39 research outputs found

    Retrospective evaluation of inpatients admitted to a tertiary hospital in Somalia for Pediatric surgery

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    Objective: The aim is to reflect on the epidemiology of the patient population at a tertiary hospital for pediatric surgery, diagnostic pattern, and mortality in Somalia retrospectively. Methods: In this study, 163 patient who were hospitalized to Pediatric Surgery Clinic of Mogadishu Somalia Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Training and Research Hospital in 2018 were included. Data regarding age, gender, diagnosis, surgical condition, mortality rate and cause of the death were recorded from the patient charts and the institutional digital database Results: Of 163 patients 47 were female (28.8%) and 116 were male (71.2%). The mean age of the patients was 6.4 ± 4.8 years. The main diagnoses were congenital malformation (34.4%), acute abdomen (25.8%), traumatic injury (23.3%), infection (9.8%) and neoplasm (6.1%). Mortality rate was 9.8% and the leading cause of death was sepsis by 87.5%. Perforated appendicitis, intestinal obstruction and intussusception were creating the 68.7% of the diseases that result in death. Conclusions: Our results show that two-thirds of the surgical deaths could be prevented with timely presentation. We think that the health policymakers in Somalia should focus on how to improve the access to surgical care, patient transfer, timely presentation, and training of pediatric surgeons and to overcome the poor surgical outcomes. Keywords: Surgery; children; epidemiology; mortality; Somalia

    Evaluation of Dermatology Consultations Requested from the Pediatric Clinic

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    Objective: The aim of this study is to evaluate the clinical, demographic, and diagnostic characteristics of pediatric patients consulting the dermatology department. Methods: Patients who were consulted to the dermatology department from pediatric clinic of XX Hospital between January 2021 and August 2021 were scanned retrospectively. The demographic data of the patients, the pediatric department requesting consultation, their complaints at admission, the reasons for asking for consultation, and the diagnoses they received as a result of the consultation were recorded. Results: A total of 296 patients, 150 (50.7%) females and 146 (49.3%) males, with a median age of 5.5 years (1.5-10.5 ) were evaluated. The outpatient clinic were seen to have made the most requests for consultation. The most frequent complaints on presentation were seen to be redness of the skin in 168 (56.8%) cases and itching in 36 (12.2%). The five most common diagnoses made as a result of the consultation were unspecified dermatitis in 47 (15.9%) cases, scabies in 34 (11.5%), insect bite in 17 (5.7%), atopic dermatitis in 13 (4.4%), and seborrheic dermatitis in 13 (4.4%). When the diagnoses were examined according to the age groups, unspecified dermatitis was usually seen in the 0-2, 6-11, and 12-18 years age groups and insect bite was more common in the 3-5 years age group. Conclusion: The establishment of effectively functioning consultation mechanisms not only facilitates a correct diagnosis for the patient and appropriate treatment, but also can shorten the length of hospital stay for pediatric patients and can reduce economic costs

    A rare tumor of the thorax: synovial sarcoma case report and review of the literature

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    Toraksın primer sinovyal sarkomu oldukça nadirdir. Akciger, plevra veya gögüs duvarı tutulumu görülebildigi gibi bu bölgelerin birden fazlası da tutulabilir. Gögüs duvarında kitle saptanması nedeniyle opere edilen ve operasyon materyaline ait doku tanısı monofazik sinovyal sarkom olarak raporlanan, 55 yasındaki erkek hastanın operasyon öncesindeki PA akciger grafisinde sag hemitoraks alt zonda, diyafragmadan net olarak sınırlandırılamayan kitle görünümü izlendi. Toraks BT incelemesinde sag akciger orta lob komsulugunda, plevraya genis tabanla oturan, interkostal alanlardan gögüs duvarına uzanan, 97x72 mm boyutlarında düzgün sınırlı kitle saptandı. Tanımlanan görüntüleme bulguları özgül olmamakla birlikte, ayırıcı tanıda toraksın primer malign neoplazmları içerisinde nadir görülen sinovyal sarkom da göz önünde bulundurulmalıdır.Primary synovial sarcoma of the thorax is extremely rare. The involvement of lung, pleura or chest wall may be seen and sometimes more than one of these structures may be effected. The preoperative chest radiography of a 55-year-old male patient operated for a mass lesion detected on chest wall revealed a mass lesion at the inferior zone of the right hemithorax which was not discernible from the diaphragma. Thorax CT examination revealed a sharply marginated mass lesion with dimensions of 97x72 mm, located adjacent to the right middle lobe, having a wide pleural base and extending through the intercostal space to the chest wall. Rare synovial sarcoma of the thorax should be considered in the diferential diagnosis of the primary malignant neoplasms of the thorax, though the imaging findings are non-specific

