308 research outputs found

    Beam characterization by means of emission spectroscopy in the ELISE test facility

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    The ELISE test facility at IPP Garching hosts a RF H-/D- ion source and an acceleration system. Its target is to demonstrate the performance foreseen for the ITER NBI system in terms of extracted current density (H/D), fraction of co-extracted electrons and pulse duration. The size of the ELISE extraction area is half that foreseen for the ITER NBI. This paper presents a detailed study of the ELISE beam divergence and uniformity. In particular, it was possible to describe the beam as the sum of two components at very different divergence: about 2{\deg} vs. 5{\deg}{\div}7{\deg}. As test cases, the beam properties have been measured as function of two source parameters. The first one is the current flowing through the grid facing the plasma, the Plasma Grid, in order to generate the magnetic filter field. The second one is the bias current flowing between the Plasma Grid and the source walls. Both the filter field and the bias current influence the fraction of co-extracted electrons, but also the properties of the plasma just in front of the extraction system and the beam properties. The divergence and the uniformity of the beam have been measured by a Beam Emission Spectroscopy (BES) diagnostic; the detailed analysis of the raw spectra collected by BES led to describing the beam with two components of different divergence. This concept has been supported by the information given by thermal imaging of the diagnostic calorimeter. Further support to the proposed beam model has been found in the behavior of the currents flowing in the acceleration system and beamline components; these currents are given by the most divergent (charged) particles of the beam.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figures. Accepted manuscript (embargo expired

    Beamlet scraping and its influence on the beam divergence at the BATMAN Upgrade test facility

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    For the ITER fusion experiment, two neutral beam injectors are required for plasma heating and current drive. Each injector supplies a power of about 17 MW, obtained from neutralization of 40 A (46 A), 1 MeV (0.87 MeV) negative deuterium (hydrogen) ions. The full beam is composed of 1280 beamlets, formed in 16 beamlet groups, and strict requirements apply to the beamlet core divergence (<7 mrad). The test facility BATMAN Upgrade uses an ITER-like grid with one beamlet group, which consists of 70 apertures. In a joint campaign performed by IPP and Consorzio RFX to better assess the beam optics, the divergence of a single beamlet was compared to a group of beamlets at BATMAN Upgrade. The single beamlet is measured with a carbon fiber composite tile calorimeter and by beam emission spectroscopy, whereas the divergence of the group of beamlets is measured by beam emission spectroscopy only. When increasing the RF power at low extraction voltages, the divergence of the beamlet and of the group of beamlets is continuously decreasing and no inflection point toward an overperveant beam is found. At the same time, scraping of the extracted ion beam at the second grid (extraction grid) takes place at higher RF power, supported by the absence of the normally seen linear behavior between the measured negative ion density in the plasma close to the extraction system and the measured extracted ion current. Beside its influence on the divergence, beamlet scraping needs to be considered for the determination of the correct perveance and contributes to the measured coextracted electron current

    The GAPS Programme with HARPS-N@TNG XIV. Investigating giant planet migration history via improved eccentricity and mass determination for 231 transiting planets

