40 research outputs found

    Marine Archaeological Survey For The Lavaca Bay LNG Project Off Calhoun County, Texas

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    HRA Gray & Pape, LLC, of Houston, Texas conducted a Phase I marine cultural resources survey for the proposed Lavaca Bay LNG project. All marine fieldwork and reporting activities were completed with reference to state law (Antiquities Code of Texas [Title 9, Chapter 191 of the Texas Natural Resources Code] and Texas State rules found in the Texas Administrative Code [Title 13, part 2, Chapters 26 and 28]) for Cultural Resources investigations. Work was completed under Texas Antiquities Permit Number 6335. The Federal Energy Regulatory Commission has been identified as the Lead Federal Agency. The Phase I underwater archaeological investigation assessed the number, locations, cultural affiliations, components, spatial distribution, data potential, and other salient characteristics of potential submerged cultural resources within the proposed project area. The project area includes approximately 113.3 hectares (280 acres) of submerged land in Calhoun County, Texas. The investigation comprised of a comprehensive magnetic and acoustic remote sensing survey, and target analysis to determine the presence or absence of potentially significant remote sensing targets that might be affected by proposed project activity. Marine field investigations consisted of a magnetometer, and side-scanning sonar investigation of the proposed project area in safely navigable waters. Data were collected between August 29 and 31, 2012. Survey required approximately 80-person hours to complete. Comprehensive analysis of the magnetic and acoustic data recorded for this project resulted in the identification of 251 discrete magnetic anomalies and 15 isolated acoustic targets. Of the 251 magnetic anomalies, only 8, including the previously noted M-6 and M-7, are considered to have signatures of potential significance and should be either avoided or identified prior to any seabed disturbing activities. It should be noted that previously identified magnetic anomaly M-6 is outside of the present project area. The other anomalies that should be avoided or examined are: 142, 164, 217, 221, 224, and 231. None of the acoustic targets express the characteristics of a shipwreck or articulated shipwreck material. Additional work planned for the project included a diving/dive ground truthing phase to provide a preliminary evaluation of submerged targets. The project was placed on hold and has ultimately been cancelled before this activity could be mobilized and therefore an evaluation of the remaining submerged targets cannot be offered. This report is submitted to satisfy reporting requirements under Permit 6335. Should activities associated with a future project take place within the survey area, further marine investigation is recommended. Project records will be curated at a state-approved curation facility. Project permitting projected that the Texas Archaeological Research Laboratory would be the curation facility used, however conditions changed and the Center for Archaeological Studies will be the ultimate repository

    Marine Archaeological Survey for the Webster to Seadrift Pipeline Project in Calhoun and Jackson Counties, Texas

