571 research outputs found

    Deformation of vector bundles with holomorphic connections : An adventure in algebraic deformation

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    There is a connection between representations of the fundamental group π_1(X) of a compact Riemann surface X, and holomorphic vector bundles on X. More specifically, for every representation ρ, there exists an associated holomorphic vector bundle V_ρ. The relation was explored in 1938 by André Weil and later M. S. Narasimhan and C. S. Seshadri in 1965. In particular, any vector bundle that comes from a representation has a holomorphic connection, and any bundle with such a connection comes from a representation. An interesting problem is describing the interactions between this relation and deformation theory: How do the vector bundles associated to deformations of ρ relate to deformations of the associated bundle V_ρ? Providing a complete answer to this question is difficult, but we can give a complete description of the deformations of holomorphic vector bundles with holomorphic connections. We first give an introduction to vector bundles in general, and then develop and introduce tools of deformation theory and homological algebra. The decription of deformation of vector bundles with holomorphic connections is given in terms of the total cohomology of a double complex, which we describe

    Between holding institutions and repatriation: An idea analysis of guidelines related to human remains in the Schreiner collection and Karanga Aotearoa Repatriation Programme

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    This master thesis is an investigation into underlying ethical guidelines for the handling of human remains in institutional settings. The topic is examined by analysing guidelines related to the repository the Schreiner Collection (DSS) and the Aotearoa New Zealander research organ Karanga Aotearoa Repatriation Programme (KARP). The research question is: How do ideas regarding human remains correlate between repatriation guidelines and holding institution guidelines, and what are the underlying ideas of repatriation in the context of KARP and DSS? Through this investigation, the main objective is to facilitate a dialogue between institutions involved in repatriation processes. The analysis is performed through a theoretical and methodological perspective in social constructivism and idea analysis. By identifying ideas, common interests and potential areas of disagreement, this thesis aims to serve as a valuable tool in mapping and resolving such processes and related questions. The thesis finds that DSS and KARP, through documents and policies, have common interests in administrative responsibility and reconciliation. These points surface in ideas about ownership, ethnic belonging, cultural heritage, and knowledge diversity

    Area rearrangement operator in discrete and continuous calculus

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    By interpreting sums as area we construct the area rearrangement operator which looks like Φ = −x d/dx in the continuous case and φ = −x∆ in the discrete case. We explore the properties of these operators, among them how they create a sequence of linearly independent functions all of which integrate/sum to the same value. Using the discrete operator, we discover a family of functions that satisfies those two properties, as well as one regarding their “finite diagonals”. These three properties becomes the criteria for the main problem we will explore in this paper, where we search for a way to find other families of functions that satisfies this. This leads us to the “main solution”, which itself can be seen as an operator, which exists both in discrete and continuous calculus, with its own interesting properties.Masteroppgave i matematikkMAT399KMAMN-LÆREMAMN-MA

    Driftskontroll av kalkdoseringsanlegg i Mandalsvassdraget. Avviksrapport 2010

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    Driftskontroll av kalkdoseringsanleggene i Mandalsvassdraget gjennomføres for å avdekke effektiviteten til de enkelte anleggene i vassdraget. Avviksrapporten er en sammenfatning av hendelser i rapporteringsperioden. Den foreslår også tiltak for optimalisering av rutiner, installasjoner og kalkingsstrategi. Smeland doseringsanlegg hadde dårligere driftssikkerhet enn normalt. Det etterlyses klare retningslinjer for doseringsregimet ved anlegget. Håverstad-anlegget doserte meget tilfredsstillende. Doseringsbidraget fra Smeland kan være tilstrekkelig for å avhjelpe midlertidig forsuring ved ekstreme vannføringer i vassdraget. Bjelland-anlegget doserte tilfredsstillende for lakseførende strekning i elva til tross for langvarig defekt i radiooverføringene av pH-data. Vannføringsmåleren bør flyttes slik at maksimal vannføring kan registreres. Kartlegging av pH-effektene ved stasjonen nedstrøms anlegget bør gjennomføres. Logåna-anlegget hadde dårligere driftssikkerhet enn normalt. Mange signalfeil oppsto på anlegget. Anlegget var for lang tid stengt av. Tiltak må gjennomføres for å sikre bedre kontinuerlig driftsvakt

    "…You are not particularly helpful as a helper when you are helpless” A qualitative study of Public Health Nurses and their professional competence related to suicidal adolescents

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    The aim of this study was to develop knowledge about the significance of the Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training workshop (equal to "Vivat – Førstehjelp ved selvmordsfare”) to Public Health Nurses’ practice with suicidal adolescents. Data was gathered through three focus groups, which were interviewed twice. The empirical material was processed using qualitatively content analysis. The main findings and interpretations were that the Public Health Nurses reports that the workshop has increased their professional mastery, their proficiency in actions and their dialogue competency. This has expanded their professional repertoire and probably improved the quality of their care

    Smart Universities:Education's Digital Future

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    Institutions of learning at all levels are challenged by a fast and accelerating pace of change in the development of communications technology. Conferences around the world address the issue and research journals in a wide range of scholarly fields are placing the challenge of understanding „Education´s Digital Future“ on their agenda