10 research outputs found

    Zadania współczesnej szkoły w opiniach nauczycieli

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    "Każde społeczeństwo kształtuje określone zachowania i kreuje nowe wzory aktywności jednostek, grup i zbiorowości. Związane jest to z potrzebami ludzi, postępem cywilizacyjno-społecznym, naukowym i technologicznym. Środkiem, który pozwala upowszechniać te zmiany i daje zarazem możliwość rozwoju społecznego oraz indywidualnego, jest szkoła. Choć jej funkcje na przestrzeni lat znacznie ewoluowały, to nie można zaprzeczyć temu, że przyczynia się ona do socjalizacji jednostek, a tym samym do rozwoju całego społeczeństwa. Główne zadania, jakie przypisuje się tej instytucji, oscylują wokół socjalizacji wtórnej, kształtowania kapitału ludzkiego, kontroli społecznej, selekcji, alokacji, reorganizacji osobowości ucznia w kierunku wzorców uniwersalistycznych, a także pełnienia funkcji ekonomicznej, społecznej, kulturowej i dyscyplinującej" […] (fragm.

    Czynniki warunkujące system wartości dzieci żyjących w środowisku wiejskim - prezentacja wyników badań własnych

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    The subject of interest of this article are the factors that significantly affect the value system of younger school children living in the country. The particular roles in this area are played by the child’s individual predispositions, immediate environment — family, school, child‑raising environment and the media. It can be observed that children’s orientation of valuing— normative system — is highly influenced by their parents’ attitudes and values that they apply in life. Children learn how to behave by imitating people that are of significant value to them. Emotional experience and the opportunity to experience are most important to learn to value. Rural environment is the source of social and transcendental values — family and living according to religious principles are highly appreciated. Rural environment greatly influences the parenting attitudes and thus the development of the value system of the children who are brought up there. Shaping the value system is a process that is long in time and dependent on many factors. The article is based on the author’s own research conducted in villages Międzyrzecze and Bronów

    Uwrażliwianie kulturowe dzieci w praktyce edukacyjnej

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    W artykule wskazuję na potrzebę uwrażliwiania kulturowego dzieci, jako ważnego aspektu socjalizacji i wychowania oraz ukazuję rolę nauczyciela w tym procesie. W odwołaniu do J. Nikitorowicza koncepcji uwrażliwiania kulturowego oraz A. Bandury teorii społecznego uczenia się przedstawiam wyniki badań własnych przeprowadzonych wśród dzieci w wieku przedszkolnym oraz nauczycieli wychowania przedszkolnego i edukacji wczesnoszkolnej. W opracowaniu podejmuję także próbę odpowiedzi na pytanie, dlaczego warto uwrażliwiać dzieci w wieku przedszkolnym i młodszym wieku szkolnym na różnice kulturowe występujące pomiędzy ludźmi oraz sygnalizuję korzyści, jakie wynikają z takich działań edukacyjnych

    Bacterial Keratitis

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    Bacterial keratitis is a disease prevalent in the underdeveloped and developing worlds and is a significant cause of vision-threatening keratitis across the globe. Early and exact diagnosis, accurate treatment, and regular follow-up are key determinants of success in these cases and allow to prevent serious complications and ensure optimal patient outcomes. This chapter provides a comprehensive overview of the causes, symptoms, diagnosis, and management of bacterial keratitis. The importance of accurate diagnosis based on culture of corneal scraping, and smear examinations, as well as with the use of diagnostic tools, such as confocal microscopy is highlighted. Treatment options, including medical treatment and surgical interventions, are discussed in detail. Moreover, the chapter provides insights into the latest research and developments including new treatments. It also highlights the need for ongoing monitoring, regular follow-up, and good compliance between patient and doctor to ensure optimal patient outcomes. The patient must be educated to avoid risk factors. The superficial ulcer usually responds well to medical management, whereas deeper non-resolving ulcers require therapeutic penetrating keratoplasty for globe salvage. Overall, this chapter serves as an important resource for clinicians, researchers, and healthcare professionals, providing valuable information on the diagnosis and management of bacterial keratitis

    A plea for equitable global access to COVID‐19 diagnostics, vaccination and therapy: The NeuroCOVID‐19 Task Force of the European Academy of Neurology

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    Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID‐19), a multi‐organ disease caused by severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS‐CoV‐2), continues to challenge health and care systems around the globe. The pandemic has disrupted acute neurology services and routine patient care and has impacted the clinical course in patients with chronic neurological disease. COVID‐19 appears to have exposed inequalities of societies and healthcare systems and had a disproportionate impact on already vulnerable communities. The next challenge will be to set up initiatives to stop disparities in all aspects related to COVID‐19. From the medical perspective, there is a need to consider inequalities in prevention, treatment and long‐term consequences. Some of the issues of direct relevance to neurologists are summarised. With this appraisal, the European Academy of Neurology NeuroCOVID‐19 Task Force intends to raise awareness of the potential impact of COVID‐19 on inequalities in healthcare and calls for action to prevent disparity at individual, national and supranational levels

