52 research outputs found

    Model materijalno-ekonomske analize vijeka trajanja elektroenergetske tehnologije

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    The aim of the paper is to present the mathematical apparatus used in the developed model of the material-economic analysis of the power technologies life cycle which takes into account factors such as: material inputs in different phases (construction, operation and disposal) of the power technology life cycle, environmental loads, construction costs, fuel costs, maintenance costs, direct and indirect environmental costs, sales revenue. Moreover, in the paper the internal rate of return (IRR), the net present value (NPV) and the break-even point (BEP) were calculated, as well as the equivalent unit cost of electricity production (COE) and the equivalent unit cost of heat production (COH). The simulation results will be presented for two low emission power technologies with a nuclear power plant and a gas-steam power plant.Cilj rada je predstaviti matematički aparat koji se koristi u razvijenom modelu materijalno-ekonomske analize vijeka trajanja elektroenergetske tehnologije koja u obzir uzima čimbenike kao što su: ulazni podaci o materijalu u različitim fazama (izgradnja, rad i zbrinjavanje) vijeka trajanja elektroenergetske tehnologije, opterećenje okoliša, troškovi izgradnje, troškovi goriva, troškovi održavanja, izravni i neizravni troškovi za zaštitu okoliša, prihodi od prodaje. Štoviše, u ovom radu su izračunati interna stopa povrata (IRR), neto sadašnja vrijednost (NPV) i točka pokrića (BEP), kao i ekvivalentni jedinični trošak proizvodnje električne energije (COE) i ekvivalentni jedinični trošak proizvodnje toplinske energije (COH). Rezultati simulacije bit će predstavljeni za dvije elektroenergetske tehnologije s niskim emisijama, nuklearnom elektranom i plinsko-parnom elektranom

    Materijalno-energetski model životnog ciklusa motornog vozila

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    Nowadays one of the most important elements of economic and social lives is motorization. Its development is most of all accompanied by increasing the use of various means of transport, especially motor vehicles. Such a significant increase in the amount of vehicles produced can be implemented by the global use of productive materials and energy carriers, which is increasingly higher each year. Operating a higher number of vehicles causes an increase in environment pollution, not only by deleterious substance emissions, being the effect of fuel combustion, or implementation of production processes in the automotive industry, but also by a growing amount of exchanged parts and sub-assemblies and, mostly, by the rapid growth of vehicles that are withdrawn from traffic and subjected to car breaking. The article presents a material-energy model of a motor car life cycle that can be helpful in determining the type and size of the expenditure of material and energy as well as emission loading in particular phases and the whole life cycle of a vehicle. Based on the input data contained in [9] analysis of the results of calculations related to examples of the material structure of the model vehicle from 1990 and 2000 and the impact of these changes on energy consumption and emission levels were presented.Jedan od najvažnijih elemenata ekonomskog i društvenog života u današnje vrijeme je motorizacija. Njen razvoj je u najvećoj mjeri popraćen povećanim uporabom prijevoznih sredstava, posebice motornih vozila. Takvo značajno povećanje količine proizvedenih vozila provodi se zbog globalne uporabe proizvodnih materijala i nositelja energije iz godine u godinu je sve veća i veća. Veći broj vozila u pogonu povećava zagađenje okoliša, ne samo emisijama štetnih tvari u okoliš, koje su posljedica izgaranja goriva, ili izvođenje procesa proizvodnje u automobilskoj industriji, već i zbog porasta količine promjenljivih dijelova i podsklopova, a ponajviše zbog ubrzanog rasta broja vozila koja se povuku iz prometa i rastavljaju. Članak predstavlja materijalno-energetski model životnog vijeka motornog vozila koji uvelike može pomoći prilikom određivanja vrste i veličine troškova materijala i energije, kao i ispuštanja emisija u određenim fazama i cjelokupnog životnog vijeka vozila. Na temelju ulaznih podataka koji se nalaze u [9] predstavljena je analiza rezultata proračuna koji se odnosi na primjere strukture materijala modela vozila od 1990. i 2000. i utjecaja na promjene u potrošnji energije i emisiji štetnih plinova

    Selected hematological and immunological parameters in pigs transferred from the rearing unit to the finishing house

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    The aim of the study was to determine how selected hematological and immunological parameters are affected when growing pigs are transferred from the rearing unit to the finishing house. Blood was collected from 64 healthy growing pigs one week before and one week after they were transferred to the finishing house. The following tests were performed: complete blood count with machine differential, immunoglobulin levels, C-reactive protein (CRP) level and cortisol level. Pigs were divided into two groups. Group A contained those pigs with a normal white blood cell (WBC) count, and Group B those with an elevated WBC count. Throughout the experiment, body weight and indoor microclimate conditions were also monitored. After transfer, the neutrophil count increased, while the lymphocyte count decreased. Hematocrit (HCT0, mean corpuscular hemoglobin (MCH) and mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (MCHC) also decreased. CRP level and cortisol level increased. Red blood cell (RBC) count was higher and mean corpuscular volume (MCV) was lower in Group B. CPR level and immunoglobulin G (IgG) level were also higher. On the other hand, average daily gain (ADG) was higher in Group A. Although the presence of subclinical infections cannot be ruled out, the changes observed were probably caused by other stressogenic factors such as transport, adaptation to a new maintenance system, and worse sanitary conditions. Those with elevated WBC counts before transport were most susceptible to adaptive stress.Keywords: Pig, transfer, immunity, C-reactive protein (CRP), cortisol, immunoglobulin, stress African Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 12(34), pp. 5258-526

