541 research outputs found

    Identification of the Beutler-Fano formula in eigenphase shifts and eigentime delays near a resonance

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    Eigenphase shifts and eigentime delays near a resonance for a system of one discrete state and two continua are shown to be functionals of the Beutler- Fano formulas using appropriate dimensionless energy units and line profile indices. Parameters responsible for the avoided crossing of eigenphase shifts and eigentime delays are identified. Similarly, parameters responsible for the eigentime delays due to a frame change are identified. With the help of new parameters, an analogy with the spin model is pursued for the S matrix and time delay matrix. The time delay matrix is shown to comprise three terms, one due to resonance, one due to a avoided crossing interaction, and one due to a frame change. It is found that the squared sum of time delays due to the avoided crossing interaction and frame change is unity.Comment: 17 pages, 3 figures, RevTe

    Spectroscopy of free radicals and radical containing entrance-channel complexes in superfluid helium nano-droplets

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    The spectroscopy of free radicals and radical containing entrance-channel complexes embedded in superfluid helium nano-droplets is reviewed. The collection of dopants inside individual droplets in the beam represents a micro-canonical ensemble, and as such each droplet may be considered an isolated cryo-reactor. The unique properties of the droplets, namely their low temperature (0.4 K) and fast cooling rates (1016\sim10^{16} K s1^{-1}) provides novel opportunities for the formation and high-resolution studies of molecular complexes containing one or more free radicals. The production methods of radicals are discussed in light of their applicability for embedding the radicals in helium droplets. The spectroscopic studies performed to date on molecular radicals and on entrance / exit-channel complexes of radicals with stable molecules are detailed. The observed complexes provide new information on the potential energy surfaces of several fundamental chemical reactions and on the intermolecular interactions present in open-shell systems. Prospects of further experiments of radicals embedded in helium droplets are discussed, especially the possibilities to prepare and study high-energy structures and their controlled manipulation, as well as the possibility of fundamental physics experiments.Comment: 25 pages, 12 figures, 4 tables (RevTeX

    Interacting Constituents in Cosmology

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    Universe evolution, as described by Friedmann's equations, is determined by source terms fixed by the choice of pressure ×\times energy-density equations of state p(ρ)p(\rho). The usual approach in Cosmology considers equations of state accounting only for kinematic terms, ignoring the contribution from the interactions between the particles constituting the source fluid. In this work the importance of these neglected terms is emphasized. A systematic method, based on the Statistical Mechanics of real fluids, is proposed to include them. A toy-model is presented which shows how such interaction terms can engender significant cosmological effects.Comment: 24 pages, 6 figures. It includes results presented in "Cosmic Acceleration from Elementary Interactions" [arXiv:gr-qc/0512135]. Citations added in v.

    Independent Eigenstates of Angular Momentum in a Quantum N-body System

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    The global rotational degrees of freedom in the Schr\"{o}dinger equation for an NN-body system are completely separated from the internal ones. After removing the motion of center of mass, we find a complete set of (2+1)(2\ell+1) independent base functions with the angular momentum \ell. These are homogeneous polynomials in the components of the coordinate vectors and the solutions of the Laplace equation, where the Euler angles do not appear explicitly. Any function with given angular momentum and given parity in the system can be expanded with respect to the base functions, where the coefficients are the functions of the internal variables. With the right choice of the base functions and the internal variables, we explicitly establish the equations for those functions. Only (3N-6) internal variables are involved both in the functions and in the equations. The permutation symmetry of the wave functions for identical particles is discussed.Comment: 24 pages, no figure, one Table, RevTex, Will be published in Phys. Rev. A 64, 0421xx (Oct. 2001

    Master crossover behavior of parachor correlations for one-component fluids

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    The master asymptotic behavior of the usual parachor correlations, expressing surface tension σ\sigma as a power law of the density difference ρLρV\rho_{L}-\rho_{V} between coexisting liquid and vapor, is analyzed for a series of pure compounds close to their liquid-vapor critical point, using only four critical parameters (βc)1(\beta_{c})^{-1}, αc\alpha_{c}, ZcZ_{c} and YcY_{c}, for each fluid. ... The main consequences of these theoretical estimations are discussed in the light of engineering applications and process simulations where parachor correlations constitute one of the most practical method for estimating surface tension from density and capillary rise measurements

