169 research outputs found


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    The work deals with the discussion of the issue of relations between the economy and politics and school physical education over the centuries in selected European countries and in Poland, up to the time of the political transformation. The aim of this work is to outline the relationship between the politics and economy of the state and physical education and health education. The starting point for these considerations is kalokagatia and the intellectual categories of modern and contemporary spiritual culture defining rational thinking regarding the importance of physical culture and health education for society. In every country over the centuries, regardless of the political system of exercising power – politics and economy functioned in mutual relation with education, upbringing, including models of physical culture. The foundation of physical culture in each country is the school physical education system. The task of physical education methodology is to create a rational, structural model of putting the theory into practice. Physical culture as a social phenomenon stands out from others in that its influences concern man as a whole, concern both the body and its needs as well as personality. To gain the aim the comparative analysis of physical culture and health education in democratic and totalitarian systems was held. The results of the analysis showed the asymmetry of issues between physical culture and health education in democratic and totalitarian systems in favor of the democratic system. In order to obtain the necessary information, the authors reached for rich materials and studies on totalitarian systems to get a picture of the subject. The authors attempted to synthesize the place of physical culture against the background of health education in state systems in which emphasis was placed on man and his needs. The approach to physical activity as the basis of health and preparation for combat was also shown, which was believed to be the basis for maintaining peace.У роботі розглянуто багатовікову еволюцію зв'язку між політичним та економічним станом справ у державі та фізичним вихованням у школах ряду країн Європи, зокрема, у Польщі. Метою роботи є дослідження взаємозв’язку між політичним устроєм держави та фізичним вихованням і здоров’язбережувальною освітою. Відправною точкою аналізу є калокагатія та інтелектуальні категорії духовної культури та раціонального мислення, що підкреслюють важливість фізичного виховання і здоров’язбережувальної освіти для суспільства. Впродовж багатьог століть у кожній країні, незалежно від форми державного устрою, політика і економіка функціонували в тісному взаємозв’язку із освітою, зокрема, і фізичним вихованням. Наріжним каменем фізичного виховання у кожній державі є шкільна освіта. Основним завданням методології фізичного виховання у школах є створення раціональної структурної моделі реалізації теорії на практиці. Як соціальне явище, фізичне виховання чітко виокремлюються з-поміж інших освітніх категоріїй, забезпечуючи вплив на становлення як фізичного так і духовного стану особистості. Для досягнення поставленої мети було проведено порівняльний аналіз систем фізичного виховання і здоров’язбережувальної освіти в демократичних і тоталітарних державах. Результати вказують на велику різницю у кількості проведених досліджень на цю тему (у цьому аспекті держави з демократичним устроєм мають велику перевагу). Відтак, для повноцінного порівняння автори та отримання повноцінного уявлення, авторам довелося опрацювати велику кількість літератури про тоталітарні системи. Автори здійснили спробу знайти місце фізичного виховання у системі здоров’язбережувальної освіти, в якій на першому місці стоїть особистість та її потреби. Сформовано концепцію підходу до фізичної активності як запоруки здорового образу життя подібно до підготовки до війни як запоруки миру

    Optical bistability involving planar metamaterial with broken structural symmetry

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    We report on a bistable light transmission through a planar metamaterial composed of a metal pattern of weakly asymmetric elements placed on a nonlinear substrate. Such structure bears the Fano-like sharp resonance response of a trapped-mode excitation. The feedback required for bistability is provided by the coupling between the strong antiphased trapped-mode-resonance currents excited on the metal elements and the intensity of inner field in the nonlinear substrate.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Polarization switching and nonreciprocity in symmetric and asymmetric magnetophotonic multilayers with nonlinear defect

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    A one-dimensional magnetophotonic crystal with a nonlinear defect placed either symmetrically or asymmetrically inside the structure is considered. Simultaneous effects of time-reversal nonreciprocity and nonlinear spatial asymmetry in the structure are studied. Bistable response is demonstrated in a such system, accompanied by abrupt polarization switching between two circular or elliptical polarizations for transmitted and reflected waves. The effect is explained in terms of field localization at defect-mode spectral resonances and can be used in the design of thin-film optical isolators and polarization transformation devices.Comment: 20 pages, 8 figure

    Attitude and Motivation for Learning English and their Impact on Performance: A Study on Engineering Students of Jessore University of Science and Technology

