114 research outputs found

    Determination of Sinapic Acid Derivatives in Canola Extracts Using High-Performance Liquid Chromatography

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    A high-performance liquid chromatographic (HPLC) method with diode array detection (DAD) was used to determine the total phenolics, including sinapic acid derivatives in canola. Ten Western Canadian canola seeds, six other commodity canola seeds, their corresponding press cakes and meals were analyzed. Seeds of European 00 rapeseed and Brassica Juncea (Indian mustard) were included for comparison. Phenolic compounds were separated using a gradient elution system of water–methanol-ο-phosphoric acid solution with a flow rate of 0.8 ml/min. In addition to sinapine (SP) and sinapic acid (SA), sinapoyl glucose (SG) is reported in the methanolic extracts. The detection and quantification limits of these compounds were 0.20–0.40 and 0.50–0.80 μg/ml, respectively with recovery values over 98.0%. The content of total phenolics, SP, SA and SG in canola extracts ranged from 9.16 to 16.13, 6.39 to 12.28, 0.11 to 0.59 and 1.36 to 7.50 mg/g, respectively with significant differences among varieties

    4-1BBL-containing leukemic extracellular vesicles promote immunosuppressive effector regulatory T cells

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    Chronic and acute myeloid leukemia evade immune system surveillance and induce immunosuppression by expanding proleukemic Foxp31 regulatory T cells (Tregs). High levels of immunosuppressive Tregs predict inferior response to chemotherapy, leukemia relapse, and shorter survival. However, mechanisms that promote Tregs in myeloid leukemias remain largely unexplored. Here, we identify leukemic extracellular vesicles (EVs) as drivers of effector proleukemic Tregs. Using mouse model of leukemia-like disease, we found that Rab27adependent secretion of leukemic EVs promoted leukemia engraftment, which was associated with higher abundance of activated, immunosuppressive Tregs. Leukemic EVs attenuated mTOR-S6 and activated STAT5 signaling, as well as evoked significant transcriptomic changes in Tregs. We further identified specific effector signature of Tregs promoted by leukemic EVs. Leukemic EVs-driven Tregs were characterized by elevated expression of effector/tumor Treg markers CD39, CCR8, CD30, TNFR2, CCR4, TIGIT, and IL21R and included 2 distinct effector Treg (eTreg) subsets: CD301CCR8hiTNFR2hi eTreg1 and CD391TIGIThi eTreg2. Finally, we showed that costimulatory ligand 4-1BBL/CD137L, shuttled by leukemic EVs, promoted suppressive activity and effector phenotype of Tregs by regulating expression of receptors such as CD30 and TNFR2. Collectively, our work highlights the role of leukemic extracellular vesicles in stimulation of immunosuppressive Tregs and leukemia growth. We postulate that targeting of Rab27a-dependent secretion of leukemic EVs may be a viable therapeutic approach in myeloid neoplasms

    Pseudo-single crystal electrochemistry on polycrystalline electrodes : visualizing activity at grains and grain boundaries on platinum for the Fe2+/Fe3+ redox reaction

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    The influence of electrode surface structure on electrochemical reaction rates and mechanisms is a major theme in electrochemical research, especially as electrodes with inherent structural heterogeneities are used ubiquitously. Yet, probing local electrochemistry and surface structure at complex surfaces is challenging. In this paper, high spatial resolution scanning electrochemical cell microscopy (SECCM) complemented with electron backscatter diffraction (EBSD) is demonstrated as a means of performing ‘pseudo-single-crystal’ electrochemical measurements at individual grains of a polycrystalline platinum electrode, while also allowing grain boundaries to be probed. Using the Fe2+/3+ couple as an illustrative case, a strong correlation is found between local surface structure and electrochemical activity. Variations in electrochemical activity for individual high index grains, visualized in a weakly adsorbing perchlorate medium, show that there is higher activity on grains with a significant (101) orientation contribution, compared to those with (001) and (111) contribution, consistent with findings on single-crystal electrodes. Interestingly, for Fe2+ oxidation in a sulfate medium a different pattern of activity emerges. Here, SECCM reveals only minor variations in activity between individual grains, again consistent with single-crystal studies, with a greatly enhanced activity at grain boundaries. This suggests that these sites may contribute significantly to the overall electrochemical behavior measured on the macroscale

