780 research outputs found

    SAXS investigations on organic aerogels

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    Structural properties of organic aerogels were studied by ultra-small-angle X-ray scattering (USAXS) at the Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory HASYLAB at DESY, Hamburg, Germany. The organic aerogels were synthesized from the base-catalyzed sol-gel polymerization of resorcinol with formaldehyde (RF) followed by a supercritical drying process. RF aerogels are low-density materials with a solid matrix composed of interconnected colloidal-like particles. Scattering experiments were carried out using a crystal camera optimized for ultra-small-angle X-ray scattering with synchrotron radiation. The measured SAXS profiles revealed a scattering power depending upon synthetic conditions of the gels. RF aerogels were found to be homogeneous at length scales greater than 20 nm. From Guinier plots, radii of gyration Rg of 3-20 nm were computed. Rg appears to be a measure of the pore (cell) size. Although fractal silica aerogels show similar characteristics, fractal behavior of the organic aerogels is uncertain. These materials are best described as random aggregates of smooth colloidal like particles with open-cell porosity

    The inverse cascade and nonlinear alpha-effect in simulations of isotropic helical hydromagnetic turbulence

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    A numerical model of isotropic homogeneous turbulence with helical forcing is investigated. The resulting flow, which is essentially the prototype of the alpha^2 dynamo of mean-field dynamo theory, produces strong dynamo action with an additional large scale field on the scale of the box (at wavenumber k=1; forcing is at k=5). This large scale field is nearly force-free and exceeds the equipartition value. As the magnetic Reynolds number R_m increases, the saturation field strength and the growth rate of the dynamo increase. However, the time it takes to built up the large scale field from equipartition to its final super-equipartition value increases with magnetic Reynolds number. The large scale field generation can be identified as being due to nonlocal interactions originating from the forcing scale, which is characteristic of the alpha-effect. Both alpha and turbulent magnetic diffusivity eta_t are determined simultaneously using numerical experiments where the mean-field is modified artificially. Both quantities are quenched in a R_m-dependent fashion. The evolution of the energy of the mean field matches that predicted by an alpha^2 dynamo model with similar alpha and eta_t quenchings. For this model an analytic solution is given which matches the results of the simulations. The simulations are numerically robust in that the shape of the spectrum at large scales is unchanged when changing the resolution from 30^3 to 120^3 meshpoints, or when increasing the magnetic Prandtl number (viscosity/magnetic diffusivity) from 1 to 100. Increasing the forcing wavenumber to 30 (i.e. increasing the scale separation) makes the inverse cascade effect more pronounced, although it remains otherwise qualitatively unchanged.Comment: 21 pages, 26 figures, ApJ (accepted

    Boundary Effective Field Theory and Trans-Planckian Perturbations: Astrophysical Implications

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    We contrast two approaches to calculating trans-Planckian corrections to the inflationary perturbation spectrum: the New Physics Hypersurface [NPH] model, in which modes are normalized when their physical wavelength first exceeds a critical value, and the Boundary Effective Field Theory [BEFT] approach, where the initial conditions for all modes are set at the same time, and modified by higher dimensional operators enumerated via an effective field theory calculation. We show that these two approaches -- as currently implemented -- lead to radically different expectations for the trans-Planckian corrections to the CMB and emphasize that in the BEFT formalism we expect the perturbation spectrum to be dominated by quantum gravity corrections for all scales shorter than some critical value. Conversely, in the NPH case the quantum effects only dominate the longest modes that are typically much larger than the present horizon size. Furthermore, the onset of the breakdown in the standard inflationary perturbation calculation predicted by the BEFT formalism is likely to be associated with a feature in the perturbation spectrum, and we discuss the observational signatures of this feature in both CMB and large scale structure observations. Finally, we discuss possible modifications to both calculational frameworks that would resolve the contradictions identified here.Comment: Reworded commentary, reference added (v2) References added (v3

