88 research outputs found


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    The problem of social success has not been considered as an independent one in Psychology for a long time, but it has been included in the structure of research related to effective communication, social status and professional competence. The increased interest in it is due to the growing attention to the problem of personality changes, an increase in the environmental “challenges” to human abilities, as well as the need to quickly respond to changes in society. The authors study the role of social success in the structure of mental development of the personality; define the determinants that affect its formation and development. The purpose of research is to study the correlation between the level of motivation for success and assumptions on social success among youthful age. The study involved 258 respondents (99 young men and 159 young ladies aged 18 to 21 years). The researchers used a psychodiagnostic method, including two techniques (the “Successful person” method by G.R. Khuzeeva, the method of diagnosing motivation for success by T. Ehlers, in adaptation of E.P. Belinskaya), methods of mathematical and statistical analysis, a genetic method. The results of the study showed that the assumptions on social success in youthful age is associated with getting education, self-confidence, determination, hard work. The authors revealed the relationship between the learners’ level of motivation for success and their assumptions on social success. In a group of young men with a high level of motivation for success, assumptions on social success are associated with the activity aspect (diligence, one’s own activity, responsibility) and the humanistic orientation (well-disposed, responsive, able to sacrifice). Respondents with a low level of motivation for success have a material orientation in the image of success (careerist, entrepreneurial, has connections with the right people). 


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    In the modern world the institution of family and marriage is undergoing various changes. The attitude of Russian people towards the prenuptial agreement shows a tendency for acceptance and approval. The stereotypical perception of the prenuptial agreement as unacceptable between close people is in the past. Based on that, the article is focused on the comparative analysis of the factors that define the attitude of Russian people towards the prenuptial agreement. The key point in the research is evaluation of specific features of respondents’ opinions, expressed in the years of 2007 and 2018, in accordance with the following socio-psychological factors: awareness of the prenuptial agreement, aims for signing one or reasons to refuse doing so, gender and age factors. Research methods include: a preliminary survey of couples in order to define sample groups, a questionnaire, observation, a mathematical method of data analysis (Fisher’s φ-criterion). The research was conducted in two stages: the first diagnostics in the year 2007 (n=40 couples), and the second – in 2018 (n=50 couples). The respondents were divided into groups by the social status of their relationships: officially married, planning to get married, co-habiting couples and partner (guest) relationships. The age of respondents was 18-47. The results of the research showed the following: increase in age leads to clearer understanding and a better expressed opinion about the prenuptial agreement, positive dynamics in favourable perception of prenuptial agreement among the respondents who are officially married or are planning to marry, increased importance of motives for signing a prenuptial agreement – “protection of  one’s own interests” and “opportunity to put pressure on the spouse”,  lack of connection between the attitude towards prenuptial agreement and awareness of the document.

    Borrowings for Translating Cultural Terms from the Tomsk Region in Russia to American English

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    The poster examines three main methods to convey and translate cultural terms from Russian to English. These methods were analyzed and considered in the presentation in order to study how they are used during the translation process. It is expected to see that these methods are connected with each other

    Лондонская и московская модели избирательных компаний на пост мэра: основные смысловые оппозиции

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    The author of the article reconstructs the system of values of the candidates for the post of mayor and their voters through analyzing London and Moscow models of the election campaigns.Автор статьи реконструирует лондонскую и московскую модели предвыборных компаний и на основе этих реконструкций выводит систему ценностей, на которую опираются кандидаты на пост мэра

    Informational Resources and Measures on Dissemination of Musical Culture of Volga Region in Late 1930s - First Half of 1940s

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    The results of the study of history of musical culture of the Volga region in 1939-1945 are presented. The questions of information support of the Astrakhan, Kazan, Kuibyshev, Penza, Saratov, Stalingrad, Ulyanovsk, Engels models of musical and cultural system in prewar and war period are considered. The novelty of research is seen in the distinguishing the information component within the framework of system vision of the musical culture of the region. The materials of periodicals and unpublished sources of central and local archives are used. The main information components (radio, periodicals, library collections, new editions and replication) are identified. The author’s corpus and types of publications in the local periodical press related to the musical sphere are analysed. Some types of music radio programs are described. The important advertising role of radio and newspapers of the Volga region in the late 1930s - the first half of the 1940s is revealed. The provision of libraries of musical literature is characterized as insufficient; it is revealed that the most scarce were the music publications, especially the scores. It is established that the funds were replenished by small purchases of educational, theatrical and concert-organizational institutions, re-writing and publication of small-circulation copies of publications devoted to folklore research and aimed at local amateur activities. It is proved that the weakening of information support of musical and cultural processes of the Volga region in the war period is associated with a shortage of paper, with increased depreciation and losses as a result of the use of materials by evacuated musicians. The important role of radio and print media in the functioning of musical culture of the Volga region in 1939-1945 is noted

    Magazine “Slavs” in Structure of Foreign Policy “Soft Power” in Slavic Movement during the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945: Musical and Cultural Aspect

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    For the first time, an attempt has been made to source-based analysis of materials on musical subjects of the “Slavs” magazine, the press organ of the transnational anti-fascist All-Slavic Committee in the conditions of the Great Patriotic War of 1941-1945. The relevance of Slavic musical problems in the socio-political and research terms is shown. Officially approved personalities of outstanding musicians, including opinion leaders - contemporaries of the war, whose names are found on the pages of the magazine, are revealed. It has been established that the attribution of most information units on musical art issues published in the magazine is difficult. Socially significant musical events in the country and abroad highlighted in the magazine, having local and international resonance: the premiere of the Seventh Symphony of D. D. Shostakovich, performances, concerts, accompaniment of various political and scientific events, etc. are singled out. The diverse use of the Slavic cultural potential in the musical sphere is shown. The main national informational musical and cultural vectors reflected in the publications (Russian, Ukrainian, Belarusian, Czech, Polish) are determined. The key contexts of the magazine’s publications are noted - the struggle against the common enemy - fascist Germany, the liberation and restoration of the culture of the Slavic countries

