15,326 research outputs found

    Search for the Lepton Flavour Violating Higgs decay H --> tau mu at Hadron Colliders

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    We study the prospects to detect at hadron colliders the Lepton Flavour Violating Higgs decay H --> tau mu, which can reach substantial branching fractions in several extensions of the SM. Among them, the generic two higgs doublet model can be taken as a representative case where B.R.(H --> tau mu) can reach values of order 10^-1-10^-2. Bounds on the LFV factor kappa_{tau mu} of order 0.8-1.7 can be derived at 95% c.l. at Tevatron Run-2 with 4 fb^-1 for m_H = 110-150 GeV.Comment: 3 pages, 1 figure, uses RevTeX4. Contribution to Snowmass 200

    Modellierung zeitabhängiger 3D-Modelle in der Geotechnik

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    Aufgrund der steigenden quantitativen und qualitativen Anforderungen an den Bauplanungsprozeß wird in den letzten Jahren nach neuen Lösungsansätzen gesucht, mit deren Hilfe der Bauplanungsprozeß den gestiegenen Anforderungen angepaßt werden kann. Ein Lösungsansatz hierzu stellt die durchgängig computergestützte, dreidimensionale und zeitabhängige Modellierung und Verwaltung des Bauplanungsprozesses beginnend bei der Vorplanung bis hin zum Recycling des Bauobjektes am Ende seiner Lebensdauer dar. Der vorliegende Beitrag zeigt auf, daß gerade der zeitliche Verlauf innerhalb einer geotechnischen Aufgabenstellung einen nicht unerheblichen Einfluß auf die verwendeten Modelle bzw. die Durchführung von Sicherheitsnachweisen ausübt. Für die Entwicklung geotechnischer Softwaresysteme ergibt sich daraus schon innerhalb der Analysephase die Anforderung, die zeitkritischen Abhängigkeiten zu modellieren und entsprechend im Entwurf zu berücksichtigen. Hierfür hat sich die objektorientierte Methode in Form des Objektmodells und des dynamischen Modells nach Rumbaugh als ein geeignetes Werkzeug herausgestellt. Die dabei gewonnenen Erkenntnisse und Ergebnisse können bereits sehr früh in die Konzeption des Gesamtsystems mit einbezogen werden. Am Beispiel des Geotechnischen Informationssystems (GTIS) führte dies zu einer raum- und zeitabhängigen Verwaltung des Boden- und Konstruktionsmodells und zu einer Bauablaufsteuerung, innerhalb derer die einzelnen Bauzustände verwaltet und mit den entsprechenden Ausprägungen innerhalb des dreidimensionalen Boden- und Konstruktionsmodells verknüpft werden können

    A More Flavored Higgs boson in Supersymmetric models

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    A More flavored Higgs boson arises when the flavor structure encoded in SUSY extensions of the SM is transmited to the Higgs sector. The flavor-Higgs transmition mechanism can have a radiative or mixing origin, as it is illustrated with several examples, and can produce interesting Higgs signatures that can be probed at future high-energy colliders. Within the MSSM, the flavor mediation mechanism can be of radiative type, as it is realized trhough gaugino-slepton loops, which transmit the flavor structture of the soft-breaking sector to the Higgs bosons. In particular we focus on evaluating the contributions from the general trilinear terms to the lepton flavor violating Higgs (LFV) vertices. On the other hand, as an example of flavor mediation through mixing, we discuss an E_6 inspired multi-Higgs model, with an abelian flavor symmetry, where LFV as well as lepton flavor conserving Higgs effects are found to arise, though in this case at tree-level. We find that Tevatron and LHC can provide information on the flavor structure of these models through the detection of the LFV higgs mode h-> tau+mu, while NLC can perform high-precision measurements of the LFC mode h-> tau tau.Comment: 17 pages, 5 tables, 3 figures; corrected mistake in last section, results changed but conclusions remmai

    Dissipative quantum dynamics in low-energy collisions of complex nuclei

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    Model calculations that include the effects of irreversible, environmental couplings on top of a coupled-channels dynamical description of the collision of two complex nuclei are presented. The Liouville-von Neumann equation for the time-evolution of the density matrix of a dissipative system is solved numerically providing a consistent transition from coherent to decoherent (and dissipative) dynamics during the collision. Quantum decoherence and dissipation are clearly manifested in the model calculations. Energy dissipation, due to the irreversible decay of giant-dipole vibrational states of the colliding nuclei, is shown to result in a hindrance of quantum tunneling and fusion.Comment: Accepted in Physical Review


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    Bloat atau kembung adalah gangguan sistemik non-infeksius yang mengakibatkan gangguan pada sistem pencernaan ruminansia. Kejadian bloat primer memiliki gejala klinis yang sering teramati yakni adanya pembesaran atau distensi rumen bagian kiri, stress, nyeri pada abdomen, sering berbaring dan dyspnea. Kambing jantan berumur 8 bulan dengan berat badan seberat 80 kg di kelurahan Lasiana dengan pemeriksaan fisik menunjukkan gejala klinis yakni distensi abdomen bagian kiri dan hewan selalu berbaring. Terapi yang dilakukan adalah dengan melakukan pemberian anti bloat Tympanol sebanyak 25 ml dalam 250 ml air, Penstrep-400 sebanyak 1 ml/10 Kg BB, dan biodin 2-5 ml/Kg BB. Terlambatnya penanganan dan upaya pengobatan yang dilakukan belum mampu untuk mengeluarkan semua gas dari dalam abdomen sehingga hewan mengalami kematian