    Inflammatory pseudotumor of the lung

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    Pulmoner inflamatuar psödotümör nadir görülen, etiyolojisi bilinmeyen proliferatif bir lezyondur ve tüm pulmoner tümörlerin % 0.7-1'ini olusturmaktadır. Öksürük, dispne ve hemoptizi yakınmalarıyla basvuran 65 erkek hastanın PA ve sag yan akciger grafilerinde sag hemitoraks üst zonda düzensiz sınırlı konsolidasyon saptanmıstır. Kontrastlı toraks BT'de sag akciger üst lob posterior segmentinde, periferik yerlesim gösteren, 9x8x4 cm boyutlarında, düzensiz kenar yapısı gösteren, kavitasyon içeren, periferik tarzda kontrast tutulumu gösteren heterojen dansitede kitle ve minimal plevral efüzyon saptanmıstır. Tanımlanan lezyonun radyografik olarak düzensiz kenar yapısı gösteren konsolidasyon alanı seklinde olması ve BT incelemesinde kavitasyon ve minimal düzeyde plevral efüzyon saptanması pulmoner inflamatuar psödotümör için sık olmayan bulgulardır.Pulmonary inflammatory pseutumor is a rare proliferative lesion with unknown etiology and constitutes 0.7-1% of all pulmonary tumors. Posteroanterior and right lateral chest radiographies of a 65 year old male patient presenting with complaints of cough, dyspnea and hemoptysis revealed an ill-defined consoldation in the superior zone of the right hemithorax. On contrast-enhanced thorax CT, an ill-defined, heterogenous lesion located peripherally at the posterior segment of the right upper lobe with dimensions of 9x8x4 cm, having cavitation and peripheral contrast enhancement and minimal pleural effusion were detected. The finding of a consolidation area with irregular margins at radiography and the detection of cavitation as well as minimal pleural effusion are infrequent for pulmonary inflammatory pseudotumor

    1929 Dünya iktisadi buhranının Türk halkı üzerindeki etkileri -Basındaki yansımalarıyla-

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    Bu tezin, veri tabanı üzerinden yayınlanma izni bulunmamaktadır.SAU Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Yüksek Lisans Tezi Tezin Başlığı: 1929 Dünya İktisadi Buhranının Türk Halkı Üzerindeki Etkileri -Basındaki Yansımalarıyla- Tezin Yazan: Cüneyt Uğur Danışmanı: Yrd. Doç. Dr. Adnan Doğruyol Kabul Tarihi: 30.09.2005 Sayfa Sayısı: V (Ön kısım)+179 (tez) Ana Bilim Dalı: İktisat 1929 yılında dünya ekonomisinin görmüş olduğu en büyük krizlerden biri yaşanmıştır. Çok geniş bir coğrafyada etkilerini gösteren bu krizin etkilediği ülkelerden biri de Türkiye olmuştur. Türkiye'nin buhran yıllarındaki koşullarım halkın üzerinde gözlemlemek oldukça kolaydır; çünkü yeni kurulan ülkenin ekonomisinin yapısal sorunlar yaşaması çok zordur. Dolayısıyla buhranın etkileri doğrudan halkın üzerinde kendini göstermiştir. Bu çalışma Büyük Buhranın halkın hangi kesimlerini, ne koşullarda etkilediğini açıklamaya çalışmaktadır. Bu gerçekleştirilirken de, dönemin gazete ve dergilerinde halkın durumunu yansıtan haber ve yorumlara sıkça yer verilmektedir. Sosyolojik özelliklere sahip yorumlar yalnızca tamamlayıcı olarak kullanılmaktadır. Çalışmalım başlangıç aralığı, bütünlüğün sağlanması amacıyla 1929 'dan önceki birkaç yıla denk gelmektedir. Sonucu ise 1930'lann ikinci yarısında da görece olarak devam etmiştir. Ancak asıl etkiler erken 1930'larda ortaya çıkmıştır. Sonuç olarak söylenebilir ki, bu çalışma Büyük Buhran yıllarında halkın vaziyeti ile ilgili bir durum tespiti yapmayı amaçlamaktadır. Geniş ölçekli makroekonomik tahlillerden özellikle uzak durulmaya çalışılmıştır. Basındaki haber ve yorumların bu amaca ışık tutması hedeflenmiştir. Anahtar Kelimeler: Buhran, Tarım, Sanayi, Basın

