495 research outputs found

    Sinteza i biološko djelovanje supstituiranih 2,4,6-s-triazina

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    Reaction of 7-hydroxy-4-methyl coumarin with amido/imido alcohols in ethanol containing concentrated hydrochloric acid afforded 8-aralkyl amido/imido-alkyl-7-hydroxy-4-methyl-coumarins (1a-f). Interaction of 1a-f with hydrazine hydrate in pyridine resulted in 1-amino-8-aralkyl amido/imido-alkyl-7-hydroxy-4-methyl-2-oxo-quinolines (2a-f). Treatment of 2 with formaldehyde in ethanol resulted in 1,3,5-tris-(8-aralkyl amido/imido-alkyl-7-hydroxy-4-methyl-2-oxo-quinolinyl)-2,4,6-hexahydro-s-triazines (3a-c). Antiviral activity of compounds 2a-d and 3a, 3b upon Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) and Herpes simplex virus-1 (HSV-1) was evaluated on vero cells in vitro. 3a-c were also screened for their antihypertensive activity.Reakcijom 7-hidroksi-4-metilkumarina s amido/imido alkoholima u etanolu s koncentriranom kiselinom pripravljeni su 8-aralkil amido/imido-alkil-7-hidroksi-4-metilkumarini (1a-f). Ti spojevi su s hidrazin hidratom u piridinu dali 1-amino-8-aralkil amido/imido-alkil-7-hidroksi-4-metil-2-okso-kinoline (2a-f). Iz spojeva 2 i formaldehida u alkoholnoj otopini sintetizirani su 1,3,5-tris-(8-aralkil amido/imido-alkil-7-hidroksi-4-metil-2-okso-kinolinil)-2,4,6-heksahidro-s-triazini (3a-c). Antiviralno djelovanje spojeva 2a-d, 3a i 3b testirano je na Japanese encephalitis virus (JEV) i Herpes simplex virus-1 (HSV-1) na vero stanicama in vitro. Osim toga ispitano je antihipertenzivno djelovanje produkata 3a-c

    Evaluating Brazilian mutual funds with stochastic frontiers

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    We evaluate the performance of 307 Brazilian stock mutual funds employing stochastic frontiers. We list the top ten actively managed funds and the bottom ten for the period April 2001-July 2003, and show that a fund's efficiency increases with management skill to beat the market. We also find that portfolios with low volatility tend to be more efficient. Yet we find no relationship between fund size and performance, though this might be blurred by a survivorship bias.


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    Salah satu penyebab infeksi luka adalah bakteri Staphylococcus Aureus. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk efektifitas fotoinaktivasi LED biru dengan curcumin untuk penyembuhan luka infeksi secara in vivo. Sampel terdiri dari (a) kontrol negatif, (b) curcumin, (c) LED biru, dan (d) tritmen LED biru dengan curcumin menggunakan dosis energi 10, 20, 30, dan 40 menit untuk melihat parameter yang diamati dengan uji Anova. Hasil penelitian pada mencit menunjukan bahwa presentase kolagen dan fibroblas dari setiap kelompok kontrol adalah kontrol negatif (1) kolagen sebesar 11.84% dan fibroblas 9,35%, LED (2) kolagen sebesar 16.94% dan fibroblas 25,29%, Curcumin (3) kolagen sebesar 13.07% dan fibroblas 24,49%, LED dengan Curcumin 10 menit (4) kolagen sebesar 21.98% dan fibroblas 23,23%, LED dengan Curcumin 20 menit (5) kolagen sebesar 36.72% dan fibroblas 24,17%, LED dengan Curcumin 30 menit (6) kolagen sebesar 45.31% dan fibroblas 26,13%, LED dengan Curcumin 40 menit (7) kolagen sebesar 55.17% dan fibroblas 26,85%. Kesimpulan dari hasil uji Histopatologi dengan control perlakuan curcumin dengan LED biru 40 menit menghasilkan jumlah kolagen sebanyak 55,17% dan fibroblas 26,85%, sedangkan analisis dengan pengujian secara makroskopik diketahui luka telah sembuh pada hari keenam pada kelompok kontrol tersebut. Kata kunci : luka infeksi, curcumin, LED biru


