482 research outputs found

    Plant communities of field boundaries in Finnish farmland

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    To determine the importance of field boundary habitats for farmland biodiversity, we surveyed a total of 193 boundaries from four climatically and agriculturally dissimilar regions in Finland. We measured the current plant species richness and composition of the boundaries, and based on the differences in vegetation characteristics, we describe six boundary types. The observed plant species were mainly indicators of fresh to wet soils and moderate to rich mineral nitrogen content. The most frequent species were tall, perennial monocots and dicots indicating the high productivity of thevegetation. Moreove, herbicide-tolerant species were common. No species rare for Finland were found.In animal husbandry regions, the most frequent species were sown grassland species and typical grassland weeds. In cereal production regions, fast-spreading root weeds tolerant of herbicides were the most frequent. Mean species richness was highest in the cluster Ca-lamagrostis-Phalaris (24 species (s)/boundary (b)), which we considered as representative of moist sites with some disturbance by agricultural practices. Most species-poor were the clusters Elymus-Anthriscus (14 s/b)and Elymus-Cirsium (16 s/b),both found predominantly in cereal production regions in southern Finland. Our results suggest that the biodiversity value of boundaries is lowest in the most intensive cereal production areas and highest in areas of mixed farming

    Barnpatienten i den prehospitala akutsjukvården

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    Abstrakt Syftet med denna kvalitativa studie är att beskriva akutvårdarnas erfarenheter av att vårda akut sjuka barn inom den prehospitala akutsjukvården samt vilka utmaningar och utvecklingsbehov som finns. Vidare kartläggs även de mest typiska barnpatienterna inom den prehospitala akutsjukvården. I detta examensarbete har skribenten avgränsat barnpatienterna till barn som är mellan 2- 12 år. Som teoretiska utgångspunkter har skribenten valt att använda sig av Katie Erikssons teori om god vård och caritativt vårdande samt Benners syn på professionalitet. Som datainsamlingsmetod har skribenten använt sig av intervjuer med akutvårdare som arbetar inom den prehospitala akutsjukvården. Till intervjuerna valdes 6 informanter som arbetade på Österbottens Räddningsverk. Med hjälp av innehållsanalys analyseras och kategoriseras data. Av resultatet framkom att barnpatienterna är en utmaning för akutvårdarna inom den prehospitala akutsjukvården. Resultatet i denna forskning stöds av tidigare forskningar och aktuell litteratur inom området. Enligt intervjupersonerna var det feberkrampande barn samt fall och olyckor som orsakade mest uppdrag bland barnpatienterna. Rutinbrist ansåg intervjupersonerna som den största enskilda orsaken till utmaningarna med barnpatienter. Även samarbetsförmågan och kommunikationen med barnen var utmanande enligt intervjupersonerna. Bristfällig kunskap om barnpatienter och barnets anatomiska och fysiologiska utveckling ansågs också som ett problem. Som utvecklingsbehov inom detta område ansågs ökad utbildning om barnpatienter. Enligt intervjupersonerna borde det ordnas simuleringsövningar och andra praktiska övningar med barnpatienter samt teoretisk skolning gällande medicindoser och vitala värden.The purpose of this study is to describe what experience the paramedics have of pediatric patients and what problem they are facing while caring for pediatric patients. The author will also describe the most typical pediatric patients in the pre-hospital emergency care and what development needs emerge in caring for pediatric patients. The author has limited pediatric patients to children that are 2-12 years old. As a theoretical framework, the author chose to use Katie Erikson's theory of good care and Caritative caring and Benner's view of professionalism. Data was collected by interviews with six paramedics who are working at Pohjanmaan Pelastuslaitos. The data was analyzed using content analysis. In the results it was apparent that pediatric patients are a challenge for paramedics in pre-hospital emergency care. The result of this study is supported by previous research and current literature on this topic. According to the interviewees, it was febrile seizures children, falls and accidents that caused most assignments among pediatric patients. The interviewees felt that lack of experience and routine were a big reason for the challenges of pediatric patients. The interviewees found that cooperation and communication with the children were also challenging. Although incomplete knowledge of pediatric patients and their anatomical and physiological development was considered as a problem among paramedics. As development in this area was considered for increased education on pediatric patients. According to the interviewees, it should be organized simulation exercises and other practical exercises with pediatric patients, and theoretical training regarding medication doses and vital signs

    Children and Food Acceptance

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    Abstract This study was designed to investigate a child’s willingness to eat certain foods using three settings. The likelihood of a child to try a food was examined using teacher modeling with positive language, involvement with preparation and peer influence. The study sought to determine which setting was more likely to encourage a pre-school aged child to partake of the offered food. Included in this study were 20 pre-school children at a New York City private Montessori school. Data sources included pre and post study parent surveys, a structured student interview and observational data in the form of field notes and narratives. The results show that children are most likely to consume a certain food when influenced by an adult using modeling with positive language or by a peer. The findings imply that parents and teachers can use adult modeling with positive language and peer influence to encourage healthy eating choices

