108 research outputs found

    Thermodynamic properties of methyl 4-(4-methoxyphenyl)-6-methyl-2-oxo-1,2,3,4-tetrahydropyrimidine-5-carboxylate in organic solutions

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    The enthalpy and the entropy of dissolution of methyl 4-(4-methoxyphenyl)-6-methyl-2-oxo-1,2,3,4-tetrahydropyrimidine-5-carboxylate in 2-propanol, ethyl acetate, acetonitrile, 2-propanone and benzene were determined from the temperature dependence of its solubility.The enthalpies and the entropies of mixing at 298 K were calculated taking into account the enthalpy of melting of the compound, determined via differential thermal analysis.The influence of the solvent on the solubility of the compound and on the corresponding enthalpy and entropy of mixing values was shown

    Застосування задачі інвестора щодо торгівлі цінними паперами

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    У статті досліджено застосування проблеми інвестора до торгівлі цінними паперами в одноперіодній і багатоперіодній моделях. Інвестор повинен визначити на етапі t суму Xt, яку він вкладає в купівлю цінних паперів (акцій або опціонів), якщо з попередніх історичних статистичних даних йому відомий розподіл випадкової величини St – ціни акцій, за умови, що E(St) < ∞ в період t, а дохід інвестора визначається випадковою величиною Yt+1 на етапі t. Крім цього інвестору відомо банківські процентні ставки як на депозит, так і на кредит. Актуальність даного дослідження набуває особливого значення в умовах кризових явищ; зокрема, на перший план виходить дослідження зв’язку між оптимальним інвестування у цінні папери (з точки зору максимізації прибутку) та управлінням і обчисленням ризику такого інвестування. Дане завдання може бути вирішено за рахунок існування близького зв’язку між оптимальним інвестуванням та вимірюванням ризику, що дається стохастичною оптимізацією. Це можливо бо середнє значення ризику AVaR (як для одноперіодної так і для багатоперіодної моделей) виявилось пов’язаним із простою стохастичною проблемою із кусково-неперервною функцією доходу/втрат та, як раніше було доведено, максимальне значення цієї функції досягається. Постановка задачі включає розгляд двох можливих сценаріїв: коли дохід Yt+1 в кінці періоду більше вкладених інвестицій Xt на початку періоду та коли дохід менше вкладених інвестицій і відбувається дефіцит. Результатом роботи стало формулювання чотирьох тверджень щодо величин оптимальних інвестицій в акції і опціони в одноперіодній та багатоперіодній моделях та щодо потенційних максимальних прибутків при застосуванні такої стратегії. Виявилось, що величину оптимальних інвестицій можна напряму виразити через VaR деякого рівня альфа, а цей рівень виражається через величини кредитних і депозитних ставок і є характеристикою стану національного економічного середовища. Результати теоретичного дослідження було проілюстровано на реальних фінансових даних для двох моделей фінансових ринків. У першій моделі рух акцій підкорюється геометричному броунівському руху (GBM модель). Другою моделлю стала модель, у якій рух ризикованих активів описується узагальненою дифузією з новим фрактальним часом (FAT модель). Результати оптимальних інвестицій для обох моделей було порівняно із справедливою ціною, отриманою за формулою Блека - Шоулза. Результати дослідження, проведеного в даній роботі, було використано для розробки рекомендацій щодо прийняття рішень відносно оптимальних інвестувань у цінні папери (акції, опціони) для отримання спекулятивних доходів у біржовій торгівлі.The article investigates the application of the investor problem to securities trading in single-period and multi-period models. The investor has to determine at stage t the sum Xt he invests in the purchase of securities (shares or options), if from previous historical data he knows the distribution function of a random variable t St – the share price, provided that with E(St) < ∞ in period t. The investor's income is a random variable Yt+1 at stage t. In addition, the investor knows the bank interest rates on both deposit and loan. The relevance of this study is of particular importance in a crisis; in particular, the study of the relationship between the optimal investment in securities (in terms of profit maximization) and the management and measuring of the risk of such investment comes to the fore. This problem can be solved by the existence of a close relationship between the optimal investment and the measurement of risk given by stochastic optimization. It is possible because the average value-at-risk AV@R is related to a simple stochastic optimization problem with a piecewise linear profit/cost function and maximal value is attained. The problem includes consideration of two possible scenarios: when the income Yt+1 at the end of the period is more than the investment Xt at the beginning of the period and when the income is less than the investment and there is a shortfall. The result of the work is the formulation of four statements about the values of optimal investments in stocks and options in the single-period and multi-period models and about the potential maximum profits for such applying such a strategy. It turned out that the value of optimal investment can be directly expressed in terms of VaR of some probability level, and this level is expressed in terms of credit and deposit interest rates an characterizes the state of the national economic environment. The results of the theoretical study were illustrated on real financial data using two models of financial markets. In the first model, the stock movement obeys the geometric Brownian motion (GBM model). The second model was a model in which the movement of risky assets is described by generalized diffusion with a new fractal time (FAT model). The results of optimal investments for both models were compared with the fair price obtained by the Black-Scholes formula. The results of the study conducted in this work were used to develop recommendations for making decisions about optimal investments in securities (stocks, options) to obtain speculative income in stock trading

    Automation of seismic surveys supervision

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    The paper presents algorithmic basics of software and hardware tools for automated supervisory control of seismic surveys within the adaptive seismic complexes

    Inhibitory coagulopathy in urgent surgery (is it possible to prevent lethality?)