    Prenatal exposures and exposomics of asthma

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    This review examines the causal investigation of preclinical development of childhood asthma using exposomic tools. We examine the current state of knowledge regarding early-life exposure to non-biogenic indoor air pollution and the developmental modulation of the immune system. We examine how metabolomics technologies could aid not only in the biomarker identification of a particular asthma phenotype, but also the mechanisms underlying the immunopathologic process. Within such a framework, we propose alternate components of exposomic investigation of asthma in which, the exposome represents a reiterative investigative process of targeted biomarker identification, validation through computational systems biology and physical sampling of environmental medi

    Grzyby mikroskopijne Tatr. 6. Organizmy grzybopodobne: Albuginales, Peronosporales i Pythiales

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    A list and the distribution of Oomycota species in the Tatra Mts (Western Carpathian Mts) are presented. Revised herbarium vouchers and literature data were used for analysis. Thirty two species of oomycetes on fifty seven plant species were noted in the area, including two species of the order Albuginales (genera: Albugo and Pustula, on nine plant species), 29 species of the order Peronosporales (genera: Bremia, Hyaloperonospora, Peronospora and Plasmopara, on 49 plant species), and one species of the order Pythiales (genus: Myzocytium, on one species of algae). Twenty nine species were collected on the Polish side of the Tatra Mts and ten species were collected on the Slovak side. The oomycetes were collected at 185 localities.Masyw Tatr, jeden z najciekawszych pod względem przyrodniczym regionów Europy Środkowej, został dość dobrze poznany pod wieloma względami, np. geologicznym, hydrologicznym, geobotanicznym, florystycznym. W dalszym ciągu jednak nie jest wystarczająco poznany pod względem mykologicznym, zwłaszcza w zakresie grzybów mikroskopijnych oraz organizmów grzybopodobnych. Trwające od kilku lat prace mające na celu podsumowanie dotychczasowego stanu zbadania tej grupy przyczyniły się do opublikowania kilku prac syntetyczno-analitycznych poświęconych kolejnym jednostkom taksonomicznym – rzędom, rodzajom czy gatunkom. W obecnej pracy przygotowano wykaz organizmów grzybopodobnych należących do trzech rzędów w obrębie typu Oomycota – Albuginales, Peronosporales oraz Pythiales, podawanych dotychczas w granicach parków narodowych obu części Tatr – polskiej i słowackiej. Zamieszczono w nim gatunki znane przede wszystkim z literatury, uzupełniając część informacji o dane szczegółowe pochodzące z kolekcji zielnikowych. Pierwsze dane o organizmach grzybopodobnych Tatr pojawiły się pod koniec XIX wieku w pracach Krupy (1886, 1888). Do chwili obecnej, a więc przez okres ponad 120 lat, publikacje dotyczące Oomycota były jednak nieliczne, a informacje na temat ich występowania bardzo ogólne. Na całym obszarze Tatr stwierdzono dotychczas zaledwie 32 gatunki na 57 gatunkach roślin, w tym dwa gatunki z rzędu Albuginales (rodzaje: Albugo i Pustula, na 9 gatunkach roślin), 29 gatunków z rzędu Peronosporales (rodzaje: Bremia, Hyaloperonospora, Peronospora oraz Plasmopara, na 49 gatunkach roślin), a także jeden gatunek z rzędu Pythiales (rodzaj: Myzocytium, na jednym gatunku glonu). Po polskiej stronie Tatr zebrano 29 gatunków, przy czym aż 26 w Tatrach Zachodnich. Po słowackiej stronie Tatr zanotowano zaledwie 10 gatunków, z czego najwięcej – 9 w Tatrach Wysokich (Vysoké Tatry). Wszystkie zebrano na 185 stanowiskach, przy czym 135 przypada na Tatry polskie (73 %), w tym aż 126 na polskie Tatry Zachodnie. Z kolei po stronie słowackiej Tatr najwięcej danych pochodzi z Tatr Wysokich (21 stanowisk). Stan znajomości Oomycota w Tatrach jest więc bardzo słaby, a informacje o ich rozmieszczeniu rozproszone, wręcz przypadkowe. W przyszłości niezbędne są badania znacznie bardziej intensywne, przede wszystkim systematyczne, a obecny syntetyczny wykaz może być punktem wyjścia do ich rozpoczęcia

    Association between a urinary biomarker for exposure to PAH and blood level of the acute phase protein serum amyloid A in coke oven workers

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    Coke oven workers are exposed to both free and particle bound PAH. Through this exposure, the workers may be at increased risk of cardiovascular diseases. Systemic levels of acute phase response proteins have been linked to cardiovascular disease in epidemiological studies, suggesting it as a marker of these conditions. The aim of this study was to assess whether there was association between PAH exposure and the blood level of the acute phase inflammatory response marker serum amyloid A (SAA) in coke oven workers