    Cultural sensitization of children in educational practice

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    W artykule wskazuję na potrzebę uwrażliwiania kulturowego dzieci, jako ważnego aspektu socjalizacji i wychowania oraz ukazuję rolę nauczyciela w tym procesie. W odwołaniu do J. Nikitorowicza koncepcji uwrażliwiania kulturowego oraz A. Bandury teorii społecznego uczenia się przedstawiam wyniki badań własnych przeprowadzonych wśród dzieci w wieku przedszkolnym oraz nauczycieli wychowania przedszkolnego i edukacji wczesnoszkolnej. W opracowaniu podejmuję także próbę odpowiedzi na pytanie, dlaczego warto uwrażliwiać dzieci w wieku przedszkolnym i młodszym wieku szkolnym na różnice kulturowe występujące pomiędzy ludźmi oraz sygnalizuję korzyści, jakie wynikają z takich działań edukacyjnych.In the article, the need of cultural sensitization of children is indicated as an important aspect of socialization and education as well as the role of the teacher in this process is shown. The results are presented of my own research conducted among children in preschool age and teachers of pre- and early school education according to Jerzy Nikitorowicz’s concept of cultural sensitization and Albert Bandura’s theory of social education. In the analysis, an attempt is also made to answer the question why it is worth sensitizing children to cultural differences that occur among people starting from the pre- and early school age as well as the benefits that result from this activity are presented. Key words : teacher, child, cultural sensitization, multiculturalism, intercultural education Translated by Anna Twardzi

    Edukacja międzykulturowa w przedszkolu – raport z badań nauczycieli

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    In the article the author stresses importance of including intercultural education content into kindergarten education and presents examples of positive results brought by teachers’ actions in this field. The author formulates and empirically verifies the thesis that implementation of intercultural education in kindergarten positively affects the development of social competences of children, improves their relations with peers and arouses in a child the will to get to know himself/herself and others.Autorka w artykule zwraca uwagę na włączanie treści z zakresu edukacji międzykulturowej do wychowania przedszkolnego oraz przywołuje, przynoszące pozytywne rezultaty, przykłady działań nauczycieli w tym zakresie. Formułuje i empirycznie weryfikuje tezę, że realizacja edukacji międzykulturowej w przedszkolu pozytywnie oddziałuje na rozwój kompetencji społecznych dzieci, poprawne stosunki z rówieśnikami, rozbudza u dziecka chęć poznawania siebie i Innych

    Corneal Analysis with Swept Source Optical Coherence Tomography in Patients with Coexisting Cataract and Fuchs Endothelial Corneal Dystrophy

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    This study focused on defining the characteristic features of keratometry and pachymetry elevation maps based on swept source optical coherence tomography (SS OCT) in Fuchs endothelial corneal dystrophy (FECD) eyes with a coexisting cataract. 70 eyes of 35 patients diagnosed with FECD and a coexisting cataract and 70 control eyes were included in this prospective, controlled, observational, cross-sectional study. Features characteristic of intermediately affected eyes included an increased corneal thinnest thickness (CTT) (p = 0.01), 3 and 6 mm asymmetry (p p p ≤ 0.0001, respectively), chord µ, and a posterior Ectasia Screening Index (pESI) (p p < 0.0001 for all of the above). Characteristic features of subclinical FECD, independent of the corneal thickness, can be detected by SS OCT and should be considered during the preoperative assessment of patients with a coexisting cataract

    Primary prevention of COVID-19: Advocacy for vaccination from a neurological perspective

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    Immunization by means of vaccination is a global health success story, saving millions of lives every year. In this regard, the epidemiology of measles, rabies, polio, rubella, varicella, influenza and mumps infections, all of which can harm the nervous system, could be contained by global vaccination campaigns. In addition, toxoid vaccines against bacterial toxins such as tetanus and diphtheria are indispensable and effective interventions for toxin-mediated neurologic diseases

    The vaccinia virus-stimulated mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) pathway is required for virus multiplication

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    Early events play a decisive role in virus multiplication. We have shown previously that activation of MAPK/ERK1/2 (mitogen-activated protein kinase/extracellular-signal-regulated kinase 1/2) and protein kinase A are pivotal for vaccinia virus (VV) multiplication [de Magalhães, Andrade, Silva, Sousa, Ropert, Ferreira, Kroon, Gazzinelli and Bonjardim (2001) J. Biol. Chem. 276, 38353–38360]. In the present study, we show that VV infection provoked a sustained activation of both ERK1/2 and RSK2 (ribosomal S6 kinase 2). Our results also provide evidence that this pattern of kinase activation depends on virus multiplication and ongoing protein synthesis and is maintained independently of virus DNA synthesis. It is noteworthy that the VGF (VV growth factor), although involved, is not essential for prolonged ERK1/2 activation. Furthermore, our findings suggest that the VV-stimulated ERK1/2 activation also seems to require actin dynamics, microtubule polymerization and tyrosine kinase phosphorylation. The VV-stimulated pathway MEK/ERK1/2/RSK2 (where MEK stands for MAPK/ERK kinase) leads to phosphorylation of the ternary complex factor Elk-1 and expression of the early growth response (egr-1) gene, which kinetically paralleled the kinase activation. The recruitment of this pathway is biologically relevant, since its disruption caused a profound effect on viral thymidine kinase gene expression, viral DNA replication and VV multiplication. This pattern of sustained kinase activation after VV infection is unique. In addition, by connecting upstream signals generated at the cytoskeleton and by tyrosine kinase, the MEK/ERK1/2/RSK2 cascade seems to play a decisive role not only at early stages of the infection, i.e. post-penetration, but is also crucial to define the fate of virus progeny