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    Under contract to BIO-WEST, Inc., Gray & Pape, Inc., of Houston, Texas, conducted a Phase I marine archaeological survey for the proposed Webster to Seadrift Pipeline Project in Calhoun and Jackson counties, Texas. Enterprise Products Operating LLC sponsored the archaeological survey. All marine fieldwork and reporting activities were completed with reference to state law (Antiquities Code of Texas [Title 9, Chapter 191 of the Texas Natural Resources Code] and Texas State rules found in the Texas Administrative Code [Title 13, part 2, Chapters 26 and 28]) for cultural resources investigations. Work was completed under Texas Antiquities Permit Number 9004. The United States Army Corps of Engineers, Galveston District has been identified as the lead federal agency. All project records are curated at the Center for Archaeological Studies at Texas State University in San Marcos, Texas. The Phase I underwater archaeological investigation assessed the number, locations, cultural affiliations, components, spatial distribution, data potential, and other salient characteristics of potential submerged cultural resources within the proposed project area. The linear project area includes approximately 391 hectares (967 acres) of submerged land in Calhoun and Jackson counties, Texas. The investigation included a comprehensive magnetic and acoustic remote sensing survey and target analysis designed to determine the presence or absence of potentially significant remote sensing targets that might be affected by proposed project activity. Background research revealed that there are no previously recorded sites within the Area of Potential Effects and that there have been two previous cultural resource surveys (Pearson et al. 1993; Gearhart 2016), conducted between 1993 and 2016, partially within the project Area of Potential Effects. Research also revealed that the 50-meter (164-foot) avoidance areas, as mandated by Texas Administrative Code, Title 13, Part 2, Chapter 26, for three previously recorded magnetic anomalies (Mag 7–Mag 9) identified by Gearhart (2016) are partially located within the survey area. These three magnetic anomalies were recommended for avoidance as they represent potential cultural resources. The grid for the remote sensing survey within the open waters of Lavaca Bay consisted of a total of 19 track lines (Lines 1–16, 18,19, 37, and 38) at 20-meter (65.6-foot) line spacing oriented parallel to an existing pipeline right-of-way. The remaining portions of the project area within Lavaca River and Catfish Bayou were surveyed at 20-meter (65.6-foot) line spacing (Lines 0, 17, 22–35, and 39–43) oriented perpendicular to the survey corridor. The marine field investigations consisted of a magnetometer and side-scanning sonar investigation of the proposed project area in safely navigable waters between July 29 and 30, 2019, and required approximately 60-person hours to complete. A total of 284.6 kilometers (176.9 linear survey miles) were transected utilizing the magnetometer and side-scan sonar. Comprehensive analysis of the magnetic and acoustic data recorded for this project resulted in the identification of 127 discrete magnetic anomalies, with 80 meeting or exceeding the Pearson and Linden (2014) 50-gamma/65-foot criteria. A total of 43 of the 80 anomalies that meet or exceed the 50-gamma/65-foot criteria are associated with existing pipelines. While the remaining 37 anomalies, consisting of 22 magnetic targets, meet and/or exceed the 50-gamma/65-foot criteria, they do not meet Gearhart’s 2011 magnetic orientation and spatial criteria to be considered potentially significant. They are interpreted as relic oils wells, ferrous debris scatters associated with the oil and natural gas industries and recreational and commercial fishing activities, and miscellaneous debris from previous tropical storms and hurricanes. Review of the sonar record revealed two distinct acoustic targets (SST-1 and SST-2) consisting of the remnants of a subsequent exploratory oil well and a subsided pipeline trench. Based on the applied criteria, these magnetic and acoustic targets do not exhibit any characteristics associated with historic shipwrecks and/or other significant submerged cultural resources. As such, the recommended management action for magnetic targets, Numbers 1–22, as well as acoustic targets, SST-1 and SST-2, is no further archaeological investigations. One magnetic target, Number 23, situated outside of the Area of Potential Effects, is associated with previously recorded anomaly Mag 8, which was deemed as potential historic shipwreck remains. While it is located outside of the Area of Potential Effects, it was recorded within the 50-meter (164 foot) avoidance buffer of previously recorded anomaly Mag 8. No magnetic signatures were recorded within the portion of the avoidance buffer that is within the Area of Potential Effects. The lack of any residual magnetic signatures of the anomaly within the Area of Potential Effects indicate that no portions of the ferrous source objects for Mag 8 extend into the current survey area or the construction footprint; and therefore, the submerged target or its avoidance buffer will not be impacted by the proposed activities. Additionally, no magnetic signatures associated with previously recorded anomalies Mag 7 and Mag 9 were identified in the 50-meter (164-foot) avoidance buffers within the Area of Potential Effects. The lack of any residual magnetic signatures of anomalies (Mag 7 and Mag 9) within the Area of Potential Effects indicate that no portions of the ferrous source objects for these two magnetic anomalies extend into the current survey area or the construction footprint; and therefore, the submerged targets or their avoidance buffers will not impacted by the proposed activities. The recommended management action for the portions of the 50-meter (164-foot) avoidance buffers for Mag 7, Mag 8, and Mag 9 that extend partially into the current survey area is avoidance from any bottom disturbing activities. If bottom disturbing activities within the buffer buffers cannot be avoided, additional marine archaeological investigations in the form of diver-ground-truthing will be required to determine the nature and historical significance of the source magnetic objects

    Superfluid Helium On-Orbit Transfer (SHOOT) flight demonstration

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    The Superfluid Helium On-Orbit Transfer (SHOOT) Flight Demonstration was an attached Shuttle payload mounted on a Hitchhiker cross-bay carrier which flew on STS-57 in June of 1993. SHOOT successfully demonstrated the handling and transfer of superfluid helium between two containers, called dewars, in low gravity. SHOOT was a class C payload and for the STS-57 mission was termed a complex secondary payload. The primaries were the retrieval of the EURECA carrier and a collection of modular experiments contained in SPACEHAB. Because the liquid helium was continuously boiling off, SHOOT's activities were scheduled for the first three days of the mission, concurrent with some SPACEHAB experiments, but well before the EURECA retrieval. Control of the SHOOT experiment was highly interactive and originated primarily from the Goddard Payload Operations and Control Center (POCC). Transfer and calibration activities required continuous command windows of up to 50 minutes duration and up to 80 minutes out of each orbit. Occasionally the crew controlled the experiment using the Payload General Support Computer (PGSC) when near-real time control and monitoring was required. SHOOT also placed considerable demands on the orbiter, including a pitch rotation of 3 deg./sec for 15 minutes, and translational burns using both the aft and forward RCS jets to generate accelerations up to 7 milli-g. The basis for these and other requirements are discussed. Interacion with the crew and timing of crew activity during the mission will be detailed. The processing flow of SHOOT at KSC is described with emphasis on the tradeoffs for vertical, as opposed to horizontal, installation in the orbiter. Finally, some lessons learned are presented that are relevant to future cryogenic and Hitchhiker payloads

