945 research outputs found

    Immunomodulation of AT III in septic disease

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    Truncated nonsmooth Newton multigrid methods for convex minimization problems

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    We present a new inexact nonsmooth Newton method for the solution of convex minimization problems with piecewise smooth, pointwise nonlinearities. The algorithm consists of a nonlinear smoothing step on the fine level and a linear coarse correction. Suitable postprocessing guarantees global convergence even in the case of a single multigrid step for each linear subproblem. Numerical examples show that the overall efficiency is comparable to multigrid for similar linear problems

    Numerical simulation of coarsening in binary solder alloys

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    Coarsening in solder alloys is a widely accepted indicator for possible failure of joints in electronic devices. Based on the well-established Cahn–Larché model with logarithmic chemical energy density (Dreyer and Müller, 2001) [20], we present a computational framework for the efficient and reliable simulation of coarsening in binary alloys. Main features are adaptive mesh refinement based on hierarchical error estimates, fast and reliable algebraic solution by multigrid and Schur–Newton multigrid methods, and the quantification of the coarsening speed by the temporal growth of mean phase radii. We provide a detailed description and a numerical assessment of the algorithm and its different components, together with a practical application to a eutectic AgCu brazing alloy

    Nonsmooth Schur-Newton methods for multicomponent Cahn-Hilliard systems

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    We present globally convergent nonsmooth Schur–Newton methods for the solution of discrete multicomponent Cahn–Hilliard systems with logarithmic and obstacle potentials. The method solves the nonlinear set-valued saddle-point problems arising from discretization by implicit Euler methods in time and first-order finite elements in space without regularization. Efficiency and robustness of the convergence speed for vanishing temperature is illustrated by numerical experiments

    Factor analysis for metal grade exploration at Pallancata Vein in Peru

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    Se investiga la distribución espacial de contenidos metálicos analizados sobre testigos de sondeos obtenidos en las campañas de exploración de la Veta Pallancata. Se aplica el análisis factorial a dicha distribución y a los cocientes de los valores metálicos, discriminando los que están correlacionados con la mineralización argentífera y que sirven como guías de exploración para hallar zonas de potenciales reservas por sus gradientes de variación.Abstract:The metal distribution in a vein may show the paths of hydrothermal fluid flow at the time of mineralization. Such information may assist for in-fill drilling. The Pallancata Vein has been intersected by 52 drill holes, whose cores were sampled and analysed, and the results plotted to examine the mineralisation trends. The spatial distribution of the ore is observed from the logAg/logPb ratio distribution. Au is in this case closely related to Ag (electrum and uytenbogaardtite, Ag3AuS2 ). The Au grade shows the same spatial distribution as the Ag grade. The logAg/logPb ratio distribution also suggests possible ore to be expected at deeper locations. Shallow supergene Ag enrichment was also observed

    Systemic shRNA mediated knock down of S100A4 in colorectal cancer xenografted mice reduces metastasis formation

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    The metastasis-inducing protein S100A4 was found to be a prognostic indicator for the development of metachronous metastases. S100A4 expression levels correlate with the formation of human colorectal cancer metastases and shorter patients' survival. Inhibition of S100A4 expression in patients might therefore result in decreased metastasis formation and prolonged survival. In the present study, we used shRNA expression plasmids to inhibit S100A4 expression in the colorectal cancer cell lines HCT116, SW620 and DLD-1. Cell lines with reduced S100A4 expression showed reduced cell migration and invasion in vitro. The knock-down of S100A4 expression also led to significantly diminished formation of liver metastases when intrasplenically transplanted in mice (P = 0.004). We then focused on the therapeutic potential of systemically applied shRNA expression plasmids acting on S100A4 via repeated hydrodynamics-based tail vein injection of plasmid DNA. Mice, intrasplenically transplanted with HCT116 cells and treated systemically with S100A4‑shRNA plasmids, showed a decrease of S100A4 and MMP9 expression levels, resulting in significantly reduced liver metastases (P = 0.005). In summary, we show for the first time the intratumoral knock down of S100A4 via systemic application of S100A4‑shRNA plasmid DNA, which restricts metastasis formation in a xenografted mouse model of colorectal cancer

    Intranasal oxytocin reduces provoked symptoms in female patients with posttraumatic stress disorder despite exerting sympathomimetic and positive chronotropic effects in a randomized controlled trial

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    Background: Posttraumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a severe psychiatric disease accompanied by neuroendocrine changes such as adrenergic overdrive and hence an elevated cardiovascular morbidity. Current pharmacotherapeutic options for PTSD are less than suboptimal, necessitating the development of PTSD-specific drugs. Although the neuropeptide oxytocin has been repeatedly suggested to be effective in PTSD treatment, there are, to our knowledge, only three studies that have assessed its efficacy on the intensity of PTSD symptoms in PTSD patients - among them one symptom provocation study in male veterans. Methods: To evaluate for the first time how oxytocin influences the intensity of provoked PTSD symptoms and, furthermore, cardiac control in female PTSD patients, we assessed their psychic and cardiac response to trauma-script exposure with and without oxytocin pretreatment in a double-blind randomized placebo-controlled study. We used a within-subject design to study 35 female PTSD patients who received oxytocin and placebo in a 2-week interval. Furthermore, we performed a small pilot study to get an idea of the relation of the stress-modulated endogenous oxytocin levels and heart rate - we correlated oxytocin serum levels with the heart rate of 10 healthy individuals before and after exposure to the Trier Social Stress Test (TSST). Results: Intranasal oxytocin treatment was followed by a reduction of provoked total PTSD symptoms, in particular of avoidance, and by an elevation in baseline and maximum heart rate together with a drop in the pre-ejection period, a marker for sympathetic cardiac control. Furthermore, we found a positive correlation between endogenous oxytocin levels and heart rate both before and after TSST challenge in healthy control subjects. Conclusions: This study provides the first evidence that oxytocin treatment reduces the intensity of provoked PTSD symptoms in female PTSD patients. The small size of both samples and the heterogeneity of the patient sample restrict the generalizability of our findings. Future studies have to explore the gender dependency and the tolerability of the oxytocin- mediated increase in heart rate

    Editorial: Modulation of human immune parameters by anticancer therapies

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    Contains fulltext : 229590.pdf (publisher's version ) (Open Access
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