16 research outputs found

    Identifying clinical characteristics of hypoparathyroidism in Turkey: HIPOPARATURK‑NET study

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    Hypoparathyroidism is an orphan disease with ill-defined epidemiology that is subject to geographic variability. We conducted this study to assess the demographics, etiologic distribution, treatment patterns and complication frequency of patients with chronic hypoparathyroidism in Turkey. This is a retrospective, cross-sectional database study, with collaboration of 30 endocrinology centers located in 20 cities across seven geographical regions of Turkey. A total of 830 adults (mean age 49.6 ± 13.5 years; female 81.2%) with hypoparathyroidism (mean duration 9.7 ± 9.0 years) were included in the final analysis. Hypoparathyroidism was predominantly surgery-induced (n = 686, 82.6%). The insulting surgeries was carried out mostly due to benign causes in postsurgical group (SG) (n = 504, 73.5%) while patients in nonsurgical group (NSG) was most frequently classified as idiopathic (n = 103, 71.5%). The treatment was highly dependent on calcium salts (n = 771, 92.9%), calcitriol (n = 786, 94.7%) and to a lower extent cholecalciferol use (n = 635, 76.5%) while the rate of parathyroid hormone (n = 2, 0.2%) use was low. Serum calcium levels were most frequently kept in the normal range (sCa 8.5–10.5 mg/dL, n = 383, 46.1%) which might be higher than desired for this patient group. NSG had a lower mean plasma PTH concentration (6.42 ± 5.53 vs. 9.09 ± 7.08 ng/l, p < 0.0001), higher daily intake of elementary calcium (2038 ± 1214 vs. 1846 ± 1355 mg/day, p = 0.0193) and calcitriol (0.78 ± 0.39 vs. 0.69 ± 0.38 mcg/day, p = 0.0057), a higher rate of chronic renal disease (9.7% vs. 3.6%, p = 0.0017), epilepsy (6.3% vs. 1.6%, p = 0.0009), intracranial calcifications (11.8% vs. 7.3%, p < 0.0001) and cataracts (22.2% vs. 13.7%, p = 0.0096) compared to SG. In conclusion, postsurgical hypoparathyroidism is the dominant etiology of hypoparathyroidism in Turkey while the nonsurgical patients have a higher disease burden with greater need for medications and increased risk of complications than the postsurgical patients

    A newborn with moderate hemophilia A with severe intracranial and extracranial hemorrhage: A case report

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    Intracranial hemorrhage among term newborns is a rare clinical condition with high morbidity and mortality. Although major bleeding is relatively uncommon, the incidence of intracranial hemorrhage in hemophilic children is higher during the first few days of life than at any other stage in childhood, which relates to the trauma of delive ry. Here, we reported a newborn case diagnosed with moderate hemophilia A, without the presence of a positive family history of hemophilia and presenting with intracranial and extracranial hemorrhage and we aimed to emphasize that the early diagnosis and replacement therapy carries an essential importance

    Comparison of irisin hormone expression between thyroid cancer tissues and oncocytic variant cells

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    Objective: The incidence of thyroid cancer has been continuously increasing. The main objective of this study was to investigate irisin expression in various thyroid pathologies and to compare these expression patterns with irisin expression in healthy thyroid tissues

    Intra-ovarian stem cell transplantation in management of premature ovarian insufficiency: towards the induced Oogonial Stem Cell (iOSC)

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    The specialized resident-stem cells in gonads are tasked with restorating damaged ovarian cells following injury to maintain sequential reproductive events. When we talk about premature ovarian insufficiency (POI) we accept the existence of decreased stem cell and their regenerative abilities. The present study was to explain how restorating damaged ovarian cells following injury to maintain sequential reproductive events in evidence-based medicine indexed in PubMed and Web of Science. The exact mechanism is unclear stem cells transfer may improve compromised ovarian function and fertility outcome in women with POI. Soluble factors secreted by stem cell may rescue impaired mitochondrial function in oogonial stem cells, enhance metabolic capacity of resident stem cells, induce local neovascularization in the ovary, and activate gene shifting between transferred stem cells and germ cell precursors. This review may provide insight into how stem cells show some of their beneficial effects on compromised ovarian microenvironment and germ cell niche and paves the way for clinical trials for improving ovarian function of women with POI. We also had the opportunity to share our hypothesis about the design and development of induced oogonial stem cell (iOSC) and its use in POI

    Combating sars-cov-2 through lipoxins, proteasome, caveolin and nuclear factor-κb pathways in non-pregnant and pregnant populations

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    Saǧlam, Aylin ( Aksaray, Yazar )It can be misleading to think that the new severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus (SARS-CoV2) which has a very strong mutation and adaptation capabilities, uses only the angiotensin-converting enzyme II (ACE2) pathway to reach target cells. Despite all the precautions taken, the pandemic attack continues and the rapid increase in the number of deaths suggest that this virus has entered the cell through different pathways and caused damage through different mechanisms. The main reason why the ACE2 pathway comes to the fore in all scientific studies is that this receptor is located at the entry point of basic mechanisms that provide alveolo-capillary homeostasis. SARS-CoV-2 has to use nuclear factor-κB (NF-kB), caveloae, clathrin, lipoxin, serine protease and proteasome pathways in addition to ACE2 to enter the target cell and initiate damage. For this reason, while new drug development studies are continuing, in order to be beneficial to patients in their acute period, it is imperative that we are able to come up with drugs that activate or inhibit these pathways and are currently in clinical use. It is also critical that we adopt these new pathways to the treatment of pregnant women affected by SARS-CoV-2, based on the scientific data we use to treat the general population