%, from the 48 surveys distributed, was achieved. With regard to the training received, themajority of students responded to questions 1,2, and 3, with excellent and very good. 97.7% considered the methodologyemployed as practical, and 95.3% believed that it was possible to incorporate these pharmaceutical care activities intotheir future working practices.La formación de grado en farmacia plantea como una prioridad la inclusión de prácticas tuteladas. En el año 2001,en la asignatura Practicanato Profesional de la Carrera de Farmacia (Facultad de Ciencias Químicas, UniversidadNacional de Córdoba), se trabajó con la colaboración de farmacéuticos tutores participantes del Programa Dáderen la Provincia de Córdoba (Argentina). Bajo su supervisión, los alumnos del último año realizaron sus prácticasen Farmacias Comunitarias. Se elaboró una encuesta para conocer la opinión de los estudiantes en esta experienciay, sobre esta base, evaluar actividades y herramientas de capacitación utilizadas junto a los farmacéuticos tutores,durante el año 2001.Se alcanzó un 89,6% de respuesta sobre 48 encuestas distribuidas. Sobre la capacitación recibida, en las preguntas1, 2 y 3, las calificaciones fueron mayoritariamente entre Excelente y Muy Bueno; el 97,7% considera práctica lametodología empleada; el 95,3% considera que es posible incorporar actividades de Atención Farmacéutica en sufuturo desempeño profesional

    Evaluación de un programa de práctica profesional de la carrera de farmacia

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    Se implementó un plan piloto combinando un “Protocolo General para Desarrollar Actividades de Atención Farmacéutica(AF)” con prácticas tuteladas desde la Oficina de Farmacia (OF). Participaron estudiantes y docentes deFarmacia, ambos de la Facultad de Ciencias Químicas (U.N.C.), y se integraron 21 farmacéuticos de OF, comoInstructores de Práctica Farmacéutica. Los objetivos del trabajo consistieron en: evaluar la implementación delprograma en las OF a través de los informes presentados por los practicantes, y analizar los factores positivos ynegativos asociados al mismo.En el 100,00% de los informes, se presentaron diagnósticos de las OF y proyectos implementados, con recolecciónde datos farmacoterapéuticos.La combinación de prácticas tuteladas con la formación académica, permitió aplicar en la práctica los conocimientosteóricos adquiridos en el área de AF

    Influenza d virus infection in herd of cattle, Japan

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    Citation: Murakami, S., Endoh, M., Kobayashi, T., Takenaka-Uema, A., Chambers, J. K., Uchida, K., . . . Horimoto, T. (2016). Influenza d virus infection in herd of cattle, Japan. Emerging Infectious Diseases, 22(8), 1517-1519. doi:10.3201/eid2208.160362Although the provisionally named influenza D virus was first isolated as an influenza C–like virus from pigs with respiratory illness in Oklahoma in 2011 (1,2), epidemiologic analyses suggested that cattle are major reservoirs of this virus (3) and the virus is potentially involved in the bovine respiratory disease complex. The high rates of illness and death related to this disease in feedlot cattle are caused by multiple factors, including several viral and bacterial co-infections. Influenza D viruses were detected in cattle and pigs with respiratory diseases (and in some healthy cattle) in China (4), France (5), Italy (6), among other countries, indicating their wide global geographic distribution. Although the influenza D virus, like the human influenza C virus, is known to use 9-O-acetylated sialic acids as the cell receptor (2,7), its zoonotic potential is undefined because of limited research (1,8). We report influenza D virus infection in a herd of cattle in Japan

    Effect of a single acupuncture treatment on surgical wound healing in dogs: a randomized, single blinded, controlled pilot study

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of acupuncture on wound healing after soft tissue or orthopaedic surgery in dogs.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>29 dogs were submitted to soft tissue and/or orthopaedic surgeries. Five dogs had two surgical wounds each, so there were totally 34 wounds in the study. All owners received instructions for post operative care as well as antibiotic and pain treatment. The dogs were randomly assigned to treatment or control groups. Treated dogs received one dry needle acupuncture treatment right after surgery and the control group received no such treatment. A veterinary surgeon that was blinded to the treatment, evaluated the wounds at three and seven days after surgery in regard to oedema (scale 0-3), scabs (yes/no), exudate (yes/no), hematoma (yes/no), dermatitis (yes/no), and aspect of the wound (dry/humid).</p> <p>Results</p> <p>There was no significant difference between the treatment and control groups in the variables evaluated three and seven days after surgery. However, oedema reduced significantly in the group treated with acupuncture at seven days compared to three days after surgery, possibly due the fact that there was more oedema in the treatment group at day three (although this difference was nor significant between groups).</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The use of a single acupuncture treatment right after surgery in dogs did not appear to have any beneficial effects in surgical wound healing.</p

    Condições e relações de trabalho no serviço público: o caso do governo Lula

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    Este artigo tem por objetivo inventariar as diversas iniciativas do governo Lula (2003-2010) no que diz respeito à formatação de uma política de recursos humanos e, dessa forma, verificar se houve melhoria das condições e relações de trabalho no setor público brasileiro. A partir dos anos 1990 e na contramão do grande crescimento do emprego público nas seis décadas anteriores, a adesão dos governos brasileiros aos princípios do "Consenso de Washington" destaca o funcionalismo como ponto fundamental na agenda das reformas necessárias à retomada do crescimento econômico. Os tais governos tenderam a tratar o emprego público como um problema fiscal e atuaram no sentido de restringir sua dimensão. Em simultâneo, as condições e relações de trabalho apresentaram-se mais precarizadas (evidenciadas pela ausência de reajuste salarial; o crescimento de formas variáveis de remuneração; ampliação do quadro de temporários e terceirizados e com a postura autoritária diante da representação sindical). Por meio de pesquisa documental e bibliográfica, poder-se-á perceber que a reestruturação de várias carreiras, a retomada dos concursos, a criação da Mesa Nacional de Negociação Permanente, a reforma previdenciária e os reajustes seletivos das remunerações manifestam a ambigüidade como marca fundamental das políticas de recursos humanos. Isto porque, a um só tempo, os avanços nas condições de trabalho do servidor público foram sempre acompanhados pela manutenção de parte da agenda conservadora dos anos 1990, sobretudo no que diz respeito à reprodução de limites fiscais rigorosos

    Primary neuroendocrine neoplasm of the esophagus – Report of 14 cases from a single institute and review of the literature

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    The text analyzes the Fundef in Maranhão and its effects on High School spending in that State in theperiod of 1996-2006 with a view to discuss the effectiveness of this funding policy that focused onlyon one stage of the basic education. For this, discu1990s, with an emphasis on education funding from Fundef and analyzes the dynamic budgetrevenues of Education Function; participation / contribution of the revenues of Fundef in totalrevenue of Education, resulting the collaboration of the Union for a poor financially state. Thesedata were collected and systematized from General Balance of the State of Maranhão and refer tothe period from 1996 to 2006. It concludes that the conditions that were offeredthe State in the period under analysisteaching