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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui kemampuan numerasi siswa Madrasah Tsanawiyah (MTs.) dalam menyelesaikanmasalah yang disajikan dalam konteks paraktik sosial. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif deskriptif.Kemampuan numerasi yang diamati adalah kemampuan menyelesaikan masalah dengan keterampilan bilangan dan aljabar.Data diperoleh dari lembar jawaban siswa dan didukung oleh hasil wawancara. Partisipan adalah siswa MTs. Swasta diKabupaten Tasikmalaya sebanyak 21 orang. Data dianalisis dengan metode konten analisis konvensional. Hasil penelitianmenunjukkan bahwa siswa cenderung sukses menyelesaikan soal dengan keterampilan aljabar yang menggunakan formula.Siswa cenderung kesulitan menentukan sifat atau konsep matematika yang harus digunakan untuk menyelesaikan soaldengan suatu konteks tanpa ketersediaan rumus dalam soa

    The Settlement of Non-Definite Loans through the Execution of Collateral Rights

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    The objective of this study is to discover and analyze the Settlement of Bad Credit Through Executing Mortgage Guarantees at PT BPR Gunung Rizki in the city of Semarang, as well as to discover and analyze the obstacles faced in setting up bad loans through executing mortgage guarantees, as well as how to overcome the obstacles encountered in Settlement of bad debts through the execution of collateral rights. The research method used in this thesis is a sociological juridical legal research method, and the research specification employs descriptive analysis. The primary data used in this study is the 1945 Constitution, Act No. 4 of 1996, Mortgage law, Civil Code (KUHPerdata), Criminal Code (KUHP), and secondary data containing books and other supporting documents collecting research data by interview techniques and study of documents or library materials. The data analysis method used in this study is an interactive qualitative model as proposed by Miles and Huberman. The results of the study show that the settlement of bad loans through the execution of mortgage guarantees at the bank has procedures, terms and conditions from the time the debtor submits a credit application until the credit that has been given by the bank is paid off. Settlement of bad debts through the execution of mortgage guarantees is regulated in Act No. 4 of 1996 concerning the Mortgage Act (UUHT).Keywords: Credits; Execution; Guarantees; Mortgage; Right


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    Kemampuan berpikir kreatif matematis merupakan kemampuan untuk memecahkan masalah, menciptakan suatu kebaruan yang berbeda dari lainnya, menciptakan solusi serta membuat rencana inovatif dengan mempertimbangkan masalah yang kemungkinan akan timbul dan bagaimana cara mengatasinya sehingga dalam pelaksanaannya dilakukan secara matang. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk melihat indikator kemampuan berpikir kreatif matematis siswa SMA yang ditinjau dari artikel-artikel yang dipublikasikan pada jurnal nasional.  Metode dalam penelitian ini menggunakan metode kajian pustaka atau studi kepustakaan. Terdapat 50 artikel ilmiah dan terakreditasi yang dianalisis mengenai indikator kemampuan berpikir kreatif matematis siswa SMA yang digunakan. Adapun hasil analisis menunjukan bahwa sebagian besar peneliti 72% menggunakan empat indikator kemampuan berpikir kreatif matematis siswa yaitu kelancaran (fluency), kelenturan (flexsibility), keaslian (originality), dan elaborasi (elaboration).

    Coherent Manipulation of Orbital Feshbach Molecules of Two-Electron Atoms

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    Ultracold molecules have experienced increasing attention in recent years. Compared to ultracold atoms, they possess several unique properties that make them perfect candidates for the implementation of new quantum-technological applications in several fields, from quantum simulation to quantum sensing and metrology. In particular, ultracold molecules of two-electron atoms (such as strontium or ytterbium) also inherit the peculiar properties of these atomic species, above all the possibility to access metastable electronic states via direct excitation on optical clock transitions with ultimate sensitivity and accuracy. In this paper we report on the production and coherent manipulation of molecular bound states of two fermionic 173^{173}Yb atoms in different electronic (orbital) states 1^1S0_0 and 3^3P0_0 in proximity of a scattering resonance involving atoms in different spin and electronic states, called orbital Feshbach resonance. We demonstrate that orbital molecules can be coherently photoassociated starting from a gas of ground-state atoms in a three-dimensional optical lattices by observing several photoassociation and photodissociation cycles. We also show the possibility to coherently control the molecular internal state by using Raman-assisted transfer to swap the nuclear spin of one of the atoms forming the molecule, thus demonstrating a powerful manipulation and detection tool of these molecular bound states. Finally, by exploiting this peculiar detection technique we provide first information on the lifetime of the molecular states in a many-body setting, paving the way towards future investigations of strongly interacting Fermi gases in a still unexplored regime.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figure