    Voimavaroja etsimässä : Voimavaraistavaa pienryhmätoimintaa nuorille mielenterveyskuntoutujille

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    Toiminnallisen opinnäytetyön aiheena oli nuorten mielenterveyskuntoutujien voimavarojen etsiminen sekä heidän osallistamisensa toimintaan. Tavoitteena oli suunnitella ja toteuttaa toimintamalli pienryhmälle käyttäen erilaisia voimavaraistavia työmenetelmiä. Tämän opinnäytetyön tarkoituksena oli lisätä nuorten mielenterveyskuntoutujien voimavaroja sekä ehkäistä nuorten syrjäytymistä. Työssä osallistettiin asiakkaita toiminnan suunnitteluun sekä toimintaan osallistumiseen. Teoriaosuudessa on käsiteltiin ja määriteltiin aihealueen kannalta keskeisiä käsitteitä, mielenterveyttä, voimavaraistavia työmenetelmiä sekä syrjäytymisen ehkäisyä ja osallisuuden tärkeyttä. Luovat ja voimavaraistavat työmenetelmät ovat hyödyllisiä ja monipuolisia menetelmiä, joita voi käyttää erilaisten asiakasryhmien kanssa. Opinnäytetyön toiminnallinen osuus toteutettiin Päijät-Hämeessä sijaitsevassa mielenterveyskuntoutujien asumisyksikössä maalis- ja huhtikuun 2018 aikana. Toimintakerrat toteutettiin kuuden hengen pienryhmässä 18-29-vuotiaille nuorille mielenterveyskuntoutujille. Ryhmätapaamisten suunnittelu toteutui yhdessä asiakkaiden ajatuksia ja toiveita kuunnellen. Toimintakerrat suunniteltiin teemoittain eri voimavaraistavien työmenetelmien ympärille. Tässä pienryhmätoiminnassa voimavaraistavina työmenetelminä käytettiin kädentaitoja ja taidetta, musiikkia, valokuvausta, luontoa, lukemista ja kirjoittamista sekä liikuntaa. Toimeksiantajalta ja asiakkailta saadun palautteen perusteella ryhmätoiminta vastasi heidän tarpeitaan. Työmenetelmien avulla nuoret löysivät uusia voimavaroja ja sisältöä arkeensa

    Screen Printing Silver Stretchable Conductive Paste to High Density Synthetic Fabric

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    This project investigated the viability of screen printing stretchable silver conductive paste directly onto fabric and how the resistance changed under cyclic mechanical loading. The paste tested was DuPont™ PE873 stretchable silver conductive paste, which forms a stretchable conductive path by suspending silver flakes in elastomer that can be elastically strained along with the underlying substrate. The silver pastes were printed directly onto two different high-density synthetic fabrics of different weaves. Other samples were prepared by first printing a base layer between the silver paste and the fabric. One base layer was a solvent-based dielectric (DuPont™ ME776) and a stretchable carbon conductor (DuPont™ PE671). This project determined that printing onto either base layer had a significantly smaller change in resistance under cyclic tensile tests than printing onto the fabric directly. Bend tests also revealed the possibility that the rate of change of strain had a higher impact on the change in resistance than the strain itself

    Selenium content of Finnish oats in 1997-1999: effect of cultivars and cultivation techniques

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    Se-supplemented fertilization is the main factor affecting the selenium (Se) contents of cereals in Finland. Soil and climatic conditions determine the activity of selenate added to soils and bioavailability to plants. In the present study the Se contents and its variation in Finnish oats, the differences between oat cultivars and cultivation techniques were examined. The selenium (Se) contents of oats (Avena sativa L.) in Finland were examined during 1997-1999 in 3 types of trial: official variety, organic cultivation variety and organic vs. conventional cultivation trials. Farm samples were also examined. The mean Se contents of oats in official variety trials were 0.110, 0.120 and 0.160 mg kg-1 dry weight (dw) range 0.016-0.460 mg kg-1dw in 1997-1999, respectively. The mean Se contents in farm samples were 0.050 and 0.130 mg kg-1dw in 1998 and 1999, ranging between < 0.010 and 0.330 mg kg-1 dw. Considerable regional and seasonal variations existed. The Se contents of oats were significantly higher in 1999 probably due to the combined effect of not increased fertilizer level (from 6 to 10 mg Se kg-1 fertilizer) and very low precipitation in 1999. The Se contents of oats were significantly lower in organic cultivation, due to the absence of Se-supplemented fertilization. Significant (P < 0.001) cultivar differences were detected in official variety trials. The cultivars Veli and Leila showed higher levels of Se

    Polttoturvesoiden jälkikäyttö: siirtonurmikon tuotanto Tohmajärven Valkeasuolla

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