14 research outputs found

    Celiac disease and pregnancy in Indian scenario

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    Celiac disease is a chronic lifelong inflammatory condition of gastrointestinal tract specifically the small intestine. We report a case of pregnancy outcome in a patient with celiac disease (gluten sensitive enteropathy) diagnosed during the investigations of recurrent abortions and intermittent diarrhoea since childhood.  A 32 years old patient who had four abortions and loss of a premature baby was diagnosed as celiac disease during investigations of recurrent abortions and diarrhoea since childhood. After stabilisation of disease she conceived spontaneously. Patient had regular follow up in some private institute. She was referred to our hospital as a case of IUGR with color Doppler changes with breech presentation with sluggish fetal movements at 37 weeks and emergency caesarean section was performed. A male fetus with 2.25 kg AS 7, 9 at birth was delivered. The cause of her recurrent pregnancy losses and previous preterm birth was celiac disease. Celiac disease (CD) is an immune-mediated enteropathy caused by a permanent sensitivity to gluten in genetically susceptible individual. It may also lead to serious maternal and fetal complications because of systemic effects of disease however a successful pregnancy outcome is possible when pre-gestational diagnosis is made and proper management of disease during pregnancy is achieved

    ATRA reduces inflammation and improves alveolar epithelium regeneration in emphysematous rat lung

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    Introduction Pulmonary emphysema characterized by alveolar wall destruction is resultant of persistent chronic inflammation. All-trans retinoic acid (ATRA) has been reported to reverse elastase-induced emphysema in rats. However, the underlying molecular mechanisms are so far unknown. Objective To investigate the therapeutic potential effect of ATRA via the amelioration of the ERK/JAK-STAT pathways in the lungs of emphysematous rats. Methods In silico analysis was done to find the binding efficiency of ATRA with receptor and ligands of ERK & JAK-STAT pathway. Emphysema was induced by porcine pancreatic elastase in Sprague-Dawley rats and ATRA was supplemented as therapy. Lungs were harvested for histopathological, genomics and proteomics analysis. Results and Discussion In silico docking, analysis confirms that ATRA interferes with the normal binding of ligands (TNF-α, IL6ST) and receptors (TNFR1, IL6) of ERK/JAK-STAT pathways respectively. ATRA restored the histology, proteases/antiproteases balance, levels of inflammatory markers, antioxidants, expression of candidate genes of ERK and JAK-STAT pathways in the therapy group. Conclusion ATRA ameliorates ERK/JAK-STAT pathway in emphysema condition, resulting in alveolar epithelium regeneration. Hence, ATRA may prove to be a potential drug in the treatment of emphysema

    Economic Aspects of Sanitation in Developing Countries

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    Improved sanitation has been shown to have great impacts on people's health and economy. However, the progress of achieving the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) on halving the proportion of people without access to clean water and basic sanitation by 2015 has thus far been delayed. One of the reasons for the slow progress is that policy makers, as well as the general public, have not fully understood the importance of the improved sanitation solutions. This paper, by gathering relevant research findings, aims to report and discuss currently available evidence on the economic aspects of sanitation, including the economic impacts of unimproved sanitation and the costs and economic benefits of some common improved sanitation options in developing countries.; DATA USED IN THIS PAPER WERE OBTAINED FROM DIFFERENT INFORMATION SOURCES: international and national journal articles and reports, web-based statistics, and fact sheets. We used both online search and hand search methods to gather the information.; Scientific evidence has demonstrated that the economic cost associated with poor sanitation is substantial. At the global level, failure to meet the MDG water and sanitation target would have ramifications in the area of US38billion,andsanitationaccountsfor9238 billion, and sanitation accounts for 92% of this amount. In developing countries, the spending required to provide new coverage to meet the MDG sanitation target (not including program costs) is US142 billion (USyear2005).ThistranslatestoapercapitaspendingofUS year 2005). This translates to a per capita spending of US28 for sanitation. Annually, this translates to roughly US14million.Theevidencecompliedinthispaperdemonstratesthatinvestinginsanitationissociallyandeconomicallyworthwhile.ForeveryUS14 million. The evidence complied in this paper demonstrates that investing in sanitation is socially and economically worthwhile. For every US1 invested, achieving the sanitation MDG target and universal sanitation access in the non-OECD countries would result in a global return of US9.1andUS9.1 and US11.2, respectively.; Given the current state of knowledge, sanitation is undeniably a profitable investment. It is clear that achieving the MDG sanitation target not only saves lives but also provides a foundation for economic growth