    Assessment of the safety of use of portable machine tools

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    The article presents safety issues related to on-site machining with the use of portable machine tools. Their advantage is the possibility of machining elements at places in which they are used. This especially refers to large-size constructions, welded elements and any items whose disassembly is technically difficult. The authors present tasks performed by the operators of portable machining equipment, working conditions, construction and characteristic features of portable machine tools on the example of a portable boring machine, milling machine and flange facing machine. The presented characteristics can influence the safety of work with these machines. The information given in the article were used to asses risk at the position of a portable machine tool operator. The assessment was conducted using the Risk Score method taking into account four stages of using portable machine tools, i.e. transport, assembly/disassembly, machining and maintenance. The result of the conducted risk analysis is the proposal of possible risk reducing actions. Due to the specificity of the operation of portable machine tools which significantly impedes the development of a machine tool which would be safe in and of itself, the proposed actions refer mainly to organisational solutions. The work presents also the thesis that it is possible to decrease the risk at this position thanks to the use of numerical control in a portable machine tool. Such a solution may reduce exposure to some identified threats. The issue is presented on the example of a prototype of a portable flange facing machine developed in the Institute of Mechanical Technology ZUT in Szczecin

    Some aspects of titanium application in dental treatment

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    Titanium is a light grey metal found in such minerals as ilmenite, rutile and titanite. Nanoparticles are becoming more widely used in medicine, dentistry, pharmacy and as food additives. The aim of this work was to highlight some aspects in applying titanium and its alloys in dental restorations. Both medical and dental implant surgeons despite of huge efforts in using biocompatible materials face some challenging issues on complications which might appear even when using as inert metals as titanium. These problems may develop due to the penetration of aluminium and vanadium ions, found in negligible quantities in the implant alloys, into the body tissues. Failures in placing titanium implant can be caused by galvanic or electrochemical corrosion in the oral cavity due to release of titanium ions into the neighbouring tissues. Other possible failures in implant placement may develop due to bacterial contamination, and the development of implant inflammatory reaction supported by presence of macrophages may lead to implant rejection and loss. Released titanium ions inhibit the growth of hydroxyapatites. During corroding process metal ions or corrosion products penetrate body tissues and enter the body cells. Their local activity is known as ’metallosis’. From the biological point of view this results in tissue damage. Another possible adverse effect that might be caused by metal implants and their corrosion is allergic reactions. Side effects are rare as physical and chemical properties of titanium, first and foremost, its biocompatibility, define it as s recommended material to use in oral surgery, endodontics, prosthetics and orthodontics.Титан представляет собой легкий металл серого цвета, который встречается в таких минералах, как ильменит, рутил и титанит. Наночастицы его используются в медицине, стоматологии, фармацевтике и в качестве пищевых добавок. Целью данной работы является ознакомление с некоторыми избранными аспектами применения титана в стоматологической практике на основе имеющейся литературы. Несмотря на огромное стремление использовать биологически совместимые материалы, и в медицинской, и в зубной имплантационной хирургии возникают нежелательные проблемы даже при использовании металлов, считающихся инертными, например, титана. Эти проблемы являются следствием проникновения в ткани организма ионов алюминия и ванадия, которые в незначительных количествах входят в состав имплантата. Неудачи при лечении с использованием титана могут происходить из-за гальванической или электрохимической коррозии в полости рта, т. е., высвобождения ионов титана в прилегающие ткани, что связано с их реакцией с биологическими жидкостями организма. Другие неудачи в имплантационной хирургии могут вызываться бактериями, причем присутствие макрофагов при воспалительной реакции на имплантат может вызвать отторжение имплантата. Высвобожденные ионы титана затормаживают увеличение гидроксилапатитов. В процессе коррозии ионы металла или продукты коррозии проникают в ткани организма, т. е., в межклеточные каналы или же проникают в клетки организма. Их местное воздействие было названо «металлозом». С биологической точки зрения это представляет собой результат повреждения ткани. Другая неблагоприятная реакция вызывается присутствием металлических имплантатов и их коррозией, что вызывает аллергические реакции. Побочные эффекты случаются редко благодаря физическим и химическим свойствам титана, что делает его биологически совместимым и рекомендуемым материалом для применения в хирургической стоматологии, эндодонтии, протезировании и ортодонтии.Титан - це легкий метал сірого кольору, який зустрічається в таких мінералах, як ільменіт, рутил і титаніт. Наночастки його використовуються в медицині, стоматології, фармацевтиці та в якості харчових добавок. Метою даної роботи є ознайомлення з деякими обраними аспектами застосування титану в стоматологічній практиці на основі наявної літератури. Незважаючи на величезне прагнення використовувати біологічно сумісні матеріали, і в медичній, і в зубній імплантаційній хірургії виникають небажані проблеми навіть при використанні металів, що вважаються інертними, наприклад, титану. Ці проблеми є наслідком проникнення в тканини організму іонів алюмінію і ванадію, які в незначних кількостях входять до складу імплантату. Невдачі при лікуванні з використанням титану можуть відбуватися через гальванічну або електрохімічну корозію в порожнині рота, тобто, вивільнення іонів титану в прилеглі тканини, що пов'язано з їх реакцією з біологічними рідинами організму. Інші невдачі в імплантаційній хірургії можуть викликатися бактеріями, причому присутність макрофагів при запальній реакції на імплантат може викликати відторгнення імплантату. Вивільнені іони титану загальмовують збільшення гідроксилапатиту. У процесі корозії іони металу або продукти корозії проникають в тканини організму, тобто, в міжклітинні канали або ж проникають в клітини організму. Їх місцевий вплив було названо «металозом». З біологічної точки зору це є результат ушкодження тканини. Інша несприятлива реакція викликається присутністю металевих імплантатів та їх корозією, що викликає алергічні реакції. Побічні ефекти трапляються рідко завдяки фізичним і хімічним властивостям титану, що робить його біологічно сумісним і рекомендованим матеріалом для застосування в хірургічній стоматології, ендодонтії, протезуванні та ортодонтії