    Classical Novae as a Probe of the Cataclysmic Variable Population

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    Classical Novae (CNe) are the brightest manifestation of mass transfer onto a white dwarf in a cataclysmic variable (CV). As such, they are probes of the mass transfer rate, Mdot, and WD mass, Mwd, in these interacting binaries. Our calculations of the dependence of the CN ignition mass, Mign, on Mdot and Mwd yields the recurrence times of these explosions. We show that the observed CNe orbital period distribution is consistent with the interrupted magnetic braking evolutionary scenario, where at orbital periods Porb > 3 hr mass transfer is driven by angular momentum loss via a wind from the companion star and at Porb < 3 hr by gravitational radiation. About 50% of CNe occur in binaries accreting at Mdot ~= 10^{-9} Msun/yr with Porb = 3-4 hr, with the remaining 50% split evenly between Porb longer (higher Mdot) and shorter (lower Mdot) than this. This resolution of the relative contribution to the CN rate from different CVs tells us that 3(9)x10^5 CVs with WD mass 1.0(0.6)Msun are needed to produce one CN per year. Using the K-band specific CN rate measured in external galaxies, we find a CV birthrate of 2(4)x10^{-4}/yr per 10^{10}Lsun,K, very similar to the luminosity specific Type Ia supernova rate in elliptical galaxies. Likewise, we predict that there should be 60-180 CVs for every 10^6Lsun,K in an old stellar population, similar to the number of X-ray identified CVs in the globular cluster 47 Tuc, showing no overabundance relative to the field. Using a two-component steady state model of CV evolution we show that the fraction of CVs which are magnetic (22%) implies a birthrate of 8% relative to non-magnetic CVs, similar to the fraction of strongly magnetic field WDs. (abridged)Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, Accepted to the Astrophysical Journa

    Natural 2HDMs without FCNCs

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    Motivated by the fermion mass hierarchy we study the phenomenology of two flavorful two-Higgs-doublet model (2HDM) scenarios. By virtue of the flavor or singular alignment ansatz it is possible to link the mass of a subset of fermions to the vacuum-expectation-value (VEV) of a unique Higgs doublet and to simultaneously avoid flavor-changing-neutral-currents at tree-level. We explicitly construct two models called Type-A and B. There, either the top quark alone or all third generation fermions couple to the doublet with the larger VEV. The other fermions acquire their masses through the small VEV of the other doublet. Thus, more natural values for the Yukawa couplings can be obtained. The main differences between these models and conventional ones are studied including a discussion of both their structure and phenomenological consequences. In particular, as distinctive deviations for the Yukawa couplings of the light fermions are predicted we discuss possible tests at the LHC based on searches for hJ/Ψ+γh\to J/\Psi + \gamma, hμμh\to\mu\mu, and heavy scalar resonances decaying to muon pairs. We find that for a wide region of parameter space this specific set of signatures can be used to distinguish among the new proposed types and the conventional ones

    Mass matrix Ansatz and lepton flavor violation in the THDM-III

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    Predictive Higgs-fermion couplings can be obtained when a specific texture for the fermion mass matrices is included in the general two-Higgs doublet model. We derive the form of these couplings in the charged lepton sector using a Hermitian mass matrix Ansatz with four-texture zeros. The presence of unconstrained phases in the vertices phi-li-lj modifies the pattern of flavor-violating Higgs interactions. Bounds on the model parameters are obtained from present limits on rare lepton flavor violating processes, which could be extended further by the search for the decay tau -> mu mu mu and mu-e conversion at future experiments. The signal from Higgs boson decays phi -> tau mu could be searched at the large hadron collider (LHC), while e-mu transitions could produce a detectable signal at a future e mu-collider, through the reaction e mu -> h0 -> tau tau.Comment: 17 pages, 9 figure

    Computational studies on heterogenization of homogeneous catalyst of iron(III), nickel(II) and copper(II) N,N′-disalicylidene-1,2-phenylenediamine complex

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    Density functional theory (DFT) calculations were carried out on iron(III), nickel(II) and copper(II) complexes of N,N′-ethylenebis(salicylimine) both at molecular level (isolated complexes) and encapsulated in a zeolite framework to investigate changes that occur in their geometrical and electronic parameters as well as in their reactivity and stability. The computational results showed that the zeolite encapsulated metal complexes have higher reactivity and less stability as compared to the isolated metal complexes.               KEY WORDS: Density functional theory, N,N′-ethylenebis(salicylimine), Computational studies, Heterogenization, Electronic parameters Bull. Chem. Soc. Ethiop. 2019, 33(1), 91-102DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.4314/bcse.v33i1.