143 research outputs found

    Optimization of morphological data in numerical taxonomy analysis using genetic algorithms feature selection method

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    Studies in Numerical Taxonomy are carried out by measuring characters as much as possible. The workload over scientists and labor to perform measurements will increase proportionally with the number of variables (or characters) to be used in the study. However, some part of the data may be irrelevant or sometimes meaningless. Here in this study, we introduce an algorithm to obtain a subset of data with minimum characters that can represent original data. Morphological characters were used in optimization of data by Genetic Algorithms Feature Selection method. The analyses were performed on an 18 character*11 taxa data matrix with standardized continuous characters. The analyses resulted in a minimum set of 2 characters, which means the original tree based on the complete data can also be constructed by those two characters

    Investigation of Internet Addiction, Cyberbullying, and Cyber Victimization in Adolescents During the COVID-19 Pandemic and Their Relationship with Anxiety and Depression

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    Introduction:The present study examined the problems of internet addiction (IA) and cyberbullying in the use of digital technology, which has become the most important part of adolescents’ lives during the pandemic period. These cyber problems are discussed in the context of their relationship with anxiety/depression.Methods:Adolescents (n=111, female 67%, male 33%) aged 11-18 years (mean: 13.7±2.05) were included in the study. Internet Addiction scale (IAS), Cyberbullying scale (CBS), Cyberbullying Sensibility scale (CBSS), Cyber Victimization scale (CVS), and Revised child anxiety/depression scale-child version (RCADS-CV) scales were used. The scales were filled out online twice according to the participants’ situations before and during the pandemic.Results:The IAS, CBS, and CBSS scores were significantly higher during the pandemic period (respectively: z=-7,227, p<0.001, z=-2,623, p=0.009, z=-2,382, p=0.017). There was no significant difference in the CVS scores (p=0.326). The IAS, CVS, and CBSS scores were associated with RCADS-CV scores. The CBS scores showed a correlation with panic and social anxiety scores.Conclusion:The findings indicate that the pandemic has negatively affected the behaviors of adolescents in cyberspace in terms of IAS and CBS. Moreover, anxiety and depression symptoms were associated with risky cyber behaviors such as addiction and bullying in cyberspace. Considering that adolescents are among the most important actors in the cyber world, they should be supervised and psychosocially supported in terms of increased cyber risks and anxiety and depression in a global stress period such as a pandemic

    Internship experience in architecture and interior architecture departments from students’ point of views

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    Internship is an important part of the education system which enables students to consolidate the knowledge gained from practical and theoretical courses by various field experiences and implementations. Despite the proven great advantages of the internship training for the education process, it is observed that the architecture and interior architecture education system in Turkey give less importance to the internship compared to the western countries and it has also been observed that there is a large gap in terms of the studies and researches related to this field in Turkey. For this purpose, a survey study was conducted with 2nd and 3rd grade students who completed their summer internship at Antalya Bilim University in 2019. The survey was aimed to raise awareness of the place of the internship in the education system with all the positive and negative experiences that might be contributed to the students. The survey was carried out according to three phases of the internship process. First phase is related to the pre-internship period in order to understand the students’ experiences before finding the internship institutions. The second stage is about the internship period for recognizing student experiences during the internship implementations. The third stage is related to the post-internship period to get the experiences gained after the internship. Accordingly, the survey results were evaluated in terms of the role of the internship experience in the architecture and interior architecture education processes and its importance in the professional life were examined.No sponso

    Amputation of an Extra-root with an Endodontic Lesion in an Invaginated Vital Maxillary Lateral Incisor: A Rare Case with Seven-year Follow-up

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    The developmental abnormality of tooth resulting from the infolding of enamel/dentin into the root is called dens invaginatus. Management of such cases is usually challenging due to the morphological complexity of root canal system. This report presents a rare treatment protocol of a clinical case of Oehler’s type III dens invaginatus combined with an endodontic lesion in a vital maxillary lateral incisor. Access to the endodontic lesion located between the central and lateral incisors was achieved by reflection of a full mucoperiosteal flap. Granulomatous tissue as well as aberrant root was removed and the surface of the root and adjacent coronal region were reshaped. Three years later, the patient was orthodontically treated. Seven years after completion of surgical/orthodontic management, the tooth remained asymptomatic and functional with normal periodontium/vital pulp. Radiographically, the healing of the lesion was observed. Actually, vitality of the invaginated tooth and communication between the invagination and the root canal were the most important factors in determining such minimally invasive treatment protocol. Depending on the anatomy of the root canal system, surgical amputation of an invaginated root can be performed to achieve a successful outcome in Oehler’s type III dens invaginatus cases, even though it is associated with apical periodontitis.Keywords: Apical Periodontitis; Dens Invaginatus; Endodontic Therapy; Lateral Incisor; Periradicular Surger