    Surface and capillary transitions in an associating binary mixture model

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    We investigate the phase diagram of a two-component associating fluid mixture in the presence of selectively adsorbing substrates. The mixture is characterized by a bulk phase diagram which displays peculiar features such as closed loops of immiscibility. The presence of the substrates may interfere the physical mechanism involved in the appearance of these phase diagrams, leading to an enhanced tendency to phase separate below the lower critical solution point. Three different cases are considered: a planar solid surface in contact with a bulk fluid, while the other two represent two models of porous systems, namely a slit and an array on infinitely long parallel cylinders. We confirm that surface transitions, as well as capillary transitions for a large area/volume ratio, are stabilized in the one-phase region. Applicability of our results to experiments reported in the literature is discussed.Comment: 12 two-column pages, 12 figures, accepted for publication in Physical Review E; corrected versio

    Realistic Equations of State for the Primeval Universe

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    Early universe equations of state including realistic interactions between constituents are built up. Under certain reasonable assumptions, these equations are able to generate an inflationary regime prior to the nucleosynthesis period. The resulting accelerated expansion is intense enough to solve the flatness and horizon problems. In the cases of curvature parameter \kappa equal to 0 or +1, the model is able to avoid the initial singularity and offers a natural explanation for why the universe is in expansion.Comment: 32 pages, 5 figures. Citations added in this version. Accepted EPJ

    Master singular behavior for the Sugden factor of the one-component fluids near their gas-liquid critical point

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    We present the master (i.e. unique) behavior of the squared capillary length - so called the Sudgen factor-, as a function of the temperature-like field along the critical isochore, asymptotically close to the gas-liquid critical point of twenty (one component) fluids. This master behavior is obtained using the scale dilatation of the relevant physical fields of the one-component fluids. The scale dilatation introduces the fluid-dependent scale factors in a manner analog with the linear relations between physical fields and scaling fields needed by the renormalization theory applied to the Ising-like universality class. The master behavior for the Sudgen factor satisfies hyperscaling and can be asymptotically fitted by the leading terms of the theoretical crossover functions for the correlation length and the susceptibility in the homogeneous domain recently obtained from massive renormalization in field theory. In the absence of corresponding estimation of the theoretical crossover functions for the interfacial tension, we define the range of the temperature-like field where the master leading power law can be practically used to predict the singular behavior of the Sudgen factor in conformity with the theoretical description provided by the massive renormalization scheme within the extended asymptotic domain of the one-component fluid "subclass"

    Sagittal jaw position in relation to body posture in adult humans – a rasterstereographic study

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    BACKGROUND: The correlations between the sagittal jaw position and the cranio – cervical inclination are described in literature. Only few studies focus on the sagittal jaw position and the body posture using valid and objective orthopaedic examination methods. The aim of this study was to test the hypothesis that patients with malocclusions reveal significant differences in body posture compared to those without (upper thoracic inclination, kyphotic angle, lordotic angle and lower lumbar inclination). METHODS: Eighty-four healthy adult patients (with a mean age = 25.6 years and ranging from 16.1 to 55.8 years) were examined with informed consent. The orthodontic examination horizontal overjet (distance between upper and lower incisors) was determined by using an orthodontic digital sliding calliper. The subjects were subdivided in respect of the overjet with the following results: 18 revealed a normal overjet (Class I), 38 had an increased overjet (Class II) and 28 had an reversed overjet (Class III). Rasterstereography was used to carry out a three – dimensional back shape analysis. This method is based on photogrammetry. A three-dimensional shape was produced by analysing the distortion of parallel horizontal white light lines projected on the patient's back, followed by mathematical modelling. On the basis of the sagittal profile the upper thoracic inclination, the thoracic angle, the lordotic angle and the pelvic inclination were determined with a reported accuracy of 2.8° and the correlations to the sagittal jaw position were calculated by means of ANOVA, Scheffé and Kruskal-Wallis procedures. RESULTS: Between the different overjet groups, no statistically significant differences or correlations regarding the analysed back shape parameters could be obtained. However, comparing males and females there were statistically significant differences in view of the parameters 'lordotic angle' and 'pelvic inclination'. CONCLUSION: No correlations between overjet and variables of the thoracic, lordotic or the pelvic inclination could be observed