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    Inhibitory coagulopathy in urgent surgery (is it possible to prevent lethality?

    Genetic variability in local and imported germplasm chicken populations as revealed by analyzing runs of homozygosity

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    Simple Summary To maintain the uniqueness of conserved chicken populations of local and imported breeds is of great importance. In this study, we genotyped small populations belonging to 14 breeds and 7 crossbreds using an Illumina Chicken 60K SNP (Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms) BeadChip and looked for appropriate methods to characterize their purity/variability. It was not straightforward to identify crossbred individuals, and the best approach was based on calculating the length and number of homozygous regions, or runs of homozygosity (ROH), in the populations studied. The latter enabled most accurate identification of crossbreds and can be served as an effective tool in testing genome-wide purity of chicken breeds. Abstract Preserving breed uniqueness and purity is vitally important in developing conservation/breeding programs for a germplasm collection of rare and endangered chicken breeds. The present study was aimed at analyzing SNP genetic variability of 21 small local and imported purebred and F1 crossbred populations and identifying crossbreeding events via whole-genome evaluation of runs of homozygosity (ROH). The admixture models more efficiently reflected population structure, pinpointing crossbreeding events in the presence of ancestral populations but not in their absence. Multidimensional scaling and FST-based analyses did not discriminate properly between purebred populations and F1 crossbreds, especially when comparing related breeds. When applying the ROH-based approach, more and longer ROHs were revealed in purebred individuals/populations, suggesting this as an effective implement in genome-wide analysis of germplasm breed purity

    The rate of weight gain and productivity of chicken broiler cross with various polymorphic types of myostatin gene

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    The search for single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNP) in the myostatin gene is a promising direction of research as this gene is involved in the development of important biological and productive traits in chicken. Using PCR-RFLP technique, an analysis of allele and genotype frequencies in Cornish chicken breed of G5 line of Smena-8 cross has been conducted. Two pairs of primers allowing PCR product to be obtained in the myostatin gene have been used. Two single nucleotide substitutions on exon 1 of the myostatin gene have been under investigation: G/A in MST2109 and G/С in MST2244. A signifiant predominance of deoxynucleotide G in MST2244 over C and deoxynucleotide A over G in MST2109 has been observed. Differences in productive traits between genotypes in MST2109 were not detected. Analysis of allelic variability by MST2244 locus showed statistically significant differences in live weight at the age of 7 days between CC and G2G2 genotypes (p &lt; 0.01), CG2 and G2G2 (p &lt; 0.05). G2G2 individuals (203.52 g) were significantly heavier than CC (179.5 g) and CG2 (193.95 g) chickens at the age of 7 days. Statistically significant differences between the CC and G2G2 genotypes in live weight at the age of 33 days have been revealed (p &lt; 0.05). Thus, this research has led to a better understanding of allele frequencies in the myostatin gene in line G5 of Cornish breed. The results obtained will allow particular myostatin gene-based genotypes to be taken into account for accelerating the breeding process in the broiler poultry industry

    Ишемически-реперфузионные повреждения печени у пациентов после выполнения комбинированных резекционных вмешательств на поджелудочной железе и воротной вене

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    Цель. Разработка алгоритма ранней диагностики тромбоза вен портомезентериального конфлюенса у пациентов после выполнения резекционных вмешательств на поджелудочной железе (ПЖ), сопровождавшихся резекцией либо повреждением воротной вены (ВВ) и ее ветвей, для своевременной хирургической коррекции развившихся осложнений. Материалы и методы. Представлен анализ результатов хирургического лечения 269 пациентов, которым выполнили различную по объему резекцию ПЖ, из них у 15 (5,6%) выполнены еще различные варианты резекции/реконструкции ВВ и ее ветвей, а у 6 (2,2%) пациентов отмечено непреднамеренное повреждение вен портомезентериального конфлюенса. Ишемически-реперфузионные повреждения печени возникли у 17 больных, у 4 больных выявлен тромбоз ВВ и ее ветвей. Результаты. На основании оценки выраженности исследованных параметров выделены три степени тяжести послеоперационной острой печеночной недостаточности (ОПН). Средняя и тяжелая степени послеоперационной ОПН требуют существенной коррекции проводимой интенсивной терапии. Из-за тромбоза ВВ и ее ветвей 3 из 4 больных умерли в раннем послеоперационном периоде. Хирургическая коррекция данного осложнения была выполнена 2 больным. Выводы. Тяжелая ОПН у данных пациентов может быть следствием тромбоза ВВ и ее ветвей, поэтому необходим постоянный мониторинг проходимости сосудов портомезентериального конфлюенса. Выявление тромбоза ВВ требует выполнения тромбэктомии с пластикой ВВ, что дает основания рассчитывать на благоприятный результат лечения


