183 research outputs found

    Critical Fidelity and Catholic School Leadership in Jordan

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    John Sullivan s paper Critical Fidelity and Catholic School Leadership will be included in the work by Springer entitled Faith Based Learning Teaching Leadership to be published in 2013 Principally the article calls for Unity in Diversity we are one in faith but different in culture and vision We are One in Christ but different in minds and hearts Let s be Catholic universal principal and locally applied I believe that the article makes many valid observations that speak to actuality of Catholic School leadership particularly in my native country of Jordan A critical analysis of fidelity to Church Teaching in the context of Catholic School leadership is of countless value Usually the issues surrounding adherence to the dogmatic teachings of the Church by those in educational leadership have been taboo One is simply not allowed to study evaluate analyze or criticize the faith tradition In the oriental and Semitic mentality we are Homo religious which means that in theory we believe everything said by the religious authorities Christian and Islamic is true Magister dixet Master sai

    A study of the effects of environmental light and temperature on selected blood and urinary factors in broilers

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    Two experiments were conducted to investigate the effect of light, temperature, and age on some blood parameters and ammonia excretion by male broiler birds. Light treatments were 16L:8D and 24L:0D while temperature treatments were 20°C and 35°C within each light treatment. Samples were taken at 2, 4, and 6 weeks of age. Results show that light and temperature had no significant effect on blood concentrations of sodium, potassium, chloride, CO2, anion gap, or ammonia, kidney asparaginase activity, plasma corticosterone levels, or total ammonia excreted in the feces. However it was found that blood ammonia levels at 2 weeks of age were significantly higher when compared to levels obtained at 4 and 6 weeks of age. It was concluded that this was due to the effect of the high protein diet fed to birds to 3 weeks of age. Kidney asparaginase activity was also significantly higher at 2 weeks of age which could reflect the effect of the high protein diet and the rapid turnover and restructuring of proteins in the body while birds are growing at a very fast rate. Plasma corticosterone levels tended to be higher at 2 weeks of age when compared to levels at 4 and 6 weeks. Birds on 24L:0D light treatment had higher corticosterone levels than birds on 16L:0D light treatment but not significantly so, which might indicate the tendency for continuous light to over-stimulate the adrenal gland directly or indirectly and initiate changes in blood chemistry and the normal physiological status of the body. Atmospheric ammonia was higher in 16L:0D light treated birds at all ages compared to the 24L:0D treated birds. This difference is thought to be due to prevailing conditions in the litter which tended to be more wet in pens with birds under continuous light thus suppressing uric acid and other nitrogenous compounds breakdown to ammonia by anaerobic bacteria

    Renoprotektive Effekte von (-)-Epigallocatechin-3-Gallat bei extrakorporaler Zirkulation mittels Herz-Lungen-Maschine in einem Ferkelmodell

