78 research outputs found

    Proposed Allagash National Recreation Area

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    Environmental Assessment : Middle Salt Creek Canyon Access Plan Canyonlands National Park, Utah

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    Salt Creek is the largest drainage in the Needles district of Canyonlands National Park. The creek supports one of the most important riparian ecosystems in the park. It is also the heart of the Salt Creek National Register Archeological District, the area with the highest recorded density of archeological sites in the park. A tributary canyon contains the spectacular Angel Arch, a well-known geologic formation that for many years has been a destination point for park visitors. In 1998 the U.S. District Court for the State of Utah ruled, in a lawsuit filed by the Southern Utah Wilderness Alliance, that the National Park Service violated the NPS Organic Act (16 U.S.C. 1 et seq.) by failing to close the upper 8.2 miles (above Peekaboo campsite) of the Salt Creek four-wheel drive road in the 1995 Canyonlands Backcountry Management Plan. The jeep road weaves in and out of the creek, sometimes remaining in the streambed for extended lengths. The court found that vehicles upstream of Peekaboo Spring caused permanent impairment of park resources, and enjoined the NPS from continuing to allow limited use of the area by motorized vehicles. Four-wheel-drive groups appealed the decision, and in 2000 the U.S. Tenth Circuit Court of Appeals remanded the case to the district court. The remand included instructions to re-examine the administrative record and consider the new NPS Management Policies in regard to the question of “impairment of park resources or values,” the central issue in the case. With the concurrence of the U.S. District Court of Utah, the NPS has prepared an environmental assessment (EA) to analyze the impacts of a range of alternatives for recreational access to the portion of Salt Creek Canyon from Peekaboo Camp to Angel Arch Canyon (“Middle Salt Creek Canyon”), and to apply the new NPS Management Policies on impairment to the alternatives. The management objective, toward which the EA alternatives are directed, is based on the NPS Organic Act, the act establishing Canyonlands National Park, and the issues on remand to the district court: To provide recreational access to Middle Salt Creek Canyon without major adverse impacts or impairment of the natural and cultural resources. The list of possible management alternatives includes limited year-around vehicle access under the permit system established in the 1995 Backcountry Management Plan (BMP), part-year vehicle access under the permit system, realignment of the existing four-wheel-drive road, year-round prohibitions on motorized vehicles, or a combination of these actions. The three vehicle-access alternatives, each of which would permit vehicle travel through substantial portions of the streambed and riparian area, have been found to cause impairment of park resources or values, which is prohibited by the National Park Service Organic Act. Consequently, an alternative prohibiting motorized vehicles year-round, but permitting access by hiking or pack stock, is identified as the preferred alternative

    Final General Management Plan/Environmental Impact Statement (Visitor Management and Resource Protection Plan) Zion National Park, Utah

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    The purpose of this conceptual plan is to describe the general path the National Park Service intends to follow in managing Zion National Park over the next 20 years. The approved plan will provide a framework for proactive decision making on such issues as visitor use, natural and cultural resource management, and park development, which will allow park managers to effectively address future problems and opportunities. In most cases, new development outside the park would take place to meet visitor needs

    Proposed Experimental Actions for Water Years 2005-2006 Colorado River, Arizona, in Glen Canyon National Recreation Area and Grand Canyon National Park

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    In September 2002 the Bureau of Reclamation, National Park Service (NPS), and U.S. Geological Survey released an environmental assessment (EA) on proposed experimental releases from Glen Canyon Dam and removal of non‐native fish from the Colorado River in Grand Canyon, Arizona (Bureau of Reclamation, NPS, and USGS 2002). The experiment was developed by the Grand Canyon Monitoring and Research Center of the U.S. Geological Survey (GCMRC), cooperating scientists, and the Technical Work Group (TWG) of the Glen Canyon Dam Adaptive Management Program (GCDAMP). It was recommended to the Secretary of the Interior by the Adaptive Management Work Group (AMWG), a Federal Advisory Committee charged with providing input to the Secretary pursuant to fulfilling provisions of the Grand Canyon Protection Act. In December 2002, following tribal consultation, public meetings, and responses to comments by the federal agencies and the public, the Secretary of the Interior concurred with the agencies’ finding of no significant impact for the proposed project and agreed that the experiment should move forward

    Learning from Conservation Planning for the U.S. National Wildlife Refuges

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    The U.S. National Wildlife Refuge System has nearly completed its first round of unit-level, comprehensive conservation plans (CCPs) and will soon begin required revisions. Laws and policies governing refuge planning emphasize ecological integrity, landscape-scale conservation, and adaptive management. We evaluated 185 CCPs completed during 2005–2011, which cover 324 of 555 national wildlife refuges. We reviewed CCP prescriptions addressing 5 common conservation issues (habitat and game, nongame, imperiled, and invasive species) and 3 specialized topics (landscape-scale conservation, climate change, and environmental quality). Common conservation issues received prescriptions in \u3e90% of CCPs. Specialized topics received more variable treatment. Prescriptions for aquatic connectivity, water quantity, and climate change impacts increased over the study period. Except for climate change, direct actions were the most common type of management prescription, followed by plans or studies. Most CCPs stated a commitment to adaptive management and prescribed monitoring for common conservation objectives; other aspects of planning for adaptive management were often lacking, despite strong support for adaptive management in the conservation planning literature. To better address refuge-specific threats, we recommend that revised plans explicitly match identified refuge issues with prescriptions, particularly for under-represented concerns such as novel pests and pathogens. We recommend incorporating triggers into monitoring frameworks and specifying actions that will occur when threshold values are reached to improve support for adaptive management. Revised CCPs should better reflect work that refuges already undertake to extend conservation objectives beyond their borders and better engage with regional conservation efforts to continue this work. More thorough landscape-scale threat assessments and explicit prioritization of planned actions would further improve conservation effectiveness. Excellent examples of all recommended practices exist within the CCPs we examined; sharing best planning practices would improve planning efficiency within the refuge system

    Nat'l JR Orphans Home Nat'l Register of Historic Places Documentation

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    Documentation from the United States Department of the Interior, National Park Service, Washington, D.C. Evaluation sheets, maps, and description of the property related to the Jr. Home is contained in these 32 pages

    Proposed Allagash National Recreation Area

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    Big Thicket National Preserve Pamphlet

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    Pamphlet with a map and information on the Big Thicket National Preserv