    Effects of the Erasmus Programme on Turkish Universities and University Students

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    DergiPark: 326200trakyasobedTurkish university students’ opportunities for studying abroad were quite restricted prior to the ERASMUS Student Exchange Programme. The implementation of the programme has rapidly changed this situation and significant numbers of students have had the chance to go overseas to live and to learn in universities outside of Turkey. As a result, Turkish universities have felt it necessary to incorporate the equivalent of the classes that students take abroad into their programmes. This situation, an important step in the internationalization of universities, is very new for Turkish universities and the students enrolled in them. This paper looks at the effects of the programme on 44 Turkish students in Germany via the ERASMUS Student Exchange Programme, the sample data being collected by qualitative methods at three stages. The study establishes what kind of changes have occurred in the students’ perspectives, in their assessment of events, and in the long-term outlook of their education and professional future. In this frame, it also establishes their perspectives from before joining the programme and during the time they were abroad, which resources they used to access knowledge, the problems they faced and their solutions, how they assess the ERASMUS Programme as well as living abroad and the university in which they enrolled, as students for a certain time naturally assessed their European study by comparing the university and educational system with that in their home country. The study also investigates to what extent the aims of the ERASMUS Programme have been achieved, which could be summarised as increasing the quality of higher education and strengthening the European dimension in Turkish universitiesTürk üniversite öğrencilerinin yurtdışında bulunma imkanları, ERASMUS öğrenci değişim programı uygulanana kadar oldukça sınırlı olmuştur. Programın uygulanması bu durumu hızla değiştirmiş ve oldukça önemli sayıda öğrenci Türkiye dışındaki üniversitelerle tanışma, eğitim alma ve başka bir ülkede yaşama imkanına sahip olmuştur. Türkiye Üniversiteleri, başka ülkelerde öğrencilerin aldıkları dersleri kendi programlarında karşılıklarını ve eşitliğini bulmak durumunda kalmıştır. Üniversitelerin uluslararasılaşmasında önemli bir adım olan bu durum Türkiye üniversiteleri ve üniversitelerinde kayıtlı öğrenciler için çok yeni bir durumdur. Bildiri ERASMUS öğrenci değişim Programıyla Almanya’da bulunan Türkiyeli öğrencilerde bu programın etkilerini ele almaktadır. Üç aşamada nitel yöntemlerle Almanya’da toplanan verilerin örneklemini Türkiye’den Almanya’ya ERASMUS Programıyla giden 44 öğrenci oluşturmuştur. Programa katılımla öğrencilerin bakış açılarında, olayları değerlendirmelerinde, eğitim ve mesleki gelecek planlarında ne gibi değişikliklerin olduğu tespit edilmiştir. Bu çerçevede, öğrencilerin bu programa katılmadan önce ve yurtdışında bulundukları sürede hangi kaynaklardan bilgi aldıkları, hangi sorunlarla karşılaştıkları, hangi çözüm yollarına yöneldikleri, ERASMUS Programını, yurtdışında yaşamı ve ERASMUS Programıyla bulundukları üniversiteyi nasıl değerlendirdikleri de bu araştırmayla tespit edilmiştir. Avrupa’da belirli bir süre eğitim gören öğrencilerin, doğal olarak bu ülke üniversitesi ve eğitim sistemi ile kendi üniversitesini ve eğitim sistemini karşılaştırarak değerlendirme yapmaktadırlar. Avrupa’da yaşamı/öğrenci yaşamını Türkiye’deki yaşamla/öğrenci yaşamıyla karşılaştırmalar yapılması nedeniyle öğrencilerin bu programa katılım sonrasında kendi üniversitelerini, eğitim sistemlerini, öğrenci yaşamını nasıl değerlendirdikleri de araştırma içinde yer almaktadı

    Does Inferior Oblique Muscle Overaction Affect Ocular Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potentials?

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    Objectives: Inferior oblique muscle overaction (IOOA) is a common ocular motility disorder. Ocular Vestibular Evoked Myogenic Potentials (oVEMP) are tests that evaluate the reflex pathway between the utricular macula and the inferior oblique muscle to detect vestibular diseases. Our study is of great importance as it is the first study in the literature to evaluate the effect of inferior oblique muscle overaction on oVEMP parameters. Methods: Thirty-five patients with unilateral inferior oblique muscle overaction (IOOA group) and 18 healthy volunteers without any neurological or vestibulocochlear disease were included in this study. All patients and healthy volunteers were evaluated with oVEMP. Results: No statistically significant difference was found between the n1 latency, p1 latency, n1-p1 latency measurement values of the participants included in the study (p\u3e0,05). A statistically significant difference was found between the n1-p1 amplitude measurement values of the participants in patient groups (non-squint eyes, squint eyes) and control groups (p-value was 0.038). Conclusion: In IOOA patients, vestibulo-ocular reflex pathway may be affected, vestibular symptoms may develop thus o-VEMP responses may be affected. A careful anamnesis should be taken in IOOA patients, and it should be kept in mind that n1-p1 amplitudes and asymmetries may be significantly higher when o-VEMP is performe

    Human rights problem in Cyprus in the light of international documents

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    Irritability and its relationships with psychological symptoms in adolescents with migraine: a case-control study

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    WOS: 000521674300002PubMed: 32212010Objective The aim of this study was to investigate self- and parent-reported irritability in adolescents with migraine and to evaluate the relationship between self- and parent-reported irritability and psychological symptoms in adolescents with migraine. Methods The sample of this single-center cross-sectional case-control study consisted of 71 adolescents with migraine (who were followed in a pediatric neurology clinic) and their parents. The control group consisted of 41 age- and sex-matched healthy adolescents and their parents. Results It was observed that there were significant differences in both self- (p < 0.001) and parent-reported (p < 0.001) irritability scores between the migraine and control groups. When the two groups were compared in terms of psychological symptoms, adolescents with migraine had significantly higher levels of anxiety (p < 0.001) and emotional problems (p < 0.001) than their healthy peers. This significant difference persisted even after controlling for confounding factors such as age, gender, family income, and maternal and paternal educational level. Our results revealed a moderate positive correlation between irritability scores and anxiety scores (r = 0.522, p < 0.001) and between irritability scores and emotional/behavioral problem scores (r = 0.487, p < 0.001) in the migraine group. In addition to these results, the odds ratios of self-reported irritability scores and emotional problem scores for migraine were 1.31 and 1.41, respectively. Conclusion The levels of anxiety, emotional/behavioral, and attention deficit/hyperactivity problems increased as the levels of irritability increased in the migraine group, suggesting that the psychosocial functionality of these adolescents may be impaired. Therefore, all adolescents with migraine (especially those with irritability) may have need of psychosocial support