8 research outputs found

    Development of the recipe for cookies with pumpkin flour

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    The object of research is the technology of enriching shortbread cookies with pumpkin flour. The problem of enriching shortbread cookies with pumpkin flour was solved. In the studies, different replacement of wheat flour with pumpkin flour was studied according to the following scheme: 0 %, 5 %, 10 %, 15 %, 20 %. The formation of strength, the ratio of the mass to the volume of the cake, its volume to the mass, the degree of swelling and sensory evaluation of the cookies were studied. As a result, it was established that the addition of pumpkin flour to the shortbread cookie recipe had a significant (р≤0.05) effect on its quality indicators. The strength of cookies and the ratio of its mass to volume increased with the addition of pumpkin flour. The degree of swelling and the ratio of the volume of cookies to mass decreased compared to the version without pumpkin flour. The use of pumpkin flour significantly changed the sensory indicators of cookie quality. The smell of cookies decreased from 9.0 to 3.7 points. The taste of cookies – from 9.0 to 3.0 points. Using it in the recipe reduces the volume of cookies, which reduces the degree of swelling and the ratio of its mass to volume. In addition, pumpkin flour has a specific smell and taste, which negatively affects the sensory evaluation of cookies. Therefore, the higher its content in the recipe, the worse the quality of the cookies. A distinctive feature of the obtained results is the use of 5 % pumpkin flour in the cookie technology. With this recipe, the strength is 1.45 kg, the degree of swelling is 1.70, the ratio of cookie mass to volume is 0.65, cookie volume to mass is 1.53. The color of the surface of the cookies is light brown, the color of the crumb is yellow, the pores are small, thin-walled, uniform, the consistency is crumbly. Smell is 8.3 points, taste – 9.0 points. The developed recommendations can be used by enterprises of low productivity for the production of shortbread cookie

    Devising a recipe for muffins with pumpkin paste

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    The object of this research is the production technology of muffins with pumpkin paste. The task was to enrich muffins with pumpkin paste. The influence of different amounts of pumpkin paste on the physicochemical and sensory parameters of muffins was investigated. It has been established that the addition of pumpkin paste reliably (p≤0.05) increases the content of vitamin A (RAE), as well as indicators of integrated score, baking, shrinkage, and moisture content of the muffin. The volume of muffins is significantly reduced by adding 10–50 % of pumpkin paste. This trend is due to the high humidity of pumpkin paste. Owing to a sociological survey, it was determined that most respondents (55 %) liked muffins whose content of pumpkin paste was 15–20 %. It should be noted that 30 % of respondents liked muffins whose content of pumpkin paste was 25–30 %. This trend is due to the fact that the smell and taste of pumpkin in a muffin with the addition of 15–20 % of pumpkin paste is leveled by aromatic compounds. Increasing the amount of pumpkin paste to 25–30 % determines the average level of pumpkin sensory sensation. In the technology of muffin production, it is optimal to add 15–20 % of pumpkin paste. According to this formulation, the integrated score of vitamin A (RAE) is 21–23 %, humidity – 22.9–25.9 %, baking shrinkage – 8.9–10.0 %, shrinkage due to drying – 2.1–2.2 %, volume – 166–177 cm3/100 g of dough. The porosity is 7–9 points, surface color - light brown, crumb color – yellow, crumb consistency – soft, pumpkin taste level – weak or absent (7.0–8.3 points). A distinctive feature of the results is the differentiated use of pumpkin paste in the muffin recipe. Based on the survey, it was established that the amount of pumpkin paste could be 15–20 % and 25–30 %. The devised recommendations can be used by confectionery enterprises of low productivity during the production of muffins

    Удосконалення режимів опромінення електромагнітним полем під час виробництва крупи плющеної полб’яної

