18 research outputs found

    Avifaunal Responses to Warm Climate: The Message from Last Interglacial Faunas

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    Tyrberg, Tommy (2010): Avifaunal Responses to Warm Climate: The Message from Last Interglacial Faunas. Records of the Australian Museum 62 (1): 193-205, DOI: 10.3853/j.0067-1975.62.2010.1543, URL: http://dx.doi.org/10.3853/j.0067-1975.62.2010.154

    The date of publication of Montin\u27s description of Lagopus mutus

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    Volume: 118Start Page: 56End Page: 5

    Ny gräns för Holarktis. Rapport från SOF:s Taxonomikommitté

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    First fossil record of the Great Skua

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    Volume: 115Start Page: 167End Page: 16

    Fleet-level reliability analysis of repairable units : a non-parametric approach using the mean cumulative function

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    Complex technical systems are normally repaired rather than replaced when they fail. It is often desirable to analyze the reliability characteristics of these systems based on data generated in a customer use environment, in order to assess the reliability, frequency of failure or other parameters which may be influenced by the systems’ age and usage. Despite the advantages of continuously analyzing reliability data to be able to improve the maintenance programme continuously, methods such as parametric and non-parametric analysis are often ignored due to a belief that the mean time between failures (MTBF) is sufficient to describe the reliability pattern of repairable units. This paper describes the use of the mean cumulative function (MCF) and linear estimates based on the recurrence rate to predict the expected number of failures in the future. Reliability data from two repairable units are used to verify the procedure and comparison. The empirical data used in the paper is based on field data gathered during the operational life of the Swedish military aircraft system FPL 37 Viggen from 1977 to 2006, which essentially is the whole life cycle of the system.Validerad; 2013; 20130120 (aliahm)</p

    Knölsvärta blir två arter

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    Här redogörs för de senaste besluten inom Bird- Life Sveriges Taxonomikommitté (Tk). vilka togs på ett möte i december 2018 på Getterön. Detta är den fullständiga rapporten, inkluderande referenser. En kortare version finns i Vår Fågelvärld nummer 2/2019. Tk:s Västpalearktislista har uppdaterats med samtliga förändringar och heter nu VP5. Likaså har Namnlistan över svenska fågelnamn på alla världens arter uppdaterats, efter att IOC publicerat sin version 9.1. Alla Tk:s rapporter och listor finns på birdlife.se/tk

    Evaluating A Taxonomy of Handover Activities in One Swedish Company

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    Abstract-Handing over a software system from development to maintenance is still an under-researched domain. The software community has a hazy insight into its constellation and inherent activities. In this paper, we have evaluated a preliminary version of a taxonomy of handover activities within one Swedish software company. The evaluation is conducted in an in-house handover context only. Despite this, our results provide evidence of its enormous complexity, variability and strong dependency on many other software engineering processes

    Metaphors about Latvia: analysis of the results on social network "Twitter" (2016) and production task

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    Maģistra darbā “Metaforas par Latviju: sociālā tīkla "Twitter" (2016) un produkcijas uzdevuma rezultātu analīze” tiek pētītas metaforas mikroblogošanas vietnē Twitter.com laika posmā no 2016. gada 11. līdz 18. novembrim, kā arī produkcijas uzdevumos, no kuriem viens ir veikts Latvijas Valsts svētku posmā no 2016. gada 11. līdz 18. novembrim, otrs neitrālā laika periodā no 2017. gada 3. līdz 11. aprīlim. Darba teorētiskais pamats balstās uz Džordža Leikofa (Lakoff) un Marka Džonsona (Johnson) konceptuālās metaforas teoriju. Maģistra darba empīriskajā daļā tiek identificētas biežāk lietotās metaforu kategorijas mikroblogošanas vietnē Twitter.com, kā arī abos produkcijas uzdevumos, ņemot vērā respondentu dzimumu un vecumu. Maģistra darbs demonstrē, ka metaforas ir bieži sastopams fenomens, raksturojot Latviju gan svētku laikā, gan ārpus tā.Master thesis “Metaphors about Latvia: analysis of the results on social network “Twitter” (2016) and production task” investigates metaphors found in microblogging site “Twitter” between 11th and 18th November 2016 as well as in production tasks where one of them was made between 11th and 18th November 2016, during Latvian National celebrations, and another between 3rd and 11th April 2017, in a neutral period of time. The theoretical background of the study is based on conceptual metaphor theory by George Lakoff and Mark Johnson. The empirical part of the master thesis identifies the most common metaphor categories in microblogging site Twitter.com and in production tasks taking into account respondent’s sex and age. This master thesis reveals that metaphor usage to characterize Latvia are a common phenomenon both during festivities and during neutral periods