29 research outputs found

    RNA interference in parasitic nematodes – from genome to control

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    Teladorsagia circumcincta is a parasitic nematode which is a major cause of ovine parasitic gastroenteritis in temperate climatic regions. The parasite has developed resistance to the major anthelmintic drug classes and this challenges its future control. Vaccination is a potential alternative control method since sheep are able to develop protective immunity against this parasite. Although potential vaccine candidates have been revealed, the increasing gene datasets suggest that vaccinetarget selection may be aided by screening methods such as RNAi. This is a reverse genetic mechanism that causes highly specific gene silencing which was initially described and applied to defining gene function in Caenorhabditis elegans. Nevertheless, its application was more difficult than anticipated in parasitic nematodes because of the inconsistency of the silencing effect. In the unsuccessful cases, did the dsRNA penetrate the parasite and activate the RNAi pathway? Thus far, there are no internal controls that indicate the activation of the pathway. Are the RNAi pathway genes constantly transcribed or are they ‘switched on’ in response to the dsRNA exposure? The initial aim of the study was to determine potential marker genes in the RNAi pathway that could indicate the activation of the pathway in C. elegans. After the exposure to dsRNA from two target genes, the transcript levels of three candidate marker genes (Ce-dcr-1, Ce-ego-1 and Ce-rsd-3) were examined and showed that exposure to dsRNA has no effect on the transcript levels of these genes making them inappropriate markers for the activation of the RNAi pathway. The two target-genes were Ce-cpr-4 and Ce-sod-4 which had been proven to be consistently susceptible and refractory to RNAi, respectively. Another aim of the project was to develop an RNAi platform in T. circumcincta for use as a screening method for potential vaccine candidates. The targets selected for the in vitro RNAi included: five members of the Activation-associated Secreted Proteins (ASPs); a Macrophage migration Inhibitory Factor-like (Tci-mif-1) and a Surface Associated Antigen gene (Tci-saa-1), all of which have been associated with vaccine-induced protective immunity. The selection of the ASPs was based on a bioinformatic and transcriptomic analysis of the ASPs in T. circumcincta. The results showed successful knock-down only for three out of five ASP targets after 1 hour of soaking in gene-specific double stranded RNA (dsRNA) which illustrates the inconsistency and the target specificity of RNAi in T. circumcincta which has been observed in the past with other parasitic nematodes. Inconsistencies were also observed within the successful ASP targets with the results not being reproducible after several successful experiments. Potential reasons for the inconsistencies were examined with the duration of larval storage being a critical factor. Larvae stored for a short or long period of time were susceptible and refractory to RNAi, respectively. Experiments were also conducted to investigate how the ASPs relate to extracellular microvesicles (EMVs). These vesicles are considered to play an important role in the intercellular communication between parasites and their hosts, and thus represent potentially useful vaccine and/or drug targets. Transmission electron microscopy (TEM) confirmed that EMVs are excreted / secreted by the parasite and the proteomic analysis revealed several types of proteins within the vesicles such as: ASPs, Actins, Metallopeptidases, and RAB proteins. A comparative analysis of EMVs, EMV-free ES (Excretory / Secretory) and total ES products showed that approximately 35% of the proteins found in the vesicles could also be identified in EMV-free ES and in total ES products, whilst the remaining 65% were present only in EMVs

    Large scale transcriptional analysis of MHC class I haplotype diversity in sheep

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    Domestic sheep (Ovis aries) have been an important component of livestock agricultural production for thousands of years. Preserving genetic diversity within livestock populations maintains a capacity to respond to changing environments and rapidly evolving pathogens. MHC genetic diversity can influence immune functionality at individual and population levels. Here, we focus on defining functional MHC class I haplotype diversity in a large cohort of Scottish Blackface sheep pre-selected for high levels of MHC class II DRB1 diversity. Using high-throughput amplicon sequencing with three independent sets of barcoded primers we identified 134 MHC class I transcripts within 38 haplotypes. Haplotypes were identified with between two and six MHC class I genes, plus variable numbers of conserved sequences with very low read frequencies. One or two highly transcribed transcripts dominate each haplotype indicative of two highly polymorphic, classical MHC class I genes. Additional clusters of medium, low, and very low expressed transcripts are described, indicative of lower transcribed classical, non-classical and genes whose function remains to be determined.</p

    Conservation of a microRNA cluster in parasitic nematodes and profiling of miRNAs in excretory-secretory products and microvesicles of Haemonchus contortus

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    microRNAs are small non-coding RNAs that are important regulators of gene expression in a range of animals, including nematodes. We have analysed a cluster of four miRNAs from the pathogenic nematode species Haemonchus contortus that are closely linked in the genome. We find that the cluster is conserved only in clade V parasitic nematodes and in some ascarids, but not in other clade III species nor in clade V free-living nematodes. Members of the cluster are present in parasite excretory-secretory products and can be detected in the abomasum and draining lymph nodes of infected sheep, indicating their release in vitro and in vivo. As observed for other parasitic nematodes, H. contortus adult worms release extracellular vesicles (EV). Small RNA libraries were prepared from vesicle-enriched and vesicle-depleted supernatants from both adult worms and L4 stage larvae. Comparison of the miRNA species in the different fractions indicated that specific miRNAs are packaged within vesicles, while others are more abundant in vesicle-depleted supernatant. Hierarchical clustering analysis indicated that the gut is the likely source of vesicle-associated miRNAs in the L4 stage, but not in the adult worm. These findings add to the growing body of work demonstrating that miRNAs released from parasitic helminths may play an important role in host-parasite interactions

    Characterisation of serum IgG(T) responses to potential diagnostic antigens for equine cyathostominosis

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    Cyathostomins are ubiquitous parasitic nematodes of horses. These worms spend substantial periods as intestinal wall stage encysted larvae, which can comprise up to 90% of the total burden. Several million larvae have been reported in individuals. Emergence of these larvae from the gut wall can lead to life-threatening colitis. Faecal egg count tests, increasingly used by horse owners to inform anthelmintic treatments, do not correlate with the intra-host burden of cyathostomins; this represents a key gap in the diagnostic toolbox. Previously, a cyathostomin Gut Associated Larval Antigen was identified as a promising marker for the intra-host stages of infection. Here, cyathostomin Gut Associated Larval Antigen and an additional protein, Cyathostomin Immuno-diagnostic antigen, were investigated to examine their value in providing information on cyathostomin burden. ELISA analyses examined serum IgG(T) responses to recombinant proteins derived from individual cyathostomin species. Receiver Operator Characteristic curve analysis was performed on the ELISA data; proteins with the highest Area Under the Curve values were selected to test protein combinations to investigate which were the most informative in identifying the infection status of individuals. Three cocktail combinations were tested, comprising: (a) Cy-GALA proteins from two species and a Cy-CID protein from a third species (CT3), (b) Cy-GALA proteins from five species (CT5), and (c) all CT5 components, plus a Cy-CID protein from an additional species (CT6). The best predictive values for infection were obtained using CT3 and CT6, with similar values achieved for both. Proteins in CT3 are derived from the most commonly reported species, Cyathostomum catinatum, Cylicocyclus nassatus and Cylicostephanus longibursatus. This combination was selected for future development since it represents a more commercially viable format for a diagnostic test