206 research outputs found

    Persistent quantum interfering electron trajectories

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    The emission of above-ionization-threshold harmonics results from the recombination of two electron wavepackets moving along a "short" and a "long" trajectory in the atomic continuum. Attosecond pulse train generation has so far been attributed to the short trajectory, attempted to be isolated through targeted trajectory-selective phase matching conditions. Here, we provide experimental evidence for the contribution of both trajectories to the harmonic emission, even under phase matching conditions unfavorable for the long trajectory. This is finger printed in the interference modulation of the harmonic yield as a function of the driving laser intensity. The effect is also observable in the sidebands yield resulting from the frequency mixing of the harmonics and the driving laser field, an effect with consequences in cross-correlation pulse metrology approaches.Comment: 13 pages, 3 figure

    Quantum optical signatures in strong-field laser physics: Infrared photon counting in high-order-harmonic generation

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    We analytically describe the strong-field light-electron interaction using a quantized coherent laser state with arbitrary photon number. We obtain a light-electron wave function which is a closed-form solution of the time-dependent Schrodinger equation (TDSE). This wave function provides information about the quantum optical features of the interaction not accessible by semi-classical theories. With this approach we can reveal the quantum optical properties of high harmonic generation (HHG) process in gases by measuring the photon statistics of the transmitted infrared (IR) laser radiation. This work can lead to novel experiments in high-resolution spectroscopy in extreme-ultraviolet (XUV) and attosecond science without the need to measure the XUV light, while it can pave the way for the development of intense non-classical light sources.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figure

    High-order harmonics measured by the photon statistics of the infrared driving-field exiting the atomic medium

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    High-order harmonics in the extreme-ultraviolet spectral range, resulting from the strong-field laser-atom interaction, have been used in a broad range of fascinating applications in all states of matter. In the majority of these studies the harmonic generation process is described using semi-classical theories which treat the electromagnetic field of the driving laser pulse classically without taking into account its quantum nature. In addition, for the measurement of the generated harmonics, all the experiments require diagnostics in the extreme-ultraviolet spectral region. Here by treating the driving laser field quantum mechanically we reveal the quantum-optical nature of the high-order harmonic generation process by measuring the photon number distribution of the infrared light exiting the harmonic generation medium. It is found that the high-order harmonics are imprinted in the photon number distribution of the infrared light and can be recorded without the need of a spectrometer in the extreme-ultraviolet

    Disclosing intrinsic molecular dynamics on the 1-fs scale through extreme-ultraviolet pump-probe measurements

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    Through frequency up-conversion of polarization-shaped, femtosecond laser pulses nonlinearly interacting with xenon atoms, energetic, broadband, coherent, XUV continuum radiation is generated. By exploiting the thus-formed short-duration XUV pulses, all the optically allowed excited states of H2 are coherently populated. Nuclear and electronic 1-fs-scale dynamics are subsequently investigated by means of XUV-pump-XUV-probe measurements, which are compared to the results of ab initio calculations. The revealed dynamics reflects the intrinsic molecular behavior, as the XUV probe pulse hardly distorts the molecular potentialThis work is supported in part by the European Commission programs ATTOFEL, CRISP, Laserlab Europe, the European COST Actions MPI1203-SKO and CM1204 XLIC, and the Greek funding program NSRF. A.P. and F.M. acknowledge allocation of computer time by CCC-UAM and BSC Mare Nostrum, and financial support from the Advanced Grant of the European Research Council XCHEM (No. 290853), the European grant MC-RG ATTOTREND, the MICINN Project (No. FIS2010-15127), and the ERA-Chemistry Project (No. PIM2010EEC-00751)

    Extreme-ultraviolet pump-probe studies of one femtosecond scale electron dynamics

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    Studies of ultrafast dynamics along with femtosecond-pulse metrology rely on non-linear processes, induced solely by the exciting/probing pulses or the pulses to be characterized. Extension of these approaches to the extreme-ultraviolet (XUV) spectral region opens up a new, direct route to attosecond scale dynamics. Limitations in available intensities of coherent XUV continua kept this prospect barren. The present work overcomes this barrier. Reaching condition at which simultaneous ejection of two bound electrons by two-XUV-photon absorption becomes more efficient than their one-by-one removal it is succeeded to probe atomic coherences, evolving at the 1fs scale, and determine the XUV-pulse duration. The investigated rich and dense in structure autoionizing manifold ascertains applicability of the approach to complex systems. This initiates the era of XUV-pump-XUV-probe experiments with attosecond resolution.Comment: 27 page

    Generation of optical Schrödinger cat states in intense laser-matter interactions

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    The physics of intense laser–matter interactions1,2 is described by treating the light pulses classically, anticipating no need to access optical measurements beyond the classical limit. However, the quantum nature of the electromagnetic fields is always present3. Here we demonstrate that intense laser–atom interactions may lead to the generation of highly non-classical light states. This was achieved by using the process of high-harmonic generation in atoms4,5, in which the photons of a driving laser pulse of infrared frequency are upconverted into photons of higher frequencies in the extreme ultraviolet spectral range. The quantum state of the fundamental mode after the interaction, when conditioned on the high-harmonic generation, is a so-called Schrödinger cat state, which corresponds to a superposition of two distinct coherent states: the initial state of the laser and the coherent state reduced in amplitude that results from the interaction with atoms. The results open the path for investigations towards the control of the non-classical states, exploiting conditioning approaches on physical processes relevant to high-harmonic generation.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft

    Attosecond pulse metrology

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