200 research outputs found

    Web uygulamaları için model bazlı test süreci otomasyonu

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    Yazılım sistemlerinin boyutları ve karmaşıklıkları arttıkça, bu sistemlerin test edilmesi daha maliyetli olmaktadır. Maliyeti düşürmek ve verimliliği artırmak için model bazlı test teknikleri geliştirilmiştir. Bu teknikler ile sistem kullanım modelinden otomatik olarak test senaryoları oluşturulabilmektedir. Fakat sistem modelinin manuel bir şekilde oluşturulması gerekmektedir. Ayrıca, model ile oluşturulan test senaryolarının sistem üzerinde otomatik çalıştırılmalarını sağlamak için betikler veya özel programlar geliştirilmesi gerekmektedir. Bu çalışmada, Web uygulamaları için model bazlı test sürecini otomasyon desteği ile iyileştirmekteyiz. Farklı araçları birleştirerek, sistem modelinin yarı-otomatik bir yöntem ile oluşturulmasını ve bu model ile oluşturulan test senaryolarının, ayrı bir program geliştirilmesine gerek olmaksızın, sistem üzerinde otomatik çalıştırılmalarını sağlamaktayız

    Estimation of some stand parameters using digital aerial photographs for conservation and service oriented forests

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    Forest inventory, which is the first step of forest management planning, is the most difficult stage that requires much time and a lot of efforts. To reduce fieldworks that are considered time consuming and expensive methods of ground measurements, remote sensing data are widely used. Aerial photographs have been an integral part of forest inventory data in Turkey since 1963. Panchromatic and RGBI (Red, Green, Blue, Infrared) aerial photographs acquired by digital aerial cameras proved to be very important in forest inventory. They have maintained their importance for forest management planning process. The aim of this study is to construct a fast and practical inventory model that requires least fieldwork for forest management planning process. Pixel values and vegetation indices (NDVI, DVI, IPVI, RVI and PCA), obtained from remote sensing data, and stand parameters (stand volume, volume increment and number of trees) have been compared statistically. Black pine Pinus nigra J. F. Arnold plantations located in the south-east region of Turkey, Çelikhan Forest Planning Unit, was chosen as a research area. 0.5 meter spacing and 8 bit radiometric resolution Ultracam-X Digital Aerial Photos were used as remote sensing data. According to statistical analysis, IPVI and Green Band values provided the highest evaluation coefficient compared to the models developed for the estimation of stand parameters. Adjusted R square of stand volume, volume increment and the number of tree in the models were found to yield 0.74, 0.73 and 0.50 respectively. It was concluded that stand characteristics estimated by statistical models can be used for forest areas managed for conservation and service purposes

    Protein interaction perturbation profiling at amino-acid resolution

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    The identification of genomic variants in healthy and diseased individuals continues to rapidly outpace our ability to functionally annotate these variants. Techniques that both systematically assay the functional consequences of nucleotide-resolution variation and can scale to hundreds of genes are urgently required. We designed a sensitive yeast two-hybrid-based 'off switch' for positive selection of interaction-disruptive variants from complex genetic libraries. Combined with massively parallel programmed mutagenesis and a sequencing readout, this method enables systematic profiling of protein-interaction determinants at amino-acid resolution. We defined >1,000 interaction-disrupting amino acid mutations across eight subunits of the BBSome, the major human cilia protein complex associated with the pleiotropic genetic disorder Bardet–Biedl syndrome. These high-resolution interaction-perturbation profiles provide a framework for interpreting patient-derived mutations across the entire protein complex and thus highlight how the impact of disease variation on interactome networks can be systematically assessed

    Seed-derived microbial colonization of Wild Emmer and domesticated bread wheat (Triticum dicoccoides and T. aestivum) seedlings shows pronounced differences in overall diversity and composition