    Assessment of the Results of Blood Cultures Taken in the Pediatric Clinic of a Training and Research Hospital in Mogadishu, Somalia

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    Aim: The aim of this study is to determine the distribution of microorganisms isolated in blood culture  and their antibiotic susceptibility retrospectively.Materials and Methods: This study was conducted at the Mogadishu Somalia Türkiye Recep Tayyip Erdogan Training and Research Hospital. A total of 76 patients who were hospitalized to the fpediatric clinic between the years of 2016 and 2018, who had significant reproduction in their culture tests and whose samples was performed antibiogram test were included. Demographic datas, microorganism strains and antibiogram results of these patients were recorded.Results: The subjects of this study were 37 females (48.7%) and 39 males (51.3%). The mean age of the subjects was 4.68 ± 4.74 (1 month-18 years) years. 57 (75%) of the reproduced microorganisms were Gram-positive bacteria, and 19 (25%) were Gram-negative bacteria. The most commonly isolated bacteria was coagulase-negative staphylococci (CoNS) by 36.8%. It was followed by Staphylococcus aureus (S. aureus) by 19.7%. The most commonly isolated Gram-negative bacteria was Escherichia coli (E. coli) by 6.6%. The antibiotic resistance of CoNS was highest against penicillin G by 85.7%, ampicillin-sulbactam (SAM) by 78.6% and trimethoprim sulfamethoxazole (TMP-SMX) by 75%. The antibiotic resistance of S. aureus was also highest against penicillin G (86.7%), SAM (80%) and TMP-SMX (73.3%).Conclusion: İt is necessary that conducting studies on this subject as periodic. In this way, it was concluded that morbidity and mortality may be reduced and development of antibiotic resistance may be prevented

    Evaluation of Newborns Born in a Training and Research Hospital in Mogadishu,Somalia, Africa

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    Background: This study aimed to determine the clinical characteristics of the newborns born in the hospital.Methods: This study included 1199 newborns born in Turkey Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Training and Research Hospital, Mogadishu, Somalia, Africa, in 2018. The gender, birth weight and height, delivery method, health status, mother's age, as well as gravida and parity conditions were retrospectively obtained from the records of the delivery clinic.Results: Out of 1199 newborns, 610 neonates were male (50.9%). The mean birth weight of the newborns was 2915.7±907.5 gr, and the mean birth height was 47.6±4.6 cm. Moreover, 66.6% of the newborns were born by normal vaginal delivery, and 91.8% were born alive. The mean age of the mothers was 26.3±5.4 years, and the mean values of gravida and parity were 3.8±2.5 and 2.9±2.1, respectively.Conclusion: There is a dearth of research regarding the evaluation of newborns in Somalia, Africa. Therefore, it is hoped that the results of this study will contribute to form standards for the follow-up of growth and development of infants living in this region and to improvematernal and child health