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    Learners\u27 cognitive, metacognitive, individual differences and demographic characteristics have been found having profound impact on their linguistic performance. This study has tried to observe two such factors namely motivation and attitude of the learners and their impact on the learners\u27 proficiency. An adapted version of AMTB and a TEEP test have been used to statistically measure the level of motivation and attitude of the learners for learning English and the correlation between these two learner factors and their language performance. The study has found that learners\u27 overall motivation level is average though instrumental motivation outscores integrative motivation and they have a mixed attitude towards learning English. Neither motivation nor attitude is significantly correlated with learners\u27 proficiency

    Ischemic stroke and concomitant gastrointestinal complications- a fatal combination for patient recovery

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    Stroke is primarily a neurodegenerative disease but can also severely impact the functions of other vital organs and deteriorate disease outcomes. A malfunction of the gastrointestinal tract (GIT), commonly observed in stroke patients, is often characterized by severe bowel obstruction, intestinal microbiota changes and inflammation. Over-activated immune cells after stroke are the major contributors to endorse intestinal inflammation and may induce damage to single-layer epithelial cell barriers. The post-stroke leakage of intestinal barriers may allow the translocation and dissemination of resident microflora to systemic organs and cause sepsis. This overshooting systemic immune reaction fuels ongoing inflammation in the degenerating brain and slows recovery. Currently, the therapeutic options to treat these GIT-associated anomalies are very limited and further research is required to develop novel treatments. In this mini-review, we first discuss the current knowledge from clinical studies and experimental stroke models that provide strong evidence of the existence of post-stroke GIT complications. Then, we review the literature regarding novel therapeutic approaches that might help to maintain GIT homeostasis and improve neurological outcomes in stroke patients

    Способы увеличения точности линейных преобразователей с обратной связью

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    Наведено схему лінійного перетворювача зі зворотним зв’язком. В статті запропоновано схему лінійного перетворювача змінної напруги з використанням термоперетворювачів та наведено два способи підвищення точності шляхом взаємозаміщення прямого і зворотного перетворювачів, наведено аналітичні вирази для вихідних сигналів, а також відповідні аналітичні вирази похибок.The schematic of a linear transducer with a back coupling is given. The schematic of a linear AC voltage transducer with the use of thermal transducers is given in the article. Two methods for output signal determination were considered, analytical equations for output signal determination and inherent equations for errors determination are given.Приведена схема линейного преобразования с обратной связью. В статье предложена схема линейного преобразования переменного напряжения с использованием термопреобразователей и приведены два способа для определения выходного сигнала, приведены аналитические выражения для выходных сигналов, а также соответствующие аналитические выражения погрешностей

    ‘Braun’: the first russian cotton cultivar with naturally colored fiber

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    Background. Most commercial cotton cultivars have white fiber. Massive energy and water consumption during the production of fabrics from such fiber generates significant problems, so in recent decades more and more cotton cultivars with naturally colored fiber have appeared in the world. In addition to saving natural resources, such fiber has another advantage: it is lowallergenic. Such fiber is much more expensive on the world market.Materials and methods. The research material was cotton line 7C with light brown fiber, produced by individual selection from the hybrid combination Genetic 34 (Turkmenistan, late-maturity, brown fiber) × C2 8101-73 (k-8112, Albania, early-maturity, white fiber). This line was registered in the State Register for Selection Achievements as the cultivar ‘Braun’ in 2019. The authors of the cultivar were M. Sh. Asfandiyarova, L. P. Podolnaya, A. G. Dubovskaya, and R. K. Tuz. The selection achievement was patented (patent No. 10638). The research was conducted at the Caspian Research Institute of Arid Agriculture (now the Caspian Agrarian Federal Research Center of the RAS). 7C was compared to the white-fiber reference ‘AS-5’ for morphological and agronomic traits in 2013–2018 according to VIR’s guidelines.Results and conclusion. ANOVA analysis showed that cv. ‘Braun’ differed significantly from cv. ‘AS-5’ only in fiber length. However, the 5th type to which the fiber cv. ‘Braun’ belongs is used for the production of fabrics on a large scale. The cultivar’s yield of 2.5–3.0 t/ha is comparable to the reference. Variability of the values of the studied traits in cv. ‘Braun’ over the years was less than in the reference cultivar, attesting to its good adaptation to the Northern Caspian environments. The fiber’s natural color would make the products from such fiber notably more attractive. The estimated cost efficiency of its cultivation showed high profitability – up to 132%

    A peculiarity of localized mode transfiguration of a Cantor-like chiral multilayer

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    A fractal-like (Cantor-like) stratified structure of chiral and convenient isotropic layers is considered. Peculiarities of the wave localization, self-similarity, scalability and sequential splitting in the reflected field of both the co-polarized and cross-polarized components are studied. The appearing of the additional peak multiplets in stopbands is revealed, and a correlation of their properties with chirality parameter is established.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure