63 research outputs found

    Kehityssuuntia nuorten eurooppalaisten juomatavoissa

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    Summary: Trends in the drinking habits of young Europeans

    Overweight Adolescents' Self-Perceived Weight and Weight Control Behaviour: HBSC Study in Finland 1994–2010

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    Introduction. Overweight and perception of being overweight, may lead adolescent to lose weight. The aim of the present study was to investigate overweight adolescents' self-perceived weight, body dissatisfaction, and weight control behaviour during 1994–2010 in Finland. Methods. The country-representative, cross-sectional data of 15-year olds were obtained from the Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) study, conducted in 1994 (N = 1194; males: 48%), 1998 (N = 1545; 49%), 2002 (N = 1745; 50%), 2006 (N = 1670; 47%), and 2010 (N = 2082; 48%). Results. The majority of overweight boys (62–69%) and girls (89–100%) assessed themselves as too fat, and their body image was lower than in nonoverweight adolescents. The highest prevalence of current weight controlling was found in 2006 in males (18%) and in 2010 in females (39%). Conclusion. The phenomena were current and gender differences notable, but there was no statistically significant difference in overweight adolescents' self-perceived weight, body dissatisfaction, or weight control behaviour between survey years

    Lukiolaisten masentuneisuus ja vanhempien työllisyystilanne –Uudenmaan ja Pohjanmaan maakuntien suomen- ja ruotsinkielisten lukioiden opiskelijoiden vertailua

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    Suomessa vĂ€estöryhmien vĂ€liset hyvinvointierot ovat suuria. Tutkimuksissa on raportoitu esimerkiksi alueellisia, sosioekonomisten ryhmien vĂ€lisiĂ€ ja suomen- ja ruotsinkielisen kieliryhmĂ€n vĂ€lisiĂ€ hyvinvointieroja. NĂ€mĂ€ erot nĂ€kyvĂ€t myös lasten ja nuorten terveydessĂ€ ja hyvinvoinnissa. TĂ€ssĂ€ tutkimuksessa analysoitiin, vaihteleeko Uudenmaan ja Pohjanmaan lukiolaisten masentuneisuuden yleisyys lukion opetuskielen, sukupuolen, maakunnan ja vanhempien työllisyystilanteen suhteen. Aineistona olivat vuosina 2010 ja 2011 Kouluterveyskyselyihin (Terveyden ja hyvinvoinnin laitos) vastanneet Uudenmaan ja Pohjanmaan alueilla sijaitsevien lukioiden oppilaat (n=3974). Masentuneisuutta mitattiin Kouluterveyskyselyyn sisĂ€ltyvĂ€llĂ€Beckin lyhyen mielialakyselyn suomalaisella versiolla, joka mittaa vastaajan itse arvioimaa masennusoireilua. Uudenmaan ja Pohjanmaan lukiolaisista 11 %:lla oli keskivaikeaa tai vaikeaa masentuneisuutta. Kieliryhmien vĂ€linen ero masentuneisuuden esiintyvyydessĂ€ ilmeni ainoastaan Uudellamaalla, jossa keskivaikea tai vaikea masentuneisuus oli suomenkielisten lukioiden opiskelijoilla yleisempÀÀ kuin ruotsinkielisten lukioiden opiskelijoilla. Keskeisin tulos oli se, ettĂ€ suomenkielisten lukioiden opiskelijoilla vanhempien työttömyys tai pakkoloma lisĂ€sivĂ€t selvĂ€sti keskivaikean tai vaikean masentuneisuuden riskiĂ€. Jos toinen vanhemmista oli työttömĂ€nĂ€ tai pakkolomalla, masentuneisuuden todennĂ€köisyys oli kaksinkertainen (Ristitulosuhde OR = 2,04; 95 % luottamusvĂ€li 1,52–2,74) ja jos molemmat vanhemmista olivat työttömĂ€nĂ€ tai pakkolomalla, masentuneisuuden todennĂ€köisyys oli yli viisinkertainen (Ristitulosuhde OR = 5,10; 95 % luottamusvĂ€li 2,88–9,03) verrattuna lukiolaisiin, joiden vanhemmilla ei ollut työttömyyttĂ€ tai pakkolomia. Ruotsinkielisten lukioiden opiskelijoilla vanhempien työttömyys tai pakkoloma ei ollut yhteydessĂ€ keskivaikean tai vaikean masentuneisuuden riskiin. Voidaan pohtia, miksi suomenkielisen ja ruotsinkielisen kieliryhmĂ€n vĂ€lillĂ€ on eroja tarkasteltaessa lukiolaisten masentuneisuutta vanhempien työttömyyden tai pakkolomien suhteen. Voidaanko tĂ€tĂ€ eroa selittÀÀ esimerkiksi muuttoliikkeen vaikutuksen tai perheiden taloudellisen toimeentulon kautta

    Test-retest reliability of selected items of Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) survey questionnaire in Beijing, China

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    Abstract Background Children's health and health behaviour are essential for their development and it is important to obtain abundant and accurate information to understand young people's health and health behaviour. The Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) study is among the first large-scale international surveys on adolescent health through self-report questionnaires. So far, more than 40 countries in Europe and North America have been involved in the HBSC study. The purpose of this study is to assess the test-retest reliability of selected items in the Chinese version of the HBSC survey questionnaire in a sample of adolescents in Beijing, China. Methods A sample of 95 male and female students aged 11 or 15 years old participated in a test and retest with a three weeks interval. Student Identity numbers of respondents were utilized to permit matching of test-retest questionnaires. 23 items concerning physical activity, sedentary behaviour, sleep and substance use were evaluated by using the percentage of response shifts and the single measure Intraclass Correlation Coefficients (ICC) with 95% confidence interval (CI) for all respondents and stratified by gender and age. Items on substance use were only evaluated for school children aged 15 years old. Results The percentage of no response shift between test and retest varied from 32% for the item on computer use at weekends to 92% for the three items on smoking. Of all the 23 items evaluated, 6 items (26%) showed a moderate reliability, 12 items (52%) displayed a substantial reliability and 4 items (17%) indicated almost perfect reliability. No gender and age group difference of the test-retest reliability was found except for a few items on sedentary behaviour. Conclusions The overall findings of this study suggest that most selected indicators in the HBSC survey questionnaire have satisfactory test-retest reliability for the students in Beijing. Further test-retest studies in a large and diverse sample, as well as validity studies, should be considered for the future Chinese HBSC study.peerReviewe

    Nuorten yksinÀisyys on yhteydessÀ lisÀÀntyneeseen oireiluun ja lÀÀkkeiden kÀyttöön

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    LÄHTÖKOHDAT YksinĂ€isyys on merkittĂ€vĂ€ riski nuoren terveydelle. Selvitimme suomalaisnuorten kokeman yksinĂ€isyyden yleisyyttĂ€ ja yhteyksiĂ€ psykosomaattiseen oireiluun sekĂ€ lÀÀkkeiden kĂ€yttöön.MENETELMÄT Aineistona kĂ€ytettiin kansallisesti edustavaa WHO-Koululaistutkimusta, johon vastasi 1 798 oppilasta 7. ja 9. luokilta kevÀÀllĂ€ 2018. Tilastollisina menetelminĂ€ kĂ€ytettiin2-testiĂ€ ja 95 %:n luottamusvĂ€litarkastelua.TULOKSET YksinĂ€isyys yleistyi ylĂ€koulun aikana, ja lĂ€hes joka kuudes 15-vuotias tunsi itsensĂ€ vĂ€hintÀÀn melko usein yksinĂ€iseksi. YksinĂ€iset nuoret raportoivat muita yleisemmin pÀÀ-, vatsa- ja selkĂ€kipua sekĂ€ hermostuneisuutta ja nukahtamisvaikeuksia. He kĂ€yttivĂ€t niihin lÀÀkkeitĂ€ jopa kolme kertaa yleisemmin kuin muut nuoret.PÄÄTELMÄT Nuorten yksinĂ€isyyden kokemuksiin tulisi kiinnittÀÀ huomiota kotona ja koulussa. EhkĂ€isemiseen ja vĂ€hentĂ€miseen on keinoja, mutta korjaavien toimenpiteiden kĂ€yttöönotto edellyttÀÀ, ettĂ€ yksinĂ€isyys ja sen vaikutukset tunnistetaan

    Attempts to lose weight among overweight and non-overweight adolescents: a cross-national survey

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    Background: Despite the global obesity epidemic, few studies have performed cross-national comparisons of adolescents' attempts to lose weight and weight control practices. This study aims to investigate matters mentioned above by weight status in Europe, Israel, and North America. Methods: Nationally representative samples of adolescents from over 30 countries completed an anonymous, standardized questionnaire as part of the Health Behaviour in School-aged Children 2001/2002 survey. The prevalence and likelihood of attempts to lose weight were determined. The effect of weight status, self-perception of overweight, age and country of residence upon the likelihood of current attempts to lose weight were evaluated using multilevel multivariate logistic regression in separate analyses for boys and girls. The study also presented the prevalence of weight control practices of overweight and non-overweight adolescents who had controlled their weight in seven countries. Results: In general, overweight and obese adolescents were more likely to be engaged in current attempts to lose weight and had tried to control their weight during the past 12 months more often than non-overweight adolescents. Besides weight status, self-perception of overweight and age were significant individual-level factors determining current attempts to lose weight. Country of residence was a significant second-level factor but no clear geographical pattern was found. Several gender-related differences existed. Conclusion: The findings indicated that most overweight adolescents were motivated to reduce their weight. The importance of promoting a healthy body image for all adolescents was highlighted by the fact that self-perception of overweight was found to be the most important factor leading to attempts to lose weight.peerReviewe

    Daily physical activity in Finnish adolescents with long term illnesses or disabilities: psychosocial associations with participation in sports club

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    Background: Physical activity (PA) in adolescence with long term illnesses or disabilities (LTID) is a public health concern. One way of increasing PA is through participation in sports clubs. Since sports clubs are organised and regular, there are expected to be differences in motivation for physical activity between adolescents that are members and non-members. The purpose of this study is to assess the impact of psychosocial factors on sports club membership and daily PA. Methods: Finnish adolescents with self-reported LTID (n=1006) took part in the WHO collaborative Health Behaviour in School-aged Children (HBSC) study in 2002 and 2010. Daily self-reported moderate to vigorous PA (MVPA) was the outcome variable. Psychosocial variables included intention for future PA, self-perceptions, and educational aspirations. Age and sports club membership was included in binary logistic regression analyses Analyses were done separately for boys and girls.  Results: Adolescents with LTID who were sports club members were two times more likely to be active daily than non-members. However, for girls, there was no significant difference between members and non-members. Moreover, definite intention for future PA, higher self-perceptions, and educational aspirations to other education or training than general upper secondary school were significant predictors. Conclusions: Adolescents with LTID need encouragement to be active daily. One possible way to achieve this is through sports club participation. Implementing adaptive motivating techniques in sports clubs is especially important for girls in clubs. More research is needed on the associations of daily MVPA with different educational aspirations  for adolescents with LTID

    Loneliness, subjective health complaints, and medicine use among Finnish adolescents 2006-2018

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    Aims: Loneliness is an important public health challenge for all ages. This study reports time trends of loneliness among adolescents over a 12-year period and analyses the strength of the associations between loneliness, health complaints, and medicine use. Methods: Data were derived from the cross-sectional Finnish Health Behaviour in School-aged Children study conducted in 2006, 2010, 2014, and 2018. The study population is based on a random sample of schools with 20,444 participants aged 11-15 years. The trends were analysed with a Mantel-Haenszel test, and the strength of the associations was evaluated by mixed-effects logistic and linear regressions. Results: An increasing prevalence in frequent loneliness (2006: 11%; 2018: 15%) was evident over the 12-year study period, especially in girls and 15-year-olds. Among all adolescents, loneliness was associated with a higher risk of recurrent health complaints and medicine use to treat the corresponding health issues, especially nervousness (odds ratio 5.8) and sleeping difficulties (odds ratio 7.6). Conclusions: Adolescence is a period of higher risk of frequent loneliness and associated health complaints. In this study, loneliness was common among adolescence and an increasing trend of loneliness was observed between 2006 and 2018. Also, psychosomatic health complaints and medicine use were strongly associated with loneliness. Persistent loneliness is a significant health risk and failure to resolve loneliness before entering adulthood may imply significant concerns for future well-being.</p

    Does sleep mediate the association between school pressure, physical activity, screen time, and psychological symptoms in early adolescents? : a 12-country study

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    This study examines the mediating role of sleep duration and sleep onset difficulties in the association of school pressure, physical activity, and screen time with psychological symptoms in early adolescents. Data were retrieved from 49,403 children (13.7 +/- 1.6 years old, 48.1% boys) from 12 countries participating in the World Health Organization (WHO) Health Behaviour in School-aged Children 2013/2014 study. A validated self-report questionnaire assessed psychological symptoms (feeling low, irritability or bad temper, feeling nervous), school pressure, physical activity (number of days/week 60 min moderate-to-vigorous), screen time, sleep duration on week- and weekend days, and perceived difficulties in getting asleep. Multilevel mediation analyses were conducted. School pressure and screen time were positively associated with psychological symptoms, whereas physical activity was negatively associated. With the exception of sleep duration in the association between physical activity and psychological symptoms, all associations were significantly mediated by sleep duration on week- and weekend days and sleep onset difficulties. Percentages mediated ranged from 0.66% to 34.13%. This study partly explains how school pressure, physical activity, and screen time are related to adolescents' psychological symptoms. Future interventions improving adolescents' mental well-being could target schoolwork, physical activity, and screen time, as these behaviours are directly and indirectly (through sleep) related to psychological symptoms