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    In dieser Dissertation wurden am Ferkelmodell (8-15 kg, drei Gruppen: „Kontrolle“ n=7, „Herz-Lungen-Maschine (HLM)“ n=10, „(-)-Epigallocatechin-3-Gallat (EGCG)“ n=6, die Kontrollgruppe wurde thorakotomiert, die HLM- und die EGCG-Gruppe wurden thorakotomiert und fĂŒr 90 Minuten an eine HLM angeschlossen, die EGCG-Gruppe erhielt vor und nach der HLM-Zeit EGCG) drei Fragestellungen behandelt: Erstens wurde untersucht, ob die Verwendung einer HLM wĂ€hrend eines kardiochirurgischen Eingriffes unter hypothermen Bedingungen mit nicht-pulsatilem Blutfluss und Kardioplegie die Niere schĂ€digte. DafĂŒr wurden Paraffinschnitte der Niere aus der Kontroll- und der HLM-Gruppe mit HĂ€matoxylin-Eosin (HE) angefĂ€rbt und unterschiedliche Strukturen betrachtet, wobei histopathologische VerĂ€nderungen in der HLM-Gruppe auffielen. Paraklinisch fanden sich erhöhte nierenspezifische Blutwerte (Serumkreatinin und -harnstoff) in der HLM-Gruppe. Diese Ergebnisse waren hinweisend fĂŒr eine funktionell relevante SchĂ€digung der Niere durch die HLM. UnterstĂŒtzend kam ein Absinken des Gesamteiweißes im Serum der HLM-Gruppe hinzu, was auf eine generelle SchĂ€digung des Organismus durch die HLM hindeutete. Zweitens wurde betrachtet, ob die gesetzten SchĂ€den die Merkmale eines IschĂ€mie-Reperfusionsschadens aufwiesen. Hierzu wurden Paraffinschnitte der Niere aus der Kontroll- und der HLM-Gruppe immunhistochemisch (Hypoxie-induzierter-Faktor-1-alpha-Tyramide- Signal-Amplification (HIF-1-alpha-TSA)-, Nitrotyrosin-3-Amino-9-Ethylcarbazol (Nitrotyrosin-AEC)- und Apoptose-induzierender-Faktor-Tyramide-Signal-Amplification (AIF-TSA)-FĂ€rbung) angefĂ€rbt. Dabei zeigte sich, dass sich die HLM-Gruppe in einer hypoxischen Situation befand (HIF-1-alpha Akkumulation in den Zellkernen), nitrosativem Stress ausgesetzt war (Nitrotyrosin in den Tubuli) und dass sie teilweise so stark geschĂ€digt wurde, dass Apoptose induziert wurde (AIF in Zellkernen) – alle drei FĂ€rbungsergebnisse waren hinweisend fĂŒr einen ischĂ€mischen Zustand, in dem sich die HLM-Gruppe befunden hat. Auch die Ergebnisse der durchgefĂŒhrten renalen Reversed Phase High Performance Liquid Chromatography (RP-HPLC) deuteten auf ebendies hin. UnterstĂŒtzend wirkten die Ergebnisse des arteriellen Laktats – die HLM-Gruppe zeigte eine HyperlaktĂ€mie – und die Tatsache, dass einige der histologischen Merkmale fĂŒr eine frĂŒhe Schockniere (welche ischĂ€mischen Ursprungs sein kann) in der HLM-Gruppe gefunden wurden. Dies alles zeigte, dass der HLM-assoziierte Nierenschaden vorrangig die Natur eines IschĂ€mie-Reperfusionsschadens aufwies. Drittens wurde untersucht, ob EGCG diese HLM-assoziierte SchĂ€digung abmildern konnte. DafĂŒr wurden bei der EGCG-Gruppe alle oben genannten Untersuchungen durchgefĂŒhrt. Die Ergebnisse zeigten, dass EGCG in der Dosierung 10 mg/kg eine renoprotektive Wirkung gegen die HLM-assoziierten SchĂ€den hatte, und diese abmildern bzw. ihnen entgegenwirken konnte. Diese Ergebnisse sind fĂŒr die pĂ€diatrische Kardiochirurgie interessant, welche zum Beispiel bei der Korrektur angeborener Herzdefekte auf die Verwendung der HLM angewiesen ist. Komplikationen wie eine NierenschĂ€digung post operationem sind nicht selten und verkomplizieren den Verlauf. Die vorliegende Dissertation zeigt das renoprotektive Potential des in grĂŒnem Tee vorkommenden Katechins EGCG im Umfeld eines kardiochirurgischen Eingriffes mit Verwendung einer HLM. Die Wirksamkeit dieser Substanz ist wahrscheinlich darin begrĂŒndet, dass sie mehr als ein Antioxidans ist. Neben seiner RadikalfĂ€nger- und Stickstoffmonoxidscavenger-FĂ€higkeiten ist EGCG außerdem antiapoptotisch wirksam. Derzeit wird die Kardiochirurgie mit Verwendung einer HLM in der VeterinĂ€rmedizin nur in wenigen Zentren angewendet. Es besteht fĂŒr die Zukunft jedoch die Hoffnung, dass gerade fĂŒr Kleintierbesitzer, die ihre Tiere als Familienmitglied betrachten, und auch fĂŒr zoologische Einrichtungen bei der Diagnose eines Herzfehlers die Kardiochirurgie mit Verwendung einer HLM als Therapiemöglichkeit eine interessante