1,089 research outputs found

    Fractional Integration and Fractional Differentiation of the Product of M-Series and H-Function

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    In this paper, we have derived formulae for the Riemann-Liouville fractional integral and fractional derivative of the product of the Manoj Sharma’s M-series and the Fox H-function.  Also the fractional integrals defined  by  Saxena and Kumbhat of the M-series is found with the help of integral of H-function. The M- series is a particular case of the -function of Inayat-Hussain. Certain special cases of the formulae have also been discussed. Mathematics Subject classification: 26A33, 33C60. Keywords and Phrases: Fractional calculus operators, H-function, M-series, Laplace transform

    'DEAD-box' helicase from Plasmodium falciparum is active at wide pH and is Schizont stage-specific

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    Background & objectives: DNA helicases catalyse unwinding of duplex DNA in an ATP-dependent manner and are involved in all the basic genetic processes. In order to study these important enzymes in the human malaria parasite we have recently cloned the first full-length 'DEAD-box' helicase gene from Plasmodium falciparum (3D7). In the present study, we report some of the important activities of the encoded protein. Methods: We have expressed the P. falciparum helicase in Escherichia coli and characterised the encoded biochemically active helicase protein. The characterisation of the protein was carried out using radioactively labeled substrate and the standard strand displacement assay. The localisation of the enzyme was studied using immunofluorescence assay. Results & conclusion: P. falciparum helicase gene is 1551 bp in length and encodes for a protein consisting of 516 amino acid residues with a predicted molecular mass of 59.8 kDa. The protein is designated as Plasmodium falciparum DEAD-box helicase 60 kDa in size (PfDH60). Purified PfDH60 showed ATP and Mg2+ dependent DNA unwinding, ssDNA-dependent ATPase and ATP-binding activities. Interestingly, this is a unique helicase because it works at a wide pH range (from 5.0-10.0). The peak expression of PfDH60 is mainly in schizont stages of the development of P. falciparum, where DNA replication is active. The cell-cycle dependent expression suggests that PfDH60 may be involved in the process of DNA replication and distinct cellular processes in the parasite and this study should make an important contribution in our better understanding of DNA metabolic pathways in the parasite

    Isolation and Characterization of Type I Signal Peptidase of Different Malaria Parasites

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    Type I signal peptidases are important membrane-bound serine proteases responsible for the cleavage of the signal peptide of the proteins. These enzymes are unique serine proteases that carry out catalysis using a serine/lysine catalytic dyad. In the present study, we report the isolation of type I signal peptidase from the malaria parasites Plasmodium falciparum, Plasmodium knowlesi, and Plasmodium yoelii and some characterization of type I signal peptidase of Plasmodium falciparum. We show that these enzymes are homologous to signal peptidases from various sources and also contain the conserved boxes present in other type I signal peptidases. The type I signal peptidase from P falciparum is an intron-less and a single-copy gene. The results also show that the enzyme from Plasmodium falciparum is subject to self-cleavage and it has been demonstrated to possess type I signal peptidase activity in E coli preprotein processing in vivo by complementation assay. This study will be helpful in understanding one of the important metabolic pathways “the secretory pathway” in the parasite and should make an important contribution in understanding the complex process of protein targeting in the parasite

    Molecular Docking Study of Several Antiviral Drugs to Defeat Covid-19

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    Corona virus is one of the significant pathogens that destructs the human respiratory functioning. Deaths and casualties caused by coronaviruses (CoVs) include the severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS)-CoV and the Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS)-CoV. The aim of the work was to compare several antiviral drugs and find out which is the most active drug that might be used in treatment for COVID -19. In this study Molecular Docking approach was used to determine the binding affinities of 62 antiviral molecules. The study was carried out using Molegro Virtual Docker 6.0 with PDB 2GTB procured from RCSB Protein Data Bank. Simeprevir and Telaprevir were discovered to be most potent having high MolDock and Rerank scores of -225.158, -78.4383 and -209.467, -136.155 respectively. Further studies may be conducted to design more potent analogue and defeat COVID-19

    Psychosis as the sole presenting feature of hyperthyroidism: a case report

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    Thyroid disease is a very common entity with a wide range of presentation, We report a case of twenty six year old female presented to emergency room with frank psychosis over the course of her stay in hospital we investigated thoroughly and finally she turned out to be a case of hyperthyroidism with psychosis as the only presenting symptom and after starting her on carbimazole patient responded to the treatment remarkably

    B cell responses to a peptide epitope. V. Kinetic regulation of repertoire discrimination and antibody optimization for epitope

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    The influence of imposing various conformational constraints on immune responses to a model epitope within a synthetic peptide immunogen was examined in mice. Although overall immunogenicity was affected, the model epitope (sequence DPAF) remained the predominant recognition site regardless of the conformation in which it was presented. A comparison of anti-DPAF mAbs obtained in response to two analogue peptides, PS1CT3 and CysCT3, in which the DPAF segment was either unconstrained or held within a cyclic loop, respectively, revealed a significant homology in the paratope composition. At one level a subset of anti-PS1CT3 and anti-CysCT3 mAbs was found to share a common heavy chain variable region. In addition, nucleotide sequence homology comparisons of both heavy and light chain variable regions identified the presence of anti-PS1CT3 and anti-CysCT3 mAbs that collectively appeared to derive from a common progenitor, but with nonidentical somatic mutations. Interestingly, however, no bias toward homologous Ag could be discerned on measurement of relative affinities of the mAbs for the two peptides. In contrast, mAb binding on-rates clearly discriminated between peptides representing the homologous vs the heterologous confomer of the DPAF epitope. Thus, it would appear that the kinetics of Ag recognition dominate over equilibrium binding criteria both in epitope-driven repertoire selection and Ab maturation in a humoral response

    The <i>Plasmodium</i> eukaryotic initiation factor-2α kinase IK2 controls the latency of sporozoites in the mosquito salivary glands

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    Sporozoites, the invasive form of malaria parasites transmitted by mosquitoes, are quiescent while in the insect salivary glands. Sporozoites only differentiate inside of the hepatocytes of the mammalian host. We show that sporozoite latency is an active process controlled by a eukaryotic initiation factor-2α (eIF2α) kinase (IK2) and a phosphatase. IK2 activity is dominant in salivary gland sporozoites, leading to an inhibition of translation and accumulation of stalled mRNAs into granules. When sporozoites are injected into the mammalian host, an eIF2α phosphatase removes the PO4 from eIF2α-P, and the repression of translation is alleviated to permit their transformation into liver stages. In IK2 knockout sporozoites, eIF2α is not phosphorylated and the parasites transform prematurely into liver stages and lose their infectivity. Thus, to complete their life cycle, Plasmodium sporozoites exploit the mechanism that regulates stress responses in eukaryotic cells

    Editorial: Recent insights into the double role of hydrogen peroxide in plants

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    Reactive oxygen species (ROS) of varied types can be yielded in plants at several primary sites (such as the chloroplast, mitochondria, and peroxisomes) under normal aerobic metabolism via processes including photosynthetic and respiratory electron transport chains. However, impaired oxidant-antioxidant balance and extreme growth conditions in plants are bound to cause increases in the cellular concentrations of radical and non-radical ROS such as superoxide anions (O2•−), hydroxyl radical (OH•), singlet oxygen (1O2), and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2). On the one hand, H2O2 has no unpaired electrons and is moderately reactive. Owing to its relative stability compared to other ROS and its capacity for diffusing through aquaporins in the membranes and over more considerable distances within the cell (Bienert et al., 2007), H2O2 acts as a stress signal transducer and contributes to numerous physiological functions in plants. On the other hand, H2O2 is a relatively long-lived molecule with a half-life of 1 ms, readily crosses biological membranes, and consequently can bring oxidative consequences far from the site of its formation (Neill et al., 2002; Sharma et al., 2012; Sehar et al., 2021). The Frontiers Research Topic “Recent Insights into the Double Role of Hydrogen Peroxide in Plants” highlighted the major mechanisms underlying the dual role of H2O2 in response to different abiotic stresses in plants. This Research Topic incorporated 19 publications, including 10 original research articles, 8 reviews, and one perspective article

    Human Glial-Restricted Progenitor Transplantation into Cervical Spinal Cord of the SOD1G93A Mouse Model of ALS

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    Cellular abnormalities are not limited to motor neurons in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS). There are numerous observations of astrocyte dysfunction in both humans with ALS and in SOD1G93A rodents, a widely studied ALS model. The present study therapeutically targeted astrocyte replacement in this model via transplantation of human Glial-Restricted Progenitors (hGRPs), lineage-restricted progenitors derived from human fetal neural tissue. Our previous findings demonstrated that transplantation of rodent-derived GRPs into cervical spinal cord ventral gray matter (in order to target therapy to diaphragmatic function) resulted in therapeutic efficacy in the SOD1G93A rat. Those findings demonstrated the feasibility and efficacy of transplantation-based astrocyte replacement for ALS, and also show that targeted multi-segmental cell delivery to cervical spinal cord is a promising therapeutic strategy, particularly because of its relevance to addressing respiratory compromise associated with ALS. The present study investigated the safety and in vivo survival, distribution, differentiation, and potential efficacy of hGRPs in the SOD1G93A mouse. hGRP transplants robustly survived and migrated in both gray and white matter and differentiated into astrocytes in SOD1G93A mice spinal cord, despite ongoing disease progression. However, cervical spinal cord transplants did not result in motor neuron protection or any therapeutic benefits on functional outcome measures. This study provides an in vivo characterization of this glial progenitor cell and provides a foundation for understanding their capacity for survival, integration within host tissues, differentiation into glial subtypes, migration, and lack of toxicity or tumor formation

    Simultaneous expression of regulatory genes associated with specific drought‐adaptive traits improves drought adaptation in peanut

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    Adaptation of crops to drought-prone rain-fed conditions can be achieved by improving plant traits such as efficient water mining (by superior root characters) and cellular-level tolerance mechanisms. Pyramiding these drought-adaptive traits by simultaneous expression of genes regulating drought-adaptive mechanisms has phenomenal relevance in improving stress tolerance. In this study, we provide evidence that peanut transgenic plants expressing Alfalfa zinc finger 1 (Alfin1), a root growth-associated transcription factor gene, Pennisetum glaucum heat-shock factor (PgHSF4) and Pea DNA helicase (PDH45) involved in protein turnover and protection showed improved tolerance, higher growth and productivity under drought stress conditions. Stable integration of all the transgenes was noticed in transgenic lines. The transgenic lines showed higher root growth, cooler crop canopy air temperature difference (less CCATD) and higher relative water content (RWC) under drought stress. Low proline levels in transgenic lines substantiate the maintenance of higher water status. The survival and recovery of transgenic lines was significantly higher under gradual moisture stress conditions with higher biomass. Transgenic lines also showed significant tolerance to ethrel-induced senescence and methyl viologen-induced oxidative stress. Several stress-responsive genes such as heat-shock proteins (HSPs), RING box protein-1 (RBX1), Aldose reductase, late embryogenesis abundant-5 (LEA5) and proline-rich protein-2 (PRP2), a gene involved in root growth, showed enhanced expression under stress in transgenic lines. Thus, the simultaneous expression of regulatory genes contributing for drought-adaptive traits can improve crop adaptation and productivity under water-limited conditions