    Power Distribution for Cryogenic Instruments at 6-40K The James Webb Space Telescope Case

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    The Integrated Science Instrument Module (ISIM) of the James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) operates its instruments passively cooled at around 40 Kelvin (K), with a warm Instrument Electronic Compartment (IEC) at 300K attached to it. From the warm electronics all secondary signal and power harnesses have to bridge this 300-40K temperature difference and minimize the power dissipation and parasitic heat leak into the cold region. After an introduction of the ISIM with its instruments, the IEC with the electronics, and the harness architecture with a special radiator, this paper elaborates on the cryogenic wire selection and tests performed to establish current de-rating rules for different wire types. Finally failure modes are analyzed for critical instrument interfaces that could inject excessive currents and heat into the harness and cold side, and several solutions for the removal of such failures are presented

    A High-Resolution Measurement of Ball IR Black Paint's Low-Temperature Emissivity

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    High-emissivity paints are commonly used on thermal control system components. The total hemispheric emissivity values of such paints are typically high (nearly 1) at temperatures above about 100 Kelvin, but they drop off steeply at lower temperatures. A precise knowledge of this temperature-dependence is critical to designing passively-cooled components with low operating temperatures. Notable examples are the coatings on thermal radiators used to cool space-flight instruments to temperatures below 40 Kelvin. Past measurements of low-temperature paint emissivity have been challenging, often requiring large thermal chambers and typically producing data with high uncertainties below about 100 Kelvin. We describe a relatively inexpensive method of performing high-resolution emissivity measurements in a small cryostat. We present the results of such a measurement on Ball InfraRed BlackTM(BIRBTM), a proprietary surface coating produced by Ball Aerospace and Technologies Corp (BATC), which is used in spaceflight applications. We also describe a thermal model used in the error analysis

    Cryogenic Thermal Conductivity Measurements on Candidate Materials for Space Missions

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    Spacecraft and instruments on space missions are built using a wide variety of carefully-chosen materials. In addition to having mechanical properties appropriate for surviving the launch environment, these materials generally must have thermal conductivity values which meet specific requirements in their operating temperature ranges. Space missions commonly propose to include materials for which the thermal conductivity is not well known at cryogenic temperatures. We developed a test facility in 2004 at NASAs Goddard Space Flight Center to measure material thermal conductivity at temperatures between 4 and 300 Kelvin, and we have characterized many candidate materials since then. The measurement technique is not extremely complex, but proper care to details of the setup, data acquisition and data reduction is necessary for high precision and accuracy. We describe the thermal conductivity measurement process and present results for several materials

    Development of a Flight-Worthy 10 to 4 K Continuous Adiabatic Demagnetization Refrigerator

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    The cryogenics and fluids branch at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center is currently developing a high-efficiency, vibration-free, flight-worthy Continuous Adiabatic Demagnetization Refrigerator (CADR) that consist of two modular units: one that lifts ~6 microW at 50 mK while rejecting its heat to a 4 K thermal sink, and another unit that provides a constant 4 K cooling stage while rejecting its heat to a thermal sink at 10 K. The two units are linked together via a 4 K common platform. This paper discusses the status report on the thermodynamic performance of the 4 -10 K ADR. This ADR utilizes an Nb3Sn superconducting magnet and Gadolinium Gallium Garnet (GGG) as its refrigerant. Results show that an idealized cycle, one where its hold time at 4 K is equal to the recycle time, can lift 13 mW at 4 K with a hold time of 132 seconds

    JWST ISIM Harness Thermal Evaluation

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    The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST) will be a large infrared telescope with a 6.5-meter primary mirror. Launch is planned for 2013. JWST wl1 be the premier observatory of the next decade serving thousands of astronomers worldwide. The Integrated Science Instrument Module (ISIM) is the unit that will house thc four main JWST instruments. The ISIM enclosure passively cooled to 37 Kelvin and has a tightly managed thermal budget. A significant portion of the ISIM heat load is due to parasitic heat gains from the instrument harnesses. These harnesses provide a thermal path from the Instrument Electronics Control (IEC) to the ISIM. Because of the impact of this load to the ISIM thermal design, understanding the harness parasitic heat gains is critical. To this effect, a thermal test program has been conducted in order to characterize these parasitic loads and verify harness thermal models. Recent parasitic heat loads tests resulted in the addition of a dedicated multiple stage harness radiator. In order for the radiator to efficiently reject heat from the harness, effective thermal contact conductance values for multiple harnesses had to be determined. This presentation will describe the details and the results of this test program