    Methanotrophy, Methylotrophy, the Human Body and Disease

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    Methylotrophic Bacteria use one-carbon (C1) compounds as their carbon source. They have been known to be associated to the human body for almost 20 years as part of the normal flora and were identified as pathogens in the early 1990s in end-stage HIV patients and chemotherapy patients. In this chapter, I look at C1 compounds in the human body and exposure from the environment and then consider Methylobacterium spp. and Methylorubrum spp. in terms of infections, its role in breast and bowel cancers; Methylococcus capsulatus and its role in inflammatory bowel disease, and Brevibacterium casei and Hyphomicrobium sulfonivorans as part of the normal human flora. I also consider the abundance of methylotrophs from the Actinobacteria being identified in human studies and the potential bias of the ionic strength of culture media and the needs for future work. Within the scope of future work, I consider the need for the urgent assessment of the pathogenic, oncogenic, mutagenic and teratogenic potential of Methylobacterium spp. and Methylorubrum spp. and the need to handle them at higher containment levels until more data are available

    Pilot-scale biofiltration at a materials recovery facility: The impact on bioaerosol control

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    This study investigated the performance of four pilot-scale biofilters for the removal of bioaerosols from waste airstreams in a materials recovery facility (MRF) based in Leeds, UK. A six-stage Andersen sampler was used to measure the concentrations of four groups of bioaerosols (Aspergillus fumigatus, total fungi, total mesophilic bacteria and Gram negative bacteria) in the airstream before and after passing through the biofilters over a period of 11 months. The biofilters achieved average removal efficiency (RE) of 70% (35 to 97%) for A. fumigatus, 71% (35 to 94%) for total fungi, 68% (47 to 86%) for total mesophilic bacteria and 50% (-4 to 85%) for Gram negative bacteria, provided that the inlet concentration was high (103–105 - cfu m�3), which is the case for most waste treatment facilities. The performance was highly variable at low inlet concentration with some cases showing an increase in outlet concentrations, suggesting that biofilters had the potential to be net emitters of bioaerosols. The gas phase residence time did not appear to have any statistically significant impact on bioaerosol removal efficiency. Particle size distribution varied between the inlet and outlet air, with the outlet having a greater proportion of smaller sized particles that represent a greater human health risk as they can penetrate deep into the respiratory system where gaseous exchange occurs. However, the outlet concentrations were low and would further be diluted by wind in full scale applications. In conclusion, this study shows that biofilters designed and operated for odour degradation can also achieve significant bioaerosol control in waste gas

    Realization of a full rank state observer in case of lack of exact object model

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    W pracy rozpatruje się zagadnienia związane ze stosowaniem obserwatorów stanu pełnego rzędu, przy niedokładnej znajomości opisu obserwowanego (liniowego) obiektu dynamicznego. Wynikiem braku idealnej znajomości struktury obiektu jest wystąpienie błędów w rekonstrukcji wektora stanu obiektu. W celu zmniejszenia różnic pomiędzy (mierzonymi) wyjściami obiektu y(t) i wyjściami obserwatora obliczonymi na podstawie współrzędnych stanu rekonstruowanych w obserwatorze, proponuje się wprowadzić do struktury klasycznego obserwatora Luenbergera pełnego rzędu dodatkowe całkowanie. Działanie takiego obserwatora ilustrują przykładowe symulacje.The aim of this paper is to take into consideration problems connected with using full rank state observers, having inaccurate knowledge of observed (linear) dynamic object description. Error occurrence in reconstruction of object state vector is a result of perfect knowledge lack about object structure. With the purpose of reduction differences between (measured) object outputs y(t) and observer outputs calculated on the basis of state coordinates reconstructed in observer, insert extra integration to classical structure full rank Luenberger's observer is proposed. Functioning (action) of mentioned observer is presented on selected simulation