15 research outputs found

    Mozart KV 448 Menurunkan Densitas dan Aktivitas Neuroglia Hipokampus Mencit (Mus Musculus) Selama Stres Prenatal No. 416-KE

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    The aim of this research was to explore the influence of Mozart KV 448 classical music therapy to the neuroglia cells of mice's hippocampus that were exposed to stress during prenatal. This research were employing twenty female mices and twenty male mices. Female mices were estrus synchronized with PMSG and hCG then monomating to the males. Pregnant females were then divided into four groups (P0, P1, P2, P3). P0 was as control, P1 was treated by one minute forced swim test, P2 was treated by one minute forced swim test followed by thirtyminutes classical music Mozart KV 448 and P3 was treated by one minute forced swim test followed by sixty minutes classical music Mozart KV 448. This research was carried out for twenty-one days during gestation period. The neuroglia density result was analyzed using ANOVA and Duncan test. The neuroglia activity result wasanalyzed using Kruskal wallis test and Z test. The histology reading showed degradation of density and activity of hippocampus neuroglia

    Semiclassical treatment of logarithmic perturbation theory

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    The explicit semiclassical treatment of logarithmic perturbation theory for the nonrelativistic bound states problem is developed. Based upon \hbar-expansions and suitable quantization conditions a new procedure for deriving perturbation expansions for the one-dimensional anharmonic oscillator is offered. Avoiding disadvantages of the standard approach, new handy recursion formulae with the same simple form both for ground and exited states have been obtained. As an example, the perturbation expansions for the energy eigenvalues of the harmonic oscillator perturbed by λx6\lambda x^{6} are considered.Comment: 6 pages, LATEX 2.09 using IOP style

    Any l-state improved quasi-exact analytical solutions of the spatially dependent mass Klein-Gordon equation for the scalar and vector Hulthen potentials

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    We present a new approximation scheme for the centrifugal term to obtain a quasi-exact analytical bound state solutions within the framework of the position-dependent effective mass radial Klein-Gordon equation with the scalar and vector Hulth\'{e}n potentials in any arbitrary DD dimension and orbital angular momentum quantum numbers l.l. The Nikiforov-Uvarov (NU) method is used in the calculations. The relativistic real energy levels and corresponding eigenfunctions for the bound states with different screening parameters have been given in a closed form. It is found that the solutions in the case of constant mass and in the case of s-wave (l=0l=0) are identical with the ones obtained in literature.Comment: 25 pages, 1 figur

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    Efektivitas Penambahan Krim Tretinoin 0.025% pada Krim Desoksimetason terhadap Repigmentasi Kulit Pasien Vitiligo

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    Pendahuluan: Vitíligo adalah kelainan didapat yang ditandai dengan bercak depigmentasi berbatas tegas akibat hilangnya melanosit fungsional. Kortikosteroid topikal masih merupakan terapi andalan. Tretinoin diduga juga mempunyai efek repigmentasi pada pasien vitiligo. Tujuan: Untuk membuktikan efektivitas penambahan tretinoin 0.025% pada krim desoksimetason terhadap repigmentasi vitiligo. Metode: Uji klinis dengan kelompok kontrol pre dan post test, pada pasien vitiligo di Poliklinik Kulit dan Kelamin RS Dr. Moewardi Surakarta antara Januari dan April 2019. Kelompok kontrol menerima desoksimetason saja sedangkan kelompok perlakuan mendapat tretinoin 0.025% dikombinasi dengan desoksimetason. Setiap lesi difoto dengan menyertakan penggaris sebagai skala untuk memudahkan penghitungan dengan program komputer, diproses mengunakan program Adobe photoshop CS5 extended version 12.0 x32, 2010 dan Coreldraw x7 version 2014 Corel corporation. Analisis statistik menggunakan uji Mann Whitney dan Wilcoxon, nilai p <0,05 dianggap signifikan. Hasil: Hasil analisis gambar menunjukkan penurunan luas lesi signifikan pada kelompok studi dibandingkan kelompok kontrol pada bulan ke 3 setelah terapi (p = 0,000).Simpulan: Kombinasi tretinoin 0.025% dan krim desoksimetason lebih efektif daripada terapi tunggal dalam mengobati vitiligo.Introduction : Various types of therapeutic modalities are used for repigmentation in vitiligo lesions and to stabilize the depigmentation process. Objective : To prove the efficacy of tretinoin 0.025% addition to desoximetasone cream in repigmentation process. Methods : Clinical trial with pre- and posttest control group design, conducted in vitiligo patients in Dermatovenereology Departement of Dr. MoewardiGeneral Hospital between January and April 2019. Control group received desoximethasone only and study group received tretinoin 0.025% combined with desoximethasone. Each lesion was photographed with a ruler scale to facilitate calculations with computer programs Adobe Photoshop CS5 extended version 12.0 x32, 2010 and Coreldraw x7 version 2014 Corel Corp. Statistical analysis used Mann Whitney and Wilcoxon test. Result : Image analysis revealed a significant decrease of lesion area in the study group (p=0.000). Conclusion: Combination of tretinoin and desoximetasone cream is more effective than single therapy in treating vitiligo