    Radiation Test Results for a MEMS Microshutter Operating at 60 K

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    The James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), the successor to the Hubble Space Telescope, is due to be launched in 2013 with the goal of searching the very distant Universe for stars that formed shortly after the Big Bang. Because this occurred so far back in time, the available light is strongly red-shifted, requiring the use of detectors sensitive to the infrared portion of the electromagnetic spectrum. HgCdTe infrared focal plane arrays, cooled to below 30 K to minimize noise, will be used to detect the faint signals. One of the instruments on JWST is the Near Infrared Spectrometer (NIRSPEC) designed to measure the infrared spectra of up to 100 separate galaxies simultaneously. A key component in NIRSPEC is a Micro-Electromechanical System (MEMS), a two-dimensional micro-shutter array (MSA) developed by NASA/GSFC. The MSA is inserted in front of the detector to allow only the light from the galaxies of interest to reach the detector and to block the light from all other sources. The MSA will have to operate at 30 K to minimize the amount of thermal radiation emitted by the optical components from reaching the detector array. It will also have to operate in the space radiation environment that is dominated by the MSA will be exposed to a large total ionizing dose of approximately 200 krad(Si). Following exposure to ionizing radiation, a variety of MEMS have exhibited performance degradation. MEMS contain moving parts that are either controlled or sensed by changes in electric fields. Radiation degradation can be expected for those devices where there is an electric field applied across an insulating layer that is part of the sensing or controlling structure. Ionizing radiation will liberate charge (electrons and holes) in the insulating layers, some of which may be trapped within the insulating layer. Trapped charge will partially cancel the externally applied electric field and lead to changes in the operation of the MEMS. This appears to be a general principle for MEMS. Knowledge of the above principle has raised the concern at NASA that the MSA might also exhibit degraded performance because, i) each shutter flap is a multilayer structure consisting of metallic and insulating layers and ii) the movement of the shutter flaps is partially controlled by the application of an electric field between the shutter flap and the substrate (vertical support grid). The whole mission would be compromised if radiation exposure were to prevent the shutters from opening and closing properly. energetic ionizing particles. Because it is located A unique feature of the MSA is that, as outside the spacecraft and has very little shielding, previously mentioned, it will have to operate at temperatures near 30 K. To date, there are no published reports on how very low temperatures (- 30K) affect the response of MEMS devices to total ionizing dose. Experiments on SiO2 structures at low temperatures (80 K) indicate that the electrons generated by the ionizing radiation are mobile and will move rapidly under the application of an external electric field. Holes, on the other hand, that would normally move in the opposite direction through the SiO2 via a "thermal hopping" process, are effectively immobile at low electric fields as they are trapped close to their generation sites. However, for sufficiently large electric fields (greater than 3 MV/cm) holes are able to move through the SiO2. The larger the field, the more rapidly the holes move. The separation of the electrons and holes leads to a reduced electric field within the insulating layer. To overcome this reduction in electric field, a greater external voltage will have to be applied that alters the normal operation of the device. This report presents the results of radiation testing of the MSA at 60 K. The temperature was higher than the targeted temperature because of a faulty electrical interconnect on the test board. Specifically, our goal was to determine whether the MSA would function propey after a TID of 200 krad(Si)

    Development of a Space-Flight ADR Providing Continuous Cooling at 50 mK with Heat Rejection at 10 K

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    Future astronomical instruments will require sub-Kelvin detector temperatures to obtain high sensitivity. In many cases large arrays of detectors will be used, and the associated cooling systems will need performance surpassing the limits of present technologies. NASA is developing a compact cooling system that will lift heat continuously at temperatures below 50 mK and reject it at over 10 K. Based on Adiabatic Demagnetization Refrigerators (ADRs), it will have high thermodynamic efficiency and vibration-free operation with no moving parts. It will provide more than 10 times the current flight ADR cooling power at 50 mK and will also continuously cool a 4 K stage for instruments and optics. In addition, it will include an advanced magnetic shield resulting in external field variations below 5 T. We describe the cooling system here and report on the progress in its development