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    Background. 15q duplication syndrome (Dup15q) is caused by the presence of an extra maternally derived copy of the Prader-Willi/Angelman critical region (PWACR) within chromosome 15q11.2-q13.1. The syndrome is clinically identifiable and characterized by intellectual disability, hypotonia, motor delays, autism spectrum disorder, epilepsy, and behavioral difficulties [1, 12]. The prevalence of Dup15q in the general population is unknown but may be as high as 1:5000 [10]. The syndrome most commonly occurs in one of two forms: an extra isodicentric 15 chromosome or an interstitial duplication [4]. Most reported cases concern de novo mutation. Aim. To highlight the importance of genetic testing in patients with neurodevelopmental disorders and emphasizes the need for further research to understand the underlying genetic mechanisms of Dup15q depending on the origin of the inherited duplication. Materials and methods. The study used next-generation sequencing (NGS), multiplex ligation-dependent probe amplification (MLPA), and karyotype analysis to confirm the interstitial duplication. Results. We present the phenotype description and diagnostic prospects of three patients from different families who inherited interstitial 15q duplication from a phenotypically healthy mother. The patients exhibited symptoms consistent with Dup15q, including intellectual disability, delayed speech, difficulty understanding spoken language, hyperactivity, epilepsy and sleep disorders. Conclusion. The inherited interstitial duplication 15q is phenotypical presented only in case of maternal origin and vary in clinical presentation. We suggest as the first choice MLPA method as most cost and time effective in cases of Dup15q suspicion

    Efficient method for identification of Escherichia coli strains isolated from various chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus) organs

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    Tracing of transmission routes and identification of pathogen sources are important issues in preventive measures aimed at controlling human and animal infectious diseases. A fast and accurate method for bacterial strain identification (genotyping) allows scientifically sound planning of preventive schemes. Despite the existence of numerous bacterium genotyping techniques, there is still room for developing a unified typing approach that would be applicable to a variety of bacterial species. The aim is to develop a genotyping method allowing identification of E. coli strains circulating at Russian chicken farms. The method is based on the earlier proposed idea of double digestion and selective labeling of DNA restriction fragments (DDSL). Bacterial genomic DNA is simultaneously digested with two restriction enzymes and labeled with biotinylated deoxynucleoside triphosphates with the presence of DNA polymerase. The enzymes are chosen in silico for each bacterial species so that a limited number of DNA fragments be generated for subsequent separation in conventional agarose gel. After implementation of the study with E. coli isolates, adequate reproducibility and high discriminatory power of the technique were demonstrated. This approach was previously applied to genotyping other pathogenic bacterial species. The advantages of the proposed technique are the short turn-around time of analysis and easy availability of reagents and equipment. Transmission of a pathogen among chicken within one farm and existence of slightly different E. coli genotypes in various organs of the same individual were observed. Bacterial isolates obtained from any organ except the intestine were suitable for genotyping. Chicken intestine contains endogenous E. coli strains, which hamper the interpretation of genotyping data obtained for a set of isolates. Thus, our work demonstrates the potential of the DDSL method for genotyping field E. coli isolates in the context of molecular epizootology

    Comparative analysis of molecular RFLP and SNP markers in assessing and understanding the genetic diversity of various chicken breeds

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    Monitoring the genetic diversity of small populations is important with respect to conserving rare and valuable chicken breeds, as well as discovery and innovation in germplasm research and application. Restriction fragment length polymorphisms (RFLPs), the molecular markers that underlie multilocus DNA fingerprinting (MLDF), have historically been employed for this purpose, but over the past two decades, there has been an irreversible shift toward high-throughput single-nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs). In this study, we conducted a comparative analysis of archived MLDF results and new data from whole-genome SNP genotyping (SNPg) among 18 divergently selected breeds representing a large sample of the world gene pool. As a result, we obtained data that fit the general concept of the phylogenetic distribution of the studied breeds and compared them with RFLP and SNP markers. RFLPs were found to be useful markers for retrospective assessment of changes in the genetic architecture and variability underlying the phenotypic variation in chicken populations, especially when samples from previous generations used for MLDF are unavailable for SNPg. These results can facilitate further research necessary to assess the possibility of extrapolating previous MLDF results to study the long-term dynamics of genetic diversity in various small chicken germplasm populations over time. In general, the whole-genome characterization of populations and breeds by multiple SNP loci will further form the basis for the development and implementation of genomic selection with the aim of effective use of the genetic potential of the domestic gene pool in the poultry industry