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    The composition of the plant microbiota may be altered by ecological and evolutionary changes in the host population. Seed-associated microbiota, expected to be largely vertically transferred, have the potential to coadapt with their host over generations. Strong directional selection and changes in the genetic composition of plants during domestication and cultivation may have impacted the assembly and transmission of seed-associated microbiota. Nonetheless, the effect of plant speciation and domestication on the composition of these microbes is poorly understood. Here, we have investigated the composition of bacteria and fungi associated with the wild emmer wheat (Triticum dicoccoides) and domesticated bread wheat (Triticum aestivum). We show that vertically transmitted bacteria, but not fungi, of domesticated bread wheat species T. aestivum are less diverse and more inconsistent among individual plants compared to those of the wild emmer wheat species T. dicoccoides. We propagated wheat seeds under sterile conditions to characterize the colonization of seedlings by seed-associated microbes. Hereby, we show markedly different community compositions and diversities of leaf and root colonizers of the domesticated bread wheat compared to the wild emmer wheat. By propagating the wild emmer wheat and domesticated bread wheat in two different soils, we furthermore reveal a small effect of plant genotype on microbiota assembly. Our results suggest that domestication and prolonged breeding have impacted the vertically transferred bacteria, but only to a lesser extent have affected the soil-derived microbiota of bread wheat.IMPORTANCE Genetic and physiological changes associated with plant domestication have been studied for many crop species. Still little is known about the impact of domestication on the plant-associated microbiota. In this study, we analyze the seed-associated and soil-derived bacterial and fungal microbiota of domesticated bread wheat and wild emmer wheat. We show a significant difference in the seed-associated, but not soil-derived, bacterial communities of the wheat species. Interestingly, we find less pronounced effects on the fungal communities. Overall, this study provides novel insight into the diversity of vertically transmitted microbiota of wheat and thereby contributes to our understanding of wheat as a “}metaorganism.{” Insight into the wheat microbiota is of fundamental importance for the development of improved crops

    A Y2H-seq approach defines the human protein methyltransferase interactome

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    To accelerate high-density interactome mapping, we developed a yeast two-hybrid interaction screening approach involving short-read second-generation sequencing (Y2H-seq) with improved sensitivity and a quantitative scoring readout allowing rapid interaction validation. We applied Y2H-seq to investigate enzymes involved in protein methylation, a largely unexplored post-translational modification. The reported network of 523 interactions involving 22 methyltransferases or demethylases is comprehensively annotated and validated through coimmunoprecipitation experiments and defines previously undiscovered cellular roles of nonhistone protein methylation

    Keyframe reduction techniques for motion capture data

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    Two methods for keyframe reduction of motion capture data are presented. Keyframe reduction of motion capture data enables animators to easily edit motion data with smaller number of keyframes. One of the approaches achieves keyframe reduction and noise removal simultaneously by fitting a curve to the motion information using dynamic programming. The other approach uses curve simplification algorithms on the motion capture data until a predefined threshold of number of keyframes is reached. Although the error rate varies with different motions, the results show that curve fitting with dynamic programming performs as good as curve simplification methods. ©2008 IEEE

    Biological Evaluation and Phytochemical Profiling of Some Lichen Species

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    Lichens are a symbiotic relationship between a fungus and a photosynthetic partner. Chemical characterization and bioactive potentials (antiproliferative, antioxidant, and antibacterial) of five lichen species (Evernia prunastri, Platismatia glauca, Pseudevernia furfuracea, Ramalina fastigiata, and Ramalina farinacea) were assessed. Five lichen metabolites (usnic acid, atranorin, stictic acid, evernic acid, and fumarprotocetraric acid) were analyzed by HPLC-DAD. E. prunastri was noteworthy evernic acid source. Antiproliferative activity was evaluated using human breast adenocarcinoma (MCF-7) and human hepatocellular carcinoma (HepG2/C3A) cell lines. The strongest activity was observed for P. glauca against HepG2/C3A, while the only lichen species that induced cytotoxicity against MCF-7 cell line was P. furfuracea. The highest antioxidant activity was also obtained with P. furfuracea. E. prunastri and R. farinaceae had the highest phenolic and flavonoid contents, respectively. Antibacterial activities of the extracts were determined against ten pathogenic bacteria. The most effective antibacterial agent was methanol extract of R. fastigiata. Our findings have revealed the pharmaceutical potentials of tested lichen species