    Объективная и манипулятивная составляющая часть предвыборной программы. Способы обнаружения и выражения

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    In the article the author, comparing the texts of the electoral programmes of the candidates for the post of London and Moscow mayors adds a conceptual meaning to the objective and manipulative components of these programmes. Analyzing the titles of the electoral programs, the semantic content of its thematically close parts, the peculiarities of usage of the grammatical forms and the ways of presenting of the content, the author of the article introduces the most essential ways of objective and manipulative components expression thanks to which the voter’s decision is influenced.В статье автор, сопоставляя тексты предвыборных программ кандидатов на пост мэра Лондона и Москвы, приписывает концептуальное значение объективным и манипулятивным составляющим этих программ. Сравнивая названия разделов предвыборных программ, смысловое наполнение тематически cходных разделов, особенности использования грамматических форм и способы представления содержания, автор статьи выводит наиболее значимые способы выражения объективных и манипулятивных составляющих, с помощью которых осуществляется необходимое воздействие на выбор избирателя

    Mathematical modeling of the electric spark ignition of the coal-water particle fuel under conditions relevant to the internal combustion engines

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    The results of the mathematical simulation of the coal-water fuel particle in the conditions of electric-spark discharge have been given. It has been found that the CWF particle can ignite even in a relatively low (Tg<500K) ambient temperature. It has been shown that the strength of the current and ambient temperature have a significant effect on the characteristics and conditions of ignition

    Development of a multivariable risk model integrating urinary cell DNA methylation and cell-free RNA data for the detection of significant prostate cancer

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    Background: Prostate cancer exhibits severe clinical heterogeneity and there is a critical need for clinically implementable tools able to precisely and noninvasively identify patients that can either be safely removed from treatment pathways or those requiring further follow up. Our objectives were to develop a multivariable risk prediction model through the integration of clinical, urine-derived cell-free messenger RNA (cf-RNA) and urine cell DNA methylation data capable of noninvasively detecting significant prostate cancer in biopsy naïve patients. Methods: Post-digital rectal examination urine samples previously analyzed separately for both cellular methylation and cf-RNA expression within the Movember GAP1 urine biomarker cohort were selected for a fully integrated analysis (n = 207). A robust feature selection framework, based on bootstrap resampling and permutation, was utilized to find the optimal combination of clinical and urinary markers in a random forest model, deemed ExoMeth. Out-of-bag predictions from ExoMeth were used for diagnostic evaluation in men with a clinical suspicion of prostate cancer (PSA ≥ 4 ng/mL, adverse digital rectal examination, age, or lower urinary tract symptoms). Results: As ExoMeth risk score (range, 0-1) increased, the likelihood of high-grade disease being detected on biopsy was significantly greater (odds ratio = 2.04 per 0.1 ExoMeth increase, 95% confidence interval [CI]: 1.78-2.35). On an initial TRUS biopsy, ExoMeth accurately predicted the presence of Gleason score ≥3 + 4, area under the receiver-operator characteristic curve (AUC) = 0.89 (95% CI: 0.84-0.93) and was additionally capable of detecting any cancer on biopsy, AUC = 0.91 (95% CI: 0.87-0.95). Application of ExoMeth provided a net benefit over current standards of care and has the potential to reduce unnecessary biopsies by 66% when a risk threshold of 0.25 is accepted. Conclusion: Integration of urinary biomarkers across multiple assay methods has greater diagnostic ability than either method in isolation, providing superior predictive ability of biopsy outcomes. ExoMeth represents a more holistic view of urinary biomarkers and has the potential to result in substantial changes to how patients suspected of harboring prostate cancer are diagnosed


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    SUMMARY. There was investigated a serum level of endothelial monocyte activating peptide II in type 1 and 2 diabetes and possible relation with carbohydrate metabolism. It was found an increased serum level of EMAP-II in type 1 and 2 diabetes. There was signifcant correlation between EMAP-II and HbAc1, blood glucose. The revealed change of EMAP-II serum level refects an endothelial dysfunction in type 1 and 2 diabetes, alteration of carbohydrate metabolism could infuence of this pathway. KEY WORDS: endothelial monocyte activating peptide II, diabetes, endothelial dysfunction.РЕЗЮМЕ. Досліджували вміст ендотеліального моноцитактивуючого пептиду ІІ (ЕМАР-ІІ) у сироватці крові при цукровому діабеті 1-го та 2-го типів, встановлювали можливий зв’язок з показниками вуглеводного обміну. Виявлено підвищення вмісту ЕМАР-ІІ у сироватці крові при цукровому діабеті 1-го та 2-го типів. Рівень пептиду прямо корелював з вмістом глікозильованого гемоглобіну, глюкози крові. Підвищення вмісту ЕМАР-ІІ може бути одним з проявів ендотеліальної дисфункції при цукровому діабеті 1-го та 2-го типів, а порушення вуглеводного обміну може впливати на розвиток виявлених зрушень. КЛЮЧОВІ СЛОВА: ендотеліальний моноцитактивуючий пептид ІІ, цукровий діабет, ендотеліальна дисфункці