    The effect of exercises with contextual interference of training on attention problems in children with developmental coordination disorder

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    Background and aims: Developmental Coordination Disorders (DCD) is one of the most common disorders affecting on the children with 5-8 years old. The aim of the present study was to investigate the effect of training and different background interference (blocked and random practice) on Attention disorders in children with DCD between 5 to 7 years old in Mashhad city. Methods: The research method was quasi-experimental. Among all children with DCD in Kindergartens of Mashhad, 45 children were selected by screening tests after the completion of the Conner's psychological nursing questionnaire as pre-test, and they were divided randomly into three groups of 15 subjects (block practice, random practice, and control groups. In the following, the current experimental groups performed training by different contextual interfering for 8 weeks (3 sessions per week, and each session 45 minutes). At the end, post-test was performed again by Connor's neuropsychological questionnaire to all subjects. T-test and Covariance test were used respectively to determine intra-group and inter-group differences. Results: The results of the present study showed that training in both experimental groups had effective growth on attention problems in children with DCD (block P=0.01, random P=0.001), while in the control group had no effect (P=0.58). Also, the results of this study showed that training group with more contextual interfering was more effective on attention problems in children with DCD and caused more improvement in these children. Conclusion: However, it can be concluded that training with more background interference can cause further improvement of attention problems in children with DC


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    Dry hydroponic is an emerging system and gaining popularity among some hydroponic businesses, yet investigation on its performance has not been reported.  Purpose of this research is to evaluate and compare performance of dry hydroponic system to floating and wick systems on green leafy lettuce cultivation.  The experiment used Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with factorial arrangement.  Two factors, hydroponic systems and aerator usages, were implemented. The hydroponic systems included Dry, Wick and Floating systems, while the use of aerator were with and without aerators.  All treatment combinations consisted of 3 replicates.  Parameters to be observed were nutrient solution parameters (pH, temperature, dissolved oxygen, water consumption), plant parameters (height, stem diameter, leaf width, number of leaves, leaf thickness, and canopy area, shoot fresh weight, water content, some chemical contents).  Data sets were analyzed using analysis of variance followed by a least significant Difference (LSD) test at level of 5%.  Results showed that the interaction between the hydroponic system and the use of aerators were not significantly different for all parameters observed.  The hydroponic systems were not significantly different too. The use of aerator was significant for the nutrient solution parameters (pH and Dissolved Oxygen), water content, and phosphorus contents of leaves.  In conclusion, Dry Hydroponic System has the same performances as compared to floating and wick systems.Dry hydroponic is an emerging system and gaining popularity among some hydroponic businesses, yet investigation on its performance has not been reported.  Purpose of this research is to evaluate and compare performance of dry hydroponic system to floating and wick systems on green leafy lettuce cultivation.  The experiment used Completely Randomized Design (CRD) with factorial arrangement.  Two factors, hydroponic systems and aerator usages, were implemented. The hydroponic systems included Dry, Wick and Floating systems, while the use of aerator were with and without aerators.  All treatment combinations consisted of 3 replicates.  Parameters to be observed were nutrient solution parameters (pH, temperature, dissolved oxygen, water consumption), plant parameters (height, stem diameter, leaf width, number of leaves, leaf thickness, and canopy area, shoot fresh weight, water content, some chemical contents).  Data sets were analyzed using analysis of variance followed by a least significant Difference (LSD) test at level of 5%.  Results showed that the interaction between the hydroponic system and the use of aerators were not significantly different for all parameters observed.  The hydroponic systems were not significantly different too. The use of aerator was significant for the nutrient solution parameters (pH and Dissolved Oxygen), water content, and phosphorus contents of leaves.  In conclusion, Dry Hydroponic System has the same performances as compared to floating and wick systems