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    We carried out a Bayesian homogeneous determination of the orbital parameters of 231 transiting giant planets (TGPs) that are alone or have distant companions; we employed DE-MCMC methods to analyse radial-velocity (RV) data from the literature and 782 new high-accuracy RVs obtained with the HARPS-N spectrograph for 45 systems over 3 years. Our work yields the largest sample of systems with a transiting giant exoplanet and coherently determined orbital, planetary, and stellar parameters. We found that the orbital parameters of TGPs in non-compact planetary systems are clearly shaped by tides raised by their host stars. Indeed, the most eccentric planets have relatively large orbital separations and/or high mass ratios, as expected from the equilibrium tide theory. This feature would be the outcome of high-eccentricity migration (HEM). The distribution of α=a/aR\alpha=a/a_R, where aa and aRa_R are the semi-major axis and the Roche limit, for well-determined circular orbits peaks at 2.5; this also agrees with expectations from the HEM. The few planets of our sample with circular orbits and α>5\alpha >5 values may have migrated through disc-planet interactions instead of HEM. By comparing circularisation times with stellar ages, we found that hot Jupiters with a<0.05a < 0.05 au have modified tidal quality factors 105106−10710^{5} 10^{6}-10^{7} are required to explain the presence of eccentric planets at the same orbital distance. As a by-product of our analysis, we detected a non-zero eccentricity for HAT-P-29; we determined that five planets that were previously regarded to have hints of non-zero eccentricity have circular orbits or undetermined eccentricities; we unveiled curvatures caused by distant companions in the RV time series of HAT-P-2, HAT-P-22, and HAT-P-29; and we revised the planetary parameters of CoRoT-1b.Comment: 44 pages (16 pages of main text and figures), 11 figures, 5 longtables, published in Astronomy and Astrophysics, Volume 602, A107 (2017). Tables with new HARPS-N and TRES radial-velocity data (Tables 1 and 2), stellar parameters (Table 7), orbital parameters and RV jitter (Table 8), and planet physical parameters (Table 9) are available as ancillary files (sidebar on the right

    The GAPS programme with HARPS-N@TNG IV: A planetary system around XO-2S

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    We performed an intensive radial velocity monitoring of XO-2S, the wide companion of the transiting planet-host XO-2N, using HARPS-N at TNG in the framework of the GAPS programme. The radial velocity measurements indicate the presence of a new planetary system formed by a planet that is slightly more massive than Jupiter at 0.48 au and a Saturn-mass planet at 0.13 au. Both planetary orbits are moderately eccentric and were found to be dynamically stable. There are also indications of a long-term trend in the radial velocities. This is the first confirmed case of a wide binary whose components both host planets, one of which is transiting, which makes the XO-2 system a unique laboratory for understanding the diversity of planetary systems.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figures, accepted on A&A Lette


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    This contribution offers insights into delivering a Historic Site Recording course entirely over the Internet using video conferencing and sharing tools. The opportunities and challenges will be described, and the approaches used to ensure meeting realistic learning outcomes by offering a meaningful student experience will provide digital tools and cloud services. The classroom was staged at the students’ homes. Immediate surroundings of their countries in Latin America (Argentina, Bolivia, Chile, Guatemala, Peru, and Mexico), and the teachers were based in Santiago (Chile), Ibague (Colombia), Barcelona (Spain), and Ottawa (Canada) and video conferencing, collaboration tools and social media made the connections. Two introductory courses for 13 weeks were delivered, followed by an advanced course in heritage recording tools. At the end of the introductory course, students provided a heritage recording proposal for a site in their own countries

    The GAPS Programme with HARPS-N@TNG IX. The multi-planet system KELT-6: detection of the planet KELT-6 c and measurement of the Rossiter-McLaughlin effect for KELT-6 b

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    Aims. For more than 1.5 years we monitored spectroscopically the star KELT-6 (BD+312447), known to host the transiting hot Saturn KELT-6b, because a previously observed long-term trend in radial velocity time series suggested the existence of an outer companion. Methods. We collected a total of 93 new spectra with the HARPS-N and TRES spectrographs. A spectroscopic transit of KELT-6b was observed with HARPS-N, and simultaneous photometry was obtained with the IAC-80 telescope. Results. We proved the existence of an outer planet with a mininum mass Mp_{\rm p}sini=3.71±\pm0.21 MJup_{\rm Jup} and a moderately eccentric orbit (e=0.21−0.036+0.039e=0.21_{-0.036}^{+0.039}) of period P∌\sim3.5 years. We improved the orbital solution of KELT-6b and obtained the first measurement of the Rossiter-McLaughlin effect, showing that the planet has a likely circular, prograde, and slightly misaligned orbit, with a projected spin-orbit angle λ\lambda=−-36±\pm11 degrees. We improved the KELT-6b transit ephemeris from photometry, and we provided new measurements of the stellar parameters. KELT-6 appears as an interesting case to study the formation and evolution of multi-planet systems.Comment: Letter, 4 figures, accepted for publication in A&A. Some language editing and numbering of the paper series changed (from X to IX
