7 research outputs found

    Impairment of arterial distensibility in premenopausal women with systemic lupus erythematosus

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    Background and aim: Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a chronic inflammatory autoimmune disease affecting young women and is associated with increased frequency of atherosclerotic vascular diseases. Pulse wave velocity (PWV) is an index of arterial stiffness and a marker of cardiovascular events. This study aimed to investigate arterial distensibility using carotid-femoral (aortic) PWV measurements in premenopausal women with SLE

    Original articleImpairment of arterial distensibility in premenopausal women with systemic lupus erythematosus

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    Background and aim: Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a chronic inflammatory autoimmune disease affecting young women and is associated with increased frequency of atherosclerotic vascular diseases. Pulse wave velocity (PWV) is an index of arterial stiffness and a marker of cardiovascular events. This study aimed to investigate arterial distensibility using carotid-femoral (aortic) PWV measurements in premenopausal women with SLE. Methods: We recruited 24 premenopausal women with SLE (SLE duration: 5.3±4.6 years) and 24 age- and sex-matched controls. Aortic PWV was determined by using an automatic device, the Complior Colson (France), which allowed on-line pulse wave recording and automatic calculation of PWV. Results: The carotid-femoral PWV (8.98±2.05 vs. 8.05±0.94 m/s), systolic blood pressure (117.08±17.12 vs. 106.87±11.96 mmHg), pulse pressure (45.62±11.91 vs. 38.33±9.04 mmHg), heart rate (81.41±9.20 vs. 71.12±10.32 beat/min) and serum glucose levels (89.68±8.12 vs. 73.80±10.72 mg/dl) were significantly higher in premenopausal women with SLE, as compared with control subjects (p=0.04, p=0.02, p=0.02, p=0.001, pWstęp i cel: Toczeń rumieniowaty układowy (ang. systemic lupus erythematosus, SLE) jest przewlekłą chorobą zapalną o podłożu autoimmunologicznym, która często występuje u młodych kobiet i jest związana ze zwiększoną częstością występowania miażdżycy naczyń. Prędkość fali tętna (ang. pulse wave velocity, PWV) jest miarą sztywności naczyń tętniczych i ma znaczenie prognostyczne w przewidywaniu wystąpienia powikłań sercowo-naczyniowych. Niniejsze badanie miało na celu ocenę podatności naczyń tętniczych u miesiączkujących kobiet z SLE. Metody: Badaniem objęto 24 miesiączkujące kobiety z SLE (czas trwania choroby 5,3±4,6 roku) i 24 kobiety zdrowe, dopasowane pod względem wieku do grupy SLE. Podatność aorty zmierzono za pomocą automatycznego urządzenia Complior Colson (Francja), które pozwala na jednoczesną rejestrację fali tętna i automatyczne obliczanie PWV. Wyniki: Wartości szyjno-udowego PWV (8,98±2,05 vs 8,05±0,94 m/s), skurczowego ciśnienia tętniczego (117,08±17,12 vs 106,87±11,96 mmHg), ciśnienia tętna (45,62±11,91 vs 38,33±9,04 mmHg), częstotliwości rytmu serca (81,41±9,20 vs 71,12±10,32 uderzeń/min) i stężenia glukozy (89,68±8,12 vs 73,80±10,72 mg/dl) były istotnie wyższe u kobiet z SLE niż w grupie kontrolnej (odpowiednio: p=0,04, p=0,02, p=0,02, p=0,001,

    The relationship between depression and lesion localization in first-time stroke patients

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    Kocer, Abdulkadir/0000-0003-2866-555XWOS: 000258118600004Objective: There is a need for more systematical and wide-spread studies because of the methodological problems in scientific studies discussing the relationship between depression and localization. Method: Forty patients with first-time stroke were examined prospectively during 6 month study period. The diagnosis of depression was made by using SCID P interviews and the patients were followed by using Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression Scale by a psychiatrist The findings from the brain imaging were evaluated and classified as lesions located in anterior, posterior or medial part of either left or right hemisphere by using a standard method. The differences of lesions between the patients who developed the depression and the patients without depression were evaluated during follow-up period. Results: The study population consisted of 40 patients; 13 women (32.5%) and 27 men (67.5%). The relationship between depression and lesion localization whether right or left hemisphere was not significant, but the relationship between depression and anteriorly located lesions was statistically significant. Conclusion: Although previous structural imaging studies, neuropsychological examinations, and functional studies reported a relationship between development of depression and locations of lesions usually on the left anterior part of the brain, our results showed a significant relationship between depression and anterior lesions in the first-time stroke patients