    Finite-Correlation-Time Effects in the Kinematic Dynamo Problem

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    Most of the theoretical results on the kinematic amplification of small-scale magnetic fluctuations by turbulence have been confined to the model of white-noise-like advecting turbulent velocity field. In this work, the statistics of the passive magnetic field in the diffusion-free regime are considered for the case when the advecting flow is finite-time correlated. A new method is developed that allows one to systematically construct the correlation-time expansion for statistical characteristics of the field. The expansion is valid provided the velocity correlation time is smaller than the characteristic growth time of the magnetic fluctuations. This expansion is carried out up to first order in the general case of a d-dimensional arbitrarily compressible advecting flow. The growth rates for all moments of the magnetic field are derived. The effect of the first-order corrections is to reduce these growth rates. It is shown that introducing a finite correlation time leads to the loss of the small-scale statistical universality, which was present in the limit of the delta-correlated velocity field. Namely, the shape of the velocity time-correlation profile and the large-scale spatial structure of the flow become important. The latter is a new effect, that implies, in particular, that the approximation of a locally-linear shear flow does not fully capture the effect of nonvanishing correlation time. Physical applications of this theory include the small-scale kinematic dynamo in the interstellar medium and protogalactic plasmas.Comment: revised; revtex, 23 pages, 1 figure; this is the final version of this paper as published in Physics of Plasma

    Progress in Three-Dimensional Coherent X-Ray Diffraction Imaging

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    The Fourier inversion of phased coherent diffraction patterns offers images without the resolution and depth-of-focus limitations of lens-based tomographic systems. We report on our recent experimental images inverted using recent developments in phase retrieval algorithms, and summarize efforts that led to these accomplishments. These include ab-initio reconstruction of a two-dimensional test pattern, infinite depth of focus image of a thick object, and its high-resolution (~10 nm resolution) three-dimensional image. Developments on the structural imaging of low density aerogel samples are discussed.Comment: 5 pages, X-Ray Microscopy 2005, Himeji, Japa

    The Price of WMAP Inflation in Supergravity

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    The three-year data from WMAP are in stunning agreement with the simplest possible quadratic potential for chaotic inflation, as well as with new or symmetry-breaking inflation. We investigate the possibilities for incorporating these potentials within supergravity, particularly of the no-scale type that is motivated by string theory. Models with inflation driven by the matter sector may be constructed in no-scale supergravity, if the moduli are assumed to be stabilised by some higher-scale dynamics and at the expense of some fine-tuning. We discuss specific scenarios for stabilising the moduli via either D- or F-terms in the effective potential, and survey possible inflationary models in the presence of D-term stabilisation.Comment: 15 pages, 6 figures, plain Late

    Three-dimensional coherent X-ray diffraction imaging of a ceramic nanofoam: determination of structural deformation mechanisms

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    Ultra-low density polymers, metals, and ceramic nanofoams are valued for their high strength-to-weight ratio, high surface area and insulating properties ascribed to their structural geometry. We obtain the labrynthine internal structure of a tantalum oxide nanofoam by X-ray diffractive imaging. Finite element analysis from the structure reveals mechanical properties consistent with bulk samples and with a diffusion limited cluster aggregation model, while excess mass on the nodes discounts the dangling fragments hypothesis of percolation theory.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figures, 30 reference

    New constraints on neutrino physics from Boomerang data

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    We have performed a likelihood analysis of the recent data on the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation (CMBR) anisotropy taken by the Boomerang experiment. We find that this data places a strong upper bound on the radiation density present at recombination. Expressed in terms of the equivalent number of neutrino species the 2σ2\sigma bound is N_nu < 13, and the standard model prediction, N_nu = 3.04, is completely consistent the the data. This bound is complementary to the one found from Big Bang nucleosynthesis considerations in that it applies to any type of radiation, i.e. it is not flavour sensitive. It also applies to the universe at a much later epoch, and as such places severe limits on scenarios with decaying neutrinos. The bound also yields a firm upper limit on the lepton asymmetry in the universe.Comment: 4 pages, 2 postscript figures, matches version to appear in PR

    Climate Change, Tropospheric Ozone and Particulate Matter, and Health Impacts

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    We review how climate change could affect future concentrations of tropospheric ozone and particulate matter (PM), and what changing concentrations could mean for population health, as well as studies projecting the impacts of climate change on air quality and the impacts of these changes on morbidity/mortality. Climate change could affect local to regional air quality through changes in chemical reaction rates, boundary layer heights that affect vertical mixing of pollutants, and changes in synoptic airflow patterns that govern pollutant transport. Sources of uncertainty are the degree of future climate change, future emissions of air pollutants and their precursors, and how population vulnerability may change in the future. Given the uncertainties, projections suggest that climate change will increase concentrations of tropospheric ozone, at least in high-income countries when precursor emissions are held constant, increasing morbidity/mortality. There are few projections for low- and middle-income countries. The evidence is less robust for PM, because few studies have been conducted. More research is needed to better understand the possible impacts of climate change on air pollution-related health impacts