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    The modes to produce flattened spelt groats using an electromagnetic field of ultrahigh frequency have been scientifically substantiated. The influence of the duration of irradiation by the field of ultrahigh frequency and water heat treatment on the temperature, yield, and duration of flattened spelt groats cooking was investigated. When irradiated with a field of ultrahigh frequency from 20 to 180 s, the minimum temperature of the product is 27–128 °C, and the maximum temperature is 43–159 °C. Treatment with a field of ultrahigh frequency from 20 to 100 s does not significantly affect the total yield of groats from spelt. The total yield, in this case, is 94–97 %. At the irradiation with a field of ultrahigh frequency from 120 to 180 s, the total yield of groats is significantly reduced to 83–90 %. Treating with a field of ultrahigh frequency for 100–180 s significantly reduces the duration of flattened groats cooking. The duration of cooking groats, in this case, is 14.0–15.8 minutes. It should be noted that water-heat treatment reliably reduces the duration of cooking flattened groats compared to the option without moistening. The peculiarity of the technology to produce flattened groats from spelt wheat using the field of ultrahigh frequency is that whole groats must be irradiated for 60–80 s with moistening by 1.0–1.5 %. Under this mode, the total yield of groats is 94–97 %, and the duration of cooking groats is 14.3–15.9 minutes. Subject to the production of flattened groats of the highest grade, it is necessary to irradiate with a field of ultrahigh frequency for 80 s without water-heat treatment. Under such a mode, the yield of flattened groats of the highest grade is 80 %, and that of the first grade is 13 %. The duration of cooking such groats is 16.8 minutes. The recommendations from this study could be used by small-scale grain processing enterprises in order to produce flattened groats.Проведено наукове обгрунтування режимів виробництва крупи плющеної полб’яної з використанням електромагнітного поля надвисокої частоти. Досліджено вплив тривалості опромінення полем надвисокої частоти і водо теплового оброблення на температуру, вихід і тривалість варіння крупи плющеної полб’яної. За опромінення полем надвисокої частоти від 20 до 180 с мінімальна температура продукту становить 27–128 °С, а максимальна – 43–159 °С. Оброблення полем надвисокої частоти від 20 до 100 с достовірно не впливає на загальний вихід крупи з пшениці полби. Загальний вихід при цьому становить 94–97 %. За опромінення полем надвисокої частоти від 120 до 180 с загальний вихід крупи достовірно знижується до 83–90 %. Достовірно зменшує тривалість варіння крупи плющеної оброблення полем надвисокої частоти упродовж 100–180 с. Тривалість варіння крупи при цьому становить 14,0–15,8 хв. Слід відзначити, що водотеплове оброблення достовірно зменшує тривалість варіння крупи плющеної порівняно з варіантом без зволожування. Особливість технології виробництва плющеної крупи з пшениці полби з використанням поля надвисокої частоти полягає в тому, що цілу крупу необхідно опромінювати впродовж 60–80 с з проведенням зволожування на 1,0–1,5 %. За такого режиму загальний вихід крупи становить 94–97 %, тривалість варіння крупи – 14,3–15,9 хв. За умови виробництва крупи  плющеної вищого сорту необхідно проводити опромінення полем надвисокої частоти упродовж 80 с без водотеплового оброблення. За такого режиму вихід крупи плющеної вищого сорту становить 80 %, а першого – 13 %. Тривалість варіння такої крупи становить 16,8 хв. Розроблені рекомендації можуть бути використані зернопереробними підприємствами низької продуктивності за виробництва крупи плющено

    ХХX Международная научная конференция "Актуальные научные исследования в современном мире"

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    У статті подано комплексний науковий аналіз структури психосоматичної системи української етнопедагогіки.The article presents a comprehensive scientific analysis of the structure of Ukrainian ethno-pedagogy psychosomatic system.В статье представлен комплексный научный анализ структуры психосоматической системы украинской этнопедагогики

    Formation of Pedagogical Values in Future Teachers of Preschool Education Institutions

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    Здійснено аналіз наукових джерел з метою трактування понять «цінність» та «педагогічна цінність». Розкрито структуру педагогічних цінностей; здійснено критеріально-рівневе оцінювання сформованості педагогічних цінностей у майбутніх вихователів; обґрунтовано педагогічні умови формування педагогічних цінностей у майбутніх вихователів закладів дошкільної освіти в процесі професійно-педагогічної підготовки. Проведено експериментальну перевірку ефективності запропонованих педагогічних умов формування педагогічних цінностей у майбутніх вихователів закладів дошкільної освіти в процесі професійно-педагогічної підготовки.In order to interpret the concepts of “value” and “pedagogical value” the analysis of scientific sources is conducted. The structure of pedagogical values is revealed; a criterion-level assessment of pedagogical values formation in future preschool teachers is carried out; the pedagogical conditions for the formation of pedagogical values in future teachers of preschool education institutions in the process of professional-pedagogical training are substantiated. An experimental test of the effectiveness of the proposed pedagogical conditions for the formation of pedagogical values in future preschool teachers in the process of professional-pedagogical training is carried out


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    У статті розглядається застосування елементів психосоматичних систем різних культур у подієвому туризмі.The application of different cultures psychosomatic systems elements in event tourism is considered in the article.В статье рассматривается применение элементов психосоматических систем различных культур в событийном туризме

    Starch Modification to Ensure Resource Savings and Environmental Safety in the Production Cardboard from Waste Paper

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    Development of new and modification of existing chemicals, which act not only as binders, but also provide increased retention of fiber and other pulp components on the paper machine grid, accelerate pulp dehydration, and provide special properties (moisture resistance, heat resistance, improvement of other technical characteristics of paper and cardboard) of paper and cardboard, is an important and urgent task of chemical technology and ecology. This paper presents results of the corn starch modification with epoxypropyltriethanolammonium chloride, hexamethylolmelamine and hexamethylenetetramine. Modified starches provide the necessary strength indicators of cardboard from waste paper and low turbidity of wastewater. The obtained starches can be used in mills that use low-quality waste paper for the production of cardboard and paper products with the aim of saving fiber, reducing wastewater pollution and as a result reducing the negative impact on the environment