    İnme hastalarinda lezyon lokalizasyonu ve depresyon i?lişkisi

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    Objective: There is a need for more systematical and wide-spread studies because of the methodological problems in scientific studies discussing the relationship between depression and localization. Method: Forty patients with first stroke and meeting the inclusion criteria were examined prospectively during 6 month study period. The diagnosis of depression was made by using DSM-IV diagnostic tool and the patients were followed by using Hamilton Depression Scale by a specialist on psychiatry. The findings got from the cranial imaging were evaluated and classified as lesions located in anterior, posterior or medial part / in the left or right hemisphere by using a standard method. The differences of lesions between the patients who developed the depression and the patients without depression were evaluated during follow-up period. Results: The study population consisted of 40 patients - 13 women (32.5%) and 27 men (67.5%). The relationship between depression and lesion localization whether right or left hemisphere was not significant , but the relationship between depression and anteriorly located lesions was statistically significant. Conclusion: Additional to previous structural imaging studies, neuropsychological examinations and functional studies reporting a relation between development of depression and lesions located on the left side and anterior part, our results show that there could be a relationship between depression and anterior lesions in the first ever stroke patients

    İnme hastalarinda lezyon lokalizasyonu ve depresyon i?lişkisi

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    Objective: There is a need for more systematical and wide-spread studies because of the methodological problems in scientific studies discussing the relationship between depression and localization. Method: Forty patients with first stroke and meeting the inclusion criteria were examined prospectively during 6 month study period. The diagnosis of depression was made by using DSM-IV diagnostic tool and the patients were followed by using Hamilton Depression Scale by a specialist on psychiatry. The findings got from the cranial imaging were evaluated and classified as lesions located in anterior, posterior or medial part / in the left or right hemisphere by using a standard method. The differences of lesions between the patients who developed the depression and the patients without depression were evaluated during follow-up period. Results: The study population consisted of 40 patients - 13 women (32.5%) and 27 men (67.5%). The relationship between depression and lesion localization whether right or left hemisphere was not significant , but the relationship between depression and anteriorly located lesions was statistically significant. Conclusion: Additional to previous structural imaging studies, neuropsychological examinations and functional studies reporting a relation between development of depression and lesions located on the left side and anterior part, our results show that there could be a relationship between depression and anterior lesions in the first ever stroke patients

    Higher P-wave dispersion in migraine patients with a higher number of attacks

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    14th Congress of European-Federation-of-Neurological-Societies -- SEP, 2010 -- Geneva, SWITZERLANDKocer, Abdulkadir/0000-0003-2866-555XWOS: 000293331100494…European Federat Neurol So

    Bilateral pathological intracerebral calcifications: Neurological and psychiatric evaluation

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    Bazal gangliyonlar, serebral hemisfer beyaz cevherinde ve serebellumun dentat nükleuslarında bilateral kalsifikasyonlar veya diğer minerallerin depolanması nadir bir hastalıktır. Hipoparatiroidizm ve idyopatik strio-pallido-dentat kalsinoz (Fahr hastalığı) patolojik intraserebral kalsifikasyonların en sık rastlanan iki sebebidir. Bu hastalarda hareket bozuklukları en sık rastlanan bulgudur. Kalsifikasyonlara eşlik eden nörolojik ve psikiyatrik bozukluklar tartışıldığı bu makalede, literatürden farklı olarak nöbetlerin ve başağrısı problemlerinin bizim hastalarımızda baskın olması dikkat çekiciydi.Bilateral, symmetric, calcium and other mineral deposits occur in basal ganglia, thalamus, cerebellum, and white matter off cerebral hemisphere are rare disorders. Hypoparathyroidism and Fahr’s disease (progressive idiopathic strio-pallidodentat calsinozis) are the most common two pathologies in etiology of bilateral calcifications. Extrapyramidal problems are the most commonly seen clinical finding in these patients. In this article in which neurological and psychiatric disorders in relation to calcifications were discussed, seizures and headache problems were more prominent in our patients