6,482 research outputs found

    The galaxy counterpart of the high-metallicity and 16 kpc impact parameter DLA towards Q0918+1636 - a challenge to galaxy formation models?

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    The quasar Q0918+1636 (z=3.07) has an intervening high-metallicity Damped Lyman-alpha Absorber (DLA) along the line of sight, at a redshift of z=2.58. The DLA is located at a large impact parameter of 16.2 kpc, and has an almost solar metallicity. It is shown, that a novel type of cosmological galaxy formation models, invoking a new SNII feedback prescription, the Haardt & Madau (2012) UVB field and explicit treatment of UVB self-shielding, can reproduce the observed characteristics of the DLA. UV radiation from young stellar populations in the galaxy, in particular in the photon energy range 10.36-13.61 eV (relating to Sulfur II abundance), are also considered in the analysis. It is found that a) for L~L* galaxies (at z=2.58), about 10% of the sight-lines through the galaxies at impact parameter 16.2 kpc will display a Sulfur II column density N(SII)>> 1015.82^{15.82} cm−2^{-2} (the observed value for the DLA), and b) considering only cases where a near-solar metallicity will be detected at 16.2 kpc impact parameter, the probability distribution of galaxy SFR peaks near the value observed for the DLA galaxy counterpart of ~27 Msun/yr. It is argued, that the bulk of the alpha-elements, like Sulfur, traced by the high metal column density, b=16.2 kpc absorption lines, were produced by evolving young stars in the inner galaxy, and later transported outward by galactic winds.Comment: 22 pages, 24 figures, MNRAS in pres

    Der Vorwelt Räthsel und die moderne Nation

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    Starting with Paul Henri Mallets "History of Denmark" of 1755, this contribution analyses the construction of European national prehistories from the late Enlightenment to the middle of the 19th century. Mallet, as Cluverus and Pelloutier before him presented the Celts as the ancestors of most European nations. His English translator, Bishop Thomas Percy, saw reason to correct him and already in 1770 tried to separate Celts, Teutonic people and Sarmatians by language, customs, laws and religion. After 1800, and under the influence of linguistic research, several waves of consecutive immigrations from the East were seen as causing a horizontal stratigraphy of peoples across the whole of Europe. An increasingly nationalist climate made shared ancestors increasingly suspect. Ludwig Lindenschmit can be identified as one of the founders of a germanocentric German prehistory that contained antisemitic and racist elements from 1848 onwards

    Non-perturbative renormalization of the axial current with improved Wilson quarks

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    We present a new normalization condition for the axial current, which is derived from the PCAC relation with non-vanishing mass. Using this condition reduces the O(r_0 m) corrections to the axial current normalization constant Z_A for an easier chiral extrapolation in the cases, where simulations at zero quark-mass are not possible. The method described here also serves as a preparation for a determination of Z_A in the full two-flavor theory.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figures, Lattice2003(improve

    The first decade of oligotrophication of Lake Constance

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    In Lake Constance, after several decades of cutrophication, a decrease in phosphorus loading over the last decade has lead to a partial recovery from eutrophication. Here we analyse the shift in the taxonomic composition of phytoplankton during the first decade of oligotrophication in Lake Constance. During the 1980s, spring total P concentrations decreased from ca. 130 to less than 50 mgr·l–1. This decrease was reflected by an approximately proportional decrease in summer phytoplankton biomass while spring phytoplankton biomass seemed unresponsive. Major taxonomic changes occured during both growth seasons. In spring, the proportion of diatoms, green algae and Chrysophyta increased while the proportion of Cryptophyta decreased. The summer trend was very different: the relative importance of diatoms decreased and Cryptophyta and Chrysophyta increased, while Chlorophyta reached their peak around 1985. These trends are also analysed at the genus level. Comparison with taxonomic trends during the eutrophication period shows the expected reversals in most cases. Comparison with other lakes shows general similarities, with the notable exception that Planktothrix rubescens has never been important in Lake Constance. The increase of diatoms during spring is attributed to their improved competitive performance with increasing Si:P ratios. Their decrease during summer is explained by the increasing silicate removal from the epilimnion by increasing spring populations

    Phytoplankton competition along a gradient of dilution rates

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    Natural phytoplankton from Lake Constance was used for chemostat competition experiments performed at a variety of dilution rates. In the first series at high Si:P ratios and under uniform phosphorus limitation for all species, Synedra acus outcompeted all other species at all dilution rates up to 1.6 d-1, only at the highest dilution rate (2.0 d-1) Achnanthes minutissima was successful. In the second series in the absence of any Si a green algal replacement series was found, with Mougeotia thylespora dominant at the lowest dilution rates, Scenedesmus acutus at the intermediate ones, and Chlorella minutissima at the highest ones. The outcome of interspecific competition was not in contradiction with the Monod kinetics of P-limited growth of the five species, but no satisfactorily precise prediction of competitive performance can be derived from the Monod kinetics because of insufficient precision in the estimate of k s

    Light, stratification and zooplankton as controlling factors for the spring development of phytoplankton in Lake Constance

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    The patterns of phytoplankton growth and decline during the spring bloom and the following clear-water phase in Lake Constance have been studied on the basis of cell counts with short-term sampling intervals and related to light climate, stratification and zooplankton pressure

    Running quark mass in two flavor QCD

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    We present first results for the step scaling function sigma_P of the renormalization factor Z_P of the pseudoscalar density. The simulations are performed within the framework of the Schroedinger functional with two flavors of O(a) improved Wilson fermions. The knowledge of sigma_P is required to compute the renormalization group invariant quark masses. We also study the performance of a variant of the HMC algorithm using two pseudofermion fields.Comment: 3 pages, 2 figures, Lattice2002(spectrum
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