    Multiple order-up-to policy for mitigating bullwhip effect in supply chain network

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    This paper proposes a multiple order-up-to policy based inventory replenishment scheme to mitigate the bullwhip effect in a multi-stage supply chain scenario, where various transportation modes are available between the supply chain (SC) participants. The proposed policy is similar to the fixed order-up-to policy approach where replenishment decision “how much to order” is made periodically on the basis of the predecided order-up-to inventory level. In the proposed policy, optimal multiple order-up-to levels are assigned to each SC participants, which provides decision making reference point for deciding the transportation related order quantity. Subsequently, a mathematical model is established to define optimal multiple order-up-to levels for each SC participants that aims to maximize overall profit from the SC network. In parallel, the model ensures the control over supply chain pipeline inventory, high satisfaction of customer demand and enables timely utilization of available transportation modes. Findings from the various numerical datasets including stochastic customer demand and lead times validate that—the proposed optimal multiple order-up-to policy based inventory replenishment scheme can be a viable alternative for mitigating the bullwhip effect and well-coordinated SC. Moreover, determining the multiple order-up-to levels is a NP hard combinatorial optimization problem. It is found that the implementation of new emerging optimization algorithm named bacterial foraging algorithm (BFA) has presented superior optimization performances. The robustness and applicability of the BFA algorithm are further validated statistically by employing the percentage heuristic gap and two-way ANOVA analysis

    Celiac disease and pregnancy in Indian scenario

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    Celiac disease is a chronic lifelong inflammatory condition of gastrointestinal tract specifically the small intestine. We report a case of pregnancy outcome in a patient with celiac disease (gluten sensitive enteropathy) diagnosed during the investigations of recurrent abortions and intermittent diarrhoea since childhood.  A 32 years old patient who had four abortions and loss of a premature baby was diagnosed as celiac disease during investigations of recurrent abortions and diarrhoea since childhood. After stabilisation of disease she conceived spontaneously. Patient had regular follow up in some private institute. She was referred to our hospital as a case of IUGR with color Doppler changes with breech presentation with sluggish fetal movements at 37 weeks and emergency caesarean section was performed. A male fetus with 2.25 kg AS 7, 9 at birth was delivered. The cause of her recurrent pregnancy losses and previous preterm birth was celiac disease. Celiac disease (CD) is an immune-mediated enteropathy caused by a permanent sensitivity to gluten in genetically susceptible individual. It may also lead to serious maternal and fetal complications because of systemic effects of disease however a successful pregnancy outcome is possible when pre-gestational diagnosis is made and proper management of disease during pregnancy is achieved

    Pregnancy outcome of women with gestational diabetes in a tertiary level hospital of North India

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    Background: Women with gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) pose an important public health problem because diabetes not only affects the maternal and fetal outcome, but these women and their fetuses are also at an increased risk of developing diabetes and related complications later in their life. Objectives: The study was conducted to determine the maternal and fetal outcomes of 50 diabetic vs 50 normoglycemic pregnancies. Materials and Methods: This was a retrospective analytical record-based study conducted in a tertiary level hospital. Detailed information regarding maternal, fetal, and labor outcome parameters was recorded in a prestructured proforma and compared in normoglycemic and diabetic pregnancies. Results: Patients with obesity, history of diabetes in the family, spontaneous abortions, and gestational diabetes in previous pregnancies had a greater incidence of GDM in current pregnancy (P<0.05 for all). Hypertension, polyhydramnios, macrosomia, fetopelvic disproportion, and cesarean sections were more (P<0.001) among diabetic pregnancies. Congenital anomalies, polycythemia, hypocalcemia, and hyperbilirubinemia were also observed to be more (P<0.05) in neonates born to diabetics, suggesting an adverse effect of hyperglycemia in utero. Conclusion: Diabetes during pregnancy is associated with higher maternal and fetal morbidity. Therefore, early screening, detection, close monitoring, and intervention is essential to reduce maternal and fetal short- and long-term adverse effects, especially in high-risk groups. Pregnancy provides an opportunity to the clinician to control the disease process and inculcate healthy lifestyle practices in these patients