und realistische Alternative zur bislang angewandten palliativen medikamentösen Therapie darstellen kann.In this dissertation a piglet model (8-15 kg, three groups: “control” n=7, “extracorporeal circulation (EC)” n=10, “EGCG” n=6, the control-group was thoracotomized, the EC- and the EGCG-group were thoracotomized and underwent cardiopulmonary bypass (CPB) for 90 minutes, and the EGCG-group received EGCG before and after the CPB) is presented. Three questions were raised and answered: Firstly, it was investigated if the use of a CPB during cardiac surgery with hypothermia, non-pulsatile blood flow and cardioplegia caused damage to the kidney. In order to answer this question, paraffin slices of the kidney of the control- and the EC-group were stained with hematoxylin-eosin (HE), and different structures were evaluated – this staining showed histopathological changes in the EC-group. Paraclinical, the EC-group showed elevated kidney-specific blood parameters (serumcreatinine and -urea). These findings indicated a functionally relevant impairment of the kidney caused by the CPB. Supporting this, the EC-group also showed a decline of the total amount of proteins in the serum, which was suggestive of a generalized injury of the body by the CPB. Secondly, it was investigated whether the injury of the kidney might have been caused by an ischemia/reperfusion injury. Therefore, paraffin slices of the kidney of the control- and the EC-group were immunhistochemically stained (hypoxia-induced-factor-1-alpha-tyramidesignal-amplification (HIF-1-alpha-TSA)-, nitrotyrosine-3-amino-9-ethylcarbazole (nitrotyrosine-AEC)- and apoptosis-inducing-factor-tyramide-signal-amplification (AIF-TSA)-staining). These stainings revealed, that the EC-group had suffered from a hypoxemic situation (accumulation of HIF-1-alpha in the nuclei), from nitrosative stress (presence of nitrotyrosine in the tubuli), and that the kidney was partly damaged to the point of an induction of apoptosis (presence of AIF in the nuclei) – all three of these findings indicated, that the kidneys of the EC-group were put into an ischemic situation. The findings of the renal reversed phase high performance liquid chromatography (RP-HPLC) indicated the same thing. This was also supported by the blood parameter of lactate – the EC-group showed a hyperlactemia – and by some histological findings in the EC-group, which were characteristical for an early shock-kidney (which may be caused by ischemia). Taken together, these findings showed that the CPB-associated kidney injury was primarily caused by an ischemia/reperfusion injury. Thirdly, it was investigated, whether EGCG might attenuate the CPB-associated kidney injury. For that purpose, all of the investigation methods mentioned above were carried out with the samples of the EGCG-group. The findings showed that EGCG (dose: 10 mg/kg) had a protective effect on the kidney, protecting it against the damage caused by the CPB, and was able to partly attenuate this damage and partly even fully counteract it. These findings are of interest for pediatric cardiac surgery, which for example for the correction of innate heart defects depends on the use of CPB. Complications – like acute renal injury post operationem – occur frequently and complicate the recovery. This dissertation demonstrates the renoprotective potential of the natural compound EGCG in the setting of cardiac surgery with the use of CPB. The reason for the effectiveness of EGCG in this situation probably is that EGCG is more than an antioxidant. EGCG not only works as a radical- and nitric-oxide-scavenger, but also is antiapoptotic. In veterinary medicine cardiac surgery with CPB is done by few centers only. However for the future there is hope that people – especially pet owners who view their companion animals as family members, and zoos – become more and more willing to and interested in having an animal diagnosed with a heart defect treated with cardiac surgery including the use of an CPB, instead of – like its usually done nowadays – only giving palliative medication to the animal

    Weather, Then You Picked the Wrong Place to Stay

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    And all memory is just like bagging the last pile of leaves in the fall and the dew soaking through my shoes and the water moccasin nestled at the heart of it al

    O impacto do Sistema Tributårio Brasileiro sobre as exportaçÔes : o caso das relaçÔes comerciais Brasil - países årabes

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    Trabalho de ConclusĂŁo de Curso (graduação) — Universidade de BrasĂ­lia, Faculdade de Direito, 2021.O presente trabalho se propĂ”e de analisar os dados compilados pela “PwC” e fornecidos pela plataforma “Doing Business” para o “World Bank Group” (Grupo Banco Mundial). A “Doing Business” fornece relatĂłrios anuais para mais de 190 paĂ­ses mundialmente, assim como relatĂłrios regionais detalhados para cada continente. Esses relatĂłrios se propĂ”em de medir o desempenho econĂŽmico de cada paĂ­s baseando-se em vĂĄrios indicadores padronizados. Dentre desses indicadores, serĂŁo abordados dois indicadores especificamente, os chamados “Paying taxes” (pagando impostos) e “Trading across borders” (comercialização nas fronteiras), no intuito de avaliar a eficiĂȘncia dos sistemas tributĂĄrios adotados por cada um desses paĂ­ses. Afim de definir o objeto do presente estudo, foram escolhidas duas principais zonas geogrĂĄficas sendo elas respectivamente: a AmĂ©rica Latina e o Caribe; por englobar a anĂĄlise da economia brasileira e o Meio-Oriente e África do Norte; por englobar o estudo das economias: egĂ­pcia, jordaniana, saudita e ĂĄrabe-emiradense. Apesar do tĂ­tulo mencionar paĂ­ses ĂĄrabes (totalizando 22), serĂŁo abordados apenas 4 (por motivos de limitação fĂ­sica), que poderiam ser considerados como sendo os maiores parceiros comerciais com o Brasil. Ademais, depois de ter realizado a anĂĄlise das estatĂ­sticas compiladas, serĂŁo apresentadas potencias sugestĂ”es de melhoria e perspectivas futuras sobre o tema.The present work proposes to analyze the data compiled by “PwC” and provided by the “Doing Business” platform for the “World Bank Group”. Doing Business provides annual reports for more than 190 countries worldwide, as well as detailed regional reports for each continent. These reports are intended to measure the economic performance of each country based on several standardized indicators. Among these indicators, two indicators will be specifically addressed, the so-called “Paying taxes” and “Trading across borders”, in order to assess the efficiency of the tax systems adopted by each of these countries. In order to define the object of the present study, two main geographical areas were chosen, respectively: Latin America and the Caribbean; for encompassing the analysis of the Brazilian economy and the Middle East and North Africa; for encompassing the study of the following economies: Egyptian, Jordanian, Saudi and Emirati. Despite the title mentioning Arab countries (totaling 22), only 4 will be addressed (due to physical limitations), which could be considered the largest trading partners with Brazil. In addition, after having performed the analysis of the compiled statistics, potential suggestions for improvement and future perspectives on the topic will be presented

    Fibulin 1C peptide induces cell attachment and extracellular matrix deposition in lung fibroblasts

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    Fibulin-1 is an extracellular matrix (ECM) protein, levels of which are elevated in serum and lung tissue from patients with idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis compared to healthy volunteers. Inhibition of fibulin-1C, one of four fibulin-1 isoforms, reduced proliferation and wound healing in human airway smooth muscle (ASM) cells. This study identified the bioactive region/s of fibulin-1C which promotes fibrosis. Seven fibulin-1C peptides were synthesized and used to pre-coat tissue culture plates before lung derived ASM cells and fibroblasts from patients with pulmonary fibrosis (PF), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or neither disease (Control) were plated. Peptide effects on in vitro measures of fibrosis: cell attachment, proliferation and viability, and ECM deposition, were examined. Among these peptides, peptide 1C1 (FBLN1C1) enhanced ASM cell and fibroblast attachment. FBLN1C1 increased mitochondrial activity and proliferation in fibroblasts. In addition, FBLN1C1 stimulated fibulin1 deposition in PF and COPD fibroblasts, and augmented fibronectin and perlecan deposition in all three groups. Peptides FBLN1C2 to FBLN1C7 had no activity. The active fibulin-1C peptide identified in this study describes a useful tool for future studies. Ongoing investigation of the role of fibulin-1 may reveal the mechanisms underlying the pathphysiology of chronic lung diseases

    Fibulin-1 is required for morphogenesis of neural crest-derived structures

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    AbstractHere we report that mouse embryos homozygous for a gene trap insertion in the fibulin-1 (Fbln1) gene are deficient in Fbln1 and exhibit cardiac ventricular wall thinning and ventricular septal defects with double outlet right ventricle or overriding aorta. Fbln1 nulls also display anomalies of aortic arch arteries, hypoplasia of the thymus and thyroid, underdeveloped skull bones, malformations of cranial nerves and hemorrhagic blood vessels in the head and neck. The spectrum of malformations is consistent with Fbln1 influencing neural crest cell (NCC)-dependent development of these tissues. This is supported by evidence that Fbln1 expression is associated with streams of cranial NCCs migrating adjacent to rhombomeres 2–7 and that Fbln1-deficient embryos display patterning anomalies of NCCs forming cranial nerves IX and X, which derive from rhombomeres 6 and 7. Additionally, Fbln1-deficient embryos show increased apoptosis in areas populated by NCCs derived from rhombomeres 4, 6 and 7. Based on these findings, it is concluded that Fbln1 is required for the directed migration and survival of cranial NCCs contributing to the development of pharyngeal glands, craniofacial skeleton, cranial nerves, aortic arch arteries, cardiac